Melody Embraced

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Melody Embraced Page 7

by Serena Simpson

  “Raja has an area of escape set up. It took us up, and we were on a platform on top of the maze. Since you didn’t see or sense us, it must be shielded.”

  “He’s the best, I trust him to care for you.” She was still wrapped in his arms as he stood in the middle of the living room. Changing directions, he took her to the bedroom.

  “I need to touch you.” He laid her down on the bed.


  “I told myself that I was strong, I had to be for my people. There was no way their leader could break. All of my anguish and despair was pushed down as I led them, as we hid. We hid Jade, how could I take one battleship half converted to a science ship against a ship with the ability to destroy a world?” He crawled on the bed until he was sitting next to her prone body.

  “You did the right thing. If anyone in charge knew you were gone, knew there was a chance for their race to go on, they would have begged you to do what you did. We often think the one who walked away isn’t strong. I disagree to be able to walk away takes incredible strength. You could have gone out in a blaze of glory, become a footnote of what not to do in the journal of the galaxy. On the other hand, you could survive one day at a time. Now you get to write your whole story in that same journal of the galaxy.”

  “How did one so young become so wise?”

  “I grew up hard and fast because you need me.”

  “I do,” he leaned over and kissed her. It started as a gentle peck on the lips, one he deepened as if he didn’t have a choice. His tongue licked against her mouth before finding its way in. He licked, sucked and then ravaged her mouth needing to draw her inside of him where he could hold her taste tight. “I never want to forget what you taste like as you open yourself up to me.”

  He closed his eyes tight as he stilled over her.


  “My byema wants to come out and play but I don’t trust him right now. Let me touch you Jade, taste you. When I trust him, we’ll go further.”

  Before she could answer he took her lips in another kiss. This one was meant to dominate, to rule. Her body relaxed under him giving up control. She loved being in control it was part of her nature but now to give it up and to know her pleasure was entirely in someone else’s hand was like an illicit drug. How long had she craved being able to be free for just a little while? Why had she fought the sensation? Like hiding it didn’t make her weak, in the end, it would make her stronger than she was before.

  “Please Lyrek,” she moaned as he nipped at her throat before sucking on the skin. When she looked later, she would see signs of his possession. Strangely she was on board with it.

  “What do you need katza?”

  “You,” her voice wavered with desire. “In me, touching me. I need you.”

  His hand went to her shirt grabbing a handful of fabric he ripped it. He did the same to her bra laying her upper body bare before him.

  It took all her strength not to shield herself from his eyes.

  “Beautiful.” The denial was on her tongue. There was a need to list all her faults, she needed him to understand she knew she didn’t have the perfect body. Then she looked into his eyes. The lust was plain to see. It was the elusive emotion behind the lust that stopped her tongue. There was something there, it was young and tender, she didn’t want to kill it.

  “Touch me Lyrek, show me how beautiful I am to you.” His smile suggested he hit the lottery. His hard-callused hands touched her neck then the top of her breast as if she were precious. She moaned and leaned up into his touch encouraging him. “I won’t break let me feel you.”

  He caressed down one side of her breast and the other side. Before he took it in his hand massaging it, working his way down to her nipple that was growing harder by the minute.

  “You’re like a live wire, energy flows into my body the minute you touch me.”

  He sucked on her breast still giving her caresses and massages even as he teased her nipple by staying away from it. He kissed around it but never touched the peak that was sitting up begging.

  “I’m so hard for you,” she groaned out in frustration as she tried to pinch her own nipple. His hands smacked hers keeping her away from the prize.

  “Keep that up and I’ll restrain you.” Her pussy gushed. She didn’t play those kinds of games, but with Lyrek she was willing to learn how.

  “You like that don’t you?” He took both of her wrists in his one hand holding her tight so she couldn’t move as his other hand played with her one breast. Her other breast sulked that it was being left behind.

  “I love the idea of tying you to the bed while I caress your body. I would lick you here.” His tongue came out and licked her around her nipple making her gasp in pleasure. “You make such sweet noises for me.”

  “Please Lyrek,” her voice hitched with need.

  “What do you need baby? Is it this?” His mouth came down and sucked her nipple into his. She screamed from the pleasure as her body thrust up. Her hips tried to find purchase against him to ride him hard.

  He pulled off her nipple with a loud pop before he laughed. “No finding relief that easily.”

  In that moment he was passed words, she gave cries of frustration and need.

  He went to her other breast tormenting it like he did the first one by the time he took her nipple in his mouth she was sure she would explode without additional friction.

  When her nipple finally popped out of his mouth, she was writhing on the bed pleading for more.

  “I’m going to let go of your wrist and you're going to put them above your head and grab on to the edge of the pillow. If you don’t If I see them trying to interfere, I’m going to stop. I might get a tie and tie you to the bed or that might be the end of our playing for the night. Do you understand?”

  She nodded her head briskly.

  “I need words, Jade.”

  “Yes please, I understand!” she shouted it needing him to touch her more.

