Melody Embraced

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Melody Embraced Page 2

by Serena Simpson

  “You are the only one who can open the doorway,” Jaydel told him without emotion.

  The doorway that had been opened for a millennium or more closed when the Hydal destroyed their planet. Lyrek and his crew had been off the planet. It was the anniversary of their becoming a crew that they were celebrating. It was also the anniversary of their greatest victory and now their greatest loss.

  The Hydal had come out of hyperspace without the usual warning. Their planet was destroyed because Lyrek couldn’t get a message to them. He and his crew survived only because they were in the shadow the dark moon.

  Bile rose trying to burn him from the inside out but he defeated it. No one would ever know how much it cost him to hide in order to save the lives of the last remaining Porcoyan.


  He nodded coming out of his memories. “Only I can open the doorway.” He had thought that there were others that survived on different planets. And there may have been, but none of them had successfully opened the doorway. They would know immediately if they were able to reach their third form. Their byema would tell them.

  He could have argued, but it became clearer every day that the mantel sat on his shoulders. His byema was becoming more aggressive as it looked for its spark.

  “Do you see anyone?” Lyrek turned his attention back to the monitors.

  Shaytal walked into the room. “The kitchen checked in. They’ve had some interest in the dishes from our world. I think the humans think it’s a trick.”

  “Is that human trying Pokayah?” Shaytal pointed her out.

  Lyrek zoomed in on her. An enchantress was smiling ear to ear as she watched Duqa light her meal on fire. The sauce caramelized quickly, and the fire put itself out. She clapped and gave him a beguiling smile.

  Lyrek found himself growling. He stopped when Duqa gave them a polite tilt of his head and left.

  Her dark skin enthralled him. They had nothing like it on the planet he was from. Her short hair played around her ears just long enough to be tugged on or held tight. Someone zoomed in on her allowing him to see the brown crystals of her eyes. She was beautiful and thick. Thickness was not as appreciated on this planet as it was on his.

  “Could she be the one? She is the first female you have looked at in years,” Jaydel said taking a step back.

  “She could be a melody to someone. We should pass her picture around to see if anyone feels Abraza.”

  “Do you feel Abraza?” Jaydel asked him.

  “There are others who are older who need this. I will not put myself before them.”

  “So, the answer is yes you feel the tug?”

  “I will not put myself before my people!’ A growl left Lyrek as his incisors began to grow.

  Jaydel took a step towards him. He growled as his incisors began to lengthen. A deep sound came from his body like a challenge. He shook as he met Lyrek’s eyes.

  Lyrek moved closer until barely an inch separated them. Shaytal moved away to give them room. Jaydel backed up with difficulty until he could retract his incisors.

  “Pass her picture around. You’ll do what you want, anyway. When your body is cold, don’t worry about us, we’ll be along soon.” Jaydel told him turning away from both him and the monitors.

  “Jaydel!” Lyrek’s growl boomed across the room.

  “When our planet was demolished. When our fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers were no more, and we wanted to die with them,” Jayde turned to point an accusing finger at Lyrek. “You organized us. When we went planet to planet looking for our abraza’s and a place to call our own, it was only because you kept us strong. When we fought the Hydal it was because you gave us the courage. Now you choose not to fight. We will see you soon.” Jaydel turned to look at the wall of monitors.

  Lyrek slipped out the door taking the steps downstairs. He needed air even though the air of this planet was a bit thin. His other half was growling demanding something he couldn’t provide. Against his will he found himself walking into the paranormal restaurant. The humans were eating and drinking as they laughed without a care in the world.

  The sight made him ache for the things that he and his people lost. Their world destroyed, their families gone in a blink of an eye. Now the Hydal would come to this planet. All it would take was finding one possible abraza and they would destroy the planet. It would not have mattered if they had come or not. The Hydal were systematically going through the galaxy looking for planets that may have people who could be abraza to their race.

  “Her,” his byema told him.

  “We can’t just come to a planet and pick what we want like we are at one of their stores.” Of course, his byema ignored him. His eyes, their eyes were on the beautiful brown woman.

  He would not allow himself to indulge the feeling of want growing inside of him. He had older males with him who needed an abraza. Their soul cried out for a melody.

  “And when we die? What will happen to our people then? Will they go on without us? Or will they give in to the despair you fight against every day? Would they even be here without you?”

  The mantel shifted uncomfortably on his shoulders. If he found and accepted his abraza, he knew what the next step was. It was one he never asked for and it weighed heavily on his soul.

  The feeling of being watched alerted him. Shards of brown crystal raked him from head to toe. Those eyes rising to meet and hold his own. There was pain in their depths that told a silent story of struggles and victories. Would she dismiss him, as if his presence meant nothing?

  Her eyes flicked from him to the picture of his byema on the wall. Did she know or was there a part of her that was putting the pieces together unconsciously? He should leave, walk away. Allow her fate to be decided by another, a male who was not as harsh as he was. If he spent his life doing what he should do, he and everyone else in his crew would be dead.

