Roland P D Omnibus

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Roland P D Omnibus Page 27

by Ruth DuCharme

  I don’t even see the first blow coming.

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Eight

  Camden sat in the dispatch center with the dispatcher. He was wearing her patience thin by his constant looking over her shoulder.

  “Camden. Honey. Sweetheart. We all want to find Sergeant Shaw but we’ve tried pinging her phone a million times already and nothing has shown up.

  “I know. I’m not ready to give up just yet. I don’t know where else to look and I don’t really know what else to do. This is our last hope. I’m grasping at strings, Julie.

  Julie gave Camden a sad look. He was clearly tired and worn out.

  “Camden I’m worried about you.”

  “If you want to worry about someone, worry about Shaw. Try the phone again.”

  Julie tried to locate Shaw’s phone one more time.

  Camden jumped up and pointed at her screen. “There! See that?” Camden pointed at the computer where the red light blinked. “That’s her!” Camden kissed Julie on the cheek and made a dash for the door, “Put the call out and send the address to my computer!”

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Nine

  Sirens blared as all available officers screamed towards the location given out by dispatch. This was one of those times when every officer dropped whatever they are doing and responded!

  If an officer is in the middle of issuing a citation, he throws the papers back at the lucky motorist and advises them it’s their lucky day. A warning is all they will receive.

  An officer on his way to get a much needed cup of coffee? The adrenaline serves to wake them up instead.

  Been holding their bladder for ten hours? The urge to pee suddenly disappears.

  There was something way more important going down and this was a moment everyone had been hoping for.

  O’Connell was familiar with the phenomena that ensued. He can’t blame the officer for their enthusiasm and in fact expected this. But he knows this may be the only shot they have to get information on Shaw’s disappearance. He needed to slow his officers down.

  “All officers responding, I need a perimeter set up and every officer to identify themselves.”

  Responding officers knew what to do. O’Connell listened to the officers as they volunteered to take positions around the block in question. It was important to keep an eye out for anyone entering or exiting the area in question. Whoever this was on Shaw’s phone was not going anywhere without an officer spotting them.

  O’Connell forewent the radio as a form of communication in order to leave the various channels open for emergency traffic pertaining to this. Instead, he dialed his cell phone with one hand and drove with the other.

  The on duty watch commander answered on the first ring. “Carson.”

  “LT, we got a ping on Shaw’s phone. We are headed there now.”

  Carson’s responded short and sweet, “Address? I’m on my way.”

  Chapter One Hundred Thirty

  O’Connell arrived on scene two minutes later. Carson has beat him there. He pulled to a stop a half block away and gathers officers as they arrive.

  O’Connell addressed the responding officers as a group. Fresh faced kids all exhausted. They have willingly spent the last few days working. No one has gone home. Sleeping in the locker room, taking cat-naps in the parking lot, showering, eating, going, going, going, until their own is found or they are called off the search.

  O’Connell loved the dedication but he can’t help but hope this lead gets them closer to locating Shaw. The blue family is good at coming together in crisis but this kind of lifestyle can’t be maintained forever. Something has to give. Maybe this phone will be the give they need.

  The shot of adrenaline has brightened their tired eyes and their excitement at the current lead. “Everyone take a breath. This is the first good lead we’ve had in three days. That being said, there is no guarantee she’s inside. At this point all we know is that her phone is in there.”

  Carson watched from the back of the growing group of officers. “Did you do a search of the residence history?”

  “No history.”


  “Airship is on its way. SWAT and Crisis Negotiators have been notified and are gearing up in the event we need them. Anderson and his dog are almost here and several officers are evacuating the neighboring homes in the event we have a fire fight on our hands.”

  “Has anyone called the phone?”

  “Dispatch has tried but no one answers.”

  “Sounds like you have things in order but I think we should wait for CNT. They could call in and have the occupants come out.”

  O’Connell glares at Carson. He understands that this would normally be the best course of action but now tempers are high, everyone is jumping out of their skin, there’s going to be no way to stand down. He tried not to let his voice betray his irritation.

  “Whoever is in there could hunker down and hold out. We aren’t waiting. We go in.”

  Chapter One Hundred Thirty-One

  The front door splintered upon impact and Camden led an ad hoc entry team over the threshold. Officers spilled through the doorway and raced through the living room, exchanging gunfire with the three occupants.

  Camden’s eyes fell on a figure crumpled on the floor. He bent down and shook Shaw, “Sarge can you hear me?”

  Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Two

  Camden didn’t wait for the “all clear”. He grabbed Shaw in his arms and rushed her out to the nearest patrol car. “Lopez! With me! Drive!”

  Camden climbed into the backseat of the patrol as a shocked Lopez slammed the car in drive. What the hell went wrong? This is all wrong damn it! I knew I shouldn’t have left her here. Camden looked down at the sergeant cradled in his arms. His stomach churned and guilt and fear do mad things to his heartrate.

