Wolves' Queen (The Royal Heir Series Book 1)

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Wolves' Queen (The Royal Heir Series Book 1) Page 17

by Jen L. Grey

  “Stop it.” Ella smacked my face hard.

  My head jerked to the side as the sting caused my eyes to burn.

  “I don’t give a fuck if you’re my sister.” Mason’s voice dipped dangerously low. “You touch her like that again, and you’ll be fighting me.”

  “She’s freaking out.” Ella pointed at me. “Can’t you tell through your bond?”

  “How is slapping going to help her?” Mason’s tone was menacingly low.

  Ignoring him, she got in my face. “This is not because of you.”

  I tried to look away, but she grabbed my face and forced it back toward her so my eyes met hers. “Your uncle did this. Not you. Yes, it sucks that your parents died. I can’t imagine the hell that you went through, but it’s time to stop playing the victim.”

  “Ella,” James muttered as he grabbed the hand she used to hold my face and forced it down.

  “No, she needs to hear this.” She jerked her hand free from her father’s grasp. “Your uncle doesn’t help us. He let packs go hungry and refused to help our ill. Is that okay with you? You can make a difference. This isn’t about power. You can make a difference in a way none of us can.”

  She was right. Maybe I’d been looking at this the wrong way the entire time. If my uncle was not holding up to his end and taking care of his duties and responsibilities, I realized I should challenge him. “But I’m not cut out for it.”

  “It’s in your blood.” Mason slid one arm around me and placed his lips close to my ear. “Look.” He pointed to both Mona and Kassie and then back at himself. “You saved us. You’re strong, both physically and mentally.”

  “If you hadn’t averted your eyes when you did the other day, you would’ve been over my pack.” James chuckled and winked at me. “I’m not kidding.”

  “The fact that you don’t want it makes you the perfect person.” Mona reached over and patted Kassie’s arm. “You’ve always been strong, and we’ve been proud to watch you grow into the woman you are today.”

  All my life, I was afraid of this moment. The pivotal one where I had to decide whether I would follow the footsteps of my parents and lay claim to what was rightfully mine or reject everyone I loved and run away. And now that it was here, it was blatantly clear what I would choose to do. Would you be okay being King?

  I’d do anything as long as I’m beside you. His thumb began to rub on my waist.

  “Then it sounds like the operation to take back the crown begins tonight.” Now we had to figure out what the hell to do.

  Kassie sniffed and straightened her shoulders. “All right, let me go grab my board.” She stood and passed by Ella and James to go up the stairs.

  “What are you doing?” Maybe they hit her in the head or something.

  “Ever since I had the dream, I’ve been preparing.” She disappeared at the top of the stairs and a bedroom door opened.

  “This isn’t unusual.” Mona waved her hand at the others. “She’s always battle-ready.”

  “Okay then.” Ella laughed and plopped on the couch next to Mona. “So, are you like her moms or something?”

  “Ella,” James growled her name. “What have we talked about?”

  “Dad, give it up.” She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “I’m almost nineteen. I’m who I am. Embrace it.”

  I loved that girl. “I think she’s pretty fantastic.”

  “See.” She pointed at me. “The future queen is a fan.” Her hand dropped, and her nose wrinkled. “Ah, shit. I’m not calling Mason King.”

  “Oh, yes you will.” He chuckled. “I can’t wait for it.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” There was no guarantee this was going to work. “We still need a plan.”

  “Which I have.” Kassie’s bedroom door shut again, and she came down the stairs, holding a huge chart.

  She moved over to the recliner and set it up to lean against the back.

  It was an outline of the upper northeast of the United States. She had New York City dotted, the Hamptons, and then some spot near what appeared to be Albany.

  “What’s this?” I wasn’t quite sure where this was heading.

  “It’s some kind of chart that she made.” Ella shook her head. “It must be the stress.”

  “No, smartass.” I couldn’t keep the grin completely hidden. “I mean, I get NYC and Hamptons, but what’s the other dot representing?”

