Exposed (The Broken Soul Series Book 3)

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Exposed (The Broken Soul Series Book 3) Page 7

by Jenny Phillips

  I sat on the bed and looked around the room pitifully. What was there to do with myself now? I wondered what Chase was doing at that moment. No doubt he was trying to find me. Chase wouldn’t rest until he found me and put an end to this.

  Guilt gnawed at my stomach and I jumped off the bed to distract myself. I tried going through the desk but found nothing. I investigated the closet next but knew the bare contents already. Still, I looked for a distraction and settled on sorting the obvious thrift store findings by color. The closet itself, though bare, was large. I stepped in and started rearranging items on hangers.

  A scratching pulled me out of my mind numbing project. It was coming from a corner of the closet. I sat on the floor and waited for it to start again. It started soft, only audible in the silence, but grew in strength, becoming more urgent and persistent. It couldn’t be a rodent. Dismissing that thought quickly and without giving myself time to rethink the decision I scratched back. The scratching stopped and I sat there in silence questioning my sanity. Maybe the champagne had gone to my head.

  A knock.

  There was definitely a knock on the other side of the closet. I paused a moment and knocked back twice. Another moment passed and there were three knocks. There was definitely a person on the other side of the wall. I put my ear to the paneling but only got … nothing.

  No more knocks, no scratching.

  I heard a thump, tried knocking again but still no response. What had Tessa said when I’d gotten here? To put me in the room after Kali’s. Could Kali be Jackson’s Kali? It was too big of a coincidence. Maybe the thump was her leaving, maybe it was the door closing I’d heard, or maybe I was reading too far into it. Perhaps it wasn’t even the same person.


  See what happened when I was alone with my thoughts? My imagination ran wild. I convinced myself to get up and get ready for bed. Sure it was early but what else was there today and I’d kind of had an eventful day. At least an eventful forty-eight hours. I could only imagine what the next day would hold. I waved to Justin on my way to the bathroom and quickly changed into pajamas and brushed my teeth. Once I was back in the ‘safety’ of my bedroom I lay in bed with my mind swirling.

  So much had happened in one day. I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around Rylan or his/my feelings for each other. Stephen was still a mystery … and I was no closer to discovering the whereabouts of the amulet. If it existed or had been found.

  Chapter Seven


  “Chase, calm down!” my mom called from the kitchen.

  “How am I supposed to do that?” I asked. “It’s been forty-eight hours and there is no trace!”

  “Your Father and Uncle Spencer are working with Charles and Ben—”

  “No,” I snapped, cutting her off. I was sick of working with the Council. “This all could’ve been avoided if they had listened to her, if I had listened to her.” There was that gnawing feeling again as if the guilt were swallowing me whole. I wiped my face with my hands and left it there, cradled away from viewing eyes. My misery was mine alone to bear.

  The couch shifted next to me and my mom put her arm around me. “We’ll find her, sweetie. I promise you none of us will rest until we find her!”

  “How did this happen while I was right there?”

  “You can’t blame yourself.” She grabbed the coffee mug from the table but I put my hand on hers to stop her from taking it away.

  “I think you’ve had enough coffee,” she said, her voice almost taking a pleading tone.

  “No,” I stated firmly. “It’s the only thing keeping me going right now.”

  “You need sleep.”

  “I can’t, Mom. As it is, I should’ve never left the Ball. I should’ve stayed and looked for more clues.”

  “We scoured that place.”

  “But she didn’t just vanish.” I slammed my fist on the coffee table. “There has to be a clue!”

  “Please calm down,” she begged, and the only thing that made me stop was the way her voice cracked when she pleaded. When she stood up, I let her take the mug with her.

  “Why don’t you shower and I’ll make you something to eat?”

  I opened my mouth to argue again but thought better of it. My mom was as much of a wreck as I was. Taking care of others was her thing and I knew she was also trying to distract herself.

