Wolves' Queen (The Royal Heir Series Book 1)

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Wolves' Queen (The Royal Heir Series Book 1) Page 15

by Jen L. Grey

  I wanted to protest, but he was right. They were too much like my parents, and I didn’t want to share my experience with them. There’s no telling when we can do this again.

  Oh, baby. His lips landed on mine, giving me a long, lingering kiss. There will be plenty more of this.

  Maybe we could be quiet.

  The front door opened downstairs, causing me to groan.

  “Come on.” Mason slapped my ass. “They’re going to want to talk to us.”

  “Fine.” I brushed my lips against his one last time.

  “Elena,” Kassie yelled from downstairs.

  As I stood, I bent to grab Ella’s clothes I’d been wearing, but the thought of putting them back on after what her brother and I did kind of grossed me out. Instead, I stepped over to my closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and a comfortable t-shirt.

  “You looked hot in that outfit.” He groaned as he pulled his jeans back on.

  “So I don’t in this?” He should know better. “The only reason I wore that was because my clothes ripped during the shift. They are your sister’s.”

  “Well, you did look hot in it.” He put his shirt on and closed the distance between us. “But you look delectable in this.”

  “Uh-huh.” I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his lips. “Let’s get this over with.” Taking a deep breath, I opened the door, and we headed down the stairs.

  “If we weren’t sure if you completed the bond, there isn’t any question now.” Kassie waved her hand in front of her nose. “Good thing we didn’t come home five minutes earlier.”

  Oh my God.

  “Can we not have this conversation?” I couldn’t believe she just said that. I glanced at Mason, who had a huge-ass smile on his face.

  “They’re mates.” Mona waved her off. “Don’t give them a hard time. I’m just happy Elena finally embraced her wolf. So you’re part of his pack now?”

  “Yeah, I was able to submit to his father before the change.” It had been close though.

  “Now if we can get those vampires to leave you alone.” Kassie huffed and shook her head. “I still think you should quit your job.”

  “I wouldn’t be opposed to that either.” Mason headed over and sat on the other end of the couch from Mona.

  “Hey now.” This wasn’t how this worked. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

  “I’m on whatever side keeps you safe.” He patted the seat next to him. “Vampires are a pain in the ass.”

  “And easily get obsessive over someone.” Mona shook her head. “Remember that time the vampire decided that Serafina was his?”

  “That was brutal.” Kassie closed her eyes and grimaced. “All the guards’ lives were lost.”

  “It’s not like I have the job for fun.” I refused to put Mona and Kassie into debt, and my scholarship only covered half the tuition. “I can’t risk losing it.”

  “Why do you need it?” Mason tilted his head to the side.

  “She refuses to let us help pay for her tuition,” Kassie grumbled and wrinkled her nose in disgust.

  “You two have already sacrificed enough for me.” They had to start a new life and take care of a child that wasn’t their own. “I can’t keep letting you give up more and more for me.”

  “Problem solved.” Mason leaned back in the seat again. “I’ve got it covered.”

  “What? No.” There was no way in hell I was going to let him use any of his money on me. That money is for your mom.

  I can still fight more. He shrugged his shoulders. It’s no biggie. I’d do anything for you.

  Absolutely not. Yeah, we may be bonded, but that didn’t mean I’d lose control of my life. “I’ll find another job, but I’m going to give them at least a two-week notice.”

  “Fine, but I hang out there while you work.” Mason leaned back in the seat and glanced at Mona. “Has she always been this difficult?”

  “You have no idea.” Mona shook her head as she stared right at me.

  “I’m not sure how I feel about this.” Within two days, Mason was over there acting like he’d always been a part of my family.

  “Oh, stop.” Mason patted the seat beside him once more. “You know you love it.”

  I made my way over to sit between Mona and him, and the four of us watched a movie.

  The next few days passed in a blur. Mason had started staying with me at my house, and it surprised me that Mona and Kassie didn’t complain.

