Black Rose (The Life of Bliss Book 1)

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Black Rose (The Life of Bliss Book 1) Page 6

by D. Camille


  “I’m pissed Rome.”

  He paused. “I wanted to be honest with you.”

  Bliss stared out of her large windows as the sun began to rise.

  “I do appreciate your honesty.” She replied, calming herself. “I’d hate to hear something happened to you out of the blue…”

  “Do you understand why I can’t do what they’re asking?”

  “A part of me does...and another part that you’ve opened up, just wants you here.”

  Rome was quiet for a moment. “If you don’t want to see me anymore, I can understand that. This thing has escalated quickly and I’m exhausting all my possibilities.”

  “My rational mind says get out of this right now,” Bliss told him. “But, everything else in me says that if I do...I’m going to miss something that only comes once in a lifetime.”

  “If I could change this, I would…” Rome told her.

  “These has to be some way…”

  “There isn’t…” He responded. “I know where they stand, and they know where I stand.”

  Bliss simply stared outside.

  “After you told me that you wouldn’t mix business with pleasure...I thought I wouldn’t see you again, except on money matters.” Rome said quietly. “Then you showed up…”

  “I tried to stay away…”

  “I wanted you to come,”

  Shaking her head, Bliss said, “This is crazy.”

  “Spend these next three months with me, Bliss. Let me give you what you need, if only for this time.” Rome offered.

  “I have to get ready for work.” Bliss didn’t respond to his request.

  “Okay...I’m not going to ride you about it. I understand if you don’t want anything to do with this situation.”

  “I’ll be in touch.” Bliss promised.

  “I hope that’s true, Bliss.”

  “Bye, Rome…”

  After ending the call, Bliss threw her head back against the expensive sofa. Standing, she dialed her sister’s number and waited for her to come on the line.

  “Bliss...blissful risings.”

  “I need to talk, Kris.”

  “Okay...what’s going on?”

  Bliss walked to her white kitchen and began making a cup of specialty coffee in her european coffee maker.

  “You know I met someone…” Bliss began.

  “Yeah, the one who had you glowing.”

  Bliss paused. “He does…”

  “So when are we meeting Mr. Put It Down?”

  “Kris...he has a hit out on him.”

  “Wait...what...what did you say?” Her sister asked. “Who is this guy?”

  Bliss waited for her coffee and leaned on the counter.

  “He used to be into some illegal things, but now he’s turned his life around and he’s one of my clients.” Bliss explained.

  “Whoa! So you have started dating clients?”

  “I slept with him first.”

  “And that makes a difference?”

  Bliss sighed. “In my mind...yes.”

  “Bliss, what the hell are you doing? Now you’re sleeping with clients, dating a man who’s into illegal business and on a hit list?” Kris questioned.

  “Kris, he’ everything I’ve ever been looking for…”

  “In what way?”

  Bliss closed her eyes and pictured him. “Tall, handsome...that damn body.” She shook her head. “He’s so real...but he also understands how presentation works.”

  “If he’s doing illegal things, I guess he does understand presentation.”

  “It’s not like that, Kris.” Bliss explained. “He’s told me everything.”

  “And you’re still considering being involved with him?” Kris asked confused.


  Bliss blinked when she heard her sister’s next words. “I’m coming to see you tonight, to talk you out of this.”

  “You can try.”

  “Is the sex really that good, Bliss?” Kris questioned.

  “It’s far more than the sex.” Bliss replied. “He’s opened a part of me that no one ever knew existed.”

  “But, it won’t last…”

  Bliss reached for the finished cup of coffee.

  “At least I know that going in…”


  Arriving at her office, Bliss was prepared for the role. Dressed to the nines with her hair in an acceptable, non-threatening style, she longed for the day when she could simply live as a black woman, and not have to maintain the code switch.

  Seeing the scheduled company meeting on her calendar, Bliss grabbed her phone and headed to the location. Walking out of her office, she stopped at Nikki’s desk.

  “How’s it going? Nikki asked.

  “Let’s talk when I get back from this meeting.”

  “Okay. Everything good?”

  Bliss shook her head. “No.”

  Nikki looked nervous. “Did I mess up something?”

  “No. I did.” Bliss said, then walked away.

  In the elevator, Bliss pressed the button and rode in the empty car to her floor. Stepping out, she strolled down the long hall until she reached the room full of men.

  “Bliss,” her manager greeted. “How are you?”

  “I’m good George. Thank you for asking.”

  “Just wanted to tell’re doing a great job.”

  Bliss smiled. “Thank you.”

  Finding a seat at one of the tables, she looked from one end to the other, not seeing one face that even remotely resembled her own. Glancing at all the white men in the room, Bliss’ heart went out to black men like Rome.

  While the males surrounding her had been afforded every opportunity to succeed in life, every second and third chance, most black males didn’t have that luxury.

  Bliss listened to the presentations on autopilot until she heard her name. Looking up, she saw all eyes on her.

  “Bliss Marshall added to her roster, and everyone here should take note of what hard work and determination can get you.” Her manager told the group.