  He gave her a slow smile allowing his eyes to return the compliment she gave him as he slowly perused her body. Her breath caught making her heart miss a beat as her throat was caught in a struggle to allow air to flow. His eyes that he revealed only to her were too bright to be human. They enthralled her, but they didn’t scare her. The more he ate her up with his eyes the more he wanted to touch.

  How could such a fragile flower call to him with such power? He walked across the room wanting to say that his feet moved giving him no choice. That was a lie he wasn’t willing to fall for.

  “Ladies, how is the meal?”

  “The food is delicious. Are you the chef?” Em asked as she fluttered her eyes at him.

  “I am one of the owners, Lyrek.” He held his hand out in a greeting that was customary on this planet. Em took it holding on a little too long.

  Jade gave a discreet cough and turned to take Lyrek’s hand.

  “I had a dish that was set on fire,” She blushed. “Sorry I seem to not be able to pronounce the name of it. It was delicious a little like steak but there was something different about it. I wondered if it was possible to get the recipe or even the ingredients. I’d love to try to make it at home.”

  “I’ve been told that the best restaurants keep their best sellers under lock and key.”

  “Too true, but I had to try.”

  “This is a unique concept for a restaurant,” Em said giving him a flirty smile.

  “My partners and I wanted to do something we hadn’t heard of before. I take it you approve?”

  “Wholeheartedly. I can’t wait to come back and try the other floors.”

  Lyrek ran his eyes over her plate to verify that she didn’t step out of her comfort zone.

  She blushed catching the movement of his eyes. “I should have tried something different. I’m adventurous, but I have to work myself up to the point sometimes.”

  “You have a spark, it is buried deep.”

  She puffed out her chest sending Jade a happy smile.

  “I always said something was buried deep in Em, I never thought it was a spark.” Sh
e laughed along with Em. “Sorry, we have been rude. I’m Jade and this is one of my best friends Emerald.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet both of you.” Lyrek bent over in a bow that was worthy of a king. He took Jade’s hand brought it up to his lips pressing a kiss to the back of it. “Until we meet again.”

  He turned and walked away leaving her with her mouth hanging open.

  Chapter Three

  Jade walked into her apartment and kicked her shoes off watching as they bounced off the wall and settled on the floor. It was another Friday night. One week since she looked into Lyrek’s golden eyes. Not fool’s gold, his eyes were the real deal. Where hers where white his were gold. His pupils were black, she would have called his eyes animal like because she thought she saw them reflect light. They must have been contacts but were bright and shiny. Anyone would follow him over the rainbow like he was a leprechaun.

  She would follow him, all he had to do was lift one finger to summon her in his direction. How could she resist? She bent down, took the hem of the dress she was wearing and pulled it up and over her head. That left her in nothing but her slip and lingerie. Flopping on the couch she once again thought of Lyrek. He was tall, well over six feet. She couldn’t be sure because a good suit could lie, but he seemed to be all muscle under the one he was wearing. His hair was a blue-black, a color that made her so wet she squished when she walked.

  “Yes Lord, and thank you,” she groaned. Squishing had been a large part of her week. She wasn’t even embarrassed by it anymore.

  That was part of the problem she had with Lyrek. She never squished before. She wanted to. Her whole life was spent listening to her friends talk about how hot some guy was. She always found them okay looking but nothing to write home about.

  The few guys she liked were never going to show up in Playgirl or a porno or a Hollywood movie. Sigh! It didn’t matter she liked them until they screwed up.

  One day Em called her all excited about a new romance she was reading.

  “Look up the term demisexual,” Em screamed over the phone.

  She hated to admit it, but that sounded like her. So, what was it about Lyrek that made her dream and fantasize about him? Was it his eyes? When they met hers, she could feel the grief in them, the heaviness sank into her heart. She knew him in that moment. It felt like they were synched together.

  Her shoulders shrugged telling her it didn’t matter. He did it for her. Damn at work all she wanted to think about was his hands on her. Would he kiss her, touch her? Would he do those things she kept locked up inside her head so no one would know how freaky she was? Would he touch her there?

  Hell, she was blushing in the privacy of her own place. Yes, the world was more modern than when she had been younger and kids did it all. She was still a product of a generation of repressed people.

  She needed to get over this, it wasn’t like she would see him again. Come hell or high water she wasn’t going back to the restaurant panting like she was in heat. One shower later, she changed into a pair of jeans and her favorite shirt. After slipping her feet into flip flops and grabbing her purse, keys, cell and the all-important ATM card she took the elevator down to the lobby.

  Her intentions were to leave but the sight of Lyrek in one of the plush chairs changed her mind.

  “Fancy meeting you here.” She sat down in the chair next to him. There were several women trying to get his attention. She gave them each her ‘I’ll cut a bitch’ look.

  “I had a feeling I’d wait forever for you to come back to the restaurant…” He made an elegant hand movement to show he came to her.

  “I don’t know if I should feel good that you took the time to find me or scared that you’re a stalker wanting to hack me up.”

  He gave her the ‘look mom no hands’ as he raised them to show they were empty.