  I didn’t push the topic because I wasn’t sure I could sleep without him any longer.

  As I pulled into the school parking lot, I felt as if I was forgetting something. Mason and I had been riding to school together, but this morning, he had to go grab some more clothes to bring over.

  It didn’t take long for me to make my way to class, and I found Ella sitting in her normal spot.

  “Hey, sis.” She beamed as I made my way over to her. “It’s been a little strange without my moody brother hanging around.”

  “Yeah, it sounds silly, but I felt weird driving to school without him.”

  “Wait.” Connor turned to face me. “You’re dating her brother?”

  Dating wasn’t close to what it was. “Yeah.”

  “But he’s a player.” Connor shook his head and wrinkled his nose. “And a dick. You deserve someone so much better than that.”

  “You better watch it, jackass.” Ella frowned and pointed at him. “I can kick your ass and make you cry for your mommy.”

  “See, classless.” Connor’s nostrils flared. “I had thought she was different, but I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

  This asshole was going down.

  “Listen here…”

  “Please sit down, Elena.” The professor arched an eyebrow at me and pointed at the clock. “You always make a point to leave when the clock strikes nine-fifty, so I should get the floor now.”

  Even though his words irritated me, he had a point. So I sat down and waited for it all to be over.

  Right on cue, I stood from my seat and made my way to the door.

  The professor nodded, wearing a smirk on his face as I left.

  He had enjoyed scolding me. That figured.

  “Elena.” Connor raced after me and grabbed my arm. “Look, I’m not trying to be an ass. I’m just concerned. Mason isn’t good for you.”

  Ella walked out and narrowed her eyes at Connor but kept moving.

  “Thanks for the concern, but it’s unwarranted.” At every opportunity, it felt like Connor tried to play some sort of angle.

  “I’ve been trying to tell her it’s pointless.” Meredith sashayed over and flipped her hair. “It’s kind of pathetic how you’re clinging onto him. I bet by the end of the week, he’ll be crawling back into my bed.”

  “See. That’s my point.” He pointed at Meredith. “He only uses girls for sex.”

  “Is that so?” Mason’s low, raspy voice filled the hallway. He marched over to me and lowered his lips on mine. I can’t let you go anywhere alone.

  What can I say? I couldn’t help the huge grin spreading across my face. “Drama follows me everywhere.”

  “No, I thought Ella was lying.” Meredith’s face turned a shade lighter.

  “My sister always tells the truth even when we don’t want to hear it.” Mason then turned to face Connor. “You’re a fucking pansy, trying to use the concerned friend angle to get her into your bed.”

  “Well, it worked at least once.” Connor lifted his chin in defiance.

  “I was drunk and made a piss-poor decision.” He was making it out to be more than it was. “I don’t know how many times I’ve had to reiterate I’m not interested in you.”

  “You’ve done it at least fifty times.” Ella appeared on my other side. “I’ve had to listen to it since the first day of class.”

  Connor swallowed and nodded his head as if he finally got it. Then, he backed away, finally turning around to leave us alone in the hallway.

  “And you.�
� I turned to Meredith and straightened my shoulders. “Stop being a fucking psycho.” I stepped closer, challenging her wolf. “He’ll never be back in your bed.”

  “Those are big words coming from you.” A low growl emanated from the back of her throat.

  “No, she’s right.” Mason moved his collar down from his neck so the faint scar of my bite marks were on display. “But good luck finding someone.”

  Meredith took in a quick breath along with a few steps back.

  Mason wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against his body. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Even though life seemed to be going well, all of these little bumps in the road kept popping up. Mason and I would get through all of them, but sometimes ripples happen when something bigger is on the horizon. I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to find any peace.

  Chapter Seventeen

  After my last class was over, I found Mason waiting for me outside the classroom. When his eyes landed on me, a huge grin filled his face. “Hey, you.”

  I hurried over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Hey.”

