We Super Shouldn't: Complete Enemies to Lovers Romance Series Collection

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We Super Shouldn't: Complete Enemies to Lovers Romance Series Collection Page 18

by Jamie Knight

  “Awww,” I said, burying my face in his strong chest, while Kylie clapped.

  Then I looked at him and in a teasing manner said, “But how do you know what I want?”

  “Good point,” he said, a dimple appearing as he smiled back at me. “I guess I’ll just have to ask you and see what you say.”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me,” I replied, and my heart beat with anticipation, with the wonderful thought that soon we might be engaged.

  Chapter 35


  I was getting ready for the Big Game when there was a knock at my front door.

  Damn it, I thought, getting ready to face Sasha’s wrath again.

  However, I was more surprised than ever when I opened the door and saw who was standing there.

  “Candy,” I said, and then cleared my throat.

  “Can we talk?” she asked.

  I nodded, but couldn’t resist looking at my watch. I didn’t want to be late for the game, even though I knew this was just as important.

  “It won’t take long,” she assured me.

  Her eyes looked clearer than I’d seen them in a long time, and they were pleading with me. So, I stepped aside and held the door open for her.

  “Come on in. Kylie isn’t here.”

  Olivia had taken her to my dad and Sandra’s so they could go out for lunch before the game, while I got ready.

  “That’s okay,” she said. “Although, I’d love to see her soon.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that,” I said, reluctantly. “I’ve been trying to call you, and…”

  “I was in rehab,” she said, quickly, as she sat down on the couch.

  I sat down next to her.

  “They don’t let me have my phone there.”

  I’ve heard that so many times before, I thought.

  “I know you’ve heard that before,” she said, as if reading my mind. “And I understand why you would be skeptical. So, I’m not trying to make excuses. I just wanted to let you know that that’s why I couldn’t answer you calls.”

  I nodded, unsure of what to say from here. This time definitely felt different from the other times that she’d gotten out of rehab. She wasn’t yelling at me, blaming me, or having huge mood swings where she went from raging to moping.

  Instead, she was just looking at me calmly, and her eyes were sympathetic. Her skin was even different – almost as if it was glowing. She looked… dare I say… happy? Or at least content.

  “Okay,” I finally said, at a loss for words.

  “I did a lot of thinking, about what the judge said,” she continued. “I have been doing my best to think about what’s best for Kylie. For a long time, I didn’t think that you knew how to give her a happy home, even though I knew I didn’t, either. I’d feel guilty and start to think I could change and be a good mom, so I’d file paperwork and want her back. But as you know, that never lasted long.”

  “Right,” I agreed, hoping this wasn’t another one of those times.

  Sure, she looked better, but if she thought she could just waltz in here and claim Kylie after one good run at rehab, she had another thing coming.

  “But this time I’ve finally learned my lesson,” she said. “And I feel like you’ve learned your lesson, too. I think Kylie belongs here with you.”

  My jaw nearly fucking dropped down to the floor when she said this.

  “You do?” I asked.

  “Yes. You’ve always been a more stable influence on her than I was – not that that’s saying much – but now you seem very devoted to doing what’s best for her.”

  “I am!” I agreed. “I really am.”

  “I know,” she said. “So, why don’t we come to an agreement like the judge urged us to do? I’m fine with you being her primary caretaker. And I know it will take a while to prove myself and build up trust, but eventually, I’d like to get some visiting time with her. At first, it can be supervised. By you, or whoever else you’d like to have to do it. Your dad or his wife maybe.”

  This truly was like a dream come true. I couldn’t believe that things were going so well.

  Suddenly, I thought about Sasha. My first desire was to agree to and file something quickly, so the case would be dropped and there would be nothing Sasha could do to change things.

  But I didn’t have time to do that right now. And I felt that because Candy was being so honest, I owed her the same honesty in exchange.

  “There’s one thing I want to tell you,” I said. “But that sounds like a great idea to me. I’m sure we can work something out.”

  “Okay,” Candy said. “What is it?”

  “Well, do you know how Kylie’s teacher, Olivia, testified on the stand?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she said, and closed her eyes a bit, as if that was a memory she’d rather forget.

  “Well, she and I are dating now. But I promise we weren’t dating when she testified. She was truly trying to do the right thing. And not be biased.”

  She looked at me and I took a deep breath, worried that this would ruin everything.

  “I get it,” she said, not looking mad at all. “I figured something like that was going on, and at first I was really mad about it. But when I was in rehab and doing some deep reflection, I realized that I was mostly just mad at what she said, but I shouldn’t have been. Because, you’re right, she was doing the right thing. And maybe she has been a good influence on you and Kylie, and that’s why both of you have been doing a lot better. Plus, I think her testimony was honest. Obviously, I now feel that you are the better parent for Kylie to live with at this time, and she did, too.”

  “Thank you,” I said, grabbing her hands in between mine and swinging them a little bit. I felt bad for the history between us, but glad that things were finally start to right themselves. “Thank you for understanding.”