  When her hands were latched onto the pillows, he started kissing his way down her body. His hands smooth the way from his tongue and lips. Now and then he would nip at her more sensitive areas. They were areas she never knew were sensitive before tonight.

  When he got down to her shorts, he sat back on his knees to look at her. Her short hair was wild from tossing her head back and forth. Her dark skin was rosy from the time he spent loving it. She looked thoroughly debauched. Her eyes were at half mast as pleasure still zinged through her body.

  Why was he still wearing a shirt? She didn’t have an answer for that. “Shirt, off.”

  He immediately pulled his shirt over his head. He might be the one in charge right now, but he was as much hers as she was his. Once done, he leaned over and carefully undid the button and the zipper to her shorts. He pulled them off leaving her in the tiny thong that she was now glad she wore.

  “Do you like these?” She finally found her tongue while he stared at her.

  “I like all your panties.” She believed him.

  It wasn’t until his hands touched her knees slowly dragging her legs apart that she realized she was squeezing them closed.

  “Open up to me katza, let me see your flower, smell your nectar.”

  Yeah if anyone else had said that she’d say cheesy with a cough, but he was too sincere for that. She gripped the pillow harder and licked her lips as his fingers began to gently explore her.

  She wanted to scream harder damn it instead she whimpered and pushed her needy pussy against his hand begging for more.

  “Don’t want to hurt you,” he said as he separated the folds to her pussy.

  He was killing her. It came out as a whimper before she thrust up harder.

  He stroked her again with his finger. “Please,” came out as a strangled sound. He leaned down and took her in his mouth sucking on her clit. She screamed, so damn close.

  She wanted to come so damn bad, but her body was waiting, holding out for something.

  When he placed a f
inger inside of her, she couldn’t stop the shaking of her legs then he added a second and a third. Three was the magic number. He hit that spot she never really thought existed, and she came with a scream she was sure woke the castle.

  He stroked and caressed her while her body shook. When she started to come down, he took her into his arms and stroked her some more.

  She snuggled in his arms against his chest. They needed to talk about his byema, but her eyes wouldn’t stay open.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jade was walking down the street a street in California, her security detail following her. It was enough to make her head spin. One week and her life was totally different.

  “Go back to where you came from foreigner.” A high-pitched female voice called out.

  Jade groaned, wasn’t California the land of live and let live? She didn’t want to stop, but she couldn’t blindly walk pass gross ignorance. Turning around, she looked for the poor person who was being harassed. A woman took that moment to spit on one of her guards.

  She placed herself between Jayton and the woman. “Skank hoe you just spit on one of my entourage.” She raked the woman with her eyes from the crown of her head to her feet. The woman was average in looks, height and anything else that mattered with one exception. Hate radiated from her. It poured off her as she looked at Jade’s security detail.

  “He touched me,” she pointed to Jayton with a shaky finger then pointed to another. “One of them touched my ass. I want to see their papers right now. I know you’re illegal and shouldn’t be here. You low life brown menace.”

  Part of Jade couldn’t believe this was happening. That was saying a lot. As an African American, she was always on guard for situations that could turn into shit storms in the blink of an eye. Still, she did her best to surround herself with trustworthy people of all colors and forgot sometimes what it felt like outside of her well-insulated bubble.

  “I’m calling the cops, he tried to rape me!”

  That brought Jade out of her thoughts. Although it felt like time had sped up and she’d been spending time lost in her mind not even a minute had passed.

  “Call the cops. Hopefully, you’ll still be on your feet when they get here.”

  Jade wasn’t a fighter, but she had been known to make an exception. She walked up on the woman so they were face to face.

  “Not one of the males with me touched you or even spoke to you. If one of them had the audacity to lay a hand on you, immediately someone would say look at that big man hurting that poor woman. It’s bitches like you who lie, that hurt the #metoo movement. I’ve always wondered about women like you. Are you that upset that no man has ever put his hands on you, slipped something in your drink or pulled a gun on you for sex? Or are you that superior, you think someone else must have had it coming?”

  The woman sputtered. “Why I’ve never—.”

  “I’m inclined to believe you but you look well used. Not one of my males touched you, but you spit on one of them. It’s taking everything I have within me to keep from knocking you out. Don’t push me.”

  Outside Jade was perfectly calm. Inside she was bouncing on the balls of her feet like a prizefighter. Her hands were taped and ready to go. If this woman made one move, she was going to taste the ground.

  “Lowic make the call.”

  “Yes, katza mey humillia.”

  The term of respect took her by surprise.

  “I’m calling the cops,” the woman screamed to whoever was listening. She backed up from Jade as she dialed 911.

  Jade hadn’t moved when the cops arrived. The frantic woman waved them over pointing to Jade and the males surrounding her.

  When the officer walked over Jade prepared herself for a stretch in jail. It wasn’t how she wanted to spend her time but she wasn’t about to back down or give into prejudice. Just because you wore blue didn’t give you the right to intimidate or hurt others.

  “You threatened Ms. Jameson?” The officer asked. The woman was behind his back gloating.

