Girls from da Hood 14

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Girls from da Hood 14 Page 21

by Treasure Hernandez

  I didn’t tell my girls I was leaving. I hastily sent Jazz a text message on our walk to Carla’s room. She replied that she was getting some head anyway and peace out, so I had no worries in the world.

  “You sure you ready for this? I can tell this is your first time,” she asked, stopping outside room 296. “I’m honored to be your first.”

  Out in the open, she started to rub her hand up my thigh. The word to describe me was speechless. My mouth couldn’t utter any words. A woman had her hand close to my hookup, and I hadn’t given her the business yet. What I really wanted was more. She needed just to open the door. From that point, I guess it would be on.

  Chapter Twenty-four


  I wasn’t going to miss my opportunity to get in on the come-up out here partying and playing with Jazz or Sable. I’d had enough of being fake, friendly, and putting on a phony façade. The only thing on my mind was cracking open the safe again and collecting me a few stacks. What was supposed to be an all-girls’ getaway to Miami was slowly turning into the dismantling of best friends. It was time, though. I’d outgrown those hoes, and being gay just wasn’t my forte. My kids and I were about to live right, starting with the stacks I was about to snatch off top.

  Swiping the plastic key to open the door, I called out to Jazz and Sable, making sure I was here alone. Running to my side of the room, I gathered all my belongings, throwing them into my luggage. Once Mike Mike got here, and pandemonium broke out, there wouldn’t be time to be thorough and detailed. Making a beeline for the bedroom closet, I opened the flimsy white door and kneeled on the floor. Entering the same code Mike Mike told me earlier, the lights flashed green, and I snatched the door open. “Bet. Hmmm, let’s see. One stack, two stacks, three stacks, four.” Peeling them out of the bag and setting them on the floor beside me, I didn’t care if I was greedy. Sable was gonna take the blame and beat-down, so who cared in love and war?

  “Yeah, bitch, put your motherfucking hands in the air, purple slush-pouring whore, before I make this thang sing.”

  Startled, I felt a lump instantly develop in my throat. Slowly, I turned my head to see ole girl from Wet Willie’s. It was Carla’s crazy bitch-ass girlfriend. Standing with a pistol pointed down in my face, she was pissed. With no other choice if I wanted to live, I did as I was told. I dropped my head and raised both hands. “Ay, yo, you’ve got the wrong one, baby. It’s Sable you’re checking for. She’s with your girl right now. Not me,” Out of desperation, I looked back up, trying to talk some sense into her.

  “Naw, shut the fuck up. I owe you for pouring that slush and popping off earlier. You already know I ain’t forgot.” She stared me dead-on before smacking the spit out of my mouth. My face bounced back and forth, and I was ready to attack.

  I quickly tried to stand up from the floor, but she moved with more speed, kicking me in the abdomen. I bent over, grabbing my stomach. This trick was straight deranged and taking her aggression out on the wrong person.

  “Didn’t I say put your motherfucking hands up?” she yelled, stomping up and down like a child having a tantrum.

  I slowly started to raise my hands, crying in agony as my stomach needed constant pressure to try to relieve the excruciating pain that was shooting through my entire body. “Okay, okay.”

  “Good. Now, turn around and move fast. With all your whining and shit, somebody might’ve heard you.” This chick was on the crazy tip, and it was apparent my fate was looking bleak. Not wanting to take a shot to the back of the head or back, I tried hard to think of a way to grab the gun and shoot her punk ass first. “Turn the fuck around.”

  Testing my strong arm and trying my faith, I dove for her and the gun in an attempt to save my life. Going out like a sucker was never a credit I thought I’d have to roll with. To my dismay, I never had a chance. This bitch had come here with a master plan. That’s what I get for getting drafted into some gay-bullshit with my so-called girls.

  “I told your ass—I warned you,” was all I managed to hear. Then everything went black.

  Chapter Twenty-five


  The sun was peering down onto the boat as some passengers were already starting to unload the Sunrise. Having knocked boots all night long with the hot stud from the Captain’s Party, my legs were wobbly, and I was hungover. I couldn’t wait to get back to our hotel room and crash. I was done. Listening to the annoying sounds of my cell, I found it on the floor next to one of my shoes. Reaching to pick it up, I rubbed my eyes before looking at the screen. Looking down to see it was my fam, I was happy he was up and at it, making good on his promise. “Hey, cuz,” I barely answered, leaning over on the rail. Wanting to make sure we got to talk in private, even though I was dog-ass tired, I held up for a minute.

