The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set

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The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set Page 78

by P F Walsh

  He turned and ran. Jillip picked up two of the mostly complete meals and brought them to the occupied cell where she could see a man in a uniform looking at her through the bars. He seemed to have a command posture but a kind, and for now, quizzical face. She brought the tray and was about to pass them through the food slit when she saw Mother Primitia. She almost dropped the trays when she could see she was floating above the floor but managed to slip them in as Sean took them, he handed one to Doris who began to eat immediately. Sean nodded his thanks.

  “Who are you?” Jillip asked.

  Sean canted his head sideways with his arms out because he did not speak Mak. He then turned to the hooded figure alongside him as though it was saying something but there was only silence. Sean turned to her and said in Mak,

  “You are Jillip, Swordmaster.” Poorly pronounced, but understood. She was surprised that he would know her name. Sean gestured as though outlining a necklace which wasn’t there, then pointed to his mouth and said in Mak,

  “Translator pendant.” She had seen the box on the guard’s desk containing the prisoner’s possessions. She walked back to the desk and found the pendant and neck chain. She examined it carefully for any dangers and brought it back to the cell. She held it in her hands so it could hear their exchanges but she was not willing to pass it into the cell.

  “There is no need to pass it to me. It will work from where you stand.” Sean said. Startling her a bit, as the tinny voice came out of the pendant, but she held her pose.

  “I am Captain Sean Flynn of the explorer and diplomatic Starship Discovery. This is Doris Lang ship’s security Officer and this is Mother Primitia of the Sisters of Mak’am, originally from old Mak. They now reside on a planet called Hhearn and sought to learn the fate of their fellow Makians who migrated from their old world to here. We came in peace, but as you see we have not been received well.” He said.

  “The Queen is planning to execute all of you.” She said.

  “Yes, we know.”

  “How can you know this?” She asked.

  “Mother Primitia feels and hears the thoughts of others, especially those who hold thoughts of criminal and evil plans.” He said.

  “That is nonsense, no one can hear thoughts.” She scoffed.

  “Perhaps a demonstration would help?” Sean prodded.

  “Demonstrate away. I fear nothing.” She assumed a more rigid posture.

  “Mother Primitia has granted me the privilege of being able to converse with her in my mind. I will repeat what she says, but I cannot see or read what she does. Let’s start with your recent fencing bout with two trainers. You knocked one on his forehead with the pommel of your sword and seized the other with your sword at his throat.” Sean continued. “You are quite proud of that bout.” He described.

  “It is possible for you have learned this since you have been here.” She countered. Sean moved closer to the bars and lowered his voice so only she and the translator could hear,

  “True, but the old histories of Mak that Tilga left you buried under your bed would only be known by whom?” She was shocked. No one but her and Tilga knew of those books. It was true! The Sisters could read thoughts! She did not know how to answer and just stood there with her mouth slightly open in amazement.

  “Your secrets are safe with us. We mean no one any harm Jillip.” He said.

  “There is likely to be great turbulence coming and you may be involved. Keep your sword close by, a clean mind and heart, and all will be well for you.” Sean said.

  “What turbulence?” She asked quietly.

  “Your Queen is false, and is not of royal line. Her grandmother assassinated the true Queen, destroyed her starship, and seized the throne during the migration. We found the Royal scribe’s journal describing all this in the wreckage of the true Queen’s starship while we were on our way here. Mother Primitia says the illegitimate Queen Elsvig is destined to fall.” He said. She backed away from the cell front stunned at what she heard. This was treasonous talk and she could be executed for hearing it.

  Ketrug-lis was examining the revolver taken from the Earth security Officer. He had determined, with a few tests outside, that it was a very powerful weapon, one that had almost jumped out of his hands while he fired it at a target that was obliterated. He loved powerful things and would keep this by his right side, his sword on his left. As he was adjusting the holster belt, an aid interrupted him.

  “What do you want, can’t you see I’m busy?” He barked. The aid shrunk back, but still spoke,

  “Master, I just got communication from the Cruiser we have parked in orbit. Your instructions to seize the visitor’s starship were never received because the message was jammed. What’s worse, the ship’s alarms went off a short while ago, indicating that the anti-matter jar containment was destabilizing. The crew abandoned the ship sir.” Ketrug stared at him instantly furious, but calmly said,

  “That would be a good thing, since it will destroy the visitor ship as well.” He said, with a smile realizing that something good may have come from a major military failure. The aid just stood there looking uncomfortable.

  “Well, what else? Out with it!’ He demanded.

  “Sir, after the crew abandoned the ship, it then powered up and moved to a new location.” He stuttered knowing the fury that was suppressed just a moment ago would now be released.

  “What? How? Where did it go?” He screamed.

  “Sir, we don’t know how but it aligned with a fleet of five other ships. They appear to be a fleet associated with or commanded by the visitor ship.”

  The Nemesis Master was unable to speak. The shift of power in the Queen’s play was enormous. Now it was on the other side, and New Mak was left without protection from orbital bombing.

  He must see the Queen immediately.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Book Three

  Jillip was seated at the guard station when Kupal ran back to relieve her.