  I decided to leave out the part about Olivia being my ex. It wasn’t important, except for the crazy and coincidental circumstances in which we were brought back into each other’s lives.

  Before that, we hadn’t been together for over a decade, so Candy couldn’t really hold that against us. Even though both Olivia and I apparently had always dreamed of being back together one day, we hadn’t actually been until recently. It had all worked out exactly as it was supposed to.

  “Okay, let’s get together some time next week and come up with something,” I told her. “I can tell my lawyer to notify the court that we’ve been able to reach an agreement and are just ironing out the details. I have no problem with supervised visits to start, and I think Kylie will be really happy to see you.”

  I wanted to have something on the record dismissing the case before Sasha could get to them with whatever crazy story she was going to concoct. But I was glad to know that Candy didn’t care that I was with Olivia.

  “Oh good,” she said, with a smile. “I’m looking forward to seeing her too.”

  “Eventually they could go to unsupervised once you’ve established a track record. And I really hope you have turned your life around for the better. I know how good that feels.”

  “Thank you,” she said, standing up and then giving me an unexpected hug.

  I hugged her back, and it felt right.

  Everything was finally working out.

  Chapter 36


  They say that nothing is better than your first love. But whoever said that has never experienced their first love returned, for a second time around.

  As all of us – Kylie, David, Sandra, Roxie and our other friends, Greg and some of his and Marvin’s other friends – were standing in the stands cheering for Marvin as he threw touchdown after touchdown on the field, I felt a rush of euphoria running over me.

  It was hard to believe that something that was once so good could now be even better, but it ended up happening for me.

  “Daddy’s gonna help the Leviathons win this game!” Kylie said, taking my hand and squeezing it.

  “He sure is!” I
told her.

  Sure enough, she was right. Marvin threw the game-winning touchdown and the Leviathons were declared winners of the Superbowl.

  Afterwards, we all ran onto the field to celebrate with him.

  “There are my girls,” he said, lifting both us of into his arms and swinging us around – an impressive feat, considering that he had just played an entire football game so strenuously.

  He greeted the rest of his friends and family and then turned back to us.

  “Olivia and I have been working on something for you,” Kylie said, with a grin.

  I blushed, still not quite sure I would be able to do this. But Kylie wanted to, so I knew I had to.

  “Is that so?” Marvin said, looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

  “Ready, Olivia?” Kylie said.

  “Yes,” I told her, trying my best not to laugh.

  “Oooo-kay!” she yelled, in perfect cheerleader style, and then we launch into the routine she’d begged me to teach her once she learned from her dad that I had been a cheerleader back in high school.

  “Daddy, Marvin, he’s our man, if he can’t do it, no one can!” we shouted, while clapping our hands and making moves with our legs and arms that I hadn’t done since back when I was a cheerleader.

  “Go, Marvin, win the game, throw the ball!” we continued. “Beat the Flags, beat them all!”

  As we went through our litany of cheers, Marvin smiled bigger and bigger. Kylie was surprisingly good, getting all the moves and the beat down perfectly. I think we had ourselves a little cheerleader in the making.

  “That’s great!” Marvin shouted, once we finished. “Both of my girls cheering for me. I’m a lucky guy!”

  “You sure are,” I told him, winking. “Congrats again. You played great today.”

  I had been half afraid that he was going to propose to me here, with a blimp or the scoreboard or something. I had to admit, I had my hopes up a bit, even though it would have been embarrassing.

  As he scooped me up and kissed me, though, I was just glad to be with him. The champion Superbowl football player. My ex, and my best friend.



  It had been far too long since I’d been ice skating. My skates were unsteady on the ice, but it was still fun.

  “Good job!” I shout over at Kylie, as Candy holds her hand and skates with her around the rink.

  Marvin had had the idea for all of us to come here, to celebrate the end of a successful football season, as well as the end of the custody case. He and Candy had filed an official agreement and the judge had signed off on the order.

  We’d do supervised visits for now – this was our first one – and then, depending on drug test and counseling results go, Candy could start taking Kylie unsupervised. It was as good of a solution as we could have hoped for under the circumstances, and we also both had high hopes for it working out well for Kylie.

  It was when Marvin and I were spinning around in the middle of the rink together that he got down on one knee.

  At first, I thought he had fallen.

  “Are you okay?” I asked him.

  “I’m more than okay,” he said.

  And then I noticed that he was taking out a little blue box from his pocket.

  “I’ll be even better if you answer this question,” he said.

  “Oh, my God.”

  My heart was beating so hard I thought it would fall out of my chest.

  “Olivia Phillips, I haven’t been able to get you off my mind since we were together the first time, and I’m so glad we’re back together now. I don’t want to let you get away again. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” I cried, and he swung me around on my skates and kissed me. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  When he put me back down, I said, “I kind of thought you might do it at the Superbowl.”

  “Nah, I didn’t want to be cheesy like that,” he told me. “And I thought it might be best to have a blast from the past and do it here while we’re ice skating like back in the day.”

  “I love it,” I said.