  “Happy Birthday, baby,” he sang into the phone, being the first to tell me on my official day. Even though Miami had gotten off to a rocky start, my birthday morning had started just right.

  “Thank you,” I weakly found the strength to sing back.

  “So, did y’all have a good time or what? A few girls on the strip last night complained about not getting on board, so I figured that joint must’ve been slapping.” He had way too much energy for it just to be eight in the morning.

  “Hell yeah, you know me, cuz. I’ll make me a good time,” I giggled.

  “I know that’s right. Low key, you keep more hot hoes than me. You’re gonna have to hook me up with one. Just make sure they ain’t hot and hype like the two you brought down here. I can’t handle no short fuses like that in my calm, reformed life.”

  “Whatever . . . You’re in this hot-ass city fronting like a workingman when we all know your ass is a menace to society.” I paused, waiting for a response. Since there was none, I continued, hoping this would play out for the best. “Speaking of which, what’s up on that stuff for ole girl? She keeps asking.”

  “Listen, cuz, I’m going to keep it straight 100 percent boogie about ya girl. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t fuck with her on business, but ’cause you’re family, I’ll look out.” His words were like music to my ears.

  “Yes! Yes! This is a great birthday present, fam. You had me worried not responding to my texts last night. And I couldn’t tell what you thought about her from earlier.”

  “Yeah yeah yeah, yo’ ass owe me one. And I’m gonna need you to have a serious talk with your girl about discretion. If she gets caught up with old dude she dipped on, my name better never come up.”

  “Fa’sho. You already know, cuz, and please believe I appreciate the favor.” I felt a swarm of relief. I couldn’t wait to break the news to Sable. She’d been on me heavy about introducing her to my cousin, and the time had finally come.

  “It’s a favor for you, but business with her. I’ve got her new life in my glove compartment, but I’m gonna need five Gs up front first.”

  “Oh, that’s what’s up. It ain’t gonna be a problem. I’m about to get back to the room and hook up with her. We’ll be out ya way in a few.” I was ecstatic, knowing I was about to save the day.

  “Cool. Hurry up, though, so we can clear this crowd. You know a nigga gotta punch a clock.”

  “All right, then, I got you. Let me go get my girls, and then we’ll be out.”

  Hanging up, I no longer walked with little energy to our cabin. Damn near running full speed, I couldn’t wait to break the news to Sable. I’d already called her a few times this morning but had failed to get an answer. I couldn’t wait to hook up with her and find out about her night with Carla too. Hopefully, her first experience with a female had been a great one. Easing up closer to the cabin, I saw the door was cracked, and the lights were already on. Roxy and Sable must’ve already been up shuffling to get dressed. Good for me not having to wake up their cranky, hungover behinds.

  “Good morning, bitches,” I yelled, pushing the door wide open, walking in. Unexpectedly, there wasn’t a sign of life in the room. Both beds were still made, the television and radio s
ets were powered off, and the glasses we took a toast in before leaving for the Captain’s Party still sat on the bar, half-empty. Shit seemed strange. “Hey, Sable, Roxanne,” I whispered out loud, pondering where they were. No one responded. I knew Sable had hooked up with Carla, but as far as I knew, Roxy hadn’t gotten lucky. Maybe she’d hooked up with the dude from the party bus and hadn’t checked in. “Oh well, I might as well get my stuff together. They should be here in a minute.”

  Moving toward the closet to pull out my bag, I let out the loudest, shrieking, call-of-death scream I could. My eyes weren’t prepared for the sickening image before me. Next to the wide-opened empty safe, Roxy laid sprawled out with her legs and arms twisted like a rag doll and a bright red puddle of blood gushing from her head. What in the fuck!

  Breathe, Jazz, breathe. Oh my God, what should I do? What happened? Sable, answer this motherfucking phone. My heart was rushing, and my head was now pounding. Almost throwing up at the sight of my girl down like that had my nerves shook. Calling Sable’s phone back-to-back, I ran around the room, tossing my clothes and belongings into my duffel bag. She better answer, and quick, because things had gone really bad. Please tell me Sable ain’t find out about her and Mike Mike and bugged the fuck out. With one best friend unconscious or dead, and the other missing in action, I was the only one left standing, innocent and curious about what had really gone down. My battery was going dead, and Sable still wasn’t picking up. Thankfully, my cell rang when it did.

