Wild Nights

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Wild Nights Page 2

by Therese Szymanski

  Shuddering, I realize two fingers have become three, and as quickly become four.


  I want to scream it. I want this, right now, this beautiful butch playing me this way, consuming me.

  When her fist goes into me it lifts me off my feet for a moment. She’s hard and deep and her tongue is sending shivers up my body to my nipples. I can’t spread my legs any wider. My hands leave their grip on her to grapple for leverage behind me so I can fuck her back.

  I am taking it . . .

  Taking it . . .

  Taking it . . .

  Taking it . . .

  Taking her fist . . .

  Fucking back.

  The music’s ending. The party’s over. Someone will turn on the houselights so the cleanup crew can start. I don’t want it to end. Fuck, I want her to fuck me like this forever, I don’t care who sees us. I am completely filled as she rides me hard. I’m not going to come yet, I don’t want to.

  Her free hand finds my bare, heaving breasts and she takes hold of one nipple, tugging downward, pinching, making me ache, fuck. I have to come now. I can’t hold it back. I’m going to make a mess of her jacket sleeve, her face.

  “Give it up to me.”

  Every muscle in my body has tensed. My legs convulse around her shoulders. She releases my nipple to grip my waist and I climax against her mouth, her fist hard in my most receptive depths.

  Please, let that be only the beginning.

  She rezips me and pulls down my dress, then holds me tight in her arms. After a minute or two I hear her say something to one of the musicians.

  The houselights come on.

  It is a dizzying effort to raise my head from her shoulder, which is wet from my cunt. Her face is covered with my scent.

  I tell her my room number and slip the key into her pocket. Her smirk is back, but fades as my eyes tell her she hasn’t satisfied me yet.

  She started it.

  Upstairs I’m going to finish it.

  Popcorn, Sodas and Sex


  I scanned the skimpy half-page entertainment section, looking for something to occupy my time until I could outlast the stifling heat and maybe fall asleep—at least long enough to catch a few hours rest before I had to get up and look interested in the prospect of buying 500 acres of sand and scrub pine out in the middle of nowhere. Being the point “man” for a land development company wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. I spent as much time in backwater counties talking to eager farmers as I did wheeling and dealing with real estate entrepreneurs in slick offices in LA or Fort Lauderdale. This was definitely one of those “up-country” excursions.

  I scanned the movie listings in the nearest city, which was a 40minute drive away on twisting roads with which I wasn’t particularly familiar. I didn’t really want to see the last episode in the Star Wars saga all that badly, especially considering it had been released on DVD a year earlier.

  Then I saw something I hadn’t seen in years. An honest to God drive-in theater listing. I hadn’t been to one since I was in college and all I could remember was the cramped front seat of my car, stale popcorn, flat soda and hot sweaty sex. I smiled. Not bad for a few bucks and a couple of gallons of gas. I looked at the playbill.

  Seed of Chucky, Starsky and Hutch, The In-Laws . . . things weren’t looking so good. And then, a glimmer of hope. Bound. So what if I’d seen it more than a few times and it was a solid decade old. Some women you never tire of looking at. Jennifer Tilly as sexy Violet was one of them. I grabbed my keys and my county road map and headed out the door. The sun slanted into my eyes, a hazy yellow filtered through the dust kicked up in the unpaved parking lot by the most recent arrival. A dirty black Mercedes coupe was just pulling in next to my rental car. It wasn’t the typical vehicle for this part of the country. I squinted as the driver stepped out and blinked hard when I saw Jennifer Tilly. Shining shoulder-length black hair, lustrous red lips, lush body and a lazy smile that made my clit quiver as if she’d flicked it with a ruby red nail.

  “Hello,” Jennifer said.

  I stared, looking foolish, I’m sure.

  “It’s just too hot out on the Interstate, even with the air-conditioning on in the car.”

  She walked around and opened her trunk and started wrestling with an oversized suitcase. I finally got my brain to connect with the rest of my body and leapt to her side.

