Star Feud

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Star Feud Page 6

by D. R. Rosier

  Genocide is ugly. Plus, the Stolavii want to enslave us and exploit us. The Suaterans, I had no idea what the little gray stick people with huge eyes wanted, except to be left alone. What was the saying, to win peace, be prepared for war? If we wanted peace, we’d need to prove to the independent worlds the cost of war would be way too high.

  Natalya asked, “How big is it?”

  I said, “A hundred yards, about fifty yards smaller than the current scout. Two thirds of the old scout ship are empty bays to transport materials. I got rid of a half of them, and then another half of what’s left is dedicated to the dimensional ports, sensor packages, shield emitters, and everything else to support the ship, support the multi-function spheres, and connect it to the auxiliary complements. The other half is still available to ship materials, about a quarter what the old scout could carry, which is two point five times what we need to be able to carry to support the ship with enough money, since the costs are ten percent what they were, not twenty five percent what they were. That means less than half the amount of resource runs the old scout ships needed to do to operate in the black.”

  “Operate in the black?” Tek asked.

  “Sorry, Earth business term, it means the ship is making money after paying out all expenses. Operating in the red means it costs more to run than credits it can make.”

  Ann said, “I’ll translate it right next time. Damn Earth colloquialisms.”

  I suppressed a laugh, but couldn’t help the smile.

  Natalya said, “Alright, political compromise is finished, the economy should recover and then take off in a boom. We also just covered defense and technological innovations. On that note, I’d like to make it a priority to get our scientists working on a way to jam dimensional space. We need it both to shield our ships, and our planets.”

  Vik cleared his throat, “I agree, but it’s clear it’s going to take a breakthrough. Was there anything else we needed to discuss, or do we have our way forward as a united empire?”

  There was a lot more to do of course, but policy came from above, the local matters could be figured out on a planetary level. Vik would be very busy with Isyth politics, but he wouldn’t have to interface with the governors that often, or their worlds. Just… keep an eye on them. Ironically perhaps, much like we had to watch our enemies, and neighboring empires.

  Tek and Jervistad both looked a bit put out, for different reasons I’d imagine. Tek because of the breakthroughs in technology, both the danger involved and the beginning of the heavy element industry going down, and Jervistad because he wanted more political power. Too bad for them, but they’d both bear watching. Both Natalya and Xylla looked very satisfied with the meeting, what was discussed and the way forward.

  Xylla said, “I have nothing further, I assume you will update the A.I.s and create a law outlining the new procedure for lawmaking quickly?”

  Vik said, “Yes, I’ll have both done within a day.”

  Xylla replied, “In that case, I must return to my world and prepare them for a bright future.”

  Tek snorted derisively. Some people just can’t see the good in things I guess.

  Natalya stated, “Agreed.”

  Tek and Jervistad had little choice but to agree at that point.

  I sighed in relief, when the four of them and their eight guards left the room, and the palace, not to mention the planet.

  Vik accused playfully, “I had no idea your new ship would be quite so deadly, and that it would completely redefine space combat. You’ve been holding out on me.”

  I blushed, “Surprise? You only had to ask, most of it is a work in progress, but shouldn’t be an issue. I just need to finish the fabrication designs.”

  Vik sighed, “I just hope the new ship doesn’t scare the neighbors.”

  Right, the two large empires that could squash us like a bug. New ship or no new ship.

  Chapter Nine

  Black silk and lace lingerie panty and bra set, with a black see through negligee that was translucent. A little makeup, and four inch bright red heels which did wonders for my ass and legs. I’d like to say I wasn’t dressing up for a man, that I was far too independent for that, but I’d so be lying. Truthfully, I loved to dress provocatively, in private for my lovers only, and bask in the effect it had on them.

  It was something I learned about myself very recently. I also wasn’t sure what some of the fuss was about, sure, a stranger might have objectified me, but I wore it for my lovers, and they did no such thing. They worshipped me.

