Black Rose (The Life of Bliss Book 1)

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Black Rose (The Life of Bliss Book 1) Page 10

by D. Camille

  “When you come home to me.” Bliss whispered.

  He lifted a brow. “Where is home?”

  “I’m in your bed right now.”

  “Stay right there.”

  “I took the day welcome you.” Bliss told him.

  “See, now you fucking with my mind.”

  She chuckled. “That’s not all I plan on fucking with…”

  Rome laughed softly. “Keep talking until I get there…”

  “Then what happens?”

  “You’ll find out real soon…”

  “I’m banking on it.” Bliss told him. “No pun intended.”

  Rome saw Laz motion for him.

  “Gotta go...see you soon, love.” He told Bliss.

  “Okay, baby. Do what you do…”


  Brad got the text that confirmed the drop of Rome’s shipment. Climbing out of bed, he smiled.


  Walking into the bathroom, he stepped into the shower and fifteen minutes later, he stood in his kitchen drinking strong coffee still wrapped in a towel. Thinking about his day ahead, he nodded and made a call to place his order.

  “Damn, you’re good.” Brad told himself, lifting his mug in the air. “You’re a fucking genius. You deserve to celebrate.”

  Hearing his phone ring in the bedroom, Brad went to answer.


  “We have a problem.”

  He frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  “The Feds must’ve still been watching.”

  “WHAT HAPPENED?” Brad yelled.

  “They ran us…took all the product.”

  Running a hand through his damp hair, Brad questioned, “Who?”

  “They had DEA jackets and badges on. Came in with guns and took everything.”

  “Where was the yacht?”

  “Had already left the spot.” The man explained.

  “No one was arrested?” Brad asked.

  “They put us all in a room and cleaned out the dope.” He answered. “We finally were able to escape and call you before they came back.”

  Brad lifted his face to the ceiling. “What the fuck!!!”

  “We got the hell out of there.”

  “Let me make some calls.” Brad hung up and dialed another number.


  “What the hell happened?” Brad barked into the phone.

  “Who the hell are you talking to?” Rome barked back. “I delivered your shit and now I’m done.”

  Brad frowned. “My shit was taken by the DEA!”

  “What?” Rome asked.

  “After you dropped, the DEA swarmed the place and took the shipment. How did they know where the drop was?” Brad accused.

  “You tell me, Brad!” Rome snapped. “This was your shit. You didn’t think the DEA was still tracking your stash? I can’t believe I could’ve gotten caught up in this for no damn reason.”

  Brad wiped his face, contemplating Rome’s words.

  “How would they even know we had more?”

  “It’s their fucking job! Damn, are you stupid?” Rome accused. “Get off my line with this shit. Like I said, I’m done...and you’d better not contact Bliss. Fix your shit!”

  The line went dead and Brad looked at the phone.

  “Shit! Not again…” Brad yelled into the room.

  He dialed another number and waited nervously.

  “What is it Brad?”

  “The DEA hit us again.”


  He swallowed. “I think they may have been keeping tabs on us.”

  “You think?” His boss yelled. “Weren’t you prepared for that?”

  “I mean they just hit us for a billion dollars worth. I thought they’d focus on that.” Brad told him.

  His boss sighed. “Are you still fucking with that coke?”

  “Look, the coke had nothing to do with this!” Brad argued.

  “Get your ass into my office.”

  Brad nodded. “I’ll be there in an hour.”

  “Forty-five minutes.”

  The line went dead and Brad angrily threw his phone on the bed. Hearing his doorbell calmed his mood for a moment and he went to the door. Seeing a different person, he frowned.

  “You ordered?”

  “Who are you?” Brad questioned.

  “Delivery man.”

  Brad looked out in the hall.

  “Where’s the regular guy?”

  “Probably at home in bed. I’m the day drop.” He showed the familiar package and Brad relaxed.

  “Let me get my wallet.”

  Going back inside, Brad got the money and returned. Exchanging the bills for the package, Brad stared at the guy for a minute.

  “Nice doing business with you.” The man told him, then walked away.

  “Yeah…” Brad said, heading back into the apartment.

  He closed and locked the door, then rushed to his living room table, where he inspected the package. Seeing the familiar markings, he poured the white powder on the glass, then lined it up.

  Taking one long sniff, he threw his head back and waited for the rush. Feeling the sensation move throughout his body, Brad sighed then went in for another. This time, the rush hit his brain like a sledgehammer and he grabbed his head tightly, waiting for it to subside. When it didn’t, and instead he began to foam at the mouth, Brad tried to locate his phone, but it was still on his bed in the other room.

  Trying to stand, he fell to the floor then everything faded to black.


  Rome entered his bedroom and saw the woman lying on the bed with a soft smile.

  “Welcome home,” she whispered.

  He moved over to her and lowered his face to kiss her softly.

  “I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight.” He whispered.

  “Come join me.” Bliss invited, touching his chest. “And tell me what happened…”

  “I need a shower, then I’m spending the rest of the day right here with you.” Rome promised.

