Roland P D Omnibus

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Roland P D Omnibus Page 43

by Ruth DuCharme

  “That will be lovely, dear.”

  Chapter Two Hundred Eleven

  By ten I was dressed, appropriately caffeinated and on my way tot he police station with Marc’s jacket safely wrapped in a brown paper bag under my arm.

  I really didn’t want to take the chance of running into Kirk so I called the Chief from my cell phone while I walked.

  Once I had the Chief on the phone I asked to meet him in his office and he agreed. When I reached the station, Kirk was standing out front. He looked like he was on his way out so I loitered a half block away until I saw him drive away.

  Once Kirks patrol car was out of sight, I walked inside the station and told Darlene I had an appointment with the Chief. Within minutes she ushered me back to his office.

  The Chief rose from his desk and shook my hand. “Jason, you’re phone call was a little cryptic but my interest is piqued. What can I do for you?”

  I relayed to the Chief the events of yesterday, including the photo, the girl at the post office and my impromptu confrontation with Mr. Forrester. I punctuated my story by laying the bag containing Marc’s jacket on his desk.

  The Chief stared unflinching at the bag on his desk. “That’s some story. Why call me and not Kirk?”

  “I hate to say this but Kirk might be involved.”

  The Chief smirked. “Kirk might be a tool but I highly doubt he would do anything illegal as you suggest. We did a pretty thorough investigation fourteen years ago and we never found any evidence that Kirk was involved. If we had, we wouldn’t have hired him.”

  I pushed the bag closer to the Chief. “Kirk may or may not be involved but he and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms at the moment and this needs immediate attention.”

  “You think the blood on the jacket could be Marc’s or possibly Marc’s attacker…that is if he even was attacked. Did I get that right?”

  “Yes. I just thought, if we could do DNA testing we could find another piece of the puzzle.”

  “You’re a cop. You know as well as I do DNA testing doesn’t happen overnight.”

  “I’m aware, but blood typing can happen sooner and you have Marc’s blood type on file. If we type the blood and it doesn’t match Marc’s, we can reasonably assume the blood belongs to someone who knows something about Marc’s disappearance.”

  The Chief nodded his head. “I’ll take it and make sure it’s handled immediately.”

  I got up from my chair. “Thank you, Chief. Just keep me in the loop. I know I don’t have jurisdiction here but I sure as hell have an invested interest.”

  “Of course. You know, I’d love to have you on my force. You give any more thought to it?”

  “Sure I’ve considered it but I’m not sure Harmony is the best fit for me. I’ll make sure to let you know a soon as I decide.”

  Chapter Two Hundred Twelve

  I left the station just as Kirk returned. He parked his patrol car and jumped out to stop me. “What are you doing here, Camden? Haven’t you caused enough trouble?”

  I couldn’t resist antagonizing Kirk a little. “The Chief was just offering me a job.”

  Kirks face flushed red but to his credit his voice remained neutral. “Are you going to take it?”

  I verbally poked him further. “I just might. I’ve been giving it some serious consideration.” The look on Kirk’s face was priceless. I didn’t wait for his response. I turned and walked away, gloating in the petty glory of yanking Kirk’s proverbial chain.

  Chapter Two Hundred Thirteen

  I drove my parents to the fair grounds around six. It was still bright out and the crowds were starting to form. I drove to the front entrance of the fairgrounds, let dad into the driver seat and mom and I started hauling out boxes of pies. We stacked them high in the rolling cart Ma had brought.

  Dad drove off to park the car and I walked Ma to the booth to drop off her wares. We reached the booth assigned to baked goods and Ma went in ahead of me. I piled my arms with boxes of party and headed to the back of the booth. I could hear Marge an a couple other ladies talking and I paused because I could here Marge clear as day. I really had to stop with this eavesdropping thing.

  I heard Marge say, “Are you happy having your son home for a visit?”

  Mom replied, “Of course. We miss him terribly while he is away.”