  “Sarge can you hear me? You’re going to be ok.” He lied to her. He had no idea if she was going to be ok. Her face looked like hamburger and she had a pretty nasty head wound. Camden put as much pressure as he can on her head wound and her eyes fluttered in response.

  “Sarge, just hang on. Stay with me. Please,” Camden begged, “just stay with me.”

  Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Three

  Camden and Lopez arrived at the hospital in a blaze of smoke and squealing tires.

  Dispatch had called ahead and several nurses and doctors are waiting in the sallyport with a stretcher. The medical staff quickly took Shaw from Camden’s arms and rushed her inside, leaving him standing next to his patrol car, panting and blood stained.

  Camden was still standing there when Carson showed up. He was the first member of command staff to arrive but Camden knew it wouldn’t be long before the rest arrived. “Is she conscious? Did she say anything?”

  It took all of Camden’s strength not to reach over and choke Carson out right then and there. “No sir, she’s unconscious.”

  “Then I suggest you get back to the station and get cleaned up.”

  “I’m staying. She needs someone to make sure she’s safe here.”

  “Lopez will stay.” Carson turned coldly to Lopez, “Lopez you are on guard duty. Don’t leave her side. If she goes into x-ray, you are outside the door. If they need to take her into surgery, you are gowned up and outside the door. Are you clear?”

  Lopez glanced at Camden, “Ok LT, I’m on it.”

  Carson instructed Camden once again, “Officer Camden. Return to the station, get cleaned up and then check in with your sergeant for your assignment. I’ll check in with the doctors personally.”

  Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Four

  Camden ignored Carson’s directive and drove straight back to the scene. He entered the perimeter and strode straight to the front door. He gingerly stepped across the splintered doorframe and found O’Connell giving CSI Officer Angie Sharp directions.

  “I want pictures of everything. Print everything. And for goodness sake, stop crying Angie.”

  Camden gaine
d O’Connell’s attention with a quick tap to his shoulder. “Sarge. I’m back.”

  “Camden. How is she?”

  “I don’t know. Lopez is with her. Carson showed up right after I got there and ordered me to come back.”

  “Ok. Go get cleaned up and go home.”

  “I’m not going home. I can’t go home just yet. Shaw is in the hospital and this investigation is just getting started.”

  “Understood. Stay here with Angie and make sure she stays on task until she’s done. Then I want you to go home. And Camden, that is not a suggestion”

  Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Five

  The moment O’Connell was outside the scene, Camden took the opportunity to look around. “What have you found, Angie? Anything?”

  Angie sniffed, “Not really. There were three other people in here with Shaw and it appears they had been holding her for some time. Two of the guys went to the hospital with non-lethal gunshot wounds and one went to jail.” Angie struggled to hold back more tears. “It looks like they really worked her over. There’s blood everywhere.”

  “Did you find her phone yet?”

  “Yes, it was over there under the couch. But Camden, it’s crushed beyond repair.”

  Camden held out his hand, “Let me see it.”

  Angie reached into her pocket and removed a plastic evidence collection bag containing the remnants of Shaw’s phone. Camden examined the phone through the bag before donning latex gloves and removing the phone for closer inspection. The screen was cracked and the casing was so bent he couldn’t even turn it on. “You’re right, Angie, it looks like a bust. Do you think we can get anything off the guts?”

  “I doubt it.”

  “We need this phone, Ang!”

  “I’m not exactly a miracle worker but let me take it back with me. I have a friend who may be able to dump it. But Camden, I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.”

  Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Six

  Carson stood outside the emergency room doors with his phone pressed to his ear.

  Carson cringed as his idiot half-brother answered his call. “Yo, bro! It’s about time you called.”

  “A lot has been going on here.”

  “I see that. The news is all over it. Seems like that little bitch just won’t die. “

  “She is definitely proving difficult to manage.”

  “I got you. I’ll handle it. But I still want my money.”

  “Meet me at the wharf in an hour.”

  Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Seven

  An hour later, Carson had changed into his street clothes and left the Crown Vic behind. His personal car was the only thing that would work in this situation. He’s taken enough chances in his professional capacity and what he was about to do could not be linked to the PD in any way.

  Carson arrived at the wharf and removed a bag from the backseat. He took a quick look around to make sure no one was watching and silently made his way into the tunnels where he and Greg frequently met to go over their most secretive plans. He removed a pair of latex gloves from the bag in his hand and put them on. He pulled the gun from his bag and waits.

  Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Eight

  Angie was exhausted from processing the crime scene but she had one last thing to do before she coul take a break. She parked her CSI car at the rear of the police building and entered through her office door. She stared longingly at the coffee pot as she passed through her office and out into the main hallway.

  Angie found her way to the CCTV viewing room where she found Roger working away.

  “Hey friend!”

  Roger only growled in response. He still hadn’t gotten over the fact that one of his terminals had been ruined. “These damn idiots and their sodas! Don’t they see the sign RIGHT THERE? I swear if I catch whoever did this I’m gonna break some thumbs.”