  “Um, hey, cuz,” I tried to mask that I was out of breath and had been crying. I was confused and fucked up in the head. My homegirl was dead for all I knew. My hood instinct kicked in. I couldn’t and didn’t wanna be questioned by no damn police, especially this far away from home. I had to get it together—and quick.

  “What the fuck is taking y’all broads so long? If I’m late to work again, this punk gonna report me to my probation officer . . . and I got no time for violations,” he spat into the phone.

  Not wanting to put him in the middle of this tricky situation, I knew that he was three strikes into a three-strike deal. If he didn’t play by the rules this time, the judge wasn’t cutting him any slack or sympathy. But I had no one else to get me out of this bullshit. Instantly, I’d regretted introducing him into my girl’s and my drama. I had to think of something. I wanted him to help me, but I didn’t know just what the hell had happened my damn self. Suddenly, my line finally clicked. Thank God, it was Sable.

  “Okay, cuz, we coming, we coming. Just hold tight.” I swiftly hung up on him, clicking over to the sounds of Sable asking what was so important that I had been blowing her up.

  Chapter Twenty-six


  “Baby, wake up. Your phone keeps fucking vibrating, and I can’t get no sleep,” I heard her screaming.

  I was woozy and could barely lift my head from the pillow. It took me time to get my mind right and put together where I was at. This sure wasn’t Mike Mike, and I was far from my city. “Oh, good morning.” I opened my eyes to look at the first lady I’ve ever slept with. I didn’t know how to feel or what to think. Maybe it was the booze or the Miami heat that had me do this impromptu freaky bullshit. In a matter of forty-eight hours, my entire life had been turned upside down. Damn, I gotta get my shit back together. All of this madness and chaos ain’t me.

  “Go turn that thang off and let me give you a great morning,” Carla said as she leaned in, giving me a quick but awkward peck on the lips.

  Mustering up enough energy to reach into my purse and grab my phone, fifteen missed calls and twenty text messages stared me in the face . . . all from Jazz. What the fuck was wrong? “I don’t know what popped off last night, but my girl Jazz has been blowing me up.” Sitting up, rubbing the crust from my eyes, I decided it would be best just to call her back.

  “Straight-up? Well, hit Light Skin up and see what’s going on,” she sat up now, checking her own cell. I had to remember to get her number, knowing I’d want seconds and possibly thirds before my trip ended. With Mike Mike out of the picture, I was single and ready to mingle.

  Scrolling down and hitting call, it didn’t take but two rings before Jazz hysterically answered, screaming my name into the phone in tears. “Hey, what up, doe sis, what’s so important? What’s wrong? Whoa whoa whoa . . . Calm down. I can’t understand a word you’re saying.” I was on my feet by now, searching all over the room for my panties and bra.

  “Girl, Roxy’s knocked out, dead, or something. Lots of blood is by her head! Oh my God, Sable. Please hurry—the money—get here.” I barely made her chopped-up words out. Through the screams and sobbing, I thought I heard her say the word “money,” but I didn’t second-guess it being mine.

  “What the fuck! Damn. Okay, try to relax. Chill. I’m on my way to you.” I slid the phone to end, finally finding all of my clothes and getting dressed. “Carla, come on. Something’s wrong with my girl Roxy, and I think it’s all fucking bad.”

  Carla jumped up. Panicked, she quickly slid her jeans and button-up on, not missing a step. It wasn’t for her concern for Roxy but for what had popped off on her boat. “Hurry up, ma, we’ve gotta go.”

  Running out of the room where I’d shared many nuts with Carla, we ran with lightning speed up the passageways of guests unloading. Ignoring the stares, rude remarks from us bumping them, and the people looking to say what up to her—we finally made it to my VIP cabin.

  “What’s going on here?” Carla bolted in first, scanning the room. “Oh shit! What the fuck. Oh, hell naw.”

  “What? What?” I rushed in behind her, scared to look but needing to anyhow. Sprawled out was Roxy, and shit was looking bad.