  “Thank you.” Bliss replied to him.

  “Bliss is setting records in Private Wealth Management, and you guys need to catch up. Maybe ask her what her secrets are?” he joked.

  Feeling someone staring at her, Bliss turned and met Brad’s hard gaze. Lifting a brow, she slowly turned her attention back to the speaker.

  “Bliss is on course for a record year, so let’s see who’s in her league.”

  By the time the meeting ended, Bliss felt more than a few pairs of eyes locked on her as she prepared to exit.


  She looked up. “Yes?”

  “Congratulations.” The man held out a hand.

  “Thank you.” Bliss shook his hand.

  “So are you sharing these secrets you have for signing multi-million dollar clients?” He asked.

  “I’m sorry. What’s your name?”

  He smiled. “Roger.”

  “Roger, my secret is that I work my ass off.”

  He blinked. “I think we all do that.”

  “Then we should all be signing clients at the same rate.” Bliss pointed out simply.

  A moment later, they were joined by Brad.

  “Brad…” He and Roger shook hands.

  “Roger. How’s it going?”

  Roger chuckled. “Just trying to get some tips from the top Wealth Manager.”

  Brad looked at Bliss. “I’d love to hear this.”

  “There aren’t any.” Bliss told him.

  “Hey, Roger, do you mind if I speak to Bliss privately for a moment?” Brad asked, and Roger looked between the pair.

  “Sure.” Roger replied. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

  When Roger left, Bliss turned to Brad.

  “You know who I am now?”

  “You look a lot different when you go out.”

  Bliss didn’t respond, instead continued to star
e at him.

  “So, I heard about your newest client…”

  “Which one would that be?”

  “The one who spends the night at your place.”

  She folded her arms. “And this has somehow become your business?”

  “Hey, I don’t care if you’re sleeping your way to the top.” Brad said with a shrug. “What I do care about is how the company is going to respond when they find out that you’re signing drug dealers.”

  Bliss smiled. “Is this supposed to scare me?”

  “You’d be done here.”

  “You think so? Where’s your proof?” Bliss asked. “Because all of my clients are fully vetted…above J.P. Morgan standards.”

  “You’ve got a good little thing going on here, with all of your special investment projects.” Brad said quietly. “You’ve gotten a lot of leeway, being who you are…”

  “Who am I, Brad? A damn good Wealth Manager?”

  “Right now, you make the company look good. If that was no longer the case…”

  Bliss unfolded her arms and looked him in the eye. “You don’t want this.”

  He looked her over. “I did...but I’ve seen what your taste is like.”

  “I’ve already told you that fantasy will never come true.”

  Brad’s eyes narrowed. “If you want to stay on the team, you’d better learn to play the game.”

  “Oh, I play it better than anybody,” Bliss replied. “And maybe one day, you’ll make it off the bench.”

  Turning, Bliss walked away and headed back to her office. Nikki rushed inside behind her and closed the door.

  “How’d the meeting go?” Nikki asked.

  “George was singing my praises and beating his chest for all of my success.” Bliss replied, as both women were careful to shield their mouths from any lip reading.

  “Sounds like George.”

  Bliss looked across the desk. “Brad Potter is going to be a problem.”


  “He’s moved into my building and he’s watching me for some reason. He was questioning me today about Rome.” Bliss shared.

  “What about him?”

  “He somehow knows or has guessed about Rome’s past.”

  Nikki frowned. “What is he going to do?”

  “Not a damn thing. He can’t prove anything.”

  “Rome’s a good guy.” Nikki said, turning toward the window.

  Bliss sat back. “What happened between him and your acquaintance?”

  “Just didn’t work out.” She shrugged. “They’re still cool, though.”

  “How cool?”

  Nikki smiled. “Rome’s cool with everybody. He’s known for taking care of the people in his life, almost to a fault.”

  “You knew about his past when you referred him?”

  “Yes, and I knew that he’d gotten everything in order.”

  “Did you help him with that?”

  “I wasn’t sending you any problems.” Nikki told her. “And I need you to get to this fifty as soon as possible…”

  Bliss sat up. “Thanks for looking out.”

  “Did I notice a spark between you and Rome?”

  “More like a rocket flare…”


  She nodded. “But, I don’t know if I can continue to let it burn.”

  “Why not?”

  “First, I don’t mix business and pleasure.” Bliss explained.

  “Not a company policy.”

  “And I wasn’t looking for any type of relationship…”


  Bliss sighed. “Yes, but…”

  “Knowing Rome, he hasn’t told you about all he’s done.”

  “Like what?”

  Nikki leaned forward. “He anonymously sponsors a youth league in the city. His restaurants donate tons of food to the homeless and local food banks...and he gives jobs to those who might not otherwise get employment.”

  “He’s just a regular black panther superhero.”

  “Except he’s of the realest out here.” Nikki confirmed.

  “I do feel that about him.”

  Nikki looked excited. “Man, what the two of you could do together!”

  “Together?” Bliss asked.

