The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set

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The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set Page 17

by P F Walsh

  Now, the time had come, and Sean was there in the stadium waiting for the buses to arrive, as each one did, and the passengers stepped off, he instructed them to carry their hand luggage and follow him to an empty end of the field.

  Sean called out,

  “Who wants to be first?” A woman Violinist carrying her violin case immediately stepped forward,

  “I do! I’m always the first one to try something new.” She said, and stood alongside Sean.

  “Well,” Said Sean, “Go ahead and board the shuttle.”

  “What shuttle?” She said looking around.

  “The one right in front of you that is cloaked, walk straight forward and then you will see the ramp, take any seat and stow your violin in the compartment above the seat.” Sean said as he urged her to walk forward, and she did, literally disappearing into the shuttle as he could her saying,

  “Oh ah, this is sooo cool!” The rest of those behind her couldn’t believe their eyes that she disappeared in plain sight.

  The violinist called back out...

  “C’mon you chickens, I got first pick on my seat.”

  After that, the front of the line began to move hesitatingly toward the invisible shuttle, one by one disappearing into the shuttle bay with exclamations or surprise and excitement. The line then began to move quicker until the limit of 16 passengers and luggage was reached. Sean then held out his hand to stop the line as he heard a Collector advise the passengers to fasten their safety belts while the ramp closed up. In a few minutes, the shuttle departed and another one landed. The first group was away.

  When they arrived near the Seeker ship, each shuttle swooped around the ship so the passengers on both sides of the shuttle could have a good view of the Starship. They were mesmerized. As each shuttle landed in the cargo bay, Allister was there to greet them and introduce himself, then ask them to follow him to the lower lounge while they waited for the rest of the shuttles to arrive. Some then dozed in the comfortable couches and chairs.

  Once all the shuttles of the first group had arrived and unloaded, they headed back to Earth for the second of three trips. The mid one brought the last of the Orchestra aboard along with Sean and Doris. The last half of the Orchestra enjoyed the same thrilling views of Earth, space, and the Ship as they arrived to join the others who were quite ready to get to their rooms.

  Allister led them all to the guest rooms on the upper level and told them all the rooms were identical except for color and room number so he suggested each person or pair pick a room and get unpacked. To open the door, he told them, position your eyes at the scanner which will read retinal patterns. As each person or pair entered a room, the door lock automatically set for the retinal pattern picked up by the door sensor. No one else could enter that room, securing privacy and security.

  Allister announced,

  “By the way, I wish to inform you that all your rooms are sound proofed, so feel free to practice your instrument without disturbing anyone.”

  The third and final shuttle upload left a few minutes before dawn and brought all the large luggage, music stands, sheet music boxes, Harp, including the Steinway piano without the legs attached, and finally the large stack of boxes that Sean had Allister order. A drone removed the seats in five of the shuttles to accommodate all the boxes, and the piano, which just barely fit width-wise and was strapped down to the shuttle firmly so it would not be able to shift while in flight and scratch the finish After the last shuttle left, the security trucks and passenger buses drove away in the sunrise, completely unnoticed.

  The next morning, Sean and Doris were up early and in the Main Dining room, drawn there by the smell of hot coffee and bacon, two distinctive scents that spelled breakfast in capital letters. By mid-morning quite a few of the Orchestra members had drifted into the Dining Room and helped themselves to the excellent coffee and hot buffet. After a while almost all had arrived, and Allister made his appearance.

  “Good Morning to all, the Captain and I want to extend another welcome to the ship. I thought you might like to have a view while dining this morning.” On both sides of the dining room panels rose up to expose what looked like huge windows but were really high-resolution monitor panels each showing the outside of the ship on that side. The view was full of stars and a few were heard to mutter a ‘wow’.

  Allister continued,

  “Later we will be cruising at high speed to leave your solar system. Tomorrow evening, after dinner, I will alert you that we will be transitioning into our faster than light travel mode. It is best if you are in your room couches for that event which will only last for a few minutes. I will issue an ample warning for you to return to your rooms. After that short event, you may come to the Upper Lounge where the bar will be open along with snacks for an evening social. I will be there to answer any questions you may have.”

  While the others were eating breakfast, Sean made a trip back to Earth and brought back Menasha Reisman the renowned conductor who had blurted out to the media a few months ago,

  “There were no new challenges to meet. Everything had been done before.” He naturally became the prime target of Sean because of this, and he couldn’t refuse to do the one thing no one else had ever done. He was thrilled to be included and shrugged off the interstellar travel part as,

  “A necessary inconvenience.”

  Sean also brought back three other recruits, their trunks, and a piano tuner with his kit. All had been well versed on the gravity of the mission, and that they would be an important part of his presentation. They were all just as amazed as everyone who came before them, and eager to meet Allister who was, as usual, waiting when the shuttle arrived. The group was now complete and the ship began silently moving out of the Solar system.

  Allister took those who were interested on a tour of the ship. Some things he shared with Sean were omitted like the engine room, and weapons. They ended up in the auditorium which had a stage and seating for 300. They all agreed this would be ideal for the Orchestra to practice playing together.