  Vik and the rest of his family was having a family dinner, I wasn’t sure exactly what the deal was on why he asked me and the others not to come. I had a feeling there might be another female involved, an old friend of the family no doubt, a friend of his from before, but I couldn’t be sure. I knew it would happen, he’d told me it would, and I was mostly okay with it. I knew he loved me, and I was trying not to think about it all that much, but the triumphant little smirk on Dessia’s face when she looked at me earlier during the conversation was my only clue.

  Plus, it would be hypocritical of me in the extreme to object, especially considering my planned seduction of Telidur that night.

  That was all beside the point anyway, given we weren’t having dinner with the royal family, and they were safe in the royal wing, I’d invited Telidur to share a private and intimate dinner tonight. I planned to meet him at the door in my… admittedly slutty and sexy lingerie. I wasn’t the most beautiful woman in the world, naturally around a seven on the scale. Done up, I could hit a nine, or dressed down a five or six which came in handy. I liked it that way, I could stand out or fade to the background at will, and was very satisfied with my looks.

  My light brown hair was mostly up, with a few artfully escaped hairs, and I had in diamond earrings. Why was I dressing like that for Telidur, when we were in a steady relationship, one that included love, at least from my side of the equation? Because despite our relationship growing over the last year, both as friends and lovers, we were still playing the same game.

  He always tried to get me to beg him for it, he teased me sensually until I lost my mind, to let him control me and writhe beneath him, and I always tried to make him lose control and take me in return. He had a lot more willpower than Vik did in that area of things, so the way I was dressed was kind of loading the dice. All’s fair in love and war, and our little game could be called both.

  Regardless, no matter which of us won tonight, I was sure tonight would be a wonderfully sensual, and fun. Sadly, over the last year I’d only driven him to that point a few times, which is why I still tried so hard to break his discipline.

  I never could resist a challenge.

  I pushed that out of my head, my body was already tingling in anticipation. Ironically, dressing this way gave him an edge too, I felt sexy, a little bit naughty, and more than a bit in love. Vik and I had finally admitted the truth to each other, it had taken a tragedy to get us there. I wondered if a similar confession was coming between Telidur and I.

  He was far too affectionate, attentive, and sweet for this to be just friends with benefits between us anymore, but that didn’t mean my stomach wasn’t doing nervous flips. Put me in a firefight, give me a target to assassinate, or one to protect, and I knew exactly what to do. Relationships, love? I was stunted there, and knew it, but I didn’t think I was doing too badly that way either.

  The door buzzed, and with a thought Anna opened the door for me. It was contrived, but I posed for him from several feet away. His eyes widened as he took me in, and then he smiled knowingly as he stepped inside. Well, of course he figured out my line of attack so to speak, I was being about as subtle as a plasma rifle.

  That didn’t mean it wasn’t effective however.

  “Tel,” I caressed his name softly in my best bedroom voice.

  Telidur smiled wider, “You are ravishing Lori,” he said as he walked over to me.

  He caressed my cheek, and leaned down for a kiss. I wa
s fully compliant, melting against him as our lips touched. It was a short sweet kiss, but one also filled with promise.

  “Hungry?” I asked.

  He smirked again, yeah, my pun wasn’t subtle either.

  “What’s for dinner?”

  I took his hand, and led him to the table, then walked slowly around the table, giving him plenty of time to admire my ass before I turned and sat down. Yeah, maybe it was overkill, but I loved the way he looked at me, and melted a little at the sparkle and hunger in his eyes.

  I uncovered a couple of his favorite Isythian dishes, which I greatly favored as well.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off me, and it was making me feel weak, and impossibly turned on.

  “Looks delicious. Mouthwatering.”

  That wasn’t a pun, and he wasn’t talking about the food. My breath was a little shallow at that point, my heart was racing with titillating excitement, and it took an act of will to spoon some of the food onto my plate, and to not jump him right then. So much for sexy lingerie giving me an edge, I already wanted to beg him to fuck me.

  He said, “We need to talk.”

  Ouch, it was like he’d just dumped a bucket of ice water on my libido.