  I had to admit I did feel a little better after showering. The scent of my mom’s dinner wafted upstairs and my stomach growled furiously. I hadn’t been able to eat, sleep, or do anything since Morgan had gone missing. My brain was frozen in horror and all I could do was rely on the Council to help me find her. I knew they were doing their best but I was tired of waiting. Morgan didn’t put a lot of faith in them, so I needed to start listening to her and think about how she’d react.

  I didn’t even pay attention to what clothes I threw on. Most of my things were in Manchester. Fighting the urge to punch something, I reined in my anger and headed downstairs to eat.

  I hadn’t realized how sick my mom looked until I saw her wiping tears away while she sat in front of a still full plate.

  “Feel better?” she asked.

  “A little.”

  She forced a smile. “Maybe some food will help.”

  After grabbing a plate full of the leftover pot roast she had re-heated, I sat at the table and ate while Mom explained that Charles had agreed to let Jackson out to help us.

  “That’s good, right?” I questioned around a mouthful of potatoes.

  “Well it’s something,” she agreed. “Jackson has already told us they stay on the move so they won’t be in the last location he was aware of.”

  “But his pull to Kali …”

  “As long as she’s still with them. They could’ve separated her from Morgan for this reason.”

  I knew she was trying to keep me from getting my hopes up. But a lead was a lead. Besides, I was relieved they seemed to be acknowledging that it was Morgan’s grandfather behind her abduction.

  The next step would be convincing them Theriaut was still alive. I knew that bastard was behind this. I knew I should’ve told the Council sooner. I guess my own pride had gotten the best of me and now that had only hurt Morgan.

  What kind of person faked his own death and ripped his bond with his soul-mate just to turn into a monster? I couldn’t imagine turning away from Morgan. I hated that she was anywhere near him. It wasn’t jealousy either. I mean, there was a little of that, sure. He was her soul-mate and shared a part of her I never would. But I hated that anyone like him would even be in her presence. At least when she’d been with Nolan—

  Wait, Nolan!

  I jumped up from my chair. “Where’s my phone?”

  “I-I don’t … Chase, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just had an idea.” Where the hell had I left my phone? I hadn’t sat it down in days. Bathroom. I’d sat it down while undressing for my shower. I flew up the stairs in what was probably record time even for someone Gifted.

  “Chase! What’s going on?” my mom called.

  I texted Nolan quickly but couldn’t stand the anxiety in my mom’s voice. I saw the little text bubbles indicating Nolan was answering my question and bounded back down the stairs to explain to my mom.

  “Nolan,” I said.

  Her face only reflected confusion at first but I could see it was dawning on her. “Is that the young man she saved?”


  Mom’s face lit up hopefully. “You think he can track her?”

  “I hope. I honestly don’t know.”

  My phone buzzed with Nolan’s response.

  Home. Why, what’s up?

  Perfect. I was sure he’d come to help her. I knew he still had feelings for her but Nolan was a good guy and we respected each other. I texted him back.

  Morgan’s in trouble. I need your help.

  I returned my attention to my mom. “Morgan hasn’t said anything but I have wondered if her and
Nolan are connected for a while now.”

  Mom sat down and waited for me to finish. My phone buzzed again.

  On my way just text me your address.

  I typed in my address hastily. I couldn’t believe we hadn’t thought of Nolan sooner! Maggie had checked with Iris right away, but we were so focused on it happening here our thoughts weren’t on anyone back home.

  I looked back up at my mom. “It’s like she can Sense him. Not just like typical Gifted Sensing but like she knows if he’s hurt or how he’s feeling. It’s different—”

  “It’s like she’s imprinted herself on him …”

  “Yes! Has that happened before?”

  She started to answer but we heard tires on pavement and she jumped up.

  “Your dad’s home.”

  While she went to the front door I sat in a chair at the table and texted Maggie.

  Nolan’s on his way.

