The Irresistible Mr Cooper
Page 21
She hugged herself. “I’m tired of running. I can’t do this anymore. I want to turn myself in.” She reached out and closed her thin hand around his wrist. “Mitch, please, help me.”
Her brother smiled.
Dear Reader,
It’s been a long time since I published a novel; about seven years, if anyone’s counting. My last book, a Kimani Hottie titled Everything to Me under my pen name, Simona Taylor, hit the shelves in 2012. After that, my life took a series of hairpin turns, in which I found myself, like so many writers, facing an ever-tightening post-crash market. I also found myself a single mom, alone for the first time in over 20 years.
Apart from the personal devastation, I discovered that I was no longer in a place to write romance. How do you write about love with a broken heart? How do write about forever when you aren’t sure you still believe in it?
I found new passions. I threw myself into my freelance writing company, The Scribble Pad. I began editing the works of other writers, coaching and encouraging. I began to ghostwrite memoirs. It was a new niche and I was happy there. But eventually, my desire to write found me, or I found it. My faith was renewed. As Jenessa says, “Love. It goes on and on. It doesn’t run out. It’s like sand on the beach, or stars in the sky.”
I’m happy to be writing again. Happy to be publishing again. Happy and proud to be bringing this new book, The Irresistible Mr. Cooper, to you.
Please make sure to leave a review on Amazon. It goes a long way for us independent writers. Stop by my website,, have a look around, and leave a comment. Reach out to me at; Facebook @TriniScribblePad; Twitter @PadScribble. If you’re a writer looking for editing or a professional critique, you’re also welcome.
You can snail-mail me at:
Roslyn Carrington
10813 NW 30th St.
Bldg. 115 Web 52151
Miami, Florida 33172-2191
Roslyn Carrington
PO Bag #528
Maloney Post Office
Thanks, and much love, Roslyn (a.k.a. Simona Taylor)
(Also writing as Simona Taylor)
Harlequin Kimani Romances (as Simona Taylor)
Everything to Me
Intimate Exposure
Meet Me in Paris
Dear Rita
May Summer Never End
BET/Arabesque Romances (as Simona Taylor)
Then I Found You
Wonderful and Wild
Love Me All the Way
Soul's Desire
Night Heat
Roslyn Carrington's Contemporary Women's Fiction
Candy Don't Come in Gray (Dafina Books)
A Thirst for Rain (Kensington)
Sommer der Geheimnisse, German Edition, (Blanvalet)
Every Bitter Thing Sweet (Dafina Books)
Der Duft der Papaya, German Edition, (Blanvalet)