  “Well he’s sure been causing a stink.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Nosing around about that Marc kid. Dragging up old memories and running around accusing people of stuff they didn’t do.”

  “Now Marge he’s doing nothing of the sort.” That’s right Ma, you tell her! “You know Jason and Marc were best friends. Asking questions is Jason’s way of putting old ghosts to rest and who are we to say his way of healing is wrong?”

  Marge apparently couldn’t be dissuaded and the fact she had an audience seemed to egg her on. “If I remember correctly he was questioned in that case, wasn’t he?”

  Ma was unfazed. “Yes, Marge, he was.”

  “Well I feel sorry for you, Susan. I really do.”

  “Sorry for me? Why? Jason is innocent.”

  “How would you know? He snuck out without you knowing a thing about it, didn’t he? Went all the way down to the quarry with Marc and then came home without him. I bet if we drag the lake we will find the body of that poor Marc.”

  “They already did that, Marge and it wasn’t found.”

  Man my Ma was tough.

  Marge pressed Mom harder. “Well maybe your just helping him cover it up? Who wants the whole town to know their own kid is a murdering psychopath? It’s in his nature. I’ve read all those articles in the paper. Your son has made quite a career of shooting people!”

  Before I could storm in and punch Marge straight in her big fat nose, a man’s voice sternly interrupted. “Marge Freelander! Enough!”

  “Jason was a good friend to my Marc and I have full confidence he had nothing to do with it. Your gossiping and accusations are doing no one any good and you’d be doing everyone a huge favor if you just the hell up.” Go on with your bad self, Mr. Forrester!

  I entered the booth, set down my armful of boxes and glared, as everyone looked my way. I stared at Marge, willing her to say just one more thing. Marge looked away, stubborn and unrepentant.

  Mom put her hand on my chest and pushed me back towards the exit. “Come on son, let’s get the rest of the stuff”. Mr. Forrester came alongside my mom and took her by the arm. We all walked towards a near by picnic table and Mr. Forrester helped Ma take a seat.

  “Don’t you worry about that gossip monger, kid.” He turned to Ma. “Susan, I’m really sorry about what that woman said to you.”

  “Now John, you know we are all family here and I appreciate you sticking up for me but it was unnecessary. Marge is just an unhappy old woman.”

  I marveled at my mother strength. “Ma you never have a bad word to say against anyone, do you.”

  “It’s the Christian thing to do, to be kind and turn the other cheek.”

  Mr. Forrester and Ma continue talking but something, or rather someone has caught my eye and the world around me has gone silent.

  He’s been watching us and while I can’t see him especially clearly I can see he sees me watching. He notices me looking back and turns and pushes into the crowd.

  No way. It can’t be. He looked JUST like the picture Lizzie had sent me. He looked just like Marc.

  I got up quickly. “Mom will you be ok if I leave you for a moment?”

  Mr. Forrester said, “I’ll keep her company until your dad gets here.”

  “I’ll be just fine son. You go on ahead.”

  I give her a quick peck on the cheek and head into the growing crowd.

  Chapter Two Hundred Fourteen

  The Marc look-a-like was walking fast and if I didn’t know better I would think he was trying to avoid being seen. I saw him cast a few glances around before racing up the entrance to the funhouse.

  I f
ollowed suit.

  I pushed past three little kids. Threw a ticket at the carney holding the curtain and went in. God I hated these things. I craned my neck to see ahead of the people blocking my way and caught a glimpse of my target up ahead. If this person really was Marc, why would he be avoiding me? Why was he hiding? He had been watching me, and his dad. Has he known I’ve been looking for him?

  I lose sight of the man at the next turn and as I make the corner a clown pops up. I’m not going to lie. I almost punched it. I hated clowns.

  I make my way through the whole funhouse but when I come out the other side, the man is gone.

  Was I losing it? The phrase Mental Breakdown comes to mind.