  “About what?” I asked with faux nonchalance, before taking a small bite of food. I moaned softly in approval at the taste, and it wasn’t even a planned part of my seduction.

  He seemed to see right through me though.

  “Nothing bad, at least I hope not.”

  I said, “That wasn’t reassuring.”

  He looked pained, “If you were Isythian, it wouldn’t be a thing. It would not only be accepted, it would be expected. I’m well aware of the human penchant for jealousy, and thought the best thing would be to just have it all out in the open.”

  Of course, I knew and accepted it would happen with Vik, or at least I think I did. I wanted to accept it, and so far so good. I should have known the same conversation would come up with Telidur. I also realized he was being sweet, and making an effort he shouldn’t have to even make for my benefit. It made me love him a little more, at the same time it twisted my stomach. I really was okay with it mentally, but there was a visceral emotional reaction I couldn’t help whenever I imagined his cock in another woman. Crude, but the truth, and I wanted to claw out the bitch’s eyes. They were mine, they both were, him and Vik.

  Except of course, they weren’t. Not exclusively anyway.

  “So… you’re going to meet up with another friend soon? I kind of knew that would happen.”

  He made a pained face.

  I asked, “You already did?” and then winced at the accusing tone in my voice.

  It was official, operation trampy slutty seduction was failing, spectacularly.

  He looked uncomfortable, which made my mind stop spinning.

  “Wait, you have nothing to be guilty over, I’m part of your society now. Do you?”

  He winced, “I shouldn’t. This wasn’t how I planned to tell you. When you were with Vik the other day, I spent time with Jillintara. It just… happened. I feel guilty for feeling guilty, but we don’t sleep with A.I.s, except over the last year she stopped being that to me a long time ago.”

  What? Him and Jillintara? It was true enough, Jillintara was Isythian, with a physical body, with all the same physical responses and emotions as the Isythians. Different, but definitely a life, and worthy of love.

  I said, “But, you’ve probably never been friends with an A.I. before now either, have you?”

  He shook his head.

  Then it hit me hard, Telidur and Jillintara mussed the sheets together. My jealousy was washed away by an overwhelming wave of lust that took me completely off guard. I wondered if I’d lost my mind, but I loved them both, and the idea of him fucking her was just about the hottest thing I’d ever heard. If it had been a stranger it would have hurt, and caused jealousy, but for some reason knowing it was my love, and my best friend that he’d taken to bed, it changed everything. Maybe I was crazy, but I felt that viscerally, even if it didn’t make sense.

  I licked my lips, and he looked startled by that reaction. Of course, he’d read my reaction in my body language, he knew me quite well that way. He was a thorough lover that could play my body like a fine instrument, because he pays attention and wants to please me.

  He asked, “So, we’re okay?”

  “Yes, we are,” I said softly in a tone of wonder, and then took a bite of the meal.

  My mind was spinning again, but this time it was with lust. Maybe the whole operation trampy slutty seduction was still a go. Was it okay? I wanted to watch them go at it, but I pushed that down.

  He took a bite, and smiled at the taste.

  “There aren’t any others, and I’ll tell you if that changes. I’m not looking, and I’m quite satisfied with my work and the two female friends I do have.”

  I managed a few more bites of food, before I got up and rounded the table. I felt a surge of confidence, straddled him, and sighed in pleasure at his warm hands on my hips through the diaphanous silky fabric of the negligee.

  “There’s something I have to tell you too. I’m not just your friend, I haven’t been for a long time. I know we can never mate, I can’t give you children, but I adore you, feel safe with you, and love you with all that I am. I feel the same for Vik and Jillintara, but that doesn’t make what I feel for you any less earth shattering and life changing. I love you.”

  He kissed me, passionately, and groaned into my mouth as his hands tightened on my hips, and then moved up and gripped my waist. The kiss deepened and he teasingly brushed the bottom of my breasts through the silk lingerie. I heard a crash and clatter of plates and silverware. He picked me up, turned me and pushed me down on the table.

