The Samui Conspiracy

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The Samui Conspiracy Page 11

by Carline Bouilhet

  “How did you know about the salt?” asked Louis impressed once again by her savvy.

  “I thought everyone knew that; it’s the only way to get the little suckers to drop off,” she replied turning her back to the boys to return to her cooking. Jacques, still shuddering at the unpleasantness of the experience, mumbled something about leeches not being too frequent on the riverbanks of the Seine.

  “Are the leeches swimming in the water?” Louis wanted to know.

  “You’d find them everywhere there is moss and water. So around the riverbanks and on the rocks for sure, but they can also fall from the trees.”

  “Great!” replied the two men in unison, their mouths twisted in a scornful grin.

  They had barely sat to sample the fragrant rice Jade had poured into their bowls when the forest seemed to come alive. Screeches and flapping of hundreds of wings filled the air. The frightening sound seemed to grow steadily as the light decreased. Thousands of bats had apparently left the nearby caves, temporarily covering the patch of sky above their heads.

  “It’s almost apocalyptic,” exclaimed Louis shocked at the sight and overwhelmed by the noise. “I wondered why Hitchcock did not choose bats. They are a lot more frightening and disgusting than crows. Will they come down? Are they carnivorous? Can they attack us?”

  “I don’t believe so,” replied Jade, stifling a laugh. “Those are usually fruit bats. It will be over in a few minutes. This is the time when the jungle awakes though and this park is not shy in its collection of wild animals.”

  She had barely finished speaking when the unexpected crashing of branches accompanied by loud snorts made them all jump with fright. As silently as possible, Jade grabbed the rifle, resting not far from her feet and loaded it while motioning to the boys to remain as quiet as possible. A few minutes later, a large wild pig and its litter of young approached the stream below them. The sow sniffed the wind but thankfully, it did not signal danger. The young drank at the stream and rolled into the undergrowth under their mother’s vigilant look. Once they were ready to leave, Jade silently aimed at one of the piglets. The shot resounded through the forest and the family fled quickly, leaving the injured piglet behind, a small patch of blood flooding its forehead. Jacques and Louis remained stunned by the rapidity of the action, their legs unable to support them.

  “Well, I guess we won’t be eating rice tomorrow,” noted Louis, trying to recover.

  “And I don’t think I’ll be sleeping after all this excitement. Where is the whiskey?” added Jacques, his cheeks still flushed.

  Jade had already climbed down the rocks and was dragging up the 8 kilo pig behind her.

  “No rest for the wicked. We’ll need to roast it tonight otherwise it will be overrun by insects in the morning. Moreover, the smoke will keep other animals away. It’ll only take a couple of hours at the most.”

  Expertly she began to skin the animal, bagging the skin in tight waterproof bags. Louis looked at her quizzically.

  “This method will prevent the smell of flesh from attracting any undesirable predator,” she explained as she worked.

  Retrieving one of the flasks from his backpack Louis, slightly nauseous at the sight of blood and guts, took a large swig in the hope of settling his stomach.

  “Is there anything you don’t know how to do?” asked Jacques admiringly noting the precision of Jade’s every gesture. Pleased at the compliment she replied with simplicity.

  “I was brought up in small village on the outskirts of the jungle and wild pigs often forayed into the village. Everyone knows how to kill them. And eating them is a pleasure, you will see,” she added modestly. “I don’t think I could have dealt with the mother though. She was at least 200 kilos and a day! And older animals are often riddled with vermin so we tend to avoid them. But this young piglet will be delicious, you can be sure of that!”

  When she was finished, they set up a roasting pit and took turns roasting the animal. By common accord, they had voted staying up for a while to see what else the night would bring. Louis, all of a sudden, missed the comforts of home.

