His Wicked Game (Beautiful Lies Romantic Suspense Series Book 2)

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His Wicked Game (Beautiful Lies Romantic Suspense Series Book 2) Page 5

by M. L. Ray

  Anouk swept a hand over Martha’s hair. Although the other woman was a few years older than Anouk, she felt like a younger sister. “We’ll figure it all out. Just get strong.”

  She kissed Martha’s cheek. “Now, eat and feel better. Make yourself at home. There are fresh towels in the en-suite.”

  She got up and went to the door but Martha called her back. “Anouk? Thank you.”

  Anouk smiled at her. “You’re very welcome.”

  Nook made her way back down to the studio. Since they’d had Tab, she and Knox had practically made the wide, spacious studio their everyday living space. It had plenty of room for Tab to play or ride her bike or play with Fin, and Nook and Knox loved to snuggle on the oversized couch and watch their daughter. Knox was out with Tab now, buying groceries and so Nook tidied the space and got things ready for the evening.

  She was reaching for a stack of magazines when the pain shot through her belly and she gasped, her knees buckling. She steadied herself on the arm of the couch, breathing deeply, as the pain dimmed, but then it returned and the intensity made her groan.

  “Nook? Nook, what’s wrong?”

  Martha was hurrying down the staircase now and Nook could only pant and shake her head. Dark spots were dancing at the edges of her vision. “Stomach pain,” she managed to croak out but then it was getting hard to breathe.

  “Nook!” Anouk felt Martha take hold of her and steer her onto the couch just as the front door opened. She heard the sound of her husband and her daughter’s voices before the darkness came and she passed out.

  Anouk opened her eyes and gazed around the room. A hospital bed. Ugh. She’d last been in one when she’d given birth to Tabitha, the doctors having advised against a home birth because of her stabbing three years previously, but Anouk still hated the place. The smell, the quiet tick of machinery. The moans of pain and despair.


  “Hey, babe.” Knox was there then, grinning at her. Anouk felt her body relax. His smile was bright, not at all worried.

  “Hey… what happened?”

  “You passed out, baby, because—”

  “—I’m pregnant.” She suddenly knew the truth of it as she looked in his eyes and he grinned and nodded.

  “Yup. I done gone knocked you up ag’in.”

  Anouk felt joy rush through her. “Oh, Knox…” She burst into tears and Knox laughed and gathered her to him.

  “Don’t cry, baby. This is good news.”

  “Happy tears,” she reassured him, “I promise. God, so why did I pass out?”

  Knox wiped her tears away. “The docs aren’t completely convinced but you are a little anemic. Plus, you know, these bodies of yours are complex machines. It’s not uncommon.”

  “It would explain the pains. I got them with Tab but I thought that was down to the scar tissue.”

  “Could be the same thing.” A cloud passed over his face. “I guess you’re never going to be free of those.”

  Anouk touched his face. “Hey. Only good thoughts now, honey. We’re having a baby.”

  The smile was back. “You know it.”

  Anouk shifted into a sitting position, Knox helping her, stealing a kiss on the way. “Where’s Tab?”

  “With Martha. We didn’t have time to… you know.” He trailed off when he saw Anouk’s expression. “What’s wrong?”

  By the look of guilt in his eyes, he already knew. “Knox…”

  Anouk felt terrible for feeling nervous leaving her daughter with Martha, even if it had been an emergency. Although she had meant every word she had said to Martha about sisterhood and that she would help her, the fact remained that Martha was unstable and to leave their toddler daughter with her...

  Knox traced the curve of her cheek. “Flynn is on her way to the studio. She’ll call.”

  “Call Martha now, please,” Nook said, her voice shaking, “just for my peace of mind.”

  Knox called the studio’s landline, switching to the speakerphone. Martha answered right away. In the background, they could hear the television and Tabitha singing along to The Jungle Book. Anouk blew out her cheeks. Know grinned at her. “Hey, Martha, just checking in. Nook’s going to be fine, no biggie.”

  “Oh, thank God,” Martha had lowered her tone as to not alarm Tab and Anouk appreciated that. “Please don’t worry about Tabitha. We’re watching movies and making cookies.”

