The Teacher’s Pets

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The Teacher’s Pets Page 15

by Marla Monroe

  “I saw a white truck drive off right after the gunshot, so now they can look for whoever drives a white truck to question them,” she said.

  Wesson got the feeling she wasn’t saying everything. She wouldn’t look him in the face when she spoke. Did she know more than she was telling them? What about the sheriff? Had she told him whatever she was hiding? He’d wait until later to question her. He didn’t want to upset her more than she already was, though he had to be honest, she was handling it all pretty damn well.

  “There can’t be that many white trucks around here to check,” Wesson said.

  “We’re going to investigate everything, Wesson. There’s no need for you to worry about it. Let us do our jobs,” the sheriff told him.

  “This is the second time someone’s shot at Jessie. Now they’re using deadly force and not just darts,” he snarled.

  “Easy, Wesson,” Cole said. “Let them handle this. We’ll watch after Jessie from now on.”

  “As soon as the sheriff is finished with you, pack a bag, Jessie,” Wesson said. “You’re coming home with us.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jessie relaxed between the two men as they escorted her out to their truck. Both Wesson and Cole walked with her so close beside them that she nearly stumbled. They weren’t taking any chances that whoever had shot into her house wasn’t still out there waiting for her to emerge from the house to try again.

  Cole helped her up into the truck and waited by the door until Wesson had climbed into the driver’s seat before he got into the back passenger side of the truck. The sheriff had promised to let them know when they had a suspect in custody. She’d told him about what she’d seen at school concerning the assistant principal and how he’d been harassing her about dating Wesson and Cole. She hadn’t told the two men in her life though.

  The drive to their place was made in near silence. The rich darkness was so thick it felt as if she could cut it with a knife, yet there were thousands of sparkling stars in the sky above. Jessie loved that about living outside of the larger towns. Bright city lights blinded people to the beauty of nature.

  “You’re awful quiet, darling. Are you sure you’re okay?” Cole asked her from the back seat.

  “I’m fine. Just can’t believe someone tried to shoot me. It just doesn’t seem real somehow,” she said.

  “You were so damn lucky, babe. My stomach flips just thinking about what could have happened,” Wesson said.

  He pulled the big truck behind their house to the back door. Cole jumped out and looked around before opening her door and helping her down. Wesson grabbed her overnight bag from the back seat and followed them into the house.

  “Want something to drink?” Cole asked.

  “I could really use a Diet Coke. I didn’t get my usual fix after work,” she joked.

  “Cole, why don’t you take her into the living room while I get us all something to drink?”

  Jessie followed with her hand clasped tightly in Cole’s as he led her into the other room. She sat on the couch with Cole on one side of her. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek then the forehead.

  “We could have lost you, hon. I don’t think I could have stood losing you. We just found you,” he said in a soft voice.

  “But I’m fine. Nothing happened to me. I’m going to have to get someone over to repair my window and my wall though.”

  “We’ll take care of that for you. You don’t have to worry about a thing,” Cole said.

  “Take care of what?” Wesson asked as he brought in two beers and Jessie’s beloved Diet Coke.

  “I was telling her we’d handle getting the repairs done on her house for her,” Cole said.

  “Absolutely. You don’t need to worry about anything,” Wesson said. “Now. Why don’t you tell us what you wouldn’t tell us back at your house?”

  “What do you mean?” Jessie asked, knowing full well what he was talking about.

  “I saw the little eye exchange you had with the sheriff when you were telling us about the white truck. What are you hiding?” Wesson asked.

  “The sheriff is going to take care of it,” she said.

  “Take care of what?” Cole asked, setting his beer on the coffee table.

  “The white truck looked a little like the one the assistant principal drives. It doesn’t mean it was him, just that he drives a white truck,” she said.

  “And this is significant why?” Wesson asked.

  Jessie sighed. He could tell she was still holding out on them. She was terrible at lying even by omission.