  “I am back Swordmaster, you may go now.” He said.

  “Kupal, I have fed the prisoners, retrieve the trays. I will check the schedule but I may come back to relieve you later if there is no one else available. There is a lot going on right now.”

  She got up and left the Palace compound for the day. Once she got home to the small house that Tilga had left her, she drew all the drab curtains, barred the door, and opened the hiding place of the old books. This time she read with more attention and a new found belief in the words. It was long into the night before she finished.

  Ketrug-lis Nemesis Master of New Mak stood before a raging Queen Elsvig.

  “How can this happen? Are they all idiots? We lost our only operating, armed cruiser starship through a ruse? I want each of that stand-by crew put to the hot irons until we find out which one was responsible for those false alarms!” She screamed, trembling from the force of it as she gripped the arms of her throne. Ketrug shrunk momentarily back but recovered his poise,

  “Your Majesty, we believe that the onboard computer system was somehow compromised by the Earth ship to set off the alarms. An alarm for an anti-matter containment instability is cause for automatic ship abandonment. True, they should have checked the containment jar to be sure but panic ensued.” He pleaded.

  “Panic, I’ll stir up panic as they watch the irons heat up in the coals!” She snapped back.

  “Your Majesty, we still have a strong position to bring about what we desire.” He said.

  “What? What could that be, Ketrug? They have our warship and a fleet besides. We never found out how many crew members were on their ship and who knows how many in their fleet? Do you?” She was screaming again.

  “I do not, but of the crew, we have their leader, a Noble, his aid, and a ghost locked in your restraining cell below. They will be eager to bargain for their return. We can demand our ship, fuel, and two of their ships in return for violating our space and stealing our warship.” He said while bowing.

  “I want to kill the
m all!” She screamed.

  “As do I, Your Majesty, but they momentarily have the edge of orbital bombardment from space, an activity against which we have no defense. Please be careful, Your Majesty, I cannot protect you against such devastation.” He begged.

  She seemed to collect herself on the thought of an orbital bombardment striking her Palace. She sat back in her throne and assumed a pensive look as she considered what he said. To Ketrug, it seemed an eternity, but it was only a few minutes. He knew she could do this. She could go from a screaming lunatic to a calculating, devious monarch in just minutes. He waited.

  “Very well, inform them of our terms, and advise them that tomorrow, mid-day, they will be put to trial before the Monarch who will decide the manner of their execution for offenses against the throne. Bring in a hundred or so common people to witness. Make sure you give them all cloaks from the convocation we had last year to cover up their wretched, stinky clothes. That will look better on the cameras. Arrange to have it broadcast. The people need to see their Queen administer justice.” She said tartly.

  She waved her hand dismissing him, and continued to sit there and scheme, that once she had her ships and fuel, she would neuter their Captain before the cameras, and then return him alive. She smiled with a distant look in her eyes as she imagined it.

  Allister, Nasht-Mer, the rest of the crew with the Sisters had received the ultimatum and were meeting in the Dining cabin aboard Discovery.

  “Rooky, what is your sense of what needs to happen?” Allister asked.

  Rooky, the ship’s counselor, had been unable to download the laws and edicts of New Mak. The Queen had made laws up as she went to satisfy her wants with disregard for common law. Considering this, he replied,

  “This is a Monarchy, so the Monarch makes the laws at will. There is no process of appeal, or forced compliance with prior rules. It’s all at the pleasure of the Queen, it seems the only two choices are acceding to their demands, or forcible rescue of the hostages. We certainly have the power to reduce their city to rubble, but that may place the hostages at risk.” He replied.

  “Thank you, Rooky, that’s what we all thought.” Nasht-Mer said.

  Halkt-Bar, Navigator and Weapons Officer for ship Discovery, looked at everyone and said,

  “What would the Captain do, if we were down there?” They all looked at one another and nodded as Nasht-Mer said,

  “Allister, it’s night down there, send a collector down to map the Palace, and another one to disable the Palace defenses. Send a message to Sean updating him, and that we plan to interrupt their plans. Don’t burden him with any details. Now, let’s put together a plan.” She said.

  The new Prime Minster of England was preparing to leave his office for a meeting and passed by his secretary’s desk, handing her a note.

  Lydia, please place Millie Griggs name and phone number in the VIP Rolodex.” He said.

  “Millie Griggs? The one who called the other day threatening to fry me in frog fat?” She asked, while taking the note.

  “Really? Frog Fat? I should think then, you will be quite astute in forwarding her messages to me, won’t you?” He said. Frowning, the secretary replied,

  “I’m sorry Sir, we don’t keep a Rolodex any more, it’s all on the computer now.” She said.

  “Really?” He said.

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Right. Please explain to me in an emergency, when the power and any backup goes out, how that will work when I need a phone number immediately?” He asked leaning a bit toward her with great interest and his eyebrows lifted up expecting a reply. There was a long pause from the secretary who couldn’t provide an answer.

  “I see,” said the Prime Minister. “Get a Rolodex today, and transfer all the numbers as a special project. Get one of those with a locking top of course.” He said, with a smile, that was a bit icy. Then, he moved away shaking his head and wondering,

  “What were they thinking?”