  Angie playfully shivered in mock fear. “You are a force to be reckoned with, Roger, no doubt. In the meantime, I have something for you.”

  “I don’t have time for anything else.”

  “It’s important!” Angie set the evidence bag containing Shaw’s phone on the desk next to Roger’s tools.

  “What do you want me to do with this garbage?”

  “It’s not garbage. This is Shaw’s phone. The one we pinged. The one that led us to her location.” Angie continued, “I’m not sure what is on it, if anything, but maybe we can figure out where she’s been? Is that even possible? Anything you can glean from this could be important. Please?”

  Roger picked up the bag. “For Shaw? I’ll give it my best shot.”

  Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Nine

  Jdawg was nonplussed at the whole jail processing routine. These jokers. This was like coming home for him. He’d been through this process so many times he didn’t need to be told what to do next.

  As the deputies went through the routine of taking his prints, taking his mug shot and making him bend over and cough he considered the current state of his affairs. He was actually a little glad he’d come home to roost. At least he knew he would be safe here in county jail.

  Carson is gonna have a freaking heart attack if that bitch Shaw doesn’t die. He and his boys had worked her over pretty good but when the cops came banging in he had run. His boys had been shot and were in the hospital and all he got for his troubles was a few punches and kicks from those bastards in blue.

  The deputy handling his intake directed him to the doors opening in front of him. “In you go.”

  “Yo, man you can’t put me in gen pop.”

  “We aren’t. We are familiar with your gang affiliation. We know you need segregation.”

  The deputy led JDawg down the hallway and as he passed the cells of his friends and those who he will make his friends, he nodded, smiled, and greeted them. “Wassup homie? What you in for, my brotha? Let’s chat later, son.” He had something to say to every inmate he passed.

  Finally the deputy stopped in front of a cell and opened the door. JDawg stepped inside and the smile he’d been sporting was automatically replaced with a grimace.

  “Hey, Shorty.”

  Chapter One Hundred Forty

  Angie was mid sip of her long overdue cup of coffee when her phone rang. “Hey Roger, whatcha up to?”

  “I have you’re phone dumped and this is something you’re going to want to hear in person.”

  “I’ll be right there.” Angie took her coffee with her as she made her way back to Roger’s office. She didn’t give a shit about Rogers sign, she wasn’t going to give up her liquid gold. Not even for him.

  Rogers face was simultaneously a mix of excitement and gravity and when Angie entered his office he completely ignored her liquid trespass. “You’re not going to believe THIS shit.”

  Angie pulled a chair up next to Rogers and turned her face to the giant monitor in front of them. Roger pressed a few keys on his keyboard and brought up an audio recording playback screen. “Ok, so there was no video or phone log or texts to recover. Even if there had been any, the phone was too mangled to see them. However, I was able to access the apps through an secondary program and found this recording.“ Roger turned up the volume on his computer and hit play.

  Angie forgot all about her coffee as she listened to the events at the crime scene unfold. When it was over she couldn’t stop the tears from falling, only these were no longer tears of sadness but of hot anger.

  Roger didn’t even bother to look at her. “That’s not all. I was able to rehab my computer terminal and when I was resetting the video surveillance feed, I found this.”

  Angie watched the feed in horror. “I think I had better make a few calls.”

  Chapter One Hundred Forty-One


  Once the brass leaves I exhale the breath I’ve been holding. Doctor Molina, however, won’t leave me alone. Memory loss apparently is a huge issue.

  “Miss Shaw, I want to run some further tests.”

  “Doc, I feel fine. A lit
tle bruised and worse for the wear but I think I’m ok.”

  “Young lady, you have a concussion and you’ve been dehydrated.”

  “This concussion, is it the reason I was in a coma?”

  “You weren’t in a coma. Unconsciousness has many levels and I’m fairly certain you suffered a concussion from blows to the head. Young lady you’ve been beat up pretty badly. If you cannot remember what happened to you then I think we need to run a few more tests to find out way.”

  “Didn’t you already run all those test?”

  “Yes and all your results are well within the normal range. You don’t seem to be suffering any brain damage which is a good sign.”

  “Well then why do we need to do it again? I’m feeling stronger by the minute.”

  “Because you could have developed a brain bleed. You need to stay in the hospital for evaluation and observation for at a least a few more days.”

  I start to wiggle restlessly under Dr. Molina’s stern gaze. “Doc I can’t do that.”

  “Do you want me to release you and then have you go home and experience an emergency?”

  I can see the arguing is useless. “Ok Doc. Ill stay put.” Doctor Molina nods with approval and tells me he is going to arrange a few more scans just to be safe. The moment he leaves, the door opens once again and Camden ventures in.

  I frown at him, “Man its like Grand Central Station in here. Whats a girl got to do to get a little peace and quiet?”


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