Roland P D Omnibus

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Roland P D Omnibus Page 15

by Ruth DuCharme


  “And you’ll tell me everything he says, right?”

  “I suppose so.”

  Jack’s phone beeped signaling he had another incoming call. He looked down at the number but didn’t recognize it. Jack spoke into the phone, “Hey honey, I gotta go. We are in the city and I’ve got one of my guys calling me.”

  “Copy that! Be safe.”

  Jack didn’t even say goodbye before disconnecting. He peeked around the corner once more.

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  Dekker waited in the car while Lizzie ran up to her apartment. Dekker took the opportunity to look at his surroundings more thoroughly. Lizzie’s neighborhood was quaint. It boasted mature trees and sweet buildings. There didn’t seem to be much traffic. In fact, in the last ten minutes, Dekker had only seen one truck drive down the street. Dekker imagined Sam playing ball in the street or riding his bike up the sidewalk. Lizzie had made a good decision moving here.

  Dekker picked up his cell and punched in the number Lizzie had given him. He might as well reach out to Jack while he waited. Dekker listened as the phone rang and rang and eventually went to voicemail. He hung up without leaving a message.

  Dekker wondered what was taking Lizzie so long and decided to get out and go check on her.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  Jack didn’t even say goodbye. He hung up the phone and took another peek at Dekker from around the hedge. Jack watched Dekker get out of the patrol car. Jack wondered what he would do if Dekker made a move to go up to the apartment. He would have to stop him somehow. If Dekker went up he would surely see the photos of Jack and put it all together. Jack knew he couldn’t let that happen.

  Jack wished he had his gun. If he had his gun he could run up on Dekker and put an end to this Barnes investigation. Jack could make sure that Dekker learned the truth and in turn, neither would Lizzie. Jacks thoughts took him by surprise. Had murder become the answer to all his problems? He told himself to think! Think of another way out of this! He would have to manage this situation in a better way; way that didn’t require anyone else getting hurt.

  Jack continued to watch as Dekker approached the apartment building vestibule. Just as Dekker reached for the door, Lizzie came bounding out. Jack exhaled in relief. Jack watched as Lizzie and Dekker got back into their patrol and drive away. He made sure the car was around the corner before coming out from his hiding spot. Jack walked back to the apartment and on the way he formulated his new plan.

  Chapter Sixty

  Jack walked the length of the block to his apartment and let himself inside. He took the stairs two at a time. He entered the apartment and went straight to the spare bedroom to retrieve his stash. He had briefly considered grabbing the drugs and cash and just getting out of town. Going on the run wasn’t the worst idea. He had started over before and he could do it again.

  This whole situation was getting too risky and if he stuck around any longer he was sure to get caught. Then it wouldn’t just be a stint in county jail. It would be death row. There would be no Werner or Johnson to get him out of this. But then there would be no Lizzie either. No Sam. No. He had to fix this a different way.

  Jack grabbed an old backpack and stuffed the money and drugs into it. He zipped it up and slung it over his shoulder. He retrieved the gun from the box and stuffed it into his front jacket pocket.

  Jack went out to the kitchen and grabbed his keys and cell phone from the counter. His phone began to ring. Without looking at the screen to see who was calling, Jack clicked the off button and shoved the phone in his pocket.

  Jack opened the front door and took a quick peek out into the hallway to make sure it was clear. He quickly took the stairs to the ground floor lobby and stood at the door for a minute casing the street. Nothing moved. Jack quickly walked outside and tried to look nonchalant as he walked the block back to his car.

  Chapter Sixty-One

  Jack made it back to his truck. He got in, stuffed the backpack behind the driver seat and started up the truck. As Jack drove towards the freeway his cell phone buzzed again. Whoever this number belonged to sure wasn’t going to let up until he answered the phone.

  Jack pulled over to the side of the road to answer it. The last thing he needed right now was to get pulled over for using his phone while driving. Jack couldn’t hide the impatience in his voice when he answered the phone. “Hello?”

  “Hi, is this Jack?”