  “Here, let me get that for you.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  She smiled at me, her eyes doing a slow crawl down my body and back up to my face. Since I hadn’t planned on running into a movie star, I was wearing shapeless navy blue cotton shorts with no belt, a sleeveless gray T-shirt—clean but faded to the point that the lettering was indecipherable—and boat shoes without socks. Oh so very much not my suave best. She, on the other hand, somehow managed to look wrinkle-free in a sleeveless white linen blouse and charcoal slacks.

  When I’d yanked the monster out of the car and onto the ground, trying to look as if lifting the thing hadn’t nearly given me a hernia, she held out her hand. “I’m Sheila. Sheila Tyler.”

  By this time of course, I’d figured out that she wasn’t really Jennifer Tilly. She was better. I shook her hand and told her my name.

  “I don’t suppose you have any idea what there is to do around here?” Sheila asked, turning in a circle and surveying the landscape. “It’s beautiful country, but I hadn’t really planned on stopping tonight. I don’t even have a book with me.” She shook her head as if surprised. “I had this sudden urge to stop driving and I just pulled off the highway and here I am.” She blushed. “I’m not usually impulsive.”

  “Well, the sign says the rooms have cable but mine doesn’t. There’s no pool, so a swim is out. The air conditioning is, well . . .” I shrugged and hefted her suitcase, aware that the weight made the muscles in my arms and shoulders tighten. I caught her glance lingering on my chest and knew that the same jolt that had stiffened my clit had made my nipples tighten into small hard knots. She looked into my eyes.

  “So how were you planning to spend the evening?”

  “I was just about to go to the drive-in movies.”

  She threw her head back and laughed, a dark-chocolate smooth and rich laugh. “You’re kidding.”

  I laughed too. “Nope.”

  “You’ll roast.”

  “I’ll open the windows.” We headed toward the motel office. “Besides, the sun’s almost down, and it will cool off a little bit after dark.” Somehow I managed to open the door for her and not knock her over with her suitcase. “You’re welcome to join me.”

  She stopped just inside the door and studied me with a tiny smile. “I’d have to change.”

  “I can wait.”

  “What are we seeing?”

  “Seed of Chucky.” Her eyes widened and I grinned. “How about Bound? Ever seen it?”

  “As a matter of fact, no,” she said contemplatively. “But I’d like to.”

  I nodded toward the reception desk where a thin, balding man appeared to be dozing behind the counter. “I’ll get some sodas from the machine outside while you get settled. Coke okay?”


  I leaned against the fender of my rental car, wishing it was a ’57 Bel Air convertible, and drained one can of soda while I waited for Sheila to change. She came out wearing khaki shorts and a tank top and looking as fresh as if she’d never been kissed. Maybe she hadn’t. Not by someone like me.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked, regarding me curiously.

  I jumped and spun around the car to open her door. “Everything is just fine.”

  She slid in and didn’t ask me anything else, and I was glad. How could I tell her that the hot summer night and the fresh, simple way she looked and the buzz of anticipation in my belly made me feel as if I was sixteen again and about to go on the date I’d always wanted, but never had.

  While I fiddled with the radio, she navigated, s
earching out the small blue road signs that marked the county roads. We missed a few turns and had to backtrack a time or two, but it really didn’t matter if we were late or not. The journey was proving to be every bit as enjoyable as I hoped the destination to be. We didn’t talk about our jobs or where we lived or where we were going. We talked about the last books we’d read and the music we liked and laughed when I had to stop for a flock of chickens in the middle of the road that appeared wholly unconcerned by our presence. Sheila leaned out the window and made shooing motions while I inched the car forward, praying that I wouldn’t feel a bump at any moment.

  Finally we saw the giant movie screen looking obscenely out of place amongst the rolling hills and valleys, and I turned onto the macadam road that sprouted clumps of scraggly grass through cracks in its uneven surface. I hitched up one hip to pull my wallet from my back pocket but Sheila stopped me with her hand on my arm.

  “You buy the popcorn, I’ll get the tickets.”