  Later that night, after roasting the pig and slicing a few succulent pieces, Jacques rolled a joint, wondering how they were going to stay awake. The trekking had taken a toll on their bodies and the unexpected evening’s visitors had left their heart racing. Jade surreptitiously retrieved three little jade-coloured pills out of her toiletry bag and handed them one each. Louis smiled at the sight, since he already knew what to expect. Jacques looked at it inquiringly and Jade explained how the bright-looking pills would help them get through the night without sleep, with the added advantage of enhancing their sensory experience of the jungle. They swallowed the pills, took to task cutting up the remainder of the pig in small manageable pieces, which they bagged tightly and cleaned up the area afterwards. The disposal of the bones and skin presented another problem and they finally decided, after a lengthy discussion, that the boys would take their torchlight and carefully walk 100 metres or so downstream and leave them in the water, thereby weakening the smell for other predators. This time, their risky foray into the pitch-black jungle was without incident and they were more than happy to have ridden themselves of another potential danger. Together they sat around the fire and talked for hours, captivated by the unfamiliar sounds around them, remaining both alert and on their guard, while simultaneously forgetting the oppressing darkness and the dangers that lurked within. At dawn, they packed their bags again and filed down the track, picking their way to reach the renowned scenic waterfall. It was rumoured that the centuries old trees around there were a heaven for reticulated pythons, which were relatively easy to spot. Jacques was amazed to realise how refreshed he felt despite the sleepless night, yet regardless of how hard he tried he recalled very little of the specifics of the night before and wondered why. Perhaps it would be wise to ask more questions about the mysterious little feel-good pill he had so readily agreed to take.

  The next couple days’ trekking went without incidents. They walked mostly silently, careful of where they set their feet, slowed by the weight of the backpacks and the relentless heat. Their efforts were finally rewarded when, after listening to the roar of fast rushing water for the last couple of miles, they suddenly faced one of the most spectacular waterfalls they had ever seen. The volume of water was so enormous as to create a mist above the lake, which pooled at its feet. After a temporary halt, it seemed, the river then flowed downstream, bubbling over rocks and fallen trees, but not without leaving a large pool, deep enough to slow the rush of water. When a very large Saturn butterfly, with its caramel-dipped wings, rested fortuitously on Louis’s arm, the boys decided it was time to set up camp; the setting was too magical for words. They selected a patch of thick grasses, next to heavy boulders and used the branches of the nearby trees to secure the tents. They gathered whatever dry wood they could find, choosing twigs that were neither damp nor riddled with insects of all kinds, hung the food on lower branches to isolate it from the ground and decided that a long swim was next on their agenda. Butterflies of all sizes and colours fleeted around them. It took them no time at all to change into their bathing suits. Louis wished he could have swam naked, but Jade’s modesty kept him in check. After all, he lusted too much after her to act in any way that may offend her. They thus swam for a while, splashing and playing, diving from the rocks and outdoing each other in their aerobatics. Swimming to the other side of the natural pool, Jacques noted an odd-looking branch jutting just over the water. Upon closer inspection he saw a large python rolled around it, sleepily unaware of the intruders. Jacques swam back to retrieve their equipment and with Louis carrying the camera above his head, they noiselessly swam back to the same spot. They filmed the sleepy giant, who only once moved its head, opening his eyes once to look straight into the camera lens. When they had had enough, they dried off on the warmth of the rocks, trying to ward off their anxiety at the approach of dusk; the hazards of the day before still kept them on edg
e and they feared their sleep would be fretful.