  She finally relented and told them about her run-ins with the man she’d had prior to that. Both men were outraged and chastised her for not confiding in them about the trouble she’d been having with the man.

  “That’s harassment, babe. You should have gone to the principal and complained about his actions,” Wesson told her.

  “I wasn’t sure how the principal would feel about us dating either. I thought that if I left it alone he’d eventually get tired of bothering me. After I found out that there was someone on the board that was also in a ménage relationship I didn’t worry so much anymore,” she said.

  “You shouldn’t have had to put up with that kind of environment at work,” Cole said.

  “If it turns out that the assistant principal is the one who’s been shooting at cattle and people, then I won’t have to worry about it again,” she said.

  “You should have gone straight to the sheriff with what you thought you saw. Even if it had turned out not to be a gun, it was the best thing to have done. Maybe you wouldn’t have nearly been killed if you had,” Wesson chided.

  “I know you’re right, but I was afraid I was letting my feelings for the man interfere with what I was seeing. I didn’t want to bring more attention to myself by getting the sheriff involved.” Jessie sipped her drink.

  “Are you hungry?” Cole asked.

  “Not really. I could use a nap I think. I’m exhausted. I guess all the excitement wore me out,” she confessed.

  “Come on, hon. We’ll lie down with you until you fall asleep. You’re probably crashing after the adrenaline rush,” Cole said as he stood.

  Wesson pulled her to her feet, and she let them lead her to the bedroom. She stood still while they pulled back the covers on the bed and undressed her so that she crawled into bed nude. The two men removed their boots and shirts and climbed on top of the covers to hold her until she finally drifted off.

  * * * *

  Jessie breathed in the scent of something cooking and opened her eyes. The room was dark except for a sliver of light coming from the bathroom door where they’d left it cracked. She stretched and groaned at how good it felt being in their bed. The only thing nicer would have been to have both of them there with her.

  She climbed out of bed and searched through her overnight bag for a long T-shirt and underwear. The tantalizing smells coming from the kitchen had her stomach clenching in hunger. It had been a long time since lunch earlier that day. She had no idea what time it was now, but she was hungry.

  The sound of voices carried to her as she walked out of the bedroom and down the hall.

  “I’m just glad they finally caught the bastard,” Cole said.

  “When I think that he was at that school near Jessie every day, I get a sick feeling. He could have hurt her at any time,” Cole said.

  “Who? What’s going on?” Jessie asked, walking into the room.

  Cole turned from what he was doing at the stove and smiled at her. “Hey there, honey. Did you sleep well?”

  “I did, but what’s going on?” she asked.

  “They arrested that assistant principal, Mr. Kelly. He had a tranquilizer gun and a rifle in his truck. The fool hadn’t even tried to hide them other than throwing a blanket over them in the back seat,” Wesson said.

  “So it was his truck I saw leaving tonight,” she said.

  “Yes,” Cole said.

  “I’m so glad this is al
l over with now. I’ve felt as if there was a target on my back ever since he shot me with that dart,” Jessie confessed.

  “Did he say why?” she asked.

  “He hasn’t said much of anything according to the sheriff, but they’ve been digging and evidently his wife left him for two men and moved to New Mexico with them. He’d claimed it was one man, a younger man, but hadn’t admitted to anyone that it was two men. He’s been harboring a deep-seated anger against threesomes ever since,” Cole told her.

  “We’re so lucky he didn’t seriously hurt anyone,” Jessie said.

  “I’m just thankful he didn’t hurt you. You came so close last night. If you’d been standing in the wrong place it could have been much, much worse,” Wesson said.

  “But I wasn’t, and everything is fine now,” she said.

  “Hungry?” Cole asked. “I’ve got bacon, eggs, and toast ready.”

  “Starved,” she admitted.

  They ate while talking about what they wanted to do the next day. Jessie reminded them that she had a bridesmaid dress fitting that afternoon so she’d have to go back home to get her car to meet the others at the bridal shop.