  “That’s where your uncle is hiding.” Kassie circled. “I got enough out of dick shit before he revealed his true colors.”

  “So you knew and didn’t tell me?” Mona took the cold tone she reserved for when she was about to throw down.

  “No, I didn’t know.” She held both hands in the air.

  Kassie may have been the one who came off gruff and strong, but Mona could probably have kicked her ass if it came down to it.

  “He said something about his boss heading to Albany. I was going to ask more, but that’s when things went south.” She huffed and shook her head. “Anyway, I remember your father talking about a family house that was supposed to be shared between him and Darren, but Darren claimed it for his own after their parents died. He showed me a picture once. It’ll take me a minute, but I have a general idea of where it is.”

  “How long do you think it’ll take to figure it out?” Right now, time was not our friend.

  “Give me thirty minutes.” Kassie walked over to the end table between the recliner and couch and opened the drawer. She pulled out the laptop and opened it up. “I’m pretty sure I remember at least part of the address.”

  “I’m going to head back to the house and make sure those two are properly taken care of.” James strode to the door. “Ella, why don’t you come with me?”

  “Nope, I’m going with them.” She nodded her head in my direction. “They’re going to need all the wolf power they can get.”

  “We need to hit it hard.” Kassie glanced at Mona. “Go buy us tickets for the flight out from here to Albany. We’ve gotta get there and fast.”

  It seemed a little too surreal. In less than twenty-four hours, I’d be facing my uncle, and there was no telling what was going to happen.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I fidgeted as I tried to close my eyes. We’d been up all night and were on the last leg of the flight to Albany. My stomach was upset, and I wasn't quite sure if it was from what we were about to do or being on the airplane. Maybe it was a combination. This was the first time I could remember being on a flight and hopefully would be my last.

  "Are you okay?" Mason placed our joined hands in my lap and squeezed them ever so gently.

  "Do you really want an answer?" I arched an eyebrow as I took in his rugged sexy face.

  "Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise." With his free hand, he reached over and touched my cheek.

  "That's the thing. I'm not worried about myself." I'd rather it be me who got hurt than him, Ella, Kassie, or Mona. I hated that they all demanded to come, but what could I do. At the end of the day, it was their choice.

  "We just need to focus on one thing at a time." Mason leaned over and brushed his lips against mine.

  "Ew." Ella used her arms and pushed Mason and my seats forward. "Stop it."

  We both lurched forward, and our heads bumped together.

  "Dammit, Ella," Mason growled, causing the people who sat directly across from us to glance our way.

  Of course, Ella would make sure to draw other people's attention. "We weren't doing anything."

  "Yeah, right." Ella plopped back in her seat and crossed her arms. She glanced across the aisle at Mona and Kassie. "Mason and I should've traded seats. I told you."

  "Leave us alone." He lowered his voice and glared at her. "Otherwise, you may not make it off this plane."

  "I'm not scared." Ella winked at him. "Elena loves me. She won't let anything happen to me."

  It was true, and that hussy knew it. "Doesn't mean I'd be opposed to him breaking an appendage."

>   "You wouldn't?" Her mouth dropped open, and she lifted her head. "Don't worry. I got a ton of dirt on Mason that he wouldn't want shared."

  "Oh, really now?" I turned my attention to Mason. "What kind of stuff is she using for blackmail?"

  "There's no telling." He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "She has a memory like an elephant's."

  "Hey, don't call me fat." Ella leaned back in her chair, making the guy right next to her a little uncomfortable. "Did you hear what he just said?" She looked at the guy whose eyes widened.

  "Uh... I'm not very comfortable with getting involved." He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. "All three of you are a little intimidating."

  "I think I like you." Ella reached over and patted his arm. "Most men would be afraid to say that."

  "Uh... thanks, I think." He turned his body in the direction of the aisle, trying his best to turn his back toward her.

  "Stop harassing the passengers." Kassie chuckled. "It's not fun when I can't join in the games."