  In a matter of seconds, she replied with, Why didn’t we think of him sooner?

  I texted back. Just wondered the same thing.

  I’ll be there in half an hour, she answered.

  Maggie had searched the mansion with me for hours after we’d first noticed Morgan was gone. She’d even waited at my parents’ house after we’d been forced to leave. She’d only recently went home to clean up and try to get some rest.

  I heard my dad and Uncle Spencer talking to my mom. A second car pulled in the driveway, and I wondered if it was Charles. I stood to head out into the living room but stopped when I noticed Jackson standing in the doorway.

  “Hey, little brother,” he said.

  “Hey,” I replied uncertainly.

  “I know we have a lot to talk about but I’m here to help.”

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about my brother anymore. I was still furious with him for putting Morgan in harm’s way months ago. He’d tried to help Stephen lure her away, but in the end he helped to save her from Stephen’s clutches. It wasn’t until later we’d found out Stephen had Kali, Jackson’s soul-mate, as leverage. I had been so angry at him then but now I was beginning to understand how he may have felt.

  I put my hand out to shake his. “We’re going to get both of them back.”

  He nodded and we met the others in the living room. My parents and Uncle Spencer stood congregated in the living room with Ben, Charles, Mr. W., and Grace.

  “Maggie will be here soon, too,” I said to my mom but it was meant for everyone.

  Charles spoke to Jackson. “Have you had any contact with your Kali?”

  “Last night,” he answered. Jackson turned to me. “She said they brought someone new in the room next to her.”

  I nodded in understanding. “Morgan.”

  Ben spoke next. “We don’t know that for sure. We don’t know how many others they may have taken. We’ve received calls from some of the other Councils that have reported missing Gifted.”

  Feeling like some of the air had been let out of me, I sat down heavily on the couch.

  Jackson went on, “Kali did say she’s pretty sure they’re by the ocean. They don’t let her out of her room but she said she can smell the salty air every once in a while.”

  “Well that doesn’t really narrow it down much,” Charles said.

  “Sure it does,” Spencer interjected. “Ben, can you tell us what Councils reported missing people?”

  “Uh, I’m sure I have that information in my office.”

  “Great. Why don’t you go grab that and we can all all actually head back to the Council. I have an idea.” Spencer looked kind of excited. “Meet me in my room in the basement.”

  “I’m going to wait here for Maggie,” I told them.

  “You can call her and have her meet us there,” Dad offered.

  I made eye contact with my mom. She and I both knew we couldn’t bring Nolan to the Council. Charles would flip out.

  “Why don’t you go on ahead?” she said to me, and then turned to the others. “Chase wants to stay close to home in case Morgan shows up.” She looked back to me. “But I’ll stay here just in case.” She winked at me.

  My mom is the best. I went over and kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”

  “You know I’d do anything for her.” She patted my cheek..

  “Alright, Jackson, you’re riding with me,” I told him.

  Charles opened his mouth but I cut him off. “We’ll meet you there.”

  He nodded. “Very well.” He turned on his heels and left with Ben and Mr. W., with Dad, Spencer, and Grace following Jackson and I out the door.

  “I hope you have a good plan,” I said to my uncle after Charles and the other Elders had left.

  My uncle cocked a questioning eyebrow. “You doubt my skills?”

  Grace rolled her eyes but pulled him toward the car.

  “It’s just that I have a plan of my own.”

  “What do you have going on, Chase?” my dad asked.

  “Just let me handle it.”


  “I have Jackson to help.”

  He tried to object again. “Wait—”

  “Dad,” I threw my hands up. “Don’t you trust me?”

  “Yes, you know I do,” he said seriously. “It has nothing to do with trusting you. I don’t trust Stephen. We’ve worried enough about Morgan. I don’t need to worry about you two as well,” he nodded to Jackson, too.

  “I’ll be fine,” I assured him. “I need your help with the Council and their connections.”