  Bliss agreed. “Okay...I’ll be right here.”

  With another kiss, Rome headed into the bathroom, undressing along the way. Taking his phone out of his pocket, Rome read a message before he placed it on the counter, then entered the two-person shower.

  Bliss moved from the bed and slipped into the bathroom, hearing the water running. She stopped when she saw Rome behind the glass with his head down underneath hot stream.

  Glancing at the counter, Bliss saw his phone illuminate with an incoming message. She read it and looked relieved. Removing her nightgown, Bliss stepped into the shower behind Rome and wrapped her arms around him from behind.

  Rome turned and sought her mouth, kissing her ardently. In his kiss, Bliss felt his passion and also something else...

  Reaching up, she touched his dampened hair and looked into his face.

  “You got a message on your phone.”

  He froze. “You saw it?”

  Bliss nodded. “Yes…”

  Rome frowned. “I had to do it.”

  “I know. That was the whole point.” Bliss told him.

  “What did you read?” Rome asked.

  Reaching around him, Bliss turned off the water.

  “What do you think I read?” she questioned.

  He remained silent watching her.

  “Rome, what happened?”

  “I put an end to everything.” He answered.

  “What exactly does that mean, Rome?” Bliss stared up at him in question.

  “I picked up Brad’s shipment and took it to the drop spot.” Rome began. “After unloading, Laz and I took off and Manny moved in…”

  “Manny’s text said that you were square with him now.” Bliss relayed. “He wanted you to fund and support a part of his drug operations...and you didn’t want to be associated with any of that. Now, he has enough product to make that amount nearly ten times over without you being involved. So what else is there?”
  Bliss put her hand over his heart. “You don’t think he’ll keep his end of the deal?” she asked concerned.

  “If Manny said we’re square, then we’re square for good. I made that clear when we made the deal.” Rome told her. “He got some exceptionally high quality product that will fill his pockets to capacity...while I walk away.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Then what the hell are you talking about?”


  “What about him?” Bliss asked. “Did he call you?”

  Rome nodded. “He called...accusing me of setting him up with the DEA.”

  “So he really believes they were DEA?”

  “Why wouldn’t he?” Rome questioned. “They’d just seized a large shipment from them.”

  “What did he say he was going to do?” Bliss questioned.

  Rome held her gaze. “He’s not going to do shit.”

  “That’s what he told you?” She lifted a brow.

  “That’s what I made sure of…” Rome replied. “I told him that fucking with you wouldn’t go unnoticed.”

  Bliss let her head fall to his bare chest. “Rome…”

  He lifted her face by tilting her chin.

  “Whether I got straight with Manny or not...Brad was not going to be around to involve you in any of this shit.” Rome said firmly.

  “Can you tell me what you did?”

  “Bliss, I’ve changed from the man I was...but whenever I need to make moves in that other world,” Rome said slowly. “I make them...with no regrets.”

  She stared at him for a long moment, then lifted her face to his.

  “I wouldn’t want you to make them any other way,” Bliss whispered against his mouth.


  The next day, Bliss entered the building and saw the look on Nikki’s face before she reached her desk.

  “What?” Bliss asked.

  “They want you on the top floor.”


  Nikki looked serious. “Brad’s boss.”

  “Damn…” Bliss said, then took a deep breath. “Okay…”

  “What do you need me to do?” Nikki asked.

  “Just keep your ears open and let me know what’s being said about Brad.”

  Nodding, Nikki agreed. “Good luck up there.”

  “I’m ready.” Bliss said confidently, then made her way up to the corporate office.

  When she was shown to the office of Brad’s boss, she took a seat slowly.

  “Ms. Marshall. Thank you for coming up to meet with me.”

  “It’s not a problem, Mr. Baxter.” Bliss replied. “Why did you need to see me?”

  “It’s about Brad Potter. I know that you’ve heard about his tragic overdose.”

  Bliss nodded. “I was very surprised.”

  “I wasn’t.”

  She blinked at his response before he continued.

  “I know that you had a meeting with Brad the other day in his office.”

  “Yes, he asked to meet with me about offering some additional services to my client list.” Bliss shared.

  Mr. Baxter smiled. “Let’s cut the shit, Bliss.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “There are no cameras or microphones in here...for a reason.” Mr. Baxter told her. “Because real business happens behind these walls...multi-billion dollar transactions.”

  “Okay…” Bliss said slowly.

  “We both know why Brad wanted access to your client list.” He said plainly. “I didn’t think it was a good idea, but he was stupid enough to try to move product while we’re already under scrutiny.”

  “Mr. Baxter...I don’t think you should be discussing this with me.”

  He pinned her with a blue gaze. “You’re exactly who I should be discussing this with. You’re smarter than all these assholes here combined. You understand the difference between money and wealth...and your presentation is impeccable.”

  “Thank you…” Bliss said slowly.

  “We need someone like you, Bliss.” Mr. Baxter told her.

  “To do what?”

  He paused for a moment. “What the original J.P. Morgan taught us…control industries.”

  Bliss didn’t say a word.