  “Speaking. Who is this?”

  “This is Tom Dekker with Roland PD.”

  Jack felt his lungs collapse and his throat constrict. He didn’t say a word.

  Dekker continued, “I’m Lizzie’s training officer.”

  Jack found his voice, “Is she ok? Did something happen?”

  “No nothing like that. I thought she told you I would be calling. Sorry if I scared you.”

  “Yeah, yeah, sorry. She did tell me she was going to give you my number and I spaced. I’ve been busy. Sorry I haven’t answered all your calls. How can I help you?”

  “Maybe Lizzie told you, we had a case last week in which a murder victim was found in a burning car. We think the victim could be a guy named Frank Barnes.”

  Jack remained silent, waiting to hear what Dekker thought he could do to help.

  Dekker continued, “This Barnes guy used to be an informant of ours. I just thought that maybe you had dealings with him? Lizzie said you worked undercover Orland PD. Our jurisdictions are close enough that its possible you guys came across him in some of your investigations.”

  Jack tried to control he rising panic. Fooling Lizzie, a rookie cop, was one thing but guy who’d been around the block a few times like Dekker? Jack wasn’t sure he could pull this off. “The name doesn’t sound familiar.”

  “Well it was a couple of years ago when we used him. Would you mind asking around or maybe checking your UC files?”

  Jack asked, “Let’s say we have a record of him. What will that tell you?”

  “If we can figure out who Barnes ran with we might get an idea of where he’s been or who might want him dead.”

  “Sure I’ll ask around. It might take me a couple of days to get to it. Are you in a time crunch?”

  “No that’s fine. No rush.”

  “Alright man, I’ll call you if I find anything.” Jack was ready to get off the phone but Dekker was in no rush.

  “Have we met?” asked Dekker

  “No I don’t think so.”

  “I used to know everyone at OPD.”

  Jack replied, “I’m fairly new to the unit so maybe that’s why we never ran in to each other.”

  “Yeah the way we are hiring, I don’t even know half of my own department anymore. Hey one last thing, Jack. I’d appreciate it if you kept this one to yourself. Barnes’ demise is not out in the open yet and I’m probably chasing useless leads. I’d hate for my boss to get all excited over nothing.

  “No worries. I’ll keep it to myself,” said Jack.

  If you come up with anything you can call me at this number,” said Dekker.

  “Hey Tom, real quick, how’s Lizzie doing in training?” Jack wanted to get off the phone but he thought he had better make this sound as realistic as possible.

  Dekker laughed, “Well, she’s headstrong, I’ll give her that.”

  “Yeah, she can be a bull when there’s something she wants” Jack agreed. “Take care of my girl, will ya? Keep her out of the mess but don’t let her off easy. I know she doesn’t want anyone to think she can’t handle herself but she’s my girl you know? And she’s a mom. I’d hate to think what Sam and I would ever do without her.”

  “You got it.”

  Jack and Dekker exchanged goodbyes and Jack disconnected. He was now more determined than ever to get this guy. Dekker was getting too close and he had to be put out of commission. Jack thought over his plan once again. Sorry Dekker. Lizzie will be the least of your worries by the time I’m done with you.

  Chapter Sixty-Twor />
  Dekker disconnected his call with Jack. Something about their conversation struck Dekker as odd. He wasn’t sure what it was and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. On impulse he dialed OPD dispatch.

  “Orland Police Department, dispatcher 13945, how can I help you?”

  “Yes, this is Officer Dekker from Roland PD. I need to get in touch contact one of your officers. Can you give me the number for your Narcotics lieutenant?”

  “Sure officer. Let me connect you.”

  Dekker waited as the dispatcher patched him through.

  “Lieutenant Daniels, how can I help you?”

  “Lieutenant Daniels, my name is Officer Dekker. I was hoping to get in contact with one of your undercovers?”

  Daniels chuckled, “Which one of my guys stepped in it this time?”

  “Nothing like that. I just need to exchange some info on a case. I’m looking for Jack Drummond.”