  “We’ll take you and pick you up. We’ll eat dinner in town after your fitting,” Cole suggested.

  “If you’re sure you don’t mind.” Jessie loved that they were so attentive.

  In fact, she loved a lot about them. They were kind, easy going, and fun to be with. While Cole was less serious and more teasing, Wesson was steady and solid in his mannerisms. She liked that she could depend on him to be there when she needed him. Both men sincerely seemed to love her, and she definitely loved them. She loved them so much it scared her. The thought of losing one or both of them twisted her insides with pain and fear. How had she gotten so attached to them in such a short period of time?

  “Why the serious face, love?” Cole asked.

  “Just thinking that I love you both so much it scares me.”

  “Why?” Wesson asked. “Why does it scare you?”

  “I don’t know what I would do if I lost one or both of you. We haven’t really known each other more than a few months, and already I feel as if I’d die if I lost you,” she admitted.

  “We feel the same way, babe. You mean the world to us. We don’t want to ever think about living without you in our lives,” Wesson said.

  Cole stood and carried their plates to the sink. He reached down and took Jessie’s hands in his.

  “This isn’t really the place or the time, but I can’t stand it. I have to ask,” Cole began.

  “Ask what?” Jessie asked.

  Wesson jumped to his feet and walked over to where Cole had Jessie standing next to him. He took one of her hands from his brother and carried it to his lips for a soft kiss.

  “Jessie, would you marry us?” Cole asked, looking down at her with so much love in his eyes that Jessie felt tears burn in hers.

  “You want to marry me? Really?”

  “Absolutely,” Wesson said. “We want you with us for the rest of our lives.”

  “I love you guys so much. Yes. I’ll be your wife.” Jessie squealed when both men crushed her between them.

  “Back off some, Wesson. We’ll suffocate her if we aren’t careful. She’s such a tiny thing.” Cole squeezed the hand he still held.

  “I’m not tiny at all,” she said with a teary laugh.

  “You’re the perfect size for us, babe,” Wesson said.

  “How does this work? I can’t marry both of you at one time. It’s not legal,” she pointed out.

  “You’ll marry Cole because he’s the oldest, and then we’ll have a ceremony for the three of us with our friends,” Wesson told her.

  “Oh God,” Jessie said with a soft cry.

  “What?” Cole and Wesson asked at the same time.

  “Brenda’s going to go crazy planning the wedding, and she isn’t even married yet.” Jessie smiled through the tears of happiness that filled her eyes. “I can’t wait to tell her.”

  “So pick a date,” Wesson said.

  “Now? Pick a date right now?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I want it officially written down before we do anything else. I want to program it on my phone and write it on the calendar in the kitchen,” Wesson said.

  “I don’t know. How about a July wedding? Nothing fancy, just a small ceremony. That would give us time before school starts again,” she suggested.

  “June,” Cole said.

  “What? That’s barely after school lets out,” she squealed.

  “Okay, okay. July. When in July?” Cole asked.

  Wesson pulled up the calendar on his phone, and they settled on the weekend after the fourth. It would give them nearly three weeks after school was out to plan and another three weeks before school started. Jessie couldn’t believe she was planning her wedding already. Brenda was going to go crazy when she told her about it the next day.

  “Come to bed, babe. I need to hold you,” Wesson said, tugging on her hand.

  “I want to be held by you. You and Cole,” she admitted.

  The second they were in the bedroom, Wesson pulled her shirt over her head then wrapped her in his arms. Neither man was wearing a shirt, but they both still had on their jeans. She reached between them and started unfastening Wesson’s jeans.

  “I need you naked. Both of you,” she said, tugging at his pants.

  Cole was already out of his, pressing against her back with his nude body. She moaned at how good it felt to have the man flush against her back, skin to skin. The heat of his warmed her cooler skin. She leaned back as Wesson pulled down his jeans and stepped out of them, leaving them lying on the floor where they dropped.

  “Get her in bed, Cole,” Wesson said.

