The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set

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The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set Page 68

by P F Walsh

  “Central, what is the purpose of this building?” Sean asked. Posing a question was the swiftest solution.

  “Captain, this is where we prepare the seed kits.” It said.

  “Seed kits?” Asked Sean.

  “Yes Captain. The exploration ships which formerly departed from here documented the discovery of sentient worlds, and in several lunars or annuals of observing, established a basis for each world on its technical development and social courses. Often, when a determination was made as to the long-term benefit of Trether, the decision was made to provide a ‘seed kit.’ This kit, based upon the algorithm of need and benefit, would contain drawings, information, and scientific solutions that a sentient world would need to advance to a next step in scientific progress. Usually this kit was delivered clandestinely to one or two scientists who had advanced their research knowledge to a point they could not seem to get beyond. The seed kit would provide the kernels of knowledge to move forward.” It recited.

  Sean and the others were stunned at hearing this and wondered, had Earth been a recipient, Hhearn too?

  “Central, has Earth been a recipient of one of these kits?” He asked.

  “Yes, Captain. It received several over the centuries. None have been delivered to any world since the Outpost was terminated. The kits remain in storage.”

  “Storage?”Sean asked.

  “Yes, Captain. There are one hundred kits in storage. They are arranged in ten levels of advancement but one could be customized. That required a significant effort on the scientific staff. Disagreements and discussions on what to provide often became unresolved. So, a decision was made to aggregate the development packages in scales of advancement and avoid customizing.”

  “Where are these stored?” Asked Sean.

  “They are stored here, Captain. Continue on the painted walkway among the machines, and the storage room will be the last door where the chute goes through the wall.”

  Sean and the other two followed the painted course through the machines to the door, and they went in. It was a simple room with one machine. It was easy to see its only task was to seize a kit from the chute and place it on a designated shelf. The shelves were full. Sean counted one hundred kits. There were two sets with five shelf levels for the ten levels of advancement. Ten kits each. Each kit was in a durable, aluminum metal box with a red stripe that wrapped diagonally around the whole box. Snap locks held the cover in place.

  “Central, in the most advanced kits what is included?” Sean asked.

  Central began to list off the contents in a long list crossing multiple disciplines of science, including Artificial Intelligence and transition drives. It took several minutes for the list to complete. Sean could recognize several items where the threshold for advancement could be pushed forward on Earth with that kit. He was also pleased to see that Earth was not that far behind the most advanced kit, nor were the Council of World Members.

  “Central, when was the last time the kits were updated?” he asked.

  “One hundred eighty-two annuals ago.” It replied.

  “Is there knowledge in your database that has not yet been included?” Sean asked.

  “Yes, Captain. There is an assortment of small advancements and one other major one which would bring the seed world into relative parity with Trether, at least at its scientific status as of more than one hundred annuals ago. My database has not been updated since then.”

  “Central, I am going to take two of the highest levels kits with me today, and ask that you prepare another one to include the items you just described. What is the major item it will include?”

  “Captain, it will include the science behind the ability for a starship to fold space.” Sean and the other two team members looked at each other realizing what this could mean to Earth.

  “Central, please make the kit as I have asked. I will be back later this solar to retrieve it. One more question before we leave. What kind of drive are in the five sentient starships you have here?”

  “Captain, those ships are only equipped with transition drives. There was the concern of one of these experimental ships failing in space and needing to be retrieved. Transition drives are easier to track.” It answered.

  The group left the building carrying two seed kits and headed back to the lodging building. As they walked back, Sean contacted Allister,

  “Allister and Central, I need you to classify the factory building and everything we discussed. Captain’s eyes only.” He said.

  Allister answered through his communicator,

  “Acknowledged Captain.” Allister replied, as did Central.

  He stopped before they got into the transport car and spoke to the other two,

  “Here we have come to one of those anticipated decisions relating to gathering and discovery of valuable scientific information, and whether to share it. That’s above my pay scale, so we will keep the information about learning how to fold space to ourselves for now. I’m not even sure our scientists will be able to understand it. Agreed?” He asked forcefully.

  Both Doris and Artie realized that this was a huge step forward for any planet and extremely valuable. They agreed.

  Chapter Nine

  Book Three

  Allister, Sean, and Rooky sat together in the dining cabin of the Discovery. Sean had decided that Halkt-Bar had been left on the ship to be OOD long enough, and agreed to give him a chance to have some time off the ship. Earlier, Hal had sent a message to Sean to asking to be able to spend a few days studying in the outpost Library to read as much as he could on their navigation files.

  He reminded Sean the former occupants of the outpost city were from an advanced planet, and their abilities to fold space made their travels throughout the greater galaxy so much further than anyone else had ever done. And, then he added,

  “As far as we know.”