  “You ready to head home?” He leaned over and brushed his lips against mine.

  “Yeah, but I can’t stay long.” I pulled my phone out from my pocket. “Brad asked if I could come in tonight. Apparently, one of the kitchen aides quit and he needs me.”

  “Weren’t you supposed to be quitting?” Mason arched his eyebrow and frowned. “I distinctly remember us having a conversation a few days ago.”

  “I’ll turn in my notice tonight.” I hated to leave him more stranded than he already was. “That way he has a notice and isn’t down two employees at the same time.”

  “Fine, but I’m going to hang out there.” Mason’s hand cupped my face and brushed along my cheek. “I’ll stay out of the way, but if that vampire comes back, I don’t want you dealing with him alone.”

  I didn’t like the thought of being babysat, but if he was in my position, I’d be worried too. “Fine, but this doesn’t become a common theme.”

  “When are you supposed to be there?” He took my backpack and threw it over his shoulder.

  “As soon as possible, apparently.” I took his hand in mine and we headed toward the parking lot. “So I need to hurry home and change.”

  “All right. I’ll meet you there in a second.” He kissed my cheek and ran in the direction of his car.

  When I reached Flying Monkey, I felt a chill run down my spine. Something seemed off though I wasn’t quite sure why.

  “Is everything okay?” Mason rounded the car and narrowed his eyes at me.

  “Yeah.” I had to be overreacting. “What are you going to do with all your downtime while you wait?”

  “Homework.” He winked at me as he opened the trunk and took out his backpack. “I figured I’d put my time to good use.”

  “Look at you.” At least he didn’t plan on hovering near me and breathing too hard whenever a stranger needed something. “Being all mature and stuff.”

  “Don’t get used to it.” He grabbed my hand, and both of us entered the bar.

  “Thank God you’re here.” Brad walked over to me and glanced at Mason. “Who the hell is he?”

  “He’s my…” Shit. What the hell was I supposed to call him to a human?

  “Your?” Brad lifted his eyebrows and turned his head.

  “Boyfriend.” Mason laughed and held out his left hand. “Sorry, we just recently made it official, and she wasn’t quite sure what I’d want her to say. Like I would have a problem with her claiming me like that. I’m damn lucky she’s mine.”

  “Wow. I didn’t see that one coming.” Brad took a step back and shrugged. “She was always the hostile loner kind.”

  He didn’t paint a pretty picture of me, but I couldn’t blame him. That was the air I always tried to give off, so at least, I knew it worked.

  “I’m just going to hang out over here if you don’t mind.” Mason pointed to a corner booth near the backdoors and right next to the kitchen.

  “That should be fine.” Brad nodded his head. “As long as we don’t get busy. It’s a Monday night, so it shouldn't be an issue.

  “Okay, great.” I smiled and tugged his hand toward the kitchen.

  When he got to his table, he laid his stuff on one of the empty chairs beside him and leaned over to give me a kiss. “I’ll be right here.” I’ll let you know if I see anything.

  I nodded and turned toward the kitchen, hoping that I was working the dirty dishes as usual. Even though Ella and Mason had broken through my walls, it didn’t mean I wouldn’t continue being a loner. I still didn’t want to let anyone else into my small circle.

  “You’ll be on dish duty.” Brad pointed over to the sink. “We got behind because Suzy walked out on us yesterday.”

  “No worries.” I headed over to the sink and began working.

  It’d been a few hours, and I hadn’t heard anything from Mason. Hey, you still doing okay out there? I waited for a few seconds with no answer. Mason?

  I put the dish I’d been cleaning back into the sink and washed my hands. This wasn’t like him.

  Within seconds, I hurried out of the kitchen and found his backpack and books still at the table. I glanced around the room, but there was no sign of him. Mason? If this is some kind of joke, it’s not funny.

  Going over to his backpack, I dug through, finding his cell phone and car keys. Something had to be wrong.