  Her fingers were cool and firm. She leaned across me to extend a $20 bill out the window and her breasts pressed against my bare upper arm. I jammed my foot down hard on the brake to keep my hips from jumping, but it didn’t do anything to stop the wetness I felt pooling between my thighs. I stared straight ahead and hoped to God she didn’t recognize the sex seeping from my pores.

  When she settled back into the passenger seat, I inched the car forward over the rough ground. A half dozen cars were scattered over a lot the size of a fairground.

  “Where to?” I asked in a strangely gravelly voice. I tried to swallow around the desire in my throat and started to cough.

  “Here,” Sheila said, offering the can of soda she had been sipping from on the drive. “Let’s park in the back. The angle is always better that way.”

  I nodded and drank, aware that as my lips touched the can they were exactly where hers had been only moments before. I wondered if that counted as some sort of phantom kiss. I jockeyed us into a space that actually had a speaker attached. At least half of the places within sight had only wires dangling from bent poles.

  “This place is in pretty rough shape,” I commented.

  “It’s good we came when we did then,” Sheila said pensively. She reached down beside her seat and worked the controls for a few seconds before turning to me. “Can you pull the car forward a little bit so that we can see the screen from the back seat? I can never get comfortable with my legs under the dashboard.” Then, without waiting for me to answer, she opened the door, hopped out, and just as swiftly got back in the rear. She rolled down the windows on both sides, then leaned over my seat, one hand on my shoulder, her breath warm in my ear. “Go ahead. I’ll tell you when it’s just right.”

  I turned the key in the ignition so hard I was surprised it didn’t snap off. With one quick glance at her out of the corner of my eye, I drove us forward until she said, “There. Stop.”

  “Is that good then?” I asked inanely. All I could think about was her hand on my shoulder. Her fingertips rested just beyond the edge of my T-shirt collar, against my neck. I wanted to rip my shirt off and scream, “Oh please touch me.” My nipples ached from the constant contraction, and I knew that only her fingers rolling and tugging them could soothe the hurt.

  She brushed her hand lower over my chest, then drew away. “After you go get us some popcorn and come back here with me, everything will be perfect.”

  I was out of the car so fast it must have looked like the seat was on fire. As I hurried off toward the low, square building that housed the concession stand and the restrooms, I heard her laughing. On the enormous screen behind me, the credits started to roll.

  Ten minutes later I was back, my arms filled with popcorn and fresh sodas. The cardboard containers of Coke were sweating and the insides of my arms were wet from condensation. I stopped next to the car and leaned down to look in the open window. Somehow she’d managed to push the front seats forward and she was stretched out with her legs propped on the console between them, her head tipped back. She turned lazily when she saw me and smiled.

  “Oh good. I missed you.”

  My knees got wobbly but I managed to stay standing. She held out her arms and I passed the drinks and popcorn in to her. Then I followed. The movie was already in progress, but I wasn’t watching the screen. I angled in the seat so I could see her profile while I pretended to watch Jennifer Tilly. I couldn’t remember now why I’d thought Jennifer was so hot. My whole body was wet and it had nothing to do with the heat.

  I couldn’t get comfortable. My stomach hurt from tamping down the arousal that sluiced through my cunt like a raging river cutting canyons in age-old rock. I shifted, trying to find a place where my muscles didn’t cramp and my clit didn’t ache.

  “Stretch your legs out next to mine,” Sheila said, leaning forward to set her drink and popcorn in the front seat. When I eased my legs onto the console next to hers, she settled back, one thigh half on top of mine, and put her hand in the bag of popcorn I held in my lap. “Do you think she’s sexy?”


  Laughing, Sheila gave me a look. “Are you watching this?”

  “Seen it.” My insides tightened into a hard knot. What the hell. “You’re much sexier.”

  Her breath caught and she took my soda from where I held it balanced on my knee. She sipped through my straw. “Are you flirting?”

  “Do you want me to be?”

  “Have you ever made love at the drive-in?”

  I groaned and my thighs jumped with a life of their own. She must have felt it. “Not exactly.”


  Her voice had gotten low and soft.