  The airplane's speakers dinged, and a voice came over the intercom. "We're approaching Albany International Airport. We will soon begin descending and should be on the ground in about fifteen to twenty minutes. Please put your seatbelts back on, and your seats and tray tables in an upright position." It dinged again, indicating it was now off.

  Thank God. I hadn't meant to project it to Mason, but his shoulders shook as he chuckled.

  "That bad?" He turned toward me again with a small grin. I'd have figured you'd be a traveling guru.

  Nope. My parents had died before they had begun taking me on those types of trips. I'll just be glad when both of my feet are on solid ground.

  The next few minutes seemed to speed up now that we were closing in on Darren. I could only hope that this wasn't the beginning of the end.

  As we exited the airport, we paused at the loading station to wait for Kassie to bring around the Tahoe we had rented. We hadn't brought many clothes seeing as this was supposed to be a very short trip. However, we hadn't booked a return flight for obvious reasons.

  Soon, a black Tahoe stopped in front of us, and the window rolled down, revealing Kassie's smiling face. "Let's get in and go."

  "Pop the trunk so we can put our bags in." Mona motioned to the trunk.

  "Done," Kassie said as the trunk popped open.

  The four of us walked behind with our carry-on bags.

  "Holy shit. Good thing we didn't bring a lot of luggage." Ella's nose wrinkled. "For one big ass vehicle, the back seat is damn small."

  "Just get in, and let's get going," Kassie growled in the front. "We need to meet my contact in thirty minutes so we can get some essentials."

  "Oh, did you forget deodorant or something?" Ella threw her bag in the back and ran to the passenger door. "I'm sure there is a Walmart or something around."

  "Sometimes I wonder about you." Mason put both his and my bag in the trunk then took Mona's. "It's like she's not all there or something."

  "Hey." Ella turned around in her seat and shot Mason a glare. "I can hear you."

  "As if I care." Mason slammed the trunk as Mona climbed up front with Kassie, and Mason crawled into the backseat of the Tahoe. "Move it." He pointed to Ella, motioning toward the back row.

  "Nope, not happening." Ella crossed her arms. "After watching you two snuggle and cuddle for the last fourish hours, your ass is sitting in the back."

  "No," Mason growled out.

  Just let her. We had more important things to worry about than sibling rivalry. We need to get to the guy, and you know she's stubborn as hell.

  Fine. He moved toward the backseat and almost fell into it. Only for you. She's shorter than both of us and should be the one back here. Not me.

  I had to squash the smile from appearing on my face.

  "Hot damn." Ella pumped her fist in the air. "I hadn't expected that to work."

  As soon as I climbed in and shut the door, Kassie gunned the car, squealing out of the airport.

  The GPS started talking to her, giving her directions on where to go.

  Now that we were back on the ground, some of the anxiety had vanished. Whatever was left had to do with what we were heading toward.

  The sun was rising, and colorful pinks, purples, and blues filled the sky. It served as a reminder that in times of pain and suffering, there was still something beautiful you could find in the world.

  The thrumming of the engine seemed to soothe me, and my eyes began to get heavy.

  "So it's almost daylight. What is the plan?" Ella spoke, startling me from drifting asleep.

  "We meet with my contact, and then we find a hotel room." Kassie glanced in the rearview mirror, looking at the three of us in the backseats.

  "Yeah, we'll need to go after nightfall." Mona turned toward the back so she was facing us. "And we all need rest." Even though it hadn't been twenty-four hours, her black eyes were already fading back to her natural color. The marks on her wrists were now scabbed over.

  One of the perks of being a wolf. Super-fast healing.

  "That's a very smart plan." Mason leaned forward so he was closer to me and Ella. "If we tried to do something now, we might not be able to hold them off."

  "What kind of security protection are you thinking he's going to have?" Yes, we needed rest but also a game plan.

  "I'm expecting it will be light." Kassie turned onto an interstate. "He's not expecting us to know anything about it. He claimed the house right before your father became King, so we’ve never been here."

