Wyatt: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 5)

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Wyatt: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 5) Page 12

by Nyssa Kathryn

  Quinn was vaguely aware of the air moving around her. Of the click of the door closing. But it was all background noise. Everything was. Except him.

  Wyatt’s big, warm body wrapped around her like a jacket. His lips wreaking havoc on her insides.

  Soft moans filled the air. Moans from deep in her throat.

  He kissed her passionately and fiercely. As if he was claiming her. Like they were claiming each other.

  As desire rippled through her, she became aware that there were too many barriers between them. She wanted to feel his skin on hers.

  As if reading her mind, Wyatt lowered her to her feet. She was vaguely aware that they were in the bedroom. Standing beside his bed.

  Reaching for the hem of her dress, she pulled it over her body. At the same time, Wyatt removed the towel.

  He stood in front of her, completely bare. A warrior. Her warrior.

  Reaching behind, she removed her bra, then her underwear.

  Wyatt’s eyes didn’t shift from hers. He stepped closer. Hand moving to the side of her face. “You sure you want this?”

  “This is the only thing I want.”

  She burned for the man in front of her.

  His lips returned to hers, sending electric waves of awareness through her body. Lifting her like she weighed nothing, Wyatt placed her on the bed. His weight quickly settling above her.

  Every inch of him touched every inch of her. It set her body ablaze.

  His soft kisses never ceased.

  She released a strangled moan as his hand went to her breast. He massaged and played. Pinching and rubbing her sensitive peak.

  She latched onto his shoulders. Needing to anchor herself.

  Instead of switching his hand to her other breast like she expected, he began to trail soft kisses down her jaw, then her neck. He landed on that other breast and sucked.

  Quinn’s breaths came out short and raspy. Her fingers scraped down his back.

  The man was torturing her. Igniting an almost unbearable need inside her.

  After minutes of the torture, Wyatt’s mouth came off her nipple with a pop before trailing farther down her body. It wasn’t until he hovered over the apex of her thighs that he paused.

  Quinn’s breathing stopped as she waited. His head lowered and his tongue slid across her clit.

  Her entire body jolted and then trembled at his touch. Flinging her head back, she pushed her hips upward.

  His tongue began to move in firm, even thrusts. Desire swirled through her core like a storm.

  She felt alive. Alive and on fire. Her body throbbed with need. His hand held her hips firm, anchoring her to the bed.

  Quinn was almost at the breaking point when Wyatt lifted his body, and his face returned to hover over hers. She could feel him, hot and hard against her thigh.

  “One last time, Quinn. Tell me you want this.”

  “I want this, Wyatt. Take me.”

  A soft growl tore from his lips before he reached to the side of the bed, then quickly donned a condom. When he returned to her, he positioned his hardness at her entrance.

  For a moment, he didn’t move. Instead, he looked at her. Really looked at her. Like he saw every little part of her, including the hidden crevices that the rest of the world missed.

  “You’re perfection.”

  “Only for you, Wyatt.”

  He lowered himself, filling her inch by inch.

  She didn’t move a muscle. Wanting to feel everything. Her muscles stretched around him.

  Once he was seated inside her completely, he lowered his head and pressed his lips to her ear. “It’s like you were made for me.”

  They were made for each other.

  When he began to move, she struggled to breathe through the sensations. He rocked inside her, over and over again. Thrusting in and out.

  His teeth nipped her neck, and a small whimper escaped her lips.

  Soon, she rose to meet him, thrust for thrust.

  Every time their bodies clashed together, her sensitive breasts crashed against his hard chest. Throwing her head back, Quinn let out a cry. Everything about the man was overwhelming. Intoxicating.

  Her heart thrashed against her ribs. The need inside her building.

  When his hand lowered to her clit, another whimper escaped her lips. He used his thumb to rub her sensitive bundle.

  That was it. Quinn’s body spasmed as she soared over the edge.

  Her breathing came out as erratic gasps. Her core throbbed around him. Wyatt thrust a few more times before tensing above her. He let out a growl of passion low in his chest as his orgasm took him.

  For a moment, they both stilled. Breathing through the intensity of what they’d just experienced.

  When he lifted his head, he touched a finger to her face and traced her cheekbone. “I could lie here with you forever.”

  “Forever sounds pretty damn good to me.”

  It seemed infinitely better than anything else in the world.

  Dropping next to her, Wyatt pulled her against his side. She snuggled into him, knowing what they’d just done was anything but ordinary. Nothing about their relationship was ordinary. It was better. And she wanted to hold on with two hands and not let go.

  Chapter 16

  Wyatt watched as a man entered the Green Pharmaceuticals building. It was close to midnight, but that didn’t make the guy any less clear to Wyatt.