  “Jack Drummond? Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in awhile. What do you need from Jack?”

  Dekker paused in confusion. Why wouldn’t the lieutenant have heard that name in awhile? Dekker continued, “I have a few questions about an old case and thought I’d check in with him. Drummond’s name came up in the investigation as maybe having contact with my suspect.”

  “I can look through his files for you. When was the case?”

  “Two years ago.”

  “You must have gotten some wrong information. Drummond has been dead for five years!”

  Dekker was stunned. “Are you sure? Young guy? Maybe twenty-five, dark hair?”

  “Son, Jack worked here for thirty years and in all that time I never knew him to have hair, brown or otherwise. He retired about eight years ago and three years later he passed from cancer. Are you sure you have the right name?”

  Dekker was confused. “Are you telling me you have no Jack Drummond working there? Could it be his son?”

  “No way man, he didn’t have any kids.”

  Dekker wasn’t sure what to do next. “Sorry to waste your time, LT. Someone must have made a mistake on my end.” Dekker disconnected and pocketed his phone. What the hell was going on?

  Chapter Sixty-Three

  Lizzie was excited to be done with her shift. Dekker had promised her he would call Jack and Lizzie was anxious to get home and find out if Jack had any news for her. She felt like a little celebration was in order.

  Lizzie changed out of her uniform headed towards home. She needed to pick up Sam from her sister’s house. Tonight would be a good night for Sam to have his cousin over for a sleep over. She would ask Carly if she could take Brandon off her hands for the evening. Lizzie arrived at Carly’s and an eager Sam met her at the door.

  “Mom, you’re here!” Sam flew into Lizzie’s arms.

  “Hey buddy! I’m happy to see you too!”

  Sam let go of her. “I miss you when you’re gone.”

  “I know buddy. I miss you too but mom has to work.”

  “Don’t the bad guys ever take a day off? Why aren’t they at work?”

  Lizzie laughed. Sam was so young but at six years old he was definitely smarter than most kids. “I don’t know buddy. All I know is that mommy has to make money to put a roof over our heads and going to work helps me do that.”

  “But Jack works. Isn’t that enough?”

  Lizzie took Sam by the hand and led him inside Carly’s house. Clearly Carly had been talking in front of him. Kids at Sam’s age don’t come up with these things by themselves.

  Lizzie led Sam into the kitchen and sat him on a stool at the counter. Carly was washing dishes at the sink and Lizzie gave her a stern look a she tried another tact with Sam. “Honey, there are some people in this world that aren’t so good and they take advantage of good people. It’s mommy’s job to make sure the good people are safe. I protect them the best way I can.”

  “Like a super hero?” asked Sam.

  “Yep! And Jack does the same thing. Maybe one day you will too.”

  “I don’t ever want to be a cop.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because cops are always gone from their kids.” Sam pushed himself from the counter and ran into the living room where Brandon was playing video games.

  Lizzie stood there in shock. She had no idea Sam was feeling so excluded. Lizzie spoke to Carly, “I had no idea he felt that way.”

  “Well do you blame him? You’re gone all the time,” said Carly.

  “I have to work, Carly. I have bills to pay.”

  “Well what about that boyfriend of yours? Doesn’t he work?”

  “You know he does. But Carly, I want to be as independent as possible. You know how things were with Sam’s dad. I don’t ever want to depend on a man ever again.”

  “Are you afraid something is going to go wrong with you and Jack?”

  “No, of course not. Jack is a stand up guy.”

  “He’s squirrely. I don’t like his eyes.”

  “You have never liked Jack. It’s ridiculous how much you distrust him.”

  “Well I’m sorry but couldn’t you meet a regular guy the regular way?”

  “You mean like in a bar? Yeah I can see how that’s so much better for Sam. Pick up some random dude in a bar.”

  “Don’t be snarky. You know what I meant. You could meet someone at church or online dating. How about you let me set you up with Dan’s friend Jordan? He’s a plumber. A nice, respectable, laid back, home on the weekends, plumber.”