  That last part triggered a serious realization by Sean, that a space faring race with the ability to roam throughout the whole known galaxies would know of other sentient planets; or else, why would they be making ‘seed kits?’ He immediately returned to the ship to send him down with a three-fold research mission on, navigation, weapons, and locations of other sentient planets while Sean stood watch on the ship. In fact, Sean thought his research may turn out to be vitally important to their future missions and told him he could have a week to do so. Sean knew the rest of the team was still conducting research into the complex city and medical facilities, all of this work was beneficial, so adding a week or two would be wise. The crew was glad to hear his decision to continue learning about this city now that the Doctor had declared the synthesizers clean, and safe to use.

  “Allister, are you comfortable with data uploads from Central? I am quite sure Hal will be acquiring navigation information that we should add to our database. That will be valuable, but I want to make sure you scrub all those uploads for unwanted, embedded virus apps. We still do not know the level of any hostility that the former owners may have had against acquisition of their work.” He said.

  “Yes Captain, so far everything it has sent up has been clean. It should presume us as the legitimate owner of the data, but I am always scanning for anomalies.” Allister said.

  “What have you two decided about the brain ships? Can you communicate with them safely?” He asked.

  “Yes Captain, as of yesterday, I have identified all the areas where my sending or receiving data is uncertain and have blocked those. Generally, I can install mission protocols, and mission assignments along with command protocols which they will accept and execute. It seems possible to update ethic and loyalty protocols as well. They are sentient, but their past loyalties, personalities, and personal ethics have been erased in the process of the transplant. Little if anything had been uploaded in that area before the scientists began to die. So, in a way Captain, we have a ‘clean slate,’ as you might say, to decide their function, level of autonomy, and command structure.” Allister reported.

sp; “Good, I’ll Think about that as we go.” Sean said and then turned to Rooky,

  “Rooky, what is the legal position of the sentient ships?”

  “Captain, they have no legal position carried over from their past lives according to the records. Each of the volunteers legally surrendered their citizenship and personal autonomy in exchange for extended life. I examined their documents in the Library, and they were fully informed that they would lose all memories, rights, and could be in indentured service for decades. Despite all of those terms, they each had signed. Their acceptance of terms and signing was even vid recorded. Further investigation of each of the signer’s records revealed they were all scientists, and very willing to donate their brain for science. It seems clear they understood they were terminally ill, about to die shortly, and knew what would happen.”

  “How does that affect us?” He asked.

  “Technically, it doesn’t. With these records, they come with the outpost as possessions. This is notwithstanding that they are sentient, and some ethical burdens may apply to treat them as living entities within the scope of providing nourishment and supervision. Some may even suggest the compassionate thing would be to put them to permanent sleep, as though removing a kind of offensive experiment gone bad. Certainly, such an experiment would not be permitted on either the Council Worlds, or Earth. In short, it is up to you Captain.”

  “I was afraid you were going to say that.” Sean replied softly.

  “Allister, what is the configuration of the ships? Are they all the same? What are their capabilities? Are they armed?” He asked.

  “Captain, they are all identical, and a bit unique as ships go. Their carrying capacity is one-half passenger, and one-half cargo, convertible. Multipurpose, if you will. As far as their being armed, they have minimal defense weapons, mostly lasers, but do have mounts for more serious weapons such as kinetic and anti-matter sprayers. The sprayers are unique in that they fire hundreds of small anti-matter particles in a spreading pattern. Those would make very effective defensive and offensive weapons. Their shots would be hard to avoid, and even sloppy aiming is likely to score a hit. It might suggest that the builders were not accomplished warriors, but that is speculation.” He replied.

  “Are those weapons here in the city?” Sean asked.

  “Yes Captain, Central says they are in inventory. The problem is the anxiety of equipping an unknown sentient with such powerful devices. I highly suspect that was the reason they were not installed.” Allister stated. Sean nodded in agreement. Rooky spoke up,

  “Captain, I recommend we establish a record where you have a discussion with the sentient ships as to what they would like to participate in, or in the alternative, how they would accept any plans you may construct for their use.” He said,

  “That is a very good suggestion, Rooky, Let’s go down next week, and have that meeting with the ships and document it with vid. In the meantime, I will give some thought about how we could use their ships. I am aware they are definitely wanting to get out of the cradles.” He replied.

  “Just like little children.” He thought. “Anything else, Rooky?”

  “Yes Sir, I recommend that you decide on a name for this planet and city. Using the old names infers a continuing attachment from the former owner.” He said.

  “Good point again Rooky. Another item to mull over, but that one should be relatively easy, I hope.” Sean said.

  “Allister, I know you have been reviewing the files of Central. Is there anything that you have noticed they have that we could add to the ship to enhance performance or conveniences?” Sean asked.

  “Yes, Captain, their modification of our particle sling to be able to spray would be a powerful option on the ship’s sling. In fact, we should be able to choose the shot pattern. Also, there is the big question...” He paused.

  “What is it Allister?”

  “Do we upgrade our transition drive to fold space?” He asked.

  Four annuals ago, on the planet New Mak,

  “Jillip, come in here. I told you not to play with the boys. It’s not ladylike, especially the mock sword play. Whatever were you thinking?” The House Mother Nan-Kol asked.