  The Tour now completed, and during a late buffet lunch, Allister came and sat with Sean, Menasha Reisman, and Doris. This was the first time that they had seen Allister sit down and they remarked to him about it.

  “Yes, I have been working on my visible interface with passengers. This is the first time I have had passengers, and so many, it is quite a treat.” He said. “I must admit, I find you Earth people quite fascinating and entertaining. I am not sure if the damage from that small meteorite had any affect, but I seem to be developing new behaviors and understandings. That is quite pleasing also. I have been wandering the cosmos alone for a about a hundred of your years, so this is very refreshing.” Sean smiled and wondered just how much Allister was going to change?

  Allister had the drones re-assemble the legs on the Steinway and moved to the auditorium. Some of the passengers were as fascinated by the drones as they were about the whole ship. They liked to watch them as they went about their tasks, a few wondering if they could take one home when they got back, particularly the housekeeping drones.

  As the days in ‘no-space’ passed, the Orchestra practiced for almost five hours per day. Two in the morning, and three more after lunch. The individual musicians of course, practiced their own instruments in their room, with a few using the auditorium for small chamber music groups. Allister listened to them all sometimes sitting in the auditorium so he could be seen.

  When the musicians were not playing or practicing, they spent time on the terminals in their rooms reading about the other planets and Hhearn. There was so much to learn and know, the database seemed endless. Allister was met each day with a plethora of new questions some of which he did not have a ready answer, but after some research he would offer a response the next day, trying to satisfy the Earthlings endless quest to knowledge. Allister was very impressed with their individual dedication to their music. He knew that Hhearn had never seen musicians perform together. For some reason his databas
e did not have an answer to that. The simple musicians who struck the chimes never did so with another performer, and the chimes themselves of course, did not come close to matching the range of the musical scales that the Earth instruments could produce. Alliston thought it was an extremely refined art that was unique. He could not predict exactly how it would be received in Hhearn but speculated that it could be well received, possibly even calamitously so.

  All of the Orchestra members went to the main dining room to watch the arrival to Hhearn on the wall monitors which were displaying the video from the camera in the front of the ship. It was now late in the day and the planet of Hhearn was covered with trillions of lights as the ship moved closer. Once again, it would be landing in the main City Platza. Sean had spent quite a bit of their interstellar travel time with Allister and Menasha Reisman planning the presentation that Sean had in mind. There seemed to be no obstacles as far as Allister’s abilities to implement what they needed him to do. Now that they were in the Hhearn solar system, he was able to send an encoded email to Nasht-Mer, the Director General of Interplanetary Affairs, detailing what he would require to implement a presentation of Earth’s special value in becoming a member of the Council of Worlds.

  Nasht-Mer was very pleased to hear from Sean and to know the Seeker ship was on its final approach to the planet bringing new passengers, and Earth items. She wondered who and what they all were, and was excited to meet and see what he had brought back. She was even more pleased to savor the thought that she would see him again, and that his resource of courage continued to sustain his obligation to return to an uncertain future. As she examined her thoughts and feelings, she realized that she had made a connection with this man from Earth that was strong and increasing, unlike any attraction she had experienced in the past. She smiled at this and thought,

  “Let’s get to this list of things he wanted. My, but it is long, and quite detailed. This man knows what he wants. I like that in a man.” She mused, and got to work issuing orders to make it all happen. “I haven’t been this excited about my job in decades.” She thought, while wondering if he would invite her to another one of those spectacularly delicious dinners he could put together. Now, that was something to look forward to as she went to her bar to pour a glass of wine from one of the bottles, he had given her. She had become fonder of it over her usual local Mek.

  The ship landed carefully and quietly as it did before, unannounced to the public, and after dark. There was a large security contingent waiting to escort the passengers to a small reception in the large Council Tower lobby as before. This allowed the Members of the Orchestra the excitement of setting foot on another planet 27 light years away from Earth. Then, to meet their primary host Nasht-Mer while sampling the local libations. Before they left the ship, Sean advised them the return time was midnight, and after that, the ship would be locked up for the night.

  A photographer was set up in the corner so the Orchestra Members could have their photos taken. The digital images would be sent to Allister who would print them and send each copy to the proper rooms on the ship. It was decided by Sean and Doris that it would be best if, once again, the people from Earth would stay on the ship for their hotel accommodations while on Hhearn. Sean did not raise with the Orchestra the issue of any dangerous possibilities, as happened with his arrival, but knew it was possible, and staying on the ship was safest for both of them. Allister agreed.

  There were several days yet before the presentation and Nasht-Mer had arranged for all the musicians to have the same tours she did for Sean. This time, they were transported in the Hhearn version of buses. These were coaches with seating for twenty-five passengers, but the engine cab was separate and snapped onto the coach much like an Earth tractor trailer. This allowed the operators to choose what coach size they wished to use that day and share the engine cab sections. Since most service was performed on the engine section, its smaller size, when detached, made service shop sizes more compact.

