Roland P D Omnibus

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Roland P D Omnibus Page 30

by Ruth DuCharme

  I smile at the woman who has become my friend over the last 10 years. “I’ll be fine and everything will be back to normal soon but if I ever need backup, you’re the first person I’m calling.”

  Marisol pats my face once last time. “Well you go sit with your friends and I’ll bring you something to fatten you up. It’ll take care of all those bruises too.” Marisol clucks like a mother hen as she turns and pushes through the swinging kitchen door. A cloud of steam escapes and as she busts through I can hear her yelling in Spanish. I don’t know any Spanish but I know her tone and her poor cook clearly being ordered to bring a feast.

  I take a seat at my usual table in the back. It’s already occupied by Camden and Lizzie. “Hey kids what shaking?”

  Lizzie crunches on a chip and says, “Wow, you look like you’ve been through the ringer, Sarge!”

  Camden gives Lizzie a dirty look but I laugh. “That’s an understatement, young lady.”

  I spend the next half hour with my two friends. We try to come up with a new plan to bust Carson but Camden and Lizzie wont hear of it. We fill the time with small talk, which seems utterly ridiculous given what I’ve just gone through. But by the time we are done eating I feel completely at ease, like I’ve just had a much needed break from the movie that’s been my last few days.

  Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Three

  My next meeting is not going to be as satisfying as my last and the thought of what I’m about to go through makes my tacos churn. Once at the station I make my way to the third floor offices of Internal Affairs. I’ve been scheduled for my interview and I brace myself as for what’s to come as I take a seat on the bench outside the closed office door.

  I stand as the IA Lieutenant comes out to greet me. He shakes my hand warmly, “Sergeant Shaw thank you for coming in. How are you feeling?”

  “A little banged up.”

  “I’m sorry you have been through so much. Come on in. The DA investigator is already here.”

  I follow the Lt into his office and shake hands with a young male investigator from the DA office. Protocol with any officer involved incident dictates that one of the DA representatives is present. Apparently the police cannot be trusted to investigate any circumstances involving their own so here he sits. After what I’ve just been through I can see the wisdom in it.

  The lieutenant takes a seat behind his desk and I take the chair offered me. He folds his hands on the desk in front of him, “Is there anything you want to say before we get started?”

  “No, I’m good thanks.”

  “You want a rep?”

  “Am I in trouble?”

  “No but you are aware that any time you speak with Internal Affairs you are entitled to representation from your union. I want to make sure your rights are protected”

  “No I’m good I don’t have much to say anyway.”

  “Then let’s get started.” The lieutenant reaches over and hits record on a digital recorder sitting on his desk. The DA investigator takes out a pen and paper.

  After recording all the introductory information, the lieutenant smiles in my direction and asks, “Sgt. Shaw, can you please tell us the circumstances of your experience to us?”

  “I’d love to LT but I don’t remember what happened to me.”

  “Ok, then can you tell us the last thing you remember?”

  “It’s all in bits and pieces. I remember hitting the streets and a few calls for service. The last call I remember was a home invasion robbery over on 33rd street. We took the suspect the into custody with k9 contact. I followed the suspect and my guys to the hospital for the administrative paperwork. I don’t remember anything after that.”

  “You have no idea where you were going before you blacked out?”

  “I don’t know that I blacked out. I don’t remember anything else until I woke up at the hospital.”

  “Do you recall telling dispatch you would be enroute to the station for clean up?”


  The investigator and the LT exchange glances. “Ok moving on. As you know a toxicology screen in situations like this is mandatory. While you were in the hospital we had a sample of your blood taken. We have since spoken with the lab and received your results.


  “It was clean.”

  “Ok, that’s good right? I don’t do drugs if that’s what you’re insinuating.”

  “No we aren’t suggesting that but it does make us wonder how you could be missing for three days and not remember a thing. If you were drugged it should have shown up in your system.”

  These two were either complete morons or they were baiting me into giving them an explanation for why I was gone so long. They want to paint me into a corner. They don’t believe I don’t remember what happened. I’m not going to let them do it. “Why was I unconscious for two days? The doctor said I suffered head trauma. I have no idea when that head trauma occurred but isn’t it conceivable that some sort of head trauma was why I went missing in the first place?”

  I suppose it’s conceivable. Let’s say hypothetically that someone somehow managed to bonk you on the head and injure you severely enough to cause memory loss. Don’t you think the doctor would have determined that?”

  “Like I said, the doctor told me I suffered head trauma and a concussion.”

  “Yes, but your wounds are fresh. In fact the doctor relayed to us that all of your injuries had been induced mere hours before you were rescued and there were no signs of earlier trauma.”

  Crap. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to tell you.”

  “Any enemies?”

  “Not that I know of. It’s been a few years since I worked any significant cases and even with those, no names of potential threats comes to mind. ”

  “We have detectives checking on your old cases to see if someone may have wanted to hurt you. Moving on. What have been your dealings with Greg Johnson?”

  “I’ll tell you the same thing I told Captain Bingham and Lieutenant Carson, I don’t know anyone named Johnson.”

