Stolen Heart

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by Rita Hestand

  Stolen Heart

  Book Ten of Dream Catcher Series

  Rita Hestand

  Copyright© 2020 by Rita Hestand

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover by Sheri McGathey

  License Note

  This book, Stolen Heart is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without express written permission of the author. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy or copies. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Stolen Heart is a work of fiction. Though some of the cities and towns exist they are used in a fictitious manner for purposes of this work. All characters are works of fiction and any names or characteristics similar to any person past, present or future are coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  About the Author

  Rita's Other Books


  Searching for true love is not always easy, no matter who you are or what you are. In Stolen Heart you will see where a man finds his true love, but she does not recognize him. This happens sometimes in real life too. Never give up the hunt for the true love of your life. I think God has a mate for everyone, but some give up too soon, look in all the wrong places and then stop searching. I encourage you to never give up finding that right mate for you. There is someone for everyone out there, be patient, but don't give up!

  God Bless

  Rita Hestand


  Wind River Valley Reservation

  Wyoming Territory

  Chapter One

  Newly elected Chief Black Wolf lay wounded after a skirmish with the Sioux and Crow tribes. He reached his hand down to his side and felt blood trickling over it. He suffered a deep wound in his side from a spear. His eyes opened slowly, as he took in the scene before him. Instantly blocking the pain from his mind, he concentrated on his surroundings and the men lying dead all around him.

  The smell of Indian sagebrush, and acrid gun smoke assailed his nostrils. Bitterroot and Blazing Star flowers littered the grasslands on the hills. Snowcapped mountains in the distance hinted winter wasn't far away. An eagle flew high above in the distance. Black Wolf watched his flight.

  He deliberately ignored his pain and tried to get up when a beautiful young maiden came up to him. She wore a dark buckskin dress, and her hair was long and braided on both sides. She had a beautiful face, sweet and unassuming, one that would make any man take notice. Black Wolf's loins reacted to her standing there staring at him. It did not please him that her looks alone caught his attention. When it came to women, he always looked deeper than the outside of a person.

  He stared out at the meadow where the battle had taken place. Smoke was still clearing from the air; the stench of death eroded the earth now. He whispered a prayer to the Creator.

  Black Wolf saw many men on the battlefield, dead and some groaning from the agony of a death that wouldn't come.

  "How many?" he asked this strange woman.

  "How many?" Her head twisted in question.

  "How many died?"

  His voice was raspy now.

  "Of your tribe three men have died, and twenty-two are wounded. Five seriously, including you."

  "And what of the blue coat soldiers?"

  She turned away, "Fifteen dead and twenty wounded."

  "And the Sioux and Crow?"

  "They have not been counted yet, but the number is higher than your own." She told him almost in a whisper.

  "You must be still, you have not been treated," she said in very good English, as he tried to get up.

  "Who are you?" Black Wolf frowned. Although she had a pleasing demeanor, he didn't know her.

  "I am Sasha, a healer." She told him.

  "A healer, be gone with you woman." Black Wolf frowned.

  "Your wound is deep and although I see it trying to mend itself, it is not yet healed. You must be still until I can doctor you. You have lost much blood." She insisted as she made a poultice to stop the bleeding.

  "Doctor me? Where did you come from?" He demanded to know, trying to raise up and look around him.

  He glanced at his wound now and saw what she had done. "What is this?"

  "It will stop the bleeding."

  "You did not answer. Where have you come from?"

  "I came from Ft. Bridger. We moved to Ft. Hall and now I am here. I am Arapaho." She told him quietly.

  "Arapaho?" He said with a twist of his head. "And what is an Arapaho doing in the Wind River Valley?" He asked, eyeing her with interest now.

  She was silent and hung her head. "We live on the reservation also now."

  "So you have moved upon our lands, have you?" He frowned once more.

  She was silent.

  "By what authority do you live here?"

  "By the white man's authority from Ft. Bridger and Ft. Hall. Because we no longer war with the Shoshone, we have been sent here to live."

  "We did not invite you!" He snapped, giving her a second glance.

  "Are you always so grouchy?" She asked frowning at him now.

  "Grouchy? I do not know this word."

  "Unpleasant!" she told him with a twist of her brow.

  "Only when I learn of an invasion of the Valley. This is Shoshone land."

  "Then you should take it up with the white leaders. For there was no invasion."

  "I will!"

  She came closer and stared at his wound. She had a nice odor about her that shocked him. Most women he knew had none.

  "Your wound is infected. I will treat it when it stops bleeding so." She told him.

  "Treat my men, and the white soldier's men first. I will be fine." He raised his head with such arrogance.

  "Your wound is deep and needs disinfecting soon."

  "Be gone with you. I do not need your help."