  “I love you.”

  “And I love you.”


  Kylie was happy to hear that we’re “finally” getting married. We went out for ice cream to celebrate.

  “I want to be a flower girl!” Kylie said, jumping up and down.

  “You will be, baby girl,” Marvin told her.

  “Oh, my God,” I told him. “Roxanne is going to roll her eyes when she hears she has to be a matron of honor. Obviously, Greg will probably be your best man. Your dad and Sandra will be so happy that we’re finally officially back together for good. And I guess we’ll have to invite my brother.”

  “Yeah, I haven’t spoken to him in ages,” Marvin said. “Ever since he warned you away from me – some best friend he was, right? But, of course, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t invite him.”

  “Agreed,” I told him. “Geez, though. I so wish my mom could be there for the big day. She would love it.”

  With this, I grew a bit sad and quiet, but I’m grateful I have Marvin to help me through my grief now, instead of having to bear it in loneliness and solitude like I used to, before he came back into my life.

  “Yeah, me too,” he said, taking my hand in his. “You know, I saw her obituary in the paper and I just had to show up at her funeral and pay my last respects. I’m sorry if that made it uncomfortable for you. I just wanted to say goodbye because I really loved her.”

  “I know,” I told him. “I’m glad you went because it was the right thing to do, even though you and I weren’t at the best place back then. And I’m glad that you two were that close. I know she would be happy to hear our news.”

  We had eaten our ice cream happily after that, chatting away with Kylie about possible color schemes and decorations.

  Now she was with David and Sandra so that Marvin and I could celebrate our engagement. And by “celebrate,” I meant fuck, a lot.

  “I love to bend you over and see your plump ass cheeks,” Marvin said, as he stood behind me and squeezed my ass.

  Then he spread open my ass and pussy and put his fingers into my pussy hole. He fingered me just as well as he had back in high school, except it felt even better now, since so much time had passed.

  Then he rubbed my clit between his fingers, driving me insane. I arched my back and had to resist purring.

  “You make me so wet,” I told him. “I’m not sure I can control myself.”

  “Me neither,” he said, as I felt his hard cock pressing up against the opening of my pussy. “I always lose myself when I’m around you – or in you.”

  “Mmmm,” I moaned, as he kissed my neck and played with my pussy more.

  All my juices were dripping into his hand. I was under his complete and total control, and I loved it that way. It was amazing how I could let myself go and do whatever he wanted – whatever I wanted to do with him, too – and not feel anything but complete and utter abandon and pleasure.

  The head of his cock was teasing me now. It was bumping up against my pussy hole but not going in yet. It was rubbing all around without making the plunge. And I really, really wanted to make the plunge. I wanted to fill him inside me, filling me up and fucking me.

  “Should we get a condom?” I asked.

  “Well, I’ve been thinking that maybe Kylie needs a sibling?” he suggested.

  “Wow, we’re really moving fast,” I laugh.

  “Making up for lost time,” he said. “I never want to waste time again. I really do think we should get married right away.”

  “We should,” I told him, not wanting to wait much longer, myself.

  “And have babies. Lots of babies.”

  “Maybe we should start with just one,” I laughed.


  He pushed himself inside me.

  “It feels amazing, to have you naked and raw inside me,” I told him.

  “I love to feel your pussy with my bar
e cock,” he said.

  Soon, he was all the way in, filling me to the brim with his big cock. I felt stuffed so full, as if he couldn’t possibly cram himself in there any further.

  Marvin spanked my ass and pulled my hair a bit – he knew I liked it rough.

  “My bad little girl is going to become my wife,” he said, as he moved his hand down to my nipple and twisted it. “And she’s never going to be able to be away from me again.”

  “You got that right,” I told him, as he thrusted harder, deeper, inside me.

  I went weak in my knees as he fucked me, and I thought about how great it is that I had him in my life once again. He was right – I didn’t want to waste any more time. I just wanted to enjoy what we had together.

  As his big cock pulsed inside me, I felt the welcome wave of an orgasm washing over me.

  “I’m gonna cum,” I told him, as he played with my nipple with one hand and my clit with the other.

  “Me too,” he said. “And I’m going to shoot my cum into your pussy.”

  It felt like my own juices were pouring out of me like a waterfall while his cum was shooting into me. We were both gasping and panting and calling out each other’s names.

  Finally, we collapsed on the bed, embracing.

  “You’re already the best fiancé ever,” he told me.

  “And you’re the best ex-boyfriend, current fiancé ever,” I said. “I thought I was over you. Or at least I tried to be. But I was so wrong.”

  “I know the feeling,” he agreed. “And I’m glad we were both wrong.”

  “I wanted to hate you,” I said. “But it was because I loved you.”

  “And I wanted to move on and be done with you,” he said. “But it’s because I wanted to marry you and make you have my babies.”

  “Looks like we both got our wish,” I said, as I snuggled up against his strong, hard yet somehow still comfortable chest.

  “We sure did,” Marvin said. “And I couldn’t be any happier if I tried.”


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