  That little nugget got the DA Investigator to look up from his notepad. “When was this?”

  “In the hospital this morning. They came by to check on me and asked me about Johnson. Why? Who is he?”

  The investigator looks pissed. “Sergeant Shaw, Greg Johnson is dead.”

  I frown and a tickle of concern creeps in to my voice, “Two questions. One: how was this Johnson guy killed and Two; for goodness sake what does he have to do with me?”

  “The answer to both of your questions is simple. He was killed with your gun.”

  I sit there staring at lieutenant in disbelief. Carson did this. But I don’t dare say anything out loud. He is more of danger than I could have realized. “My duty weapon?”

  “No. A small revolver registered to you was found at the scene and ballistics have proven the bullet that killed Mr. Johnson came from that gun.”

  My back up gun. “LT. Honestly, I have no idea who Johnson is and my back up gun was firmly attached to my ankle the last time I checked. I don’t know what happened to me but whoever murdered Johnson must have taken it and used. Someone is setting me up.”

  “But if you can’t remember what happened how do you know you didn’t do it?”

  I’m blown away by this turn of events and respond the only way I can think to. “I’m telling you, I don’t know.”

  “Ok let’s move on again. What is your association with an individual named Marquis Sakir?”

  “Shorty? I know him the same way everyone else does. Calls on the street, consensual contacts etc. I’ve arrested him a few times for various crimes but I’d hardly call that an ‘association’ of any kind.”

  “Your phone tells a different story. Your personal phone that is.”

  I swallow hard. I had my personal phone on me the day I was rescued. They must have it. “You’ve recovered my cell?”

  “No. Since you went missing we have been intermittently pinging your cell pho
ne with no results. However, on the day you were located, we were finally able to get a signal. That’s how we found you. It was quite a dramatic rescue. Once the dust settled it appeared your phone had been destroyed in the melee.”


  “The phone may have been destroyed Sergent Shaw but your cell provider was served a warrant and we were given copies of all of you texts and phone calls for the last 30 days. During a review of that information we found several texts back and forth between you and Marquis only hours before you went missing. So my question is this, who were you looking for?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Where were you supposed to meet them?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You said earlier in this interview that you remember everything leading up to the K9 contact call. Isn’t that true?”

  “Ummm, yes, that’s what I said.”

  “Your phone records show that you exchanged several texts with this Marquis BEFORE that call for service. So, I’m curious as to why you don’t recall them. Any explanation?”

  The DA investigator leans towards me, “What aren’t you telling us? What are you hiding?”

  “Nothing!” My voice comes out sounding almost like a whine and I clear my throat to hide my discomfort. Is it hot in here?

  The lieutenant continues, “We are looking for Marquis now to try and get a little clarity but until we find him I’m hoping you can tell us a little about what you had him doing. He’s not listed as one of your registered informants.”

  “I don’t know about the phone messages. The only thing I can think of is that I might have been having him watching a corner for me. I did a search warrant a few months back on certain residence but didn’t find my suspect. In the past I’ve used Marquis, unofficially, to feed me some intel. Maybe I had him checking it out for me? I really wish I could remember.”

  “Is it possible you met up with him and he took you?”

  “I don’t think so. Shorty, um, Marquis, isn’t quite that stupid. He’s been into some serious stuff but no one really wants to go down for messing with a cop on this kind of level.”

  I think the lieutenant is sick of me at this point. He can tell Im being evasive and even to my ears my answers sound like made up shit. “Ok sergeant. You are free to go. You are hereby placed on administrative leave until further notice. You’ll be told when you can return to work. I’m sure with all the press and your injuries you’ll be wanting to take some time off and lay low anyway.”

  I am relieved this dance is over. “Yes, sir. I want nothing more than to go home and sleep for a few days. Please, let me know if you find anything out. I’m just as anxious as you to know what happened to me.”

  “We will keep you in the loop as much as possible.” The lieutenant opens a drawer in his desk and removes a brand new cell phone still in its box. “Take this new phone. We want to be able to get ahold of you.”

  I take the phone even though I have absolutely no intention of keeping this on me. What am I an idiot? The last thing I need is Internal Affairs tracking my every move.

  Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Four

  After dispensing with the final pleasantries of the interview, I am released. I make my way out of the office with a sigh. My relief is short lived however. There stands Carson deep in conversation with the Chief. I bet Carson is next on their list of interviewees seeing as how he was the man in charge when I went missing. I just hope they go as hard on him as they did to me.

  The Chief sees me and calls me over, “ Sergeant Shaw, how are you feeling?”

  I wish people would stop asking me that. It’s getting annoying. I take the Chiefs outstretched hand and shake it firmly. “I’m good sir. A little banged up and a lot of memory loss but otherwise I’m still alive. What more can a gal ask for?”

  I glance at Carson and nod my head in acknowledgment, “Lieutenant.”

  Carson looks at me with dead eyes, “Your lucky we found you alive Sergeant.”