  "You are a stubborn man." She insisted, with impatience now, "but you will have my help whether you want it or not."

  Suddenly Black Wolf's eyes traveled her, taking her all in. She was pretty, slender, and had a smile that captivated him. She was built small, dainty almost, but her mouth seemed to have become her backbone. He hadn't paid much attention to her when she first walked up to him, accept to admire her beauty. But she was very pleasing to the eye. He especially liked the fullness of her lips and wondered what a kiss might be like from her.

  "Are you married?" he asked quite suddenly.

  "Married? Why would you ask such a thing?"

  "Why not?" he teased.

  "No, I am promised though." She told him softly.

  "Promised, to whom?" He asked with a frown once more.

  "To Big Knife."

  She knelt down now and checked the bleeding of his wound. Her touch was soft and gentle, she glanced shyly at him, then continued to treat him. "There that should help until I can disinfect it and sew you up."

  "I see. Do you care for this Big Knife?" He kept asking silly questions, but th
e medicine she used burned and he had to distract himself from the pain.

  "Very much, we will be married in the fall." She said proudly.

  "Is he of great importance?" Black Wolf asked.

  "To me, he is." She smiled.

  Her smile curled around Black Wolf's heart for a moment and he was speechless. What a difference a smile made, he noticed. "Then I will challenge him."

  "For what purpose?" Her brows drew together, as she moved away to look into his face, obviously startled that he would say such a thing.

  "I will take you for my wife." He said boldly, as though she should have known what he intended.

  "Take me! That is impossible." She raised up from him and started to walk away. He had to be delirious!

  "I will fight him for your hand in marriage." He said raising his voice so she could hear him, as though the subject were closed.

  She whirled around and came close once more. "You don't even know me!" She objected. "Why would you say such a foolish thing? Did you hurt your head or something?"

  "No, I am fine. It does not matter. You are a healer, and very pretty, and I desire you for my wife. It is settled. I will fight him for you." He said with a dismissal tone.

  "That would be very foolish. I do not know you sir. And I do not love you." She touched his head and shook hers with disbelief. "You have no fever."

  "Of course I have no fever, I'm not sick, I'm merely wounded."

  "Quite severely I might add," she said her brows narrowing on him now. "I don't think you are in a position to fight anyone right now. You must be out of your head as your pain has taken hold of your mind, and mouth." She insisted.

  "Woman!" he exclaimed with little patience. "I am Chief Black Wolf of the Shoshone's. And I know exactly what I am saying. I must take a wife soon, and I have chosen you. It is settled. I will challenge him for your hand in marriage."

  She backed away from him, "Well, I will not be your wife. I am Arapaho and I do not belong to your tribe."

  "Why not, do you find me ugly?" He asked with a sexy grin.

  Her eyes narrowed on him now, her glance sliding up and down him slowly. "No, not ugly, arrogant, but not ugly." She told him quickly.

  "Arrogant, what does that mean? You use big words and speak English very well."

  "Never mind, I don't think you are as badly wounded as I first thought." She said and started to leave him.

  "You will not sew me up?" He asked in a gentler voice.

  She kept walking away. "Fine, then send me a white doctor that will do it as I don't intend to lay on my back forever bleeding."

  She turned and seemed to consider him.

  "Only if you behave and stop talking nonsense." She told him. "The poultice will draw the impurities from your body, then you can be sewn up. Meanwhile I must tend the others."

  "I do not take marriage for granted. I have searched for a woman with fire and sense. I have chosen you. It is that simple." He raised himself to a sitting position.

  "Nothing is that simple and why would you choose me, over your own people?" she asked staring at him as though he completely lost his mind.

  "I suppose because I need a woman that would be a challenge. You would not be easy to tame, but worth the effort I have no doubt." He chuckled.

  "Tamed? I am no animal sir!" She objected to his choice of words.

  "You have much spirit, and you would challenge my decisions, I like that. A woman with spunk!" He chuckled.

  "Big Knife will take me as his wife. And there is no need for any challenge."

  "Big Knife, he is Arapaho?"

  "Yes, a fine warrior." She raised her chin proudly.

  "Then I will challenge him for your hand and offer fifteen horses to your father." He told her.

  "Fifteen horses," she gasped. "That's unheard of."

  "Not enough?" he asked.

  "It is too many, no maiden has ever married for fifteen horses. Besides, it is impossible. I love Big Knife," she declared and again started to walk away.

  "Nevertheless, when I am healed, I will challenge him, and win you as my wife." He said boldly.

  "You would take a woman who does not love you?"

  "I will steal your heart from him!" He smiled sexily at her.

  "Impossible, and my father would not permit such a thing." She admonished.

  "We will see. Now off with you to treat my men." He told her.