  “Martha, thank you,” Anouk said, her relief palpable. “Can I speak to Tab?”

  “Of course… Tab? Mommy is on the phone for you.”

  A beat and then… “Hi Mommy.”

  “Hey, pickle. You okay?”

  “Sure. Auntie Martha and me are making cookies for when you come home.”

  “That’s so nice of you, little one. Are you being good for Martha?”

  “Of course, Mommy.” Tabitha sounded so outraged that both Anouk and Knox laughed.

  “Well, hopefully we’ll be home very soon. Your auntie Flynn is coming to see you too.”

  “I know, Martha told me. She said she’ll cook for us.”

  They spoke to their daughter for a few moments more, then when Tab got bored, she handed the phone back to Martha. “Please don’t worry, Nook, we’re fine here and Flynn just called. She’s twenty minutes away and we’ll order a pizza or I’ll cook. Just be well.”

  Anouk thanked her and they said goodbye. Knox stroked her cheek. “Okay?”

  She nodded. “Okay.” She grinned then and laughed. “We’re having a baby!”

  Knox laughed and then they were kissing and they both forgot where they were until a red-faced nurse interrupted their make-out session to take Anouk’s vital signs.


  Venice, Italy

  Levi was still shell-shocked—in a good way—when Juno Martello met him for a coffee the next day. She greeted him with a friendly smile which turned to amused confusion when she saw his expression. “Are you all right?”

  Levi chuckled and shook his head. “I’m sorry, yes, yes I am. My brother called me this morning to tell me I’m going to be an uncle again.”

  “That’s lovely. Congratulations,” she said and, after a moment’s hesitation, she gave him an awkward hug. Levi appreciated the gesture, sensing she wasn’t someone who invited physical contact with virtual strangers.

  He grinned at her. “I’m here, I’m back in the room. Can I get you a coffee?”

  “I should buy for you since we’re celebrating. What’s your poison?”

  “Flat white, please, thank you.”

  Juno grinned at him and Levi watched as she headed for the bar. She seemed lighter than when he’d last seen her and he was glad. There was such a vulnerability about her that he got now why Federico wanted someone to look out for her. There was more damage there than just Ferdie’s death, he considered.

  He stood up and took the tray from Juno as she struggled back. The tray was overflowing with coffee and pastries and she smiled at him. “We’re celebrating.”

  “You’re sweet.”

  He was also glad that she tucked into the pastries as heartily as he did. Juno caught him looking and grinned, her mouth full of croissant. “Some ballet dancers do eat.”

  “I’m glad. I hear horror stories.”

  She nodded. “And some of them are true, believe me. It’s a hard life, dancing.”

  “I’ll bet. How did the session with Arturo Corri go?”

  Juno smiled; a small flush of pink appeared high on her cheeks. “He chose me. He’s only going to shoot one dancer, and he chose me.” She sounded disbelieving and Levi smiled.

  “I’m so happy for you. Arturo seems like a really good guy and his work is stellar.”

  “I know, I Googled it. I admit I know very little about art, which is disgraceful, living in this city. Your brother is an artist too, right?”

  Levi nodded.

  “And he’s the one having a baby?”

��He is. Their second. I have a niece, Tabitha. She’s three.”

  “Any pics?”

  He got out his phone and showed her. “She’s gorgeous. So’s her mama.”

  “She is.” Levi put his phone away. He could gush about his family for hours but he was here to get to know Juno. “Tell me more about this project with Arturo.”

  Juno was surprised how easy it was to talk to Levi Zapata and as they talked, she realized it was because it felt like Federico was the ghost at the table—and it didn’t make her unhappy. They didn’t talk much about her brother but when he was mentioned, there was no awkwardness.

  Arturo had mentioned to Juno about Levi and Federico’s proposed project so she asked him about that now. Levi nodded thoughtfully. “I have to admit, it’s tempting. My father built wonderful places but I feel I have yet to make my mark. A concert hall or similar would certainly achieve that. And it could be Ferdie’s legacy.”

  Juno smiled at him. “Your legacy, Levi. Yes, the original ideas came from the both of you but still… you’ll be the one to realize it.”