  The Prime Minister got in his car and traveled several blocks to another government building. He waited until security secured the sidewalk and got out to walk in the building where another security team was waiting to escort him to the meeting several floors above. He entered the small conference room as they all stood. There were fifteen persons there. Ten men and five women. One of them stepped forward and began introducing the Prime Minster to each attendee. They were all top achievers in science and medicine. When he got to the last one, he asked everyone to sit down. One popped up a hand and asked,

  “You aren’t here to cut our bloody budgets, I hope?” With a dash of anger in his voice.

  “No, Ladies and Gentlemen indeed not. But I do require each of you to certify that you are in good health, with no prohibitions to travel?” The Prime Minister asked. He looked and pointed to each and got affirmative responses.

  “First, this is all confidential and not for discussion with anyone outside of this room, not your colleagues, not your significant other, and definitely not your children. Total absence of contact with the Press goes without saying!” He stressed firmly.

  “What I tell you will fall under the Official Secrets Act, so be extremely cautious. There are no sympathetic considerations in that law” He looked at each face for objection. Seeing none, he continued,

  “Very well then, here’s the play. The Americans have discovered an abandoned alien planet, registered its ownership as a research station, and actually moved it to our solar system. There has been a bit in the news about this. It’s true. I have no idea how they did that, so of course, that is a subject of interest as well. However, the planet has a complete city with a resident artificial intelligence, very advanced machinery, and an advanced medical center.”

  “It is presently occupied by the Owner’s team. The Planet Manager is vested and has a degree in mechanical engineering and a secondary one in computer science. The Chief Medical Officer is also vested and is from the Planet Hhearn. His specialty is research on infectious diseases. There is a robust security force made up of American Special Forces personnel. Britain has been invited to participate in the thorough examination and study of all parts of this city. For the present until our team is in place, this is all confidential. There are enormous political considerations in this project, so it must be kept quiet until all parties are well established.” He paused to sip some water from a glass in front of him.

  “We will be working under the Planet Manager and Chief Medical Officer’s supervision depending on specialty, and will share in all discoveries. We can expect that some areas or systems will be restricted until we learn which are dangerous and which are not. This is a major ‘one up’ for us, ladies and gentlemen. The Americans will be staffing as well. So, some of the finest minds in the western world will be picking over advanced alien technology and systems.” He paused and smiled,

  “Anyone want to go?”

  Six raised their hands immediately.

  Huge crowds had assembled outside the walls of the Palace as a call for common witnesses went out. A hundred were picked and brought to the guard house where they were given a floor length cloak one by one to cover their clothes. As they filed out from the guard house no one noticed three figures slip in behind them, and then come out with cloaks on.

  “Hurry up you, stay with the group.” A guard screamed at them as they rushed and blended in with the group. They were led into the throne room and told to stand quietly and not advance beyond the velvet rope line. Back in the Queen’s receiving room Ketrug-lis was breaking into a sweat.

  “Your Majesty, there has been no response to our demands.” He said.

  “I’m not surprised, if I were them, I wouldn’t agree to what we demanded either.” She said.

  “But Your Majesty, their ships have moved into position above us. They will use these to bombard the city.” He pleaded.

  “It is a show, they will posture right up to the time we take them out to the courtyard after their Captain is neutered and being brou
ght to the chopping block.” She giggled, now lapsing into the demon she could be when the scent of blood was afoot.

  “Let us begin Ketrug, you’re not getting squeamish now, are you?” She snarled as she strode toward the door to the throne room.

  Down in the restraining cells Jillip and two other guards approached the cells holding Sean, Doris and Mother Primitia.

  “Stand and face the back wall.” She said.

  “We will bind your hands behind your back to appear before the Queen.”

  “The Queen intends to execute us, Captain, but not before she neuters you before the court.” Mother Primitia sent to Sean silently.

  “Yes, well I certainly hope she doesn’t get the chance. Our team is on the ground here, so we’ll see how far it goes.” He sent back to Mother Primitia. As he was being bound by Jillip, he whispered to her a few words in the language of Mak that he got from Mother Primitia,

  “Today, you will decide the fate of New Mak.” She stiffened, but said nothing. The guards were puzzled on how to secure Mother Primitia since the bindings just fell through her wrists.

  The main Throne room was packed with people, most dressed in the same cloak, but there were several guards, Ketrug-lis Nemesis Master of New Mak wearing his sword and Doris’s revolver, and of course, the Queen sitting on her throne wearing her sparkling, regal crown and royal sash. She sat there, rigid with the trace of a tight smile, as her eyes followed the prisoners being brought in. Jillip stood on one side of Sean with the translator, and another guard on the other. Once they were in place, a footman with a heavy metal staff lifted it and struck the floor making a loud sound that quieted everyone. He announced,

  “The Queen’s inquiry and judgement are now called to assembly. Let the Queen’s agent read the charges.”

  He announced all of this in a big voice that echoed off the walls and struck the floor again with his staff to mark the beginning. Ketrug-lis stepped forward, opened a document and read,


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