  She stared a long moment, then slowly walked away. It was the way she stomped away that made him laugh.

  He watched her for a long time, feeling something within him stir at the sight of her. Perhaps she was right, it was a bold declaration. Still, his loins reacted to her immediately, as though he'd found his long-lost mate. How could his body know before his mind?

  Maybe he was delirious, as the way he reacted was not in his nature. But he'd waited thirty years to find the right woman and now he'd found her, he'd never let her go.

  He thought on it a long while. He knew the elders of the tribe would not be pleased that he chose a wife from another tribe. But this was the right bride for him, and he knew it.

  It was settled.

  She treated several soldiers, then came back to him. "I will sew your wound now." She told him. "And I hope you have regained your senses."

  "Good," he smiled once more. "And I never lost them."

  "I must know why you love this man who has asked for your hand." He said boldly as the point of the needle pierced his flesh and he ignored it.

  "I have known him all my life. He is a good man, a great warrior, and he has asked my father for me." She said proudly once more.

  "Is he tender?"

  "Tender?" she questioned turning her head in question once more.


  "I guess one would say so, yes." She nodded as she kept sewing his wound.

  "Does your heart swell when he kisses you?"

  "I do not think this is an appropriate question to ask me." She moved away to look into his smiling face. "You are obviously trying to shock me."

  "I have made you blush?"

  She moved away now, "There, you are sewn now. Have your Shaman check your wound in a few days."

  "We no longer have a Shaman or medicine man." He said dully, his face turning a bit white.

  "I am sorry. Why not?"

  "They were killed by a Sioux. One of the reason we fought so hard today." He explained. "And won."

  "Surely you have someone to take care of the wounded."

  "Yes, of sorts." He muttered. "You did not answer if your promised is gentle."

  She looked quite seriously at him. "As gentle as most warriors are." She shrugged.

  "It is a pity." He remarked, not looking at her now.

  "What is?"

  "A woman like you should be treated well."

  "He treats me well, and I'll thank you not to bring this up again." She sent him a scowl.

  "You're an innocent, are you not?"

  "That's…. "

  "None of my business." He grinned. "But I already know the answer to that too. The sweet pink blush to your cheeks says much about you. What a treasure you are."

  "That's enough of this talk," she stomped away.

  He laughed.

  Chapter Two

  Black Wolf thought about the maiden who challenged his every word. Something about her called to him. But he regretted that she loved another. It might be a real challenge to win her love, but he knew she was the right one for him.

  For the first time in his thirty years, he was excited about a woman. And he turned to his faithful friend, Bear Paw to tell him.

  "I have met her, my friend." Black Wolf declared as he watched Bear Paw catch a nice size trout from the Snake River.

  Bear Paw put the fish on a string and set him in the water to add to it for his supper. "Who have you met?"

  "The woman of my dreams."

  Bear Paw chuckled, then looked straight at his friend, "You have?"

  "Yes, she's beautiful, bey
ond compare. She's smart, and she is sassy. And I already love her."

  "You are gushing like a young boy who goes on his first hunt."

  "I am sorry. But this is the right one for me, I know it."

  "Where did you find her?" Bear Paw chuckled as he continued his fishing.

  "At the battle site with the Sioux."

  "What was she doing in such a place?"

  "She was a healer. She doctored me."

  Now Bear Paw was listening and staring. "A healer?"

  "Yes." Black Wolf smiled, glad to finally have his friend's attention.

  "I know of no Shoshone women that are healers." He looked a bit puzzled.

  "She is not Shoshone, she is Arapaho." Black Wolf chuckled.

  "Arapaho?" His friend's eyes widened.

  "You would take a woman from the Arapaho village."

  "Yes, how did you know there was a village here?"

  "I heard talk of it. So, tell me about her. What caught your eye?"

  "Everything. She was not too happy when I told her I would challenge her intended for her hand in marriage."

  "Y-you told her that. But how long have you known her, my brother?"

  "Since the battle. I cannot wait for you and the other' s to meet her."

  "You will challenge her lover?"

  "Yes, I will."

  "But, isn't that an extreme way to get a wife?"

  "Perhaps, but she is the one I want."

  "My brother you must think about this more carefully. You are chief and what if you lose the battle? You could be killed."

  "I will not be killed." Black Wolf insisted. "Have you no faith in your chief?" he kidded him.

  "Yes, I do. You have proven yourself to be a fine warrior, but it could be that you are not the best."

  "I will win, for I want her for my own."

  "And does she love this other man?"

  "I do not know."

  "Would you marry one that does not love you?"

  "Yes, I can win her love."

  "Well, you have more confidence than I do. It is such a chance though to lose your life over a woman."

  "I know that. But the Creator is on my side."

  "Well, that will help, my friend." Bear Paw laughed.


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