  “You’re a Private Wealth Manager, right?”


  “One of the best we’ve had.”

  She nodded. “I think so.”

  “Your starting point is ten million, correct?”

  “Yes...that’s right.”

  “Are you your own client?”

  Bliss shook her head. “No, I’m not.”

  “That’s my point.” Mr. Baxter said succinctly. “You should be.”


  “May I be candid?” He asked.

  “Have you not been already?”

  “Every conglomerate and industry controller was built on doing something that someone else deems inappropriate, unfair or illegal…”

  “Like J.P. Morgan and slavery?” Bliss questioned.

  “J.P. Morgan and a hundred other Fortune 500 companies.” Mr. Baxter replied. “And they all lead the world in wealth today.”

  “That’s true. Much wealth has been made off the backs of blacks in this country.”

  “Why do you think that is, Bliss?”

  She replied, “It’s an unjust and unfair system.”

  He nodded. “That’s true...but it’s also a system that you don’t utilize correctly.”

  “How can we utilize a system that isn’t designed for us at all?”

  “Bliss, you’re the only black, female Private Wealth Manager at this office...yet you can’t even manage yourself because you don’t have the personal wealth to do so.” He counseled. “You have all these clients who have amassed wealth through other means that people deem criminal, and you invest their funds in small ventures.”

  “Small ventures for my community,” Bliss corrected him.

  “To what gain?” Mr. Baxter questioned.

  “We have to start building somewhere.”

  He sat back. “Or you can begin to control the industries that prosper from you…”

  “Do you know how hard it is for black people to control anything?” she asked.

  “How many clients do you have?”

  “I’m currently at forty.”

  He did the math. “At a minimum of ten million each...that’s four hundred million dollars you’re controlling…”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “What are your plans for that, Bliss?”

  She stared at him. “May I be candid?”

  “We’re so far beyond that.”

  “When I get to fifty clients, I’ll have enough to start my own small investment firm serving my people.” She told him, then frowned when he laughed. “Is that funny to you?”

  “You’ll be out of business in a year, Bliss...and looking for work.”

  “Thank you for the vote of confidence.”

  “I’m being honest with you.” He replied. “If you want to build your communities and create generational wealth, you’ve got to do some shit that goes against what’s been drilled into you.”

  “Like what?”

  “Not following rules made by men who prosper directly from those rules they put in place for you.” He told her plainly.

  “You want me to move drugs for J.P. Morgan?”

  Mr. Baxter sat up. “They’re going to get moved regardless.”

  “Drugs have destroyed our communities.”

  “No, greedy white men have destroyed your communities with drugs, guns and many other forms.” He corrected.

  “So why would I even consider something that?”

  “Because the alternative is to continue being used by those greedy white men and watching them get wealthier...”

  “Aren’t those your friends?” Bliss questioned.

  “My best friends have their faces on currency.” He replied. “Yours should, too…”

  Bliss folded her arms. “I’m not movin
g drugs...I’m not risking my life for that.”

  Mr. Baxter nodded. “That’s probably going to be on hiatus for a moment until we clear things up with the DEA...I actually have something else in mind for you…”

  “What is that?”

  “First, tell me something…” Mr. Baxter said watching her. “Are you ready to control an industry?”

  “I’ve been ready.” Bliss said firmly.

  He smiled and stood to his feet. “Welcome to the team, Bliss Marshall.”


  “He wants you to do what?” Rome asked after Bliss replayed her meeting with Mr. Baxter.

  “You heard me.” Bliss said, sitting on the sofa in his office.

  Rome frowned. “You think you can trust him?”

  She shrugged. “He’s about the funds...I can’t deny that.”

  “So what are you going to do?” Rome stared at her.

  “I told him that I’m not risking my life moving drugs. That’s out of my league...this thing with you, Brad and Manny almost gave me a heart attack.”

  He touched her face. “I’m sorry, Bliss.”

  “Rome, a lot of what Mr. Baxter said has me re-thinking my objectives…” Bliss shared.

  “We have talked about controlling industries.” He reminded her.

  Bliss took his hand and looked at him. “I can’t do this alone.”

  “You don’t have to…” He promised. “I’m ride or die with you, baby.”

  “I want to take over everywhere it affects us as a people. Any industry that creates billionaires from our time, talent and funds...we’re going to start controlling its shares.”


  She smiled at him. “With my smarts, your savvy…and J.P. Morgan as our front man.”


  A few days later, the funeral services for Brad Potter drew all of the J.P. Morgan staff. Bliss wore a large-brimmed black hat, black dress, and designer heels. In her hand, she carried a single black rose as she stood in line to pass the casket.

  When she reached the front, she looked down into the chalky face and paid her last respects. Walking away she smirked.

  “I told him, he’d never get this…” she said to herself.

  Seeing the others from her office, Bliss joined them.

  “It was a wonderful service.” Bliss told the group and they all agreed.

  “Poor Brad. I never even suspected that he had a drug problem.”

  Bliss’ boss, George, touched her arm and she looked at him.


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