  “What now? Tamn-Kar barked at his aid as he interrupted the Senior Councilor who was studying projections for vassal planet output in the upcoming annual.

  “Pardon me sir, but you asked to be notified immediately if there was any news item relating to Captain Flynn Sir.” The aid announced timidly.

  “Captain Flynn? Who told you to call him Captain? The Councilor shouted.

  “Uh, no one Sir, that’s what the media refers to him as, so I thought...

  “Idiot, you are not paid to think, you are paid to DO” He screamed.

  “Now, what is it he’s up to now?” The Councilor asked in a milder tone to the trembling aid.

  “Sir, the Director General Nasht-Mer was just on the vid and she announced that the Cap..uh, the Applicant Representatives has invited all of the Council, the leading industry and business people, and their mates to a dinner hosted by Earth with Earth foods and drinks. We just received your invitation as well sir.” He stammered holding the invitation.

  “Earth? Who is Earth? The Councilor asked as he reached for the invitation.

  “Uh, Sir, that is the name of the planet the Applicant Representative is from, Sir.

  “Very well, get out!” The Councilor watched as the aid scurried out of his office and closed the door quietly. Tamn-Kar then opened the invitation to see it was on elegant white material of some type with letters impressed into the material and embossed in gold. It read in Shrep:


  The pleasure of You and your Mate’s company

  Is Requested to attend a formal dinner

  of Earth’s Fine Dining and Libations

  Hosted by Captain Sean Flynn

  On the occasion of Earth’s Application

  For Membership in the Council of Worlds.

  Date: Lunar 23

  Time: Evening’s Midst

  Place: Seeker Starship, Grand Dining Room


  Earth’s Unique Fashions and Entertainment

  Response Please


  The Senior Councilor jumped up after reading the invitation, hurling it down on his desk, and muttered angrily,

  “This is that bitch again, I know she’s involved. Dammit, there’s not a single person on Hhearn that won’t want to be invited to dine on the Seeker. And formal no less. I’ll bet my ass that Beztl-Tor will be there with whatever his babe of the day is.”

  “Jemel, get in here.” He yelled at the door which opened seconds later with the aid holding its edge, ready to scramble out again.

  “Get my formal wear over to have it cleaned, right away” He said.

  “And get my mate on private pocketcom slate right away, I don’t care what she’s doing.”

  Nasht-Mer opened her invitation, which she knew was coming, and broke into laughter. “Sean,” she thought, “You’ve really done it now, just like you said you would. Every wealthy, fashionable woman on Hhearn will be furiously scheming to be there, and they will all be asking where to get invitations printed like this one. It glistens when you move it just so.” She laughed again. “Tamn-Kar will be livid!” She mused. “Now, what is in the box with the unusual name ‘Dolce and Gabanna’ that Sean sent over?” She wondered, and reached to open it and the note that was attached.

  Maja-Ben Paced the room of the State Investigation Service (SIS) as his supervisor Erkrut-Dom sat behind his desk silent, knowing that silence creates pressure on the other party to talk, but Maja-Ben was not responding to this simple inducement.

  “Maja, stop pacing, it doesn’t help solve anything.”

  “I know Erkrut, but there has to be a connection with someone here on Hhearn that is highly placed. The loss of a Seeker and an attack on another one by Zakarians tells me they believe they can escape sanction. Their connection has to be on the Council.” He replied with frustration.

  “Well, we know it isn’t Nasht-Mer, first, she doesn’t need th
e money generated from this kind of activity, secondly, you found out she doesn’t deposit her share of the vassal development revenue in her regular account. She keeps that separate and never draws from it. Your investigation of her while on the Diplomatic Security staff has convinced me that if she had her way, there wouldn’t be any Vassal worlds. Her enthusiastic support of Captain Flynn amplifies that.”

  “Erkrut, it could be anyone on the Council, and there are fifty Councilors.” Said Maja-Ben grinding his teeth.

  “Give it a rest Maja, go home and get some sleep. Maybe spend a day with that Security woman from Earth... that would be interesting. Zom’s Balls, she may even have an idea on how to crack this one, you said she was a police officer?” Chided Arkrut with a smile.

  “OK, OK I’m leaving, sleep sounds good.” Maja said, as he turned to leave. It was late and he was f solutions while you’re tired is not productive he realized. All the double activity of being an undercover investigative plant on the Diplomatic Security force, had increased his workload. Maja-Ben wasn’t getting enough sleep. He agreed the Earth Security Officer Doris was interesting though, he had to admit that.

  Maja-Ben picked up his file case and left the back door of the State Investigations Office building and began to walk across the darkened parking lot. He noticed that only one parking lot light was on, the rest were all out. As he was looking at that one light, he saw something flash through its rays heading for him. Instinctively, he swung the metal file case up in front of his face and hit something that struck the case quite forcefully, it fell to the ground and seem to dance around on the ground with a buzzing noise. Whatever it was, got damaged by the impact on his metal case. Maja moved closer and was stunned to see it was a Bloodhunter!


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