  Lizzie laughed, “With crack to prove it. I have enough crack at work, thank you very much!”

  Carly rolled her eyes, “Hilarious. But seriously, why did you have to get involved with an undercover police officer? I’ve read stories, you know. I watch TV. I see how things really go down! Before you know it, Jack will be snorting drugs to fit in with the gang’s he’s trying to infiltrate. Criminals will be doing drive-by’s at your house.”

  Lizzie laughed again, “Don’t be so dramatic! I’m going to tell Dan to cancel your subscription to HBO. Real police work is nothing like what you see on those crazy shows of yours.”

  Carly smiled at Lizzie, “Well I still don’t like him. Have you ever met his friends or family? No, because he’s weird!”

  “He’s not weird! He doesn’t have any family. You know this about him.”

  “Fine. It’s your life, but just remember when things go sideways, I was the first to tell you so!”

  Lizzie got up from her seat and kissed her sister on the cheek. “I know you worry. That’s what big sisters are for. Its really not necessary though.”

  “Ok, ok,” said Carly as she splashed her playfully with soapy dishwater.

  Chapter Sixty-Four

  Carly agreed to relinquish Brandon for the night and the two boys sat in the back seat as Lizzie drove them to pick up pizza and a movie. As she drove she considered her conversation with Carly.

  Carly was so wrong about Jack but something about what she had said still bothered Lizzie. Lizzie had never met any of Jack’s friends. It was true that Jack had been two years undercover and she understood that Jack couldn’t exactly bring the guys home for a beer. But surely Jack had to have at least one friend that didn’t need to hide in the shadows. Lizzie had seen plenty of cops at her own department chumming around.

  Being a police officer was the same as having a big extended family. In the absence of a real family it was odd that Jack’s blue family was never around. Lizzie resolved to ask Jack about it when he got home.

  Lizzie and the boys picked up their food and rented the newest animated movie. Once they arrived home, the boys ran ahead, leaving Lizzie to carry the pizza and backpacks all by herself. The boys pounded up the stairs towards their apartment but Lizzie paused at the bank of mailboxes in the lobby. Inserting her key into her assigned mailbox, Lizzie opened the door to find the mailbox stuffed to capacity. She grabbed the pile of mail and stuffed it in her purse before hiking the stairs to her apartment.

  Lizzie made it into
her apartment and unloaded her packages. She fixed the boys plates of food and set them up on the living room floor to watch their movie. Lizzie grabbed a glass of wine and the mail and sat on the couch. She felt a jolt of excitement as she unearthed a rather large thick, legal envelope with a court seal on it. It had to be the case file she had requested!

  Lizzie ripped opened the envelope and laid the case file folder on the couch next to her. Police reports, memos and court transcripts packed the folder and Lizzie wasn’t entirely sure where to start.

  Lizzie picked up the police report on the top of the pile. It was dated a little over two years earlier. Lizzie discovered that officers had learned a smalltime drug dealer was selling cocaine out of the back door of a restaurant across the street from the police department. They had set up a small sting and collared Frank Barnes selling a small bag of cocaine to a plain-clothes officer.

  Two detectives, Werner and Johnson, had gotten wind of the arrest. They drove to county jail and spoke with Barnes. Barnes insisted he had never sold drugs before that day but he was in fact filling in for his friend Jimmy. Werner and Johnson convinced Barnes that he could work of his drug charge if he helped them collar Jimmy.

  Lizzie flipped to the next page and felt a cold chill run up her spine. According to the police report, the buy bust sting went down at Sorro College! This must be a coincidence. Lizzie flipped back to the front page and looked at the date once more. The time frame was right. What were the odds that this incident went at down the same time she had been there?

  Lizzie read further. The police report stated that shots had been fired and the Barnes had been shot. Werner and Johnson had written statements detailing that Jimmy had tried to run when confronted by the police canine. He had also fired several shots at the pursuing officers who fired their own weapons in return. Jimmy had been killed and Barnes had fled in the chaos. A manhunt had ensued but Barnes had never been located.


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