  I heard a rip as he tore my silk black panties down my legs, and then he pinned my arms to the side. He growled, and my pussy tingled as my legs parted slightly and I lifted my ass for him. Then he was in me, taking me hard and fast. No slow penetration, no checking me, he just started to fuck me hard and fast, and I was more than wet enough to take it, to both take it and love it.

  I giggled a little wickedly, which ended in a gasp as he spanked my ass hard with one hand, while he pulled my hair back forcefully with the other. I arched my back like a good girl, and gasped in pleasure as he so wonderfully and violently took me.

  Who knew, all I’d had to do to make him lose control, was to simply tell him the truth about how I felt. Sultry seduction was apparently nothing to him, compared to me giving him my heart. I almost cried in joy from that realization, and would have if my body wasn’t singing and reverberating with intense euphoric pleasure.

  I could barely move, but I could squeeze him hard, and swivel and grind against him each time he plundered my body with his long thick cock. He slapped our bodies together with a violent wanton abandon. I couldn’t move, but I’d never felt so powerful, felt in such control, or felt so incredibly sexy and desirable, as he lost control and ravaged me.

  He roared in pleasure, as he expanded in me, and buried himself hard. I did my best to milk him, I squeezed his cock and slightly moved my hips. When I felt him pulse into me, my own scream of pleasure was cut off as my body locked up, and waves of euphoric bliss rolled through my body.

  When I started to come down, I could feel his soft fingertips gently playing with my hair, back, and the other was softly caressing where he’d been spanking me.

  Telidur said, “I love you too Lori, and I won’t ever give you up.”

  I’m sure his thick cock still being in me was part of it, but those words sent a shiver down my spine, and caused an aftershock of pleasure to shoot through my body. I trembled, and he pulled out and then sat as he pulled me onto his lap. I melted and sighed in pleasure and contentment, at his soft loving kiss.

  “I want that too, but it’s impossible. You’ll regret it, and eventually come to resent me if you don’t have children.”

  He kissed my neck, and I sighed. I’d neve
r felt so content, but it was also bittersweet.

  Telidur said, “It won’t be easy, but we do have polyamorous marriages. All we have to do is find an Isythian woman we can both love, and that can love both of us.”

  I froze. Being without Telidur would hurt me badly, just as badly as losing Vik or Jillintara, but I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Even if we did that, I’d lose the other two, wouldn’t I?

  Still, that was better than losing all three of them, wasn’t it? I wanted that more than anything, but I didn’t believe in fairy tales. I had expected to end up with just Jillintara at the end, out of my three lovers she was the only one who wouldn’t, or couldn’t, mate. What about her? She would have no one, being an A.I. it would be a rare Isythian that could accept that kind of relationship, and I couldn’t possibly break her heart, besides breaking my own.

  It was all impossible, but at the same time it was a lovely dream. A dream I was in no hurry to shatter. I felt safe, loved, warm, and cared for. I kissed him, and smiled innocently, as I slid down on the floor to my knees, and looked up into his eyes. I’d already won tonight, so it seemed fair that he should too.

  “Please Tel, let me suck your cock?”

  He looked down at me with a dazed look, and smiled.

  I waited, patiently, even as my mouth watered to take him in, and taste our combined love.

  He finally acquiesced, and I felt a thrill go down my spine. There was something so empowering about this submission, and the power was mine, despite being the one on my knees begging.

  The night hadn’t been going how I’d thought, or how I’d hoped, but even better in a way. It was going to be one hot night. I looked up into his eyes, tried to look innocent and sultry at the same time, and took him inside my mouth with a soft moan of pleasure…

  Chapter Ten

  She was devastatingly beautiful. Long golden blonde hair, intelligent dark blue eyes and light blue skin. She was curvy, and her skin flawless. Her body was sinfully sexy, and easily gave Jillintara’s a run for her money. Her face was angelic, and her carriage was effortless, commanding, and graceful all at the same time. She was also looking over at Vik adoringly while a soft laugh fell from full sexy lips. Her tone of voice was somehow sexy and cultured at the same time.


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