  I make my way to the nearest beer tent, buy a frosty beer and guzzle it. I take out my phone and call Lizzie. I needed to hear her voice.

  She answers but all I can eek out is, “HI, its me.”

  “What’s wrong? She can hear the strain in my voice.

  “Nothing, its just, I …I want to come home.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  “Ill deny it if you ever repeat it but I think I’m seeing things! Maybe finally having that mental break down everyone warns you about when you start the force.”

  “Well it’s no wonder. You’ve been through a lot. You tend to stay so busy you don’t give yourself the time you need to fully process it all.”

  “You think?”

  “I know! You’re a man and men don’t like to open up. I get that, but Jason, if you come home now, without dealing with all that’s going on, nothing will change.”

  “You want to change me, huh? Ain’t that just like a woman?”

  She laughed. “That’s not what I’m saying. Nice try at changing the subject though.”

  I got serious again. “You know how it is, Lizzie. Anyone at work starts to have a problem and they put you in the nuthouse. The guys don’t get it.”

  “I think more men would understand if more men would talk about what they are going through. You HAVE to know you aren’t the only one, right?”

  “It’s the culture, Lizzie.”

  “Well if you won’t talk to a professional you always have me. But I’m probably just as screwed up as you are.”

  The thought of Lizzie suffering made my heart hurt. “I’ll always be here for you, kid.”

  “I know.”

  I cleared my throat. “When I get home…. I’d like to spend some time with you.”

  Silence stretched between us as I waited for her to say something. Had I just blown it?

  “I think I’d like that too. But don’t come home like this, Jason. Do what you went there to do.”

  “I came home to relax but all that’s happened is that I’ve gotten all worked up.”

  “That’s not the only reason you went home. I think you knew somewhere inside that the root of your problems were in Montana and you went home to dig them out.”

  “How do you know me so well?”

  “I’m a woman. Women know these things.”

  “You’re the best partner I’ve ever had.”

  “And don’t you forget it!”

  “Thanks for answering when I call.”

  “Talk soon ok?”

  I hang disconnect. The cool evening air, the buzz obtained by beer and my conversation with Lizzie has taken takes the edge off and I’m starting to feel like normal again.

  I make my way back to the center of carnival and run right into Sarahbeth, Ben and Shelly.

  Crap. There goes my blood pressure.

  Chapter Two Hundred Fifteen

  Sarahbeth took my arm. “Are you ok?”

  Ben looked at me warily. We hadn’t spoken since the night at Bojangles. “Hey man, this party is cookin!”

  Shelly smiled sweetly. “Hi sweet thang. You wanna join u?. We are headed to the Ferris wheel.”

  I nodded and Sarahbeth put her arm through mine as if she hadn’t left me standing in the rain only days earlier. We walk to the ride in silence and once Sarahbeth and I are settled in the rides swaying car, she rest her head on my shoulder. As we go round and round she snuggles in close. On our fifth time around, the ride stops. Our car is stopped at the highest point and it sways gently in the night air. I look over the edge. “What’s happening?”

  Sarahbeth squeezes my arm. “Ssh. Just watch.” Music starts to play and I hear the national anthem. When the music stops fireworks light up the night sky. We have the best seat in the house.

  “Wow, this really is something.”

  Sarahbeth smiles, “There really is no place like home is there?”

  Chapter Two Hundred Sixteen

  After the ride is over and we have disembarked I excuse myself to go find my folks. Sarahbeth doesn’t even try to hide her disappointment but I’m really not in the mood to deal with her. I am halfway to the parking lot when a hand grabs my arm. I spin around and find Shelly, alone.

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “Not tonight Shell, I’m beat and I have a lot to do tomorrow.”

  “I heard you found Marc’s jacket.”

  This got my attention and my exhaustion was replaced with a tingle of anxiety. “How did you know about that?”



  “Can we go for a ride? I think we need to talk.”

  “You’re forgetting, I don’t have a car.”