  “Mother, it’s something that I am very good at. None of the boys can beat me.” She came inside and Mother sent her to the kitchen to help make bread for the day’s last meal.

  House Mother Nan-Kol was responsible for the care and development of orphan children in Messa, the Main city on New Mak.

  More than a hundred years before, their mass migration from a solar system with a dying star found a new planet and named it New Mak. The long travel times for the ships to get there, caused loss of life from disease, and lack of food. Many children were orphaned including those of the Queen. As the food disappeared, panic ensued and people were shuffled from one ship to another to balance supplies as they ran out. Some were murdered so there was more food to share. Many lost connections to family, orphans were taken in by some and others left to die of starvation.

  When the Queen died, the Queen’s guards discovered she had been poisoned, and detecting hostility to the two small heirs. They disposed of their uniforms and moved the children to other ships to hide and protect them. One died from the poisoned food as they moved them. The guards and the Queen’s staff reported to the convoy that he died from the coughing disease that plundered many. The other one stayed in the care of the First Guard of The Dai, the Queen’s personal guard now blended in with the other colonists. When there were only a few days of food supply left, a solar system with a habitable planet was sighted and the colonists rushed down to forage for food and water. The immediate assembly of prefabricated housing was minimal, and many were forced to build shelters using trees and bushes. Some began to dig shelter into hillsides. The First Guard and the surviving heir were one of those. The settlement got established. In a short time, the ambitious court lady behind the assassination of the Queen, gathered a larger group of armed supporters and declared any heir dead, and herself Queen. Thus, began a series of pretenders to the throne of New Mak.

  The new Orphanage Home was located outside the City near a wooded area and alongside growing fields that raised food for the Orphanage. A large play field was adjacent to the Home for the children to play games when they were relieved from chores.

  Today, they were all outside playing again. Their play field lay alongside the road that led to Deep Fenn farms and village. A lone traveler in a dark traveling robe came along the road with his walking stick and stopped to watch the children play. One of the house ladies monitoring the children’s play, noticed he was standing there, and went over to confront him.

  “To where do you travel stranger?” She asked assertively. He ignored her question and stated,

  “I am Tilga of the House Elsvig. I am here to see the child.” He responded gruffly.

  “What child, and why do you wish to see them?” She demanded rising up her defensive postures.

  “Cool your tongue woman! I am Master of Arms for the Queen. I am here to see the girl who defeats the boys at mock sword play. Bring her to me. Now!” He spit out. He stared at her with cold, dark eyes as he leaned on his walking staff. The monitor stepped back from his outburst and ran to get her. He could see her going through the children to the far side of the playground where a small group was dueling with wooden swords. The woman called a halt to their actions. He could see her talking to the girl and pointing in his direction. The girl saluted the woman with the wooden sword and dashed off as the woman missed swatting her for the mock salute.

  “Ha!” He thought and smiled, “She has spirit.” He watched her coming toward him, and settled his face back into a scowl. She walked up to him and stood there silent. He gripped his walking staff at a mid-point and swung it at her. She blocked, he feinted, and came at her again, she blocked, he repeated from a different stance, she blocked, he tried again and she ducked under his swing, and landed a hard strike on his shin as she danced away out of striki
ng range. He broke into laughter and let his staff hang by his side.

  “What is your name girl?” He asked, his face still crinkled with a smile.

  “I am called Jillip.” She said.

  “I am Tilga, Master of Arms for the House Elsvig, servant of the Queen, no one has laid a strike upon me in more than ten annuals, girl. You are fast and clever.” He said.

  “Thank you, sir, but it is not exactly fair, is it?” She asked.

  “Fair?” He responded.

  “Well sir, you are in advanced age, and I am young, does that not matter?” She asked with a smile.

  “Today, my child, it has. I assumed you were inept, but tomorrow, and all the next days, you will learn that ‘fair’ does not keep the blood inside your body, and you will learn it well.” He said. She looked at him quizzically.

  “Come, we go to see the House Mother.” As he began to walk toward the House, gesturing for her to follow.

  They went into the House to the Office where Mother Nan-Kol was already coming out in response to an upset lady monitor claiming a fearsome man was trying to steal a child.

  “Who are you?” She demanded.

  “Do you not have ears, and a memory?” He asked pointing at the lady monitor. He continued,

  “I am Tilga, Master of Arms at House Elsvig.” He opened his heavy traveling robe and exposed his uniform with the Star of House Elsvig on his chest, set with sparkling gems. A jeweled dagger hung from his belt, and a polished sword on his left side. The House Mother was, for the moment, speechless that a high representative from the Palace would be at the Orphanage. She bowed slightly, but then, she spoke,

  “What brings you to our children’s house?” She asked, more subdued over the display of authority that stood before her.

  “I had heard of this child who exhibits some rudimentary skills at arms. I have tested her, and I have found she is worthy of Palace training in arms. I will take her with me today. Here is my Letter of Marque to recruit.” He opened up a travel cylinder he had slung over his shoulder by a strap, took out a document with the Palace seal on top, and handed it to her.


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