  “This is how I found her. I ain’t been over there to check her pulse or see up close—fuck that.” Jazz’s usually pretty and vibrant face was stained and blackened from the runny makeup.

  “Okay, calm down. I’ll call emergency so they can get an ambulance out here. One of y’all go check on her.” Carla looked over at us, then pulled out her phone.

  Since Jazz was a crying mess and had already proven she wasn’t stepping a foot near Roxy, I took the high road and went to check on my girl. She looked terrible, I couldn’t even lie. Her legs and arms appeared to be limp or broken, blood was pouring out of her head, and her face was black and blue. Whoever got ahold of my girl must’ve truly had it out for her ruin. Hesitating to lean down, I put my ear close to her mouth and nose to check if I could hear faint breaths, and thank God, I did. “She’s not dead, y’all. Carla, tell the ambulance to hurry.”

  “Oh my God, she looks like it.” Jazz was tossing her clothes into her luggage, not the least bit concerned with our friend’s condition.

  “Come over here, Jazz. Roxy needs us.” I couldn’t believe she was getting ready to bail. Our girl was unconscious and had taken an ass whipping, and Jazz was too concerned about getting off the damn boat. “We riding on that ambulance,” I spat, turning back to the one girl down. Grabbing Roxy’s hand, I held it tightly. “Stay strong, girl. I’m here, and I’ve got you.”

  “You do you. I’m not celebrating my birthday like this, for one. And if you were laid out on the floor like that, trust, that bitch would leave you for dead.” She zipped her duffel bag and threw it onto her shoulder. “You’ve got bigger things to worry about. You’re so worried about that backstabbing bitch that you haven’t noticed the empty fucking safe.” Jazz pointed toward what instantly broke me down and shattered my world.

  “Oh, hell to the naw! Where’s my fucking money?” I shouted, dropping Roxy’s hand flat and looking around the room. “Where’s my bag?” There wasn’t a Nike bag in sight. The room was starting to close in.

  “Yeah, the money is missing, and my cousin came through.” Jazz broke me down even more. I’d doubted my girl, and not only did she not lie about her cousin, but he’d also already gotten me a new life. Now, I was the one who’d come up short and had no idea who took my money or did this to Roxy.

  “All r
ight, the ambulance is on the way,” Carla cut in, shaking her head in disbelief. “No shit has ever gone down on the Sunrise like this or any of my events. Man, what the fuck,” she shouted, pulling out her phone. “I’ve gotta call my partner on this one. We gotta do some damage control.”

  “Yeah, this obviously wasn’t a paradise trip for real. What am I going to do now, Jazz?” I stood helpless, homeless, and without a penny to my name. Things couldn’t get worse.

  “Get your shit and let’s go. Maybe my cousin will look out under the circumstances, but I can promise you nothing. All I can say is, I’m out.” Jazz started walking toward the door.

  “Okay, but what about Roxy . . . just leave her?”

  “This probably ain’t the best time to tell you, Sable, but I can’t let you sit here and nurse her fake friendship ass. She’s been fucking Mike Mike for months.”

  My expression went cold as anger boiled inside of me. How could my girl be fucking my man? How could she be sitting in my face being a liar and deceptive-ass slut? I’d fed her, clothed her, and even brought Pampers and milk for her snotty-nosed, brat-ass kids. Chicks these days had no loyalty or respect for the game. Turning around and staring down on Roxy, I thought of all of my lonely nights with Mike Mike. This bitch had been the reason for my extra beatings, extra neglect, and extra denial during my relationship. I can’t stand a copy-cat-ass-gotta-have-it-’cause-I-do-ass bitch. Get your own and quit coming for mine. Not being able to control my anger and hatred anymore, I took my turn to whip up on Roxy’s foul friend ass. Taking my Red Bottom heels off to keep my balance, I picked one up and proceeded to bang bruises all up and down her body to match her already battered face. “Yeah, you sleazy home wrecker, show this body to that nigga now.”

  “Hey, Light Skin, get your girl,” Carla barked at Jazz, who was standing as a spectator, nodding in approval.

  “Nope, you fucked her last night. And besides that, Roxy is probably getting her Karma. That ain’t got shit to do with you or me. So fall back. Fall all the way back.”


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