  “You’re the perfect power team. Rome can get you to your number in no time with his connects, and you can blow his money up…”

  “You make it sound so simple.”

  “It’s not?” Nikki asked.

  Bliss shook her head. “I wish it was…”

  “You’re not feeling him like that?”

  “That’s not the problem at all.”

  Nikki laughed. “I was going to have to ask what the hell was wrong with you.”

  Bliss laughed. “All that powerful black maleness? Are you kidding?”

  “I hope it works out for you two. I want you to be happy Bliss.”

  “You think Rome can make me happy?”

  “I at least know that he would try.”

  Bliss pondered her words and scanned the landscape outside.

  “I might need your help with something.”

  “You know I’ve got you.”

  “It’s both business and personal.”

  Nikki nodded. “Like I said, I’ve got you.”

  “My two worlds are about to collide.” Bliss said holding her gaze.

  “Oh, shit…” Nikki whispered.

  Chapter 6

  Bliss sat on the luxurious sofa in her living room across from her sister, Kris. Both women had a glass of wine in their hand, while they looked at one another.

  “What?” Bliss asked.

  “What are you doing Bliss?”

  “Right now, I’m enjoying this Classic Trimbach Riesling…” She held up her glass. “Mr. Put It Down turned me on to this.”

  “Mr. Put It Down has turned you on to a few things, it seems.” Kris commented.

  “He has…” Bliss agreed with a smile.

  “So you’re going to stay involved with him?”

  Bliss sipped her drink. “I think so.”

  “Why?” Kris asked. “You can date any man that you want?”

  Lifting a brow, Bliss asked, “Can I?”

  “Of course you can. You’re smart, successful, beautiful…”

  “I’m also a black woman who wants a black man.”

  Kris frowned. “What does that have to do with it?”

  “My pool of men is actually a tiny fish bowl,” Bliss explained. “So much so, that you tried to hook me up with a random man at the bar.”

  Kris sat her glass on the table then gave her sister her full attention.

  “We were just trying to get you some relief from working all the time.” Kris explained.

  “But, in order to be that successful woman, I have to work ALL the time.”Bliss replied. “I can’t expect anybody to give me shit. Not the money hungry white man, not the jealous ass white woman nor the ass kissing black man, who operates in my world.”

  “Maybe you need to change the world you operate in?”

  Bliss shook her head. “Why should I have to? I’m entitled to the same luxuries as they are.”

  “But what’s the trade off?” Kris asked. “Working yourself into an early grave?”

  “No, it’s finding the right balance between the two worlds, and finding somebody who can hold me up while I’m doing it.” Bliss explained.

  “And you think this man can do that?”

  Smiling, Bliss replied, “If he chose to, he could do anything…”

  Kris laughed. “I can’t believe this is my sister. I didn’t think any man could make this kind of impression on you.”

  “Clearly, he’s not just any man…”

  “Am I going to meet him?”


  Kris sighed. “That’s right...he has a bounty on him.”

  “There has to be a way to get him out of that situation.” Bliss said determinedly.

br />   She looked at her sister. “What?”


  “Don’t what?” Bliss asked.

  “Don’t go getting yourself in something that we can’t get you out of…” Kris warned.

  Sipping her drink, Bliss questioned, “When has that ever happened?”

  “It hasn’ let’s keep it that way.”

  “It hasn’t happened, because I can handle my shit.” Bliss replied. “I’m not going to allow him to just take this...there has to be another way.”

  “What is he saying about it?”

  “It’s part of the game...and he knows the consequences.”


  Bliss closed her eyes. “I can’t lose him when I’ve just found him Kris…” she whispered. “I have to do something.”

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you, Bliss.” Kris told her.

  Opening her eyes, Bliss agreed, “Me, either.”

  Her phone chimed on the table, and Bliss reached for it, while Kris drank from her glass.

  “Hello…” Bliss said smoothly.


  She smiled. “I wasn’t expecting to hear from you…”

  “I know this morning you said that you’d be in touch, but the way things went down didn’t sit well with me.” Rome said quietly.

  “In what way?” Bliss questioned.

  “First, that’s not the way I wanted you to find out about this situation.”

  “You mean by eavesdropping on your conversation?”

  He chuckled softly. “Yeah, exactly…”

  “Sorry about that.”

  “I’m glad you did, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have said a word...then when something happened, you’d have been in the dark.”

  “I understand that’s not something you tell a person that you’re just sleeping with.” Bliss shrugged and Kris lifted a brow.

  “I want more than just sleeping with you Bliss,” Rome said softly. “And if things were different, I’d have the time to show you that…”

  Bliss stared into her glass. “So what do we do?”

  “Come spend the weekend with me,” he requested.

  “I can’t just up and leave town. I have obligations.” She explained.

  “So do we’ll stay in the D.C. area, but we’ll spend some quality time alone.” He offered.

  She contemplated his request, while taking a sip of her wine.

  “I can do that.” Bliss finally agreed.

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you for not waiting for me to call…” Bliss said pointedly.


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