  “I drove. I sent Ben to the store and told him I’d meet him there.”

  I agree to the ride and Shelly and I find her car parked in the lot. Shelly starts the car and we drive in silence as we leave the fairgrounds. Once we are on the main road back into town Shelly starts to talk. “Look, Jason, you have to understand. We were just kids back then.”

  “Shell, what are you talking about?”

  “I need to show you something.” Shelly drove through Harmony and then five miles to the west. She turned onto a dark gravel road that led to Old Man Frasier’s farm and she stopped. She cut the headlights and turned to me in the dark. “It was me.”

  “Huh?” My brain wasn’t registering anything other than the darkness.

  “I killed Marc.”

  Chapter Two Hundred Seventeen

  I tried to get my eyes to focus in the dark interior of the car. I felt an overwhelming need to see Shelly’s face. “Shelly, what are you talking about?”

  “It was an accident. There was a party that night and we had all been drinking…”

  “I know about the party but Ben said you weren’t there.”

  “He was just trying to protect me. But this has gone too far.”

  I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t think. I wasn’t registering what Shelly was saying.

  “The night you and Marc went to the quarry, we had a huge party at the Thompson house. Someone called the cops and we all ran. Ben and the guys, they all got caught but I hid in yard under some stinky old tarp until the cops had gone.”

  My voice was cold as ice, “What did you do.”

  Shelly took a deep breath and her voice shook. “I waited until the cops were gone and then I got in Ben’s truck and started to drive home. I wasn’t even going very fast but I must’ve been drunker than I thought. I was almost to the edge of town when I hit something.”


  “Someone.” Her words spilled out in a torrent that matched the rushing noise in my ears. “I didn’t even see him. He just came out of nowhere and I heard a thud and when I went to check what the noise was I found him. I must’ve hit him hard because his bike was off to the side and he was bleeding so badly. I’ve never been so scared in my entire life!”

  I fought back the vomit threatening to rise. “Shelly, where is he?”

  “I left him there and raced to the police station. I was going to tell, I swear I was. I was sure I could get help but when I got there Ben was walking out the front door and found me hysterical on the front steps.”

  “He was already out of jail?”

  “You know how it was b
ack then. They didn’t want to waste their time on a couple kids drinking and Ben was the soberest of them all. I guess they thought it was easier to send him than keep him for the night.”

  “What happened next?”

  “I told Ben what happened and he told me not to say anything. Jason, he wouldn’t let me tell! Instead, Ben drove us back to the spot I had hit Marc.”

  “You didn’t get any help?”

  “It wouldn’t have mattered, Jason. Marc was dead by the time we got back.”

  I was horrified. I got out of the car and stood on the side of the dirt road, holding back a scream.

  Shelly got out of the car and came around to me. She grabbed my arm in desperation. “I would do anything to go back and change what happened but I can’t. I was just a kid and Ben said that I would go away fro murder if anyone found out what had happened.”

  I pushed Shelly away from me. “Where is he Shell. Where is Marc’s body.”

  Shelly pointed out into the darkness of the trees that surrounded us. “He’s over there. Ben and I brought his body here and buried it.” I grabbed Shelly’s arm as hard as I could. “Show me. Show me exactly where!”

  “It’s too dark. You wont be able to see anything. Jason please, let go of me!”

  I shoved her away again. “Get in the car.”

  Chapter Two Hundred Eighteen

  I put Shelly in the passenger seat, got into the driver seat and started the car. I turned to her, “Why now? Why tell me all this now?”

  “You’ve been badgering everyone about Marc’s disappearance and we’ve all been scrambling to keep it hidden. I just can’t take it anymore. It’s eating me alive!”

  As it should! You killed someone! Not only that, you let me, Marc’s dad, everyone in town wonder what the hell could’ve happened to him!” I put the car in drive. I was so disgusted I couldn’t think straight. I made a U-turn on the dirt road, the tires spitting gravel into the air.


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