  “I’d be stupid to hurt someone as beautiful as you.”

  “Stalkers aren’t exactly right in the head.”

  “I know. Can I take you out?”

  Could he take her out? Her heart was screaming yes or was that her pussy? Her gut was saying he was too beautiful, be careful.

  “What assurance do I have that I’ll survive the night?”

  “Is that what you want? Assurance?”

  Yes! No! No amount of lip service would matter. It was what would happen when she was with him that mattered. Common sense told her to run back upstairs and hide. The odd sense of bravado that lived deep inside of her soul was peaking its head out. It encouraged her to walk where she always dreamed of going. Wasn’t it too late for her to live her dreams? No, it told her. Go.

  “Assurances would be nice, but we both know it would do no good. Where are you taking me?”

  “Let’s start with a drink.”

  She placed her hand on the arm he had cocked out at an angle like a true gentleman. He guided her out of the lobby to where his car was waiting. It was some make and model that probably cost about five years’ salary and she didn’t care. She was too busy getting high on the man to worry about the car.

  He took her to an upscale club, it was posh. She almost giggled at the word posh but held it together at the last minute.

  “I don’t think they’ll let me in. Jeans and flip-flops aren’t the height of fashion.”

  A valet came to park his car. Once again, he waited for her to take his arm, he led her to the door where money exchanged hands and they walked in.

  “I have a booth.” They approached a discreet elevator entering when the door opened.

  “A booth you use when you come or a booth always reserved for you?”

  “A private booth is no good if it’s not always waiting.”

  She nodded and took a seat when they finally stopped. The booths were discretely spaced apart for privacy. The room was a little too dark for her. The other guest seemed to be keeping their eyes to themselves. No one spoke of what they saw in this room. That sent a shiver down her back.

  “May I take your orders?” A waitress approached them walking silently in her stiletto’s.

  “Scotch on the rocks. Jade?”

  “Raspberry cosmopolitan?”

  The waitress walked away with their orders.

  “Were you ordering or asking?” Lyrek asked with a tilt to his lips.

  “Don’t tell my friend Em, the one you met the other day that I admitted this. I’m not much of a drinker. I went online after dinner last Friday to find something to impress you with. Is it working?”

  “I can’t wait to see what your drink looks like. You might even let me have a taste.”

  “I think that can be arranged.” If he kept smiling at her like that, she was sure she could arrange for him to taste something a lot further south.

  “Tell me how you got into the restaurant business?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “Then tell me about your eyes? Are they contacts and why do I seem to be the only one who sees them?” When she asked Em about his eyes Em was clueless.

  Jade almost thought she hallucinated them. Tonight, showed differently but no one else seemed to notice what she was seeing.

  “That’s not a long story but it may be difficult to believe.”

  The waitress came back with their drinks. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “Not now,” Lyrek told her. She moved away as silently as she came.

  “I bet she went to dance school when she was young.” Jade murmured quietly.

  “Did you say something?”

  “Nope.” Just a tad bit jealous of how smoothly she moved. “You own a paranormal restaurant and your eyes are gold. I need to know how this happened.”

  “Are you open to new ideas Jade or are your roots dried up making you unable to believe?” He raised his glass swirling the liquid around caressing the ice before he took a drink. “My eyes are a recessive gene on my planet. One that both my parents shared with me.”

  Jade gasped at his firm lips on the glass. Her tongue came out to lic
k her own before she raised her glass to take a hasty sip. The man was walking, talking sex.

  “And what planet are you from? I swear they say Mars has life on it. Do you live underground?” She joked with him trying to get the need she felt under control.

  “That planet can no longer support life but once upon a time…”

  She laughed loving the way his eyes crinkled at the corners as he teased her.

  “I’m disappointed. Tell me your parents fell into a vat of something radioactive and that’s where the eyes come from.”

  “Not even close. On my planet, my eye color symbolizes someone who could theoretically open the door to our third form. Since it is passed down through the royal line, there is no need for anyone else to have this color. Imagine the uproar when I was born with golden eyes.” He took another drink never breaking the connection between them.

  “The king was scared a child would usurp him?” She took a drink to let him know she was in control.

  “More like I would usurp his prodigy, if only.”

  He moved his hand, and the waitress appeared. She brought them both another drink. Jade was surprised to realize her first was gone.

  She liked this world. As long as she continued to tell herself it was all fantasy. The moment she allowed herself to think that this could be real was the moment she’d have to commit herself.

  “What happened?”

  “This must be hard to hear.”

  “Nope, incredibly sexy guys tell me all the time that they are from different planets. Maybe they will put us in rooms next to each other.” She lifted her glass and gave him a silent salute before sipping at it.

  His laughter rumbled making butterflies squirm and her pussy wet with possibilities.

  “Maybe. My people have been fighting against the Hydal long before I was born. All I ever wanted to do when I grew up was join the fight.” The laughter disappeared as he spoke of a different race.

  “Did you?”

  “I did, I rose through the ranks to become a respected commander of my own ship.”


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