  THIS guy! “I appreciate everything you did to help find me LT.” I won’t let him see me sweat and I’m hoping he believes the bullshit I’m laying down. I shake his hand and he grips mine a little too tightly. I continue, “I hope you’ll excuse me. I’m pretty tired and I have a lot of recuperating to do. I’m going to head out.”

  Carson doesn’t immediately let go of my hand but rather grips it even tighter, “Please, get some rest. We certainly are looking forward to your full recovery and return.”

  “Yes, exactly right,” agrees the Chief.

  I pull my hand back and wipe it on my pant leg. I say goodbye and I walk away. I am even more determined to see that asshole go down. I just have to get the evidence I need and he’s not going to make it easy.

  Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Five

  Carson watched Shaw walk away from him. He hated her. He remained cool as a cucumber on the outside but inside he roils with hatred. “Chief, She’s not telling us everything.”

  “Carson, let IA and the DA do their job.”

  “There’s something about her that sets my teeth on edge.”

  “That very well may be but it’s not for you to worry about. Just do your job and let everyone else do theirs.”

  Sure Chief. I’ll just let her stroll around like her shit don’t stink. Carson could see he had his work cut out for him. He smiled to himself. At least this was the type of work he enjoyed.

  Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Six

  I take the elevator to the first floor. I have to get out of here. Think about what my next move is going to be. But first, I have one last stop to make.

  I stop outside of O’Connell’s office door trying to get up the nerve to knock. My heart is heavy as I raise my hand and knock softly.

  “Come in.”

  “Hey boss.”

  O’Connell swivels his desk chair around to face me. He stares at me silently for a full thirty seconds before getting up and wrapping me in a huge hug. I do my best not to fall apart into a blubbering mess and when he pulls away I’m pretty sure I see the glimmer of tears in his eyes. My own eyes are filled to the brim so I cant be sure. Don’t judge.

  “Boss, I’m sorry.”

  O’Connell held up his hand. “No. Don’t. I know you. I know how you operate. Whatever your reasons were for going it alone for so long, you are entitled to them. But kid, you ever pull some shit like this again and we are going to have some serious words.” He lifts my chin to stare into my eyes as my tears finally start to fall. “I’m just so glad you’re still with us.”

  O’Connell returns to his chair and motions for me to take a seat in the chair next to his desk. “Boss, I don’t know what to do next.”

  “I think you can take a break from doing anything. You’ve done enough.”

  “You would think so wouldn’t you? But Boss, you don’t know the whole story

  “Don’t I?”

  I sigh heavily. “You couldn’t possibly know.” I want to tell him everything but I abhor the thought of dragging him down with me.

  “Boss, I could be in real trouble.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “You don’t understand. They found the dead body of Greg Johnson and he had my gun on him. MY gun! MY gun killed him! “

  “I dragged all of these people into my own shit. People I care about. I’ve been so reckless. I got a little bit of info and in my arrogance I just sped off on my own. I didn’t even stop to think about how it would affect anyone else. And, now, now others careers and even lives are on the line. I really fucked up!”

  I am crying in earnest now, but O’Connell stays silent while I unburden myself fully. He glances at his cell phone as it chirps with a text notification.

  “I’m sorry, boss. Go ahead and get that.”

  O’Connell set his phone aside. “That can wait. You can’t.” he places a well-worn hand on my knee. “Get it all out, kid.”

  That was all it took for the damn to break. I keep my head down as I tell him everything f
rom start to finish. I can’t make eye contact with him. I know I won’t be able to handle the look of disappointment in his eyes. I may be tough but under his fatherly gaze I am completely undone.

  O’Connell hands me a tissue and I mumble into it, “I don’t know what to do.”

  “There’s only one thing TO do.” He stood and walked to the door. “Come with me.”

  Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Seven

  I walk three steps behind O’Connell until we reach the first floor conference room. He knocks once and then opens the door, “You first.”

  As I step into the room my eyes widen in shock. They are all here. The Chief, Internal Affairs, The DA Investigator, Captain Bingham, Angie, Camden, Lizzie, Sarah Landon and even that reporter Kevin Bernstein. They all sit around the big conference table and as O’Connell closes the door behind me I ask, “What the hell is going on?”


  Roland Confidential Pg.2

  Police Corruption Disrupts Rank and File

  by Kevin Bernstein and Sarah Landon

  ROLAND, Ca. JAN 17th - On June 1st, 2019, we brought you the story of missing Roland Police Department Sergeant Joanna Shaw. After three days of intensive searching, Sergeant Shaw was located badly beaten in a house within the city limits.

  After an intensive investigation the findings have revealed major corruption within the walls of RPD. RPD Lieutenant Marvin Carson has been placed under arrest pending charges of Murder, Attempted Murder, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, Kidnapping, Narcotic Sales and Distribution, Falsification of Evidence and several additional felonies. If convicted, the former lieutenant will be facing multiple life sentences.

  The department has issued a lengthy statement condemning the horrendous actions of Carson. Furthermore, they are emphatic that Carson acted alone and his actions do not reflect the quality of service consistent with RPD employees.


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