  “No, I did not. I promised her that if she went after anyone on my security detail, she’d be eating dirt.”

  The officer took a step towards her. She hoped Lyrek was ready to get her out of jail because she’d seen this before. This wasn’t supposed to happen to her. It only happened on Facebook where everyone could cry out it was rigged. Well, this would be on there if the people with their camera phones had a say, but it wasn’t rigged and she felt persecuted for standing her ground. Strange how no one had asked her or her security detail what happened. Stranger still how one person’s xenophobia could escalate a situation to the point that Jade might be beaten for standing up for her guards.

  Her guards, before today she never thought about what they looked like. They were all tall, taller than her. If asked, she’d place their skin tone closer to the Native Americans but not quite. They’d be a mixture of several groups but still passable as human as long as no one looked to close. Which no one was going to do, people tended to see what they wanted to see. The woman in front of her saw a brown menace. The cop in front of her saw a fragile white woman that needed to be protected. Jade saw a system that needed to be changed. Right now, all she could hope for was that she survived the night.

  “Officer Riley,” the cop's partner called him. He stopped advancing on Jade the hand that was hovering around his gun stopped moving but he never took his eyes off her “I need you over here.”

  “I’m busy.”

  “Now,” his partner hissed. They both walked back to the squad car. There was pointing of fingers and low voices that wanted to shout but didn’t before officer Riley walked back over to Jade.

  “Mrs. Steele,” officer Riley acknowledged her. “You didn’t identify yourself as an ambassador.”

  “I didn’t know I had too, to be taken seriously and naturally with good care by the American police.”

  Officer Riley swallowed visibly as he forced himself to smile. “With everything that has happened lately we make the safety of our citizens our first priority.”

  “Is that all your citizens or only the ones that look like her?”

  “Can you tell me what happened?”

  Jade ran through the entire encounter and there was video to back up her story. “I want to press charges.”

  “I’m sure she’s learned her lesson.”

  “I wish I had your faith in mankind. I want to press charges the embassy will be in touch.”

  “Why?” the woman who was being cuffed asked.

  Jade stopped to look at her one more time. “You could have come after me all day long and I would have ignored you. Instead, you went after eight men who never approached you. You spit on Jayton and was willing to spit on more. You accused them of inappropriately touching you when you knew it was a lie. Women every day are being stalked, groped and raped and you take their very real fight and spit on it like its nothing. That’s why.”

  She turned and walked away knowing her guys would follow her. Jade lived long enough to know that not everyone understood or even cared about the impact of their actions. Still, seeing it play out in front of her brought a pain she thought she’d left behind long ago.

  “Katza,” Layton called her. They were walking down the street toward a store she wanted to visit. “Why did you protect me, us? It’s our job to protect you.”

  She stopped. She didn’t know a lot of words in his language but she knew that meant queen. Earlier they called her my human queen. Now it was just queen, and both references did something to her. There was a feeling deep inside of her that was foreign but it wrapped around her heart and wasn’t letting her go.

  “The minute the eight of you became my security detail, you became mine. No one, I don’t care who they are, attacks you, spits on you, or talks about you and thinks they can get away with it.

  “After what I said to you?” Jayton stood tall but his head was lowered.

  “That may still happen, but as long as I am whole and not dead no
one gets to abuse you, not even me.”

  “Katza,” they said in one voice. In the middle of the sidewalk, they each went to their knee pledging undying loyalty to her.

  There were cheers and lots of pics being taken by phones. People either thought she was a celebrity, or that they were putting on a play. Hopefully, they would go with the second one.

  “Get up,” she was flushed with their pledge of loyalty. “This is how it should be.” They walked down the street people still clapping and telling them what a wonderful job they did.

  Finally, they came to the store she was looking for.

  “This store is for males,” Rial told her.

  “I know. We need to get you new clothes. I need you to stand out and blend in at the same time.”

  “Lowic tapped the space behind his ear. I don’t think this is working right.” That was where they implanted the communicator they used.

  “It’s working perfectly.” They walked into the store. “Take, for instance a motorcycle gang they stand out. Everyone knows that the bikes and the jackets with the club name on it shout motorcycle gang. They also blend in because everyone knows what they are. No one knows what you are. What you are wearing was perfect for your last job, but not for this one.”

  “Boots?” They had been wandering around the store picking up different items and putting them back until all eight of them converged on the shoe department. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, a good solid running shoe. Whatever, it wasn’t boots. Who wanted to wear boots in the summer? Flip flops were out, you couldn’t run in those. She’d proven that point thank you.

  “Boots? Don’t you want nice light running shoes?” They looked at her like she had grown a second head, maybe a third one. “Can you run in those?”

  “Have you ever paid attention to your military?” Rolun, the captain of her team asked.

  Umm no, although there was this one military guy when she was in college. Thick with muscles, light brown skin with a killer smile. He was just a little taller than she was. Yeah, she noticed him, but she had to admit she never looked at his feet. She should have jumped him, but she was to uptight back then.


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