  “You’re very kind.” He smiled at her and something fluttered in Juno’s stomach. “Ferdie wanted to build you somewhere to dance and I’ve been researching it, the set-up, the spring-loaded floors. I have to admit I know nothing about ballet.”

  “You could always come to the company, check out the building there. We’re not a huge organization, but I’m sure they’d be interested in helping you. And Venice had no lack of empty beautiful buildings which you could refurbish.”

  He smiled at her gratefully. “I’d like to. I’d also like to see you dance.”

  “Well, we’re doing a showcase for the Biennial in a couple of weeks. I’m dancing Rubies so it’s not too much of slog for a beginner.”

  Levi looked blank and Juno grinned. “It’s part of a three-act abstract ballet called Jewels. There are three parts, Diamonds, Rubies and Emeralds. My part is set to the music of Stravinsky—and it’s only twenty minutes long, so if you hate it…”

  “Truly, it’s a whole new world.”

  Juno laughed, liking teaching this man something new. She was gratified that he didn’t look down on her profession, her calling, and seemed genuinely interested in it.

  Levi talked about trying to find an apartment and Juno looked at him in surprise. “Wow, so you really are staying for a time.”

  Levi nodded. “Coming here for a reason that no longer exists has turned into something more. More reasons to stay.” He colored a little. “Juno… one of those reasons is you. I made a promise to your brother but I know it’s not my place to foist myself into your life. So, I just wanted to say… I’m here. I’m a friend, or I could be. For whatever you need.”

  Juno nodded slowly and sat in contemplation for a moment or two. “Friends… I would like that. It may seem strange to say but having you here, it feels like… please don’t be offended, but it feels like I got the good parts of Ferdie back. Not that you are in way a substitute,” she said hurriedly, but Levi smiled.

  “That’s one of the loveliest things anyone has ever said to me. Thank you, I am honored.”

  Juno suddenly felt tearful. “I miss him. I miss the Ferdie that brought me up after our parents died. And I’m so angry at him, Levi, that it consumes me sometimes. I’m mad at him for dying, mad at him for doing that to himself.” She sighed, calming herself. “Mad that he’s not here to see this thing that’s happening for me now. I’ve been in the corps de ballet for years now, and although I’m not principal yet, there’s a chance. And he’s not here to see it. I sound so selfish.”

  “No, you don’t. It’s only natural you want to share your success with him.” Levi reached over and patted her hand and to both their surprise, Juno slipped her hand into his. Levi waited a beat then gently extracted his hand and Juno blushed.


  “There is no need to apologize. Like I said, I am here for you.” He smiled wryly. “I’m told I’m good at being the big brother.”

  Juno gave a soft laugh. “I can see that.” She sat back and finished her coffee. He really was so easy to be with, but there was something else too. Levi’s hazel eyes were the kindest she had ever seen and every time he looked at her, she felt it. Everywhere.

  And that was terrifying to her but what was even more frightening was the idea that he would go. Now that he’d come into her life, she wanted to know more, wanted to spend more time with him.

  “Look, you said you know Arturo Corri, right?”

  “A little. We’re new acquaintances.”

  “Well,” Juno said, “why not come with me next time I meet up with him? We’re not shooting, we’re just scouting out places to shoot. You might find inspiration for your project.”

  “If you think I won’t be in the way?”

  “Not at all.” In fact, Juno felt a sense of relief that Levi had agreed. There was something about Arturo Corri and the way he looked at her—not that he was at all creepy—but she guessed Arturo Corri had whatever and whoever he wanted and she’d experienced men like him before.

  Tudor Welch flew into her mind. No, she thought, that was unfair to Arturo. Tudor Welch was toxic masculinity at its worst—its very worst. Arturo was merely a practiced flirt and there was no denying he was a gorgeous man with all those wild dark curls and intensely bright green eyes.

  But it eased Juno’s heart to know Levi would be there. He made her feel safe.

  He walked her back to her apartment like the true gentleman he was and Juno pushed aside all her feminist sensibilities just to spend the extra time with him. She already didn’t want him to go. At her door, she lingered. “Do you ever get tired of being the big brother?”