  With shaky hands, I picked up his phone and went to his recent call log. Once I found Ella’s number, I hit send.

  She picked up on the first ring. “Oh, you finally found some time to call me back? Listen, don’t give me the details of why you can’t answer. I love Elena too much to think of her in those ways.”

  “It’s me.” I wasn’t sure how to tell her so I just went with my gut. “Have you talked to or seen Mason in the past few hours?”

  “What? No.” Ella’s voice sounded concerned. “I texted him earlier, and he told me to fuck off. I’d threatened to tell Mom that it wasn’t snot she found on his sock a couple of years ago, but he still didn’t respond. I was kind of bummed. Mom said she had already figured that out.”

  “Well, then we have a problem.” My stomach roiled, and my breathing increased. “I have no clue where he could be.” Mason. That time it was more of an internal scream than anything.

  “Have you tried to mind link him?” Ella’s voice grew a little louder.

  “Of course I have.” My eyes scanned the restaurant for any kind of sign. “His stuff is still here. Hell, even his car keys. But I can’t find him, and he’s not responding. He wouldn’t try to pull a joke on me, would he?” I’d have been pissed, but right now, I was sure I’d rather be mad than this terrified.

  “No, he would never do something like this. Have you looked outside for his car?”

  “Not yet.” I grabbed his car keys and almost ran through the restaurant in my rush to get outside. His car was still where he’d parked it. “It’s still here.” A breeze picked up, causing a piece of white paper to flutter that was held in place by his windshield wiper. “There’s a note.”

  “What does it say?” Ella’s door swung open, and her footsteps were loud as she hurried somewhere.

  With shaky hands, I took hold of the note and read it out loud.


  You’ve been a naughty girl. Your uncle has been recently alerted that you are not, in fact, dead. So, we’re here to welcome you back to the royal family. Unfortunately, your mate was a little caught off guard at our arrival. If you want him and your two moms to remain intact, you’d better hurry to your house.


  The Grim Reaper

  The royal family is fucking with you? And why did they think you were dead?” Ella seemed to have stopped moving.

  “Now isn’t the time.” I yanked the driver’s side door open and jumped into the car. “Get your dad and whomever
else we need, and meet me at my house now.” I hung up the phone and threw it in the passenger seat as I slammed the door shut. I turned on the engine, punched the gear shift into REVERSE, and the wheels squealed as I pushed the gas pedal down. I shoved the gear shift into DRIVE and stomped the pedal hard.

  I couldn’t believe that the bastard found me. I did everything right. Hell, I had no interest in taking the crown back. I just wanted to live my fucking life with the people I loved. Right now, I couldn’t focus on that. I had to prepare for whatever was ahead of me. Regrets would cloud my judgment.

  The normal ten-minute drive had been cut down to five. When I pulled up to the house, it looked on the outside as if nothing was out of place. It gave a false sense of security. They were playing with me.

  Taking a deep breath, I tapped into my wolf senses. There was no point in hiding them any longer.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw the blinds move ever so slightly.

  They know I’m here.

  Not wanting to show any sign of weakness, I flipped my hair over my shoulder and forced myself to walk at a normal speed up the stairs. If I was hedging bets, I’d guess that the door wasn’t locked, so I went with my gut. I grabbed the knob and twisted it, opening the door.

  A dark chuckle greeted me as I stepped into the house.

  Mason lay unconscious on the floor. Blood trickled down the side of his head, running into his ear.

  “Elena, go.” Kassie’s stern voice was barely distinguishable since there was some fabric shoved in her mouth and her hands were tied behind her back as she sat at an awkward angle on the couch.

  Like hell I would.

  Right next to Kassie was Mona. Her blonde hair fell into her eyes, and the black rings around them contrasted starkly against her blue eyes.

  These ladies had to have been tortured. “Isn’t it a little pathetic to beat everyone up but me?” My eyes landed on the two tall jackasses who stood in the center of the room.


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