  “Meaning I rolled around a little in the back seat when I was a teenager, but I’d hardly call it making love.”

  “Mmm,” she said musingly, dipping into my popcorn again. “There’s something to be said for taking your time with the good parts.”

  “Sheila,” I started to say, not sure what I was going to say next. I’m so hot I could burst into flames; I’m aching to touch you; Do you even want me to touch you . . . but the words died in my throat when she dropped a handful of popcorn in my lap.

  “Oh, sorry,” she murmured, delicately reaching between my legs to collect the fluffy white blobs. The backs of her fingers brushed my crotch.

  My hips jolted so hard, my body levitated and my breath whooshed out like I’d been punched.


  She didn’t sound sorry. More amused. And when I looked down, her hand was still there, her fingertips resting gently on the seam of my shorts right over my clit. She pushed in, slow and steady, and I crushed the paper bag of popcorn in my fist. A mushroom cloud of kernels erupted all over us both.

  “Uh,” I muttered.

  “Don’t worry. I was done.” Sheila leaned over me, her hand squeezing down on my crotch, and kissed me lightly on the mouth. “With that.”

  Then she took the soda from my other hand, poured the contents out the window, and dropped the container on the floor. While I looked on in a haze of confused lust, she calmly braced her arm on the seat next to my head and levered herself over me until she straddled my waist, her knees on either side of my hips. My body finally caught up, and I tugged her blouse from her shorts as gently as I could.

  She made a little humming noise when I slid my palms up to her breasts. Her bra was tissue-paper thin, her nipples small and hard. Before I could, she reached one hand down the front of her blouse and unhooked the clasp between the cups. Her full firm breast came spilling out and I squeezed, not so gently now.

  “Oh yes,” she sighed, moving her hands from the seat to grasp fistfuls of my hair. “Play with them. Just like that.”

  While she kissed me thoroughly, her tongue starting at my lips and exploring every dip and hollow deeper inside, I circled her nipples with my fingers, closed down around them, and thumbed the tips. She drew back and caught her lip in her teeth, watching my hands move under her blouse while she rocked i
n my lap.

  “Take your blouse off,” I whispered hoarsely. There was no one nearby, and the movie flickering on the edges of my vision afforded me enough light to see her. And I wanted to see all of her. I kept up the nipple play while she bared her upper body. The instant her breasts appeared I covered one nipple with my mouth. I licked and strummed it with my tongue and she crooned with pleasure. I was so lost in the sound and the sweet taste of her I didn’t realize she’d put her hand down the front of my shorts until I felt a vise-like grip my clit. I groaned with the sudden stab of pleasure and almost came. “Easy.”

  “You know,” Sheila panted unevenly, “I always wanted to do this.”

  “What?” I asked, kissing my way back and forth from one nipple to the other.

  “Make love in a car at the drive-in.”

  “Why didn’t y . . .” I choked when she twisted and tugged on my clit and my vision went red. “You’re going to get me off doing that.”

  “Keep pulling my nipples,” Sheila ordered, jerking me off more gently. “I want to come with you sucking them.” She slid one finger down between my lips and dragged hot, slick come back up over the head of my clit. “Lick me while I make you come. I want to feel you come in my hand.”

  I sucked and bit and squeezed and she rubbed and pinched and stroked.

  “Oh yes I’m coming soon,” she whispered, her mouth against my ear. “You’re making my clit tingle so . . . nice. Oh. Are you . . . coming? Come soon. Come . . . oh.”

  She writhed on my lap, rubbing herself against her own arm where it disappeared down my pants. I didn’t care about coming— I just wanted to watch the pleasure shimmer across her face. Her breasts got hot and heavy in my hands. She shook and shuddered and moaned and while she came I unzipped her shorts.

  “Oh nice,” she finally sighed, sagging against me.

  “Yeah,” I said and skimmed my fingers over her hard clit. She twitched and gasped. “You’re not done.”

  She laughed. “Not hardly.” She sucked on the skin just above my collarbone. “You didn’t come.”


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