  She looked up at him and their eyes met and held. A beat. Another. Levi looked away. “It’s what I do,” he said softly, “it’s… all I can do.”

  Juno sucked in a breath and nodded, the sting of unspoken rejection real, but she understood—and she respected him more for it. It didn’t mean she didn’t feel a little embarrassed but when Levi hugged her, properly this time, she soon got over it. “You will call if you need anything?”

  “I will,” she promised, “and you’ll come to the scouting session with me?”

  “Of course. Just call or text and let me know when and where.” He reached out and hooked a long piece of her hair behind her ear. She grinned at him and he laughed.

  “Sorry. Big brother, remember?”

  “I do. Goodnight, Levi.”

  “Goodnight, Juno.”

  She went inside and went upstairs to her apartment. Remonstrating herself for acting like a lovesick teen, she ran to the window and looked out to watch Levi walk away. By the bridge, he stopped, looked back and waved. Juno grinned and raised her hand, wondering that she didn’t feel embarrassed about being caught watching him.

  She didn’t care.

  Chapter Eight

  Venice, Italy

  Caterina Papini stretched her lithe body out, almost purring at the relief of the movement on her aching muscles. She rolled over onto her side and watched as Arturo Corri pulled his jeans up his long legs. “You really have to go?”

  He smiled at her. “Although the temptation just to stay here and ravish that glorious body of yours is very, very real, I have work to do.”

  Cat smiled. She’d never been the one to get heavy about her sexual partners, and although she loved sex with Arturo Corri, she wasn’t remotely interested in an actual relationship with him or anybody. There were far too many people to sleep with in her world but Arturo was a nice distraction. “Time to go see your little dancer girl?”

  “That’s the one.”

  “Is she fuckable?”

  Arturo grinned. “Very, but this is purely a professional situation.”

  Cat chuckled. “Arturo, you’re good at most things, but lying isn’t one of them. This smacks of a seduction plan. How many of your subjects have you fucked?”
r />   “A good few.” Arturo grinned wryly. “But there’s something different about Juno Martello. A vulnerability. I don’t want to exploit that.”

  Cat gave a snort. “Since when?” She rolled out of bed herself and slipped into a silk robe, grabbing her pack of cigarettes and going to sit on the balcony.

  She sat down and lit her cigarette and a moment later, Arturo came to join her, snagging a cigarette from her pack and swiping her lighter.

  “No, really. Anyway, this afternoon we have a chaperone with us. Levi Zapata.”

  Cat shook her head. “Don’t know him.”

  “He’s Knox Zapata’s brother.”

  She nodded. “Now, Knox, I do know. Well, I did a few years ago. Before he got married. Wasn’t his wife stabbed or something?”

  “Something like that. Anyway, Levi is in Venice and from what I can make out, he’s playing big brother to Juno. So, he’s coming with us to scout locations.”

  Cat drew in a lungful of smoke and studied Arturo’s face. “You don’t mind?”

  He shrugged. “No. Levi is good company and if it helps Juno feel more at ease, what’s the harm?”

  “Wow. So, this really isn’t a seduction plan?”

  Arturo grinned. “Well, not this afternoon. Listen, no doubt we’ll be stopping to eat at some point—why don’t you join us?”

  Cat stretched out again, pressing her foot against the bulge in his pants. “I’ll think about it. Text me where you’ll be.”

  Arturo smiled, grabbing her foot and massaging the instep with his hand. “I will. Come. Maybe you could distract Levi for me.”

  Cat laughed. “You’re such a slippery figlia di puttana. I love it.”

  Arturo finished his cigarette and flicked it to the ground, crushing the burning tip. He bent down to kiss Cat’s mouth. “Later, then?”



  Juno woke late and had only a few minutes to shower and get ready before Arturo came to collect her. Levi was meeting them at the first site, having had an appointment to see an apartment earlier, and Juno wished that it was Levi coming to her home.

  She dressed in jeans and a plain white cotton top and hurriedly dried her long dark hair. The humidity in the air made it puff up and so, annoyed, she wound it into a loose bun at the nape of her neck and stuck a pencil in it to keep it up.


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