  "Then how do you know about it?" Ella flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

  "King Corey had a few too many drinks one night after a fight with Darren." Kassie shook her head and huffed. "I had to break them up, and as I took King Corey back toward his room, he told me all about it. About how some of his favorite memories were there and where it was located. He shared enough with me so I was able to pinpoint it. He woke up the next morning and didn't remember our conversation, so I didn't bring it up again."

  "So Darren won't be expecting us at all." Mona nodded her head. "Queen Serafina wasn't a fan of Darren's either, but since her sister died young, she never wanted to try to persuade Corey from seeing Darren."

  "Why is it Kassie talks more about Corey and you talk more about Serafina?" Ella pursed her lips and tilted her head.

  "Because I was the king's personal guard." Kassie’s shoulders sagged.

  "And I was the queen's." Mona turned around and faced her. "That's how we became so close but also why Kassie tends to know more about this stuff than me. The king was the one who made more of the decisions and things because he was the heir and proved the strongest alpha."

  "How did everyone know he was the strongest?" Ella glanced at me.

  "Well, according to Dad, the royals have auburn fur." Mason placed his hand on my shoulder. "And Elena does but not Darren. So that's probably how they can tell."

  I hoped Kassie was right in case I wound up fighting Darren before it was all said and done.

  "You're probably right." Mona nodded her head. "And unlike her father and mother, Elena would be the one making the final decisions and not Mason."

  "Ha, who would've thought my tough, strong brother would turn out as nothing more than arm candy." Ella laughed so hard a tear ran down her face.

  "She needs someone like him to support her and be part of the decisions." Mona rolled her eyes. "So he won't be just arm candy."

  "Shush, guys." Kassie turned off the road and onto an exit. "We're getting close."

  "They can't hear us," Ella said in a loud whisper.

  "I'm not talking about my contact." She growled and glanced over her shoulder. "You guys are loud, I'm having trouble hearing the directions."

  Ella huffed and crossed her arms.

  She doesn't like being told what to do. Mason's deep chuckle popped in my head.

  Sounds like someone else I know. I cringed when I remembered a few hours earlier. I kind of outed you
to your dad. I'm sorry.

  It's fine. He already figured out that I knew about you being a royal when I asked him to allow you in the pack. So we'd already addressed that. Mason's fingers touched my shoulder. And he'll want to talk about the fighting when this is all over and done. He didn't want me to do it when I first mentioned it. Both he and Mom asked me not to. I'm twenty-one, so it's not like he can do much. It'll all be fine.

  I had lost my head earlier and had diarrhea of the mouth for a moment. But he was right; that was stuff we could worry about later.

  We were approaching a subdivision full of nice, middle-income housing. As Kassie followed the directions on her phone, we approached a dead end, and she turned in at the last house on the right.

  The driveway curved behind the house, so Kassie followed the route. When we turned behind it, it was still dark as the sun hadn't risen very high, and someone was standing next to the backdoor in the shadows.

  "Everyone, get out. He's going to want to check us all." Kassie turned the car off and pointed to the right side of the car. "Everybody but me needs to step out slowly on the right side so he can see we're unarmed."

  "Are you sure about this?" All her instructions and her demeanor made me nervous. "Is something bad going to happen?"

  "No, I wouldn't have brought you here otherwise." She turned toward me as she opened her door. "I just had to cash in a big favor, and they might be suspicious. As long as we are careful and let them get comfortable, we'll be fine.

  "Should I keep the gun around my ankle or leave it?" Mona glanced at the guy who was staring us down.

  "Leave it here." Kassie took a step out. "Otherwise, if they find it in there, we'll be screwed."

  "Okay." She leaned down and pulled out a small gun and placed it underneath her seat. "Let's go."

  Ella swung the door open and slowly stepped out with both hands up in the air.

  "What the hell?" Kassie waved at Ella. "Put your damn hands down."

  "I don't know." The guy stepped partially in the light and grinned. "I kinda like it." He was about my height with short chestnut hair that was spiked in front. His light blue eyes twinkled with mirth.


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