  “Okay,” he agreed, patting my shoulder. “Now let’s go try to find your girls.”

  “Yeah, we’re wasting time right now,” Jackson reminded us.

  Once we were in the car I started grilling Jackson. “How are they treating Kali?”

  He shrugged. “She tries not to talk about it much. But I mean they feed her and she’s pretty much confined to her bedroom. She says it’s not horrible … just lonely.”

  “She doesn’t know if it’s Morgan next to her then?”


  “Has she seen Stephen?”

  “Yes, she’s been questioned by him a few times.”

  “So even if she’s not in the same location she has to be close.”

  “I guess,” he answered. “I mean, we kind of have to hope for that, right?”


  The drive to the Council was excruciating. I hated waiting. I hated wasting more time. By now Maggie should be arriving at my parents. I hoped Nolan wasn’t too far out. As soon as we were done I wanted to get right to work.

  Charles and Ben were just heading down to Spencer’s when Jackson and I arrived. The rest followed right after. I flipped Spencer’s light on for him and he motioned for us to sit at the long meeting table he used for Sunday classes. He rummaged through desk drawers.

  “Ben, how many are missing including Morgan?”

  “Six,” he replied.

  My stomach dropped. “Six Gifted are missing?” I exclaimed.

  “I’m afraid so. While upstairs I had another message waiting.”

  Spencer handed something to Ben and went to work hanging a large map on the wall next to the white board.

  “Ben, I want you to stick a thumbtack in all of the locations we have missing Gifted.”

  “Okay.” He got up from the table and went over to the map. When he was finished, there were six red thumbtacks—in Providence, of course for Morgan, Connecticut, New York, Maine, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.

  “They’re all right here … close to the East Coast,” my dad said.

  “What are the odds she’s right under our noses?” Spencer asked to no one in particular.

  Charles went up to the map, tracing a section with his finger. “Spencer, do you have a highlighter?”

  “Yeah, just a sec.” He blurred to his desk and back so fast I barely saw him.

  Charles traced the East Coast with a highlighter from Maine to Virginia.

  “If your Kali is right,” he addressed Jackson, “they
’re somewhere along this section of the coast.”

  Spencer scratched his head for a second. “If we have a team start up in Maine and a team start in Virginia … we can drive along the coast and meet in the middle.”

  “That will take forever,” Grace interjected.

  “Not forever,” Dad replied. “But days.”

  “Days we don’t have,” Charles stated, frustration evident in his voice. The guy may drive Morgan nuts at times, and I had to admit he wasn’t my favorite person at the moment, but he did care for her. I suspect she was the granddaughter he never had. As he was the grandfather she needed.

  Spencer continued, “As opposed to the waiting game we’re playing now? We just sit and wait for someone to slip up or contact us, or whatever it is they’re going to do?”

  Mr. W. spoke up, “He’s right, at least it’s forward progress.”

  “If we pay close attention to the secluded areas—”

  Jackson jumped in, “Stephen likes to find abandoned houses in private areas.”

  Spencer scratched his head. “I mean, unless he’s got capabilities we’re unaware of, we shouldn’t need to check every single house in every single town. We should be able to Sense her if we’re close.”

  “Especially if she’s with Kali, and Stephen. Just those three should be a strong enough pull,” Dad said.

  Jackson cleared his throat. “There are more.” Every set of eyes turned to him.

  “More?” Charles asked.

  Jackson nodded. “Not even assuming the ones missing are with him, there are quite a few others working with him. Not everyone stays in the same location. They’re all kind of on the move. But,” he paused, making eye contact with me, “Rylan stays pretty close to Stephen.”

  “Rylan?” Charles scoffed. “Theriaut?”

  Ben jumped in, “That’s impossible.”

  “Is it?” I asked. “I’ve seen him myself. When I had been keeping an eye on Stephen back when Jackson …” I didn’t need to bring up the time my brother had betrayed the Council again. We had to move forward.


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