  The bats once again acted as a timely watch, covering the sky. Jacques filmed that too as the spectacle was all the more impressive on the backdrop of the imposing waterfall. A small herd of elephants came to drink on the opposite bank. The young went swimming in the water under the watchful eyes of the tribe’s elders, who kept looking nervously at the opposite bank where the three people stood motionless on a high rock, filming their ablutions in the dawning light. When Jade finally decided that it was time to light the fire, she disappeared into the larger tent to fetch the necessary items for supper only to find herself nose to nose with a curious monkey. The animal screeched in fright and took off rapidly into the thick canopy of trees, alerting the others. She worried that more would come by but the evening progressed in relative quietude. Louis lazily rolled a joint, enjoying the dramatic surroundings. Fatigue finally overtook him and he closed his eyes. It was an hour later when he awoke to the sounds of Jacques’ and Jade’s soft laughter, feeling immediately left out. Indeed, Jacques had declared that the roaring of the cascade was a sure anti-dote to sleep and had begged Jade for another one of her miracle cures. Louis agreed to join him and they both failed to notice that this time, they were alone partaking in the drug’s magical world of forgetfulness. Nor did it occur to them that in over seven nights, they had in fact clocked very little sleep. While Jade nodded off, comfortably laying her head across Louis’s lap, who played listlessly with her hair and the jade talisman around her neck, Jacques and Louis plotted and dreamed the night away. The next morning, after a few cups of strongly brewed coffee, they packed their bags and began retracing their steps back to their first base camp.

  For the next ten days, they more or less followed the same routine, venturing off for a couple days at the time, always in a different direction, coming back to renew their supplies and unload the film, sleeping relatively little and overall getting used to the surrounding jungle. Jacques reckoned he had captured over 120 hours of film and that after careful editing he should be able to extract a good 45 minutes of valuable images. He was now looking forward going back to the hotel to begin a rough editing on his laptop. In the last two weeks, steering clear of wild pig hordes, they had been fortunate enough to spot more Asia elephants and grazing deer and groups of gibbons swinging playfully in the trees. They had even come upon a large viper’s nest but not only saw it on time to avoid an unpleasant close encounter, but were able to return and film the deadly snakes. All in all, Jacques was pleased with the footage at hand. The three of them had become quite close after their forced intimacy of night after night of intense conversations. They were altogether tanned and fit. Louis and Jacques had both lost weight, partly due to the unusual diet and partly due to the recurring lack of sleep. To tell the truth, both were now looking forward to a couple of nights of fearless sleep in a soft comfortable bed, in complete air-conditioned comfort. They also felt a lot more confident about their capacity to survive the local flora and fauna. They were undoubtedly proud to have escaped without major injuries or accidents but both readily acknowledged it wouldn’t have been possible without Jade’s help.

  Without a doubt, they had locked in enough images and memories to fill a lifetime of dinner conversations. The trip back was uneventful but once again they were surprised by the noticeable rise in temperatures as they approached the centre of the metropolis. Once more, Jacques and Louis were assaulted by the high levels of pollution, the unbearable cacophony of sounds and the multitude of people milling around and needed time to re-adjust to civilisation. They checked back in at the Sukhotai Hotel and the boys agreed that, in booking two separate rooms this time around, they could take a much-needed break from each other, at least for a couple of nights or so. The door had barely closed behind Louis’s exhausted back, when a soft rap made him turn around and open it. Jade was standing there, shyly looking up at him.

  “I thought you may want some company,” she said simply with an unequivocal look in her eyes.

  Astonished by her boldness, after weeks of keeping him gently at bay, Louis let her in. Without another word, she walked straight to the bed, her clothes falling behind her as she did so. She then turned to face Louis who was still standing stock still by the door, admiring her nakedness.

  “Are you joining me or do you plan on standing there?”

  Louis did not know whether to cry or to laugh. After so many days of forced intimacy and rising sexual tensions, where he had been acutely aware of the space between them, where he had been afraid to make a move, lest she ran from him offended, she was finally standing there in front of him, completely naked except for the jade talisman she always wore around her neck, inviting him to his bed, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

  It took less than a minute for Louis to shed his clothes. Jade was sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at him, a smile dancing on her lips. He took her hands and raised her to her feet, facing her. He cupped her lovely face and kissed her tentatively at first and then hungrily. The pent-up desire of the last few weeks surged through his body and clinching her small waist, he flunked her back onto the bed. His mind wanted to go slowly but his body simply refused to follow. Pinning her down, he entered her forcefully. His eyes never left hers and when she climaxed, he let himself go with a spasm which seemed to last forever. Then he took her in his arms and she cradled against him and less than five minutes ticked by before they were both sound asleep, utterly exhausted. They dreamed of each other and their desire stirred them out of their sleep. This time, they explored every inch of each other’s body, leisurely, lovingly and when they came again, they caressed each other slowly back to sleep. They had yet to exchange a single word.