  “Already working on it,” Cole said as he walked her toward the bed with him behind her.

  Jessie hit the edge of the mattress and climbed up on the bed. She turned around to watch her men climb on the bed behind her. She loved how their eyes were heavy with desire. Desire for her, for what they could do together. The sight of them nude with their hard bodies and muscular builds sent shivers down her spine.

  “Lie back, babe. I want to taste you. Lie on the bed for me so I can lick that pretty pussy,” Wesson said.

  Jessie drew in a deep breath and did as he asked. The thought of him going down on her had her pussy weeping with need. He spread her legs wide to accommodate his wide shoulders and lifted her ass with his hands as he ran his tongue up her slit. Jessie gasped at the sensation of his tongue against her wet folds.

  “Damn you taste good, babe. I love the way you taste,” Wesson said.

  Cole wasn’t about to be left out. He’d climbed on the bed next to her and relaxed on his side so that he could reach her breasts with his hand and his mouth. Jessie wrapped one arm around his shoulder and pulled him to her.

  “Kiss me, Cole.”

  He smiled and claimed her mouth with his, moving his lips over hers then licking them so that she opened to him. As soon as she did, he plunged his tongue deep inside her mouth and slid along hers. She loved how he kissed, as if touching every part of her was important. He sucked on her tongue then on her lips before pulling back and turning his attention to her breasts.

  Jessie threaded her fingers through his hair as he sucked in a nipple and drew on it. The sensation had her toes curling and her back arching even as Wesson licked over her clit with his tongue.

  “Oh God,” she whispered in a hoarse voice.

  “I could eat this wet pussy all night, babe. You taste like spicy honey.” Wesson drew his tongue down her slit once more then speared her pussy with two fingers.

  Jessie clamped down on his fingers, loving that she had something to hold on to as he drove her higher with his tongue. Already that heavy pressure that built just before an orgasm was filling her body with need.

  Wesson thrust his fingers in and out of her before turning them and rubbing back and forth until he found that sweet spot deep in
side her cunt that made her wild beneath him. Once he found it, he massaged it relentlessly. Every stroke sent her higher and higher until the combined feel of those fingers, his mouth on her clit, and Cole’s mouth and fingers on her nipples drove her over the top as her orgasm exploded around her.

  Jessie screamed until no sound came out of her mouth with the sheer pleasure they brought her. Her body bucked, and she dug her fingers into their scalps as she jerked between them. The orgasm ripped guttural sounds from her throat until she was hoarse and coughing.

  “Easy, babe.” Wesson climbed up on the other side of her, petting her as she spasmed between them.

  “God, I love to watch you come undone like that,” Cole said in a soft voice. “You’re fucking amazing.”

  “Too good,” she finally managed to get out. “Always feels too good.”

  “It’s never too good,” Wesson said. “I can’t wait to get inside that tight pussy. You’re going to come for us again. Aren’t you, babe.”

  “Oh God. I’ll die if I come like that again,” she said.

  Wesson climbed over her and lifted one leg over his arm. “You’re soaking wet, babe. Love how wet you get when you climax.”

  Jessie groaned when he slowly began inching his way inside of her. He was so thick and hard. It felt wonderful to have him filling her. She lifted her hips to meet him as he finally made it all the way inside of her. She felt full and antsy with the need to move. His hard length pulled back then shoved back in, startling a yelp from her.

  “Okay, babe?” he asked.

  “Yes. You feel so good inside of me,” she said. “So good.”

  “I want that pretty mouth around my dick,” Cole told her.

  He cupped her cheek with one hand and guided his cock to her mouth with the other one. “Are you going to suck my dick for me, hon?” he asked.

  “Yes. Let me taste you, Cole.”

  She opened her mouth and took his long shaft into her mouth. He was salty and hard against her tongue. He pushed in then pulled out as she sucked on the bulbous head before sliding her tongue over the slit at the tip of his cockhead. His swift hiss of pleasure made her smile around his length.


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