  Chapter V

  Paul Patek’s Infinity

  The party was just beginning. Dozens upon dozens of people were pressing at the gates holding out their ticket to get in as fast as possible. The manner of dress was nothing if not overtly sexy and alluring, designed to tease the senses in every way. Leather pants, spiky belts and chest harnesses, combat boots, vertiginous high heels, microscopic skirts and lacy bras, tight T-shirts stretched over bulging muscles were pouring into the small arena which led to the nightclub split over three levels. VIP private rooms on each mezzanine allowed for an overview of the dance floors with music pumping through high tech speakers. If the bright-eyed, unaware by-stander was to stay in one particular spot and look closely at people’s interactions, he would have seen here and there a number of finger-sized Ziploc bags containing pills of a luminescent green colour, taken out of backpacks, jeans pockets and boots and exchange hands discreetly at first and then more brazenly as the night progressed.

  Infinity was the new recreational drug of choice amongst the hip, the upwardly mobile, the young and the wealthy professionals. The gay community worldwide had adopted it as the Holy Grail. It was only available as a pill, since it was so much more socially acceptable that the more confronting, injecting, snorting or free-basing of other recreational drugs. Ever since smoking had been banned in most venues, the smoking of illegal drugs was akin to breaking the law – twice – and most consumers were not keen on seeing their habits exposed in any way that may jeopardise their career or reputation. Infinity had been scientifically researched and marketed with an eye to details. Basically, it was a cleverly calculated mix of Fentanyl, high-grade heroin and DMT. Because it used the legal analgesic, Fentanyl, which was mostly used to treat breakthrough cancer pain and chronic pain in the most advanced pain management clinics, Infinity allowed for a quick and immensely pleasurable high, giving the user a semi-complete deprivation from pain which lasted for up to 4 hours. Combined with DMT, a toxin found in a number of plants and produced naturally by the brain and proven to increase a patient’s serotonin levels to such heights as to produce hallucinations similar to near death experiences, it gave an overwhelming sense of well-being. Blending it with tiny amounts of unadulterated heroin had been a stroke of pure genius.
  The new recreational drug, popularly known as Infinity, provided the intense high of heroin, provoked the sexual urges and empathy feelings of the best Ecstasy pills and gave the pleasurable sensation of pain-free floating of a pure Fentanyl injection. Completely breaking down any inhibitors, Infinity twisted one’s sense of time and spatial relationship as well as annihilated all fears, both real and imagined. There were little known side effects and its revellers were able to go back to work 24 hours later, without a trace of depression, body aches or headaches. Girls noticed that it was the perfect appetite suppressant and thus the drug was heralded as a quick fix diet loss amongst the models and want-to-be actresses set. Men attributed to the drug the same advantages as Viagra. All in all, it was the trendiest thing around. It left most users with the insatiable urge to do it again, and as soon as possible, because nothing in their life, including the most erotic sex acts, was comparable to the overall sensation of wellbeing Infinity infallibly provided. On the drug, they felt curiously in complete control, unlike anything they had experienced with alcohol, speed, hallucinogenic drugs or most other opiates, which too often induced a comatose-like sleep rather than a feeling of pure happiness. Afterwards, many recounted experiences with ultra-terrestrial beings or with their own internal beings. On Infinity, they seemed to share a spiritual communion with all living things. In fact, there appeared to be so little side effects that the drug’s proponents could barely understand why it would be considered illegal. Infinity drafted its clientele from all walks of life, independently of age, race, gender and socio-economic background and was found anywhere people liked to party and experience an altered reality. Temporary memory losses, lack of appetite and loss of sleep were not considered sufficiently severe side effects to really worry; the pill had never been directly linked to death by accidental overdose, and thus had earned the reputation of being fairly safe, at least in comparison to the other market alternatives.


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