  He wasn’t one of the men Wyatt was waiting for. Not even close. This guy was too short. Too slim. Likely a lab technician arriving for shift changeover.

  No. The men Wyatt wanted to see would no doubt be larger. Hardened. And there was a good chance they would be ex-military.

  Wyatt had been sitting in his car for over two hours. He could easily last all night if he had to. He’d done it the previous night, no problem.

  Luca guarded the back of the building while Eden was a street away, in a motel. Although he slept, all it would take was one message to have him at the building within minutes, ready to go.

  The men were rotating shifts. Even though all the break-ins had occurred under the cover of night, they wanted to cover days as well. They didn’t want to miss their one opportunity.

  The three of them had flown over to Portland yesterday. Oliver, Kye, and Bodie had returned to Marble Falls after covering the place the previous four nights.

  Even while back home, no one was ever “off duty.” They wanted eyes on the women. Particularly Quinn.

  Evie was currently trying to locate Maya. If the woman was alive, and not already taken by Hylar’s men, they hoped to find her—and find her soon. Evie was hacking into facial recognition software in the towns that surrounded Tyler, and specifically watching buses, car rental stores and airports. She had already hacked the woman’s phone, email, and credit cards, but it looked like Maya had already abandoned them. Smart.

  Wyatt leaned his head back but didn’t take his eyes off the building.

  He couldn’t let Hylar’s men kill more people. And he certainly wasn’t going to let the guy get his hands on the materials he needed. The last thing he wanted his old commander to do was create more drugs and alter other men.

  At the thought of his old commander, Wyatt’s fists clenched. Even if he lived a hundred years, he would never forgive himself for trusting that man. For not seeing the greed that must have been there all along.

  Wyatt had viewed the man as a father, whereas Hylar saw Wyatt and his team as weapons. Tools in the army he was building.

  Once they found Hylar, he needed to die. There was no other way.

  A ding from his phone pulled Wyatt out of his thoughts. Shooting a quick glance at the screen, a smile touched his lips before he drew his attention back to the building.


  The woman had sent him a message with no words. All it contained was emojis. Because Wyatt had made a comment about being able to hack any code.

  Big mistake. Quinn had taken that as a challenge, sending him nothing but e
mojis, requiring him to crack the meaning of each text. So far, he’d failed twice.

  This time, it was easy. She sent him a bed, a snowflake, and a sad face.

  She was telling him she was in bed. Cold and alone. He used voice activator to send her a message back. Four words—I miss you, too.

  It wasn’t a lie. He missed the woman like crazy. She’d literally just walked into his life one day and now he couldn’t live without her. She’d changed everything.

  And there wasn’t a single part of him that wanted to go back.

  Mason was due home in six days. That was when Wyatt planned to discuss his relationship with Quinn. If Mason ended up punching him in the face, Wyatt wouldn’t stop him.

  He hadn’t set out to date his friend’s younger sister, but he wasn’t sorry. Far from it. He felt happier than he had in a long time. Possibly ever.

  Wyatt sat a little straighter when a movement caught his eye.

  His body tensed at the sight of three men exiting a side alley.

  All three of them were tall and muscular. Clearly very physically capable. Just as Wyatt expected.

  Without taking his eyes from the men, he hit dial on his phone.

  Eden answered. “Jobs?”

  “Call, Rocket. It’s time.”

  Eden didn’t respond. He didn’t need to. Both he and Luca would be there within minutes.

  Even though the men walked in the shadows, Wyatt could see every inch of them. They wore black and were clearly armed. Not one of them held weapons in their hands, but Wyatt could see the outlines of guns concealed under the men’s clothing.

  They probably only wore the weapons as a backup. After all, it was lab technicians they were expecting to face. Not trained former SEALs with altered DNA.

  Wyatt knew the door to the building was locked. Each worker who entered had used a key to access the place. So when one of the men pushed it open with the simple turn of his hand, it was the last confirmation Wyatt needed.

  They were Hylar’s men.

  It wasn’t until they slipped into the building that he exited his car. He was halfway to the door when Eden and Luca appeared beside him. Even though they would have sprinted the distance from their locations, neither man breathed heavily.

  The three of them entered the building without making a sound. They didn’t speak because they didn’t need to. They knew exactly what to do. What was about to happen.

  Wyatt had already studied the blueprints of the building. Inside was a long hall. Down at the end was the main lab. That was where the majority of the supplies were kept.

  As they neared the door, they heard gasps from the scientists. Accelerated heart rates. Wyatt could almost smell the fear.

  The men would also hear them coming, but would likely assume they were more lab technicians. They were wrong.

  Wyatt put his hand to the door and pushed inside.

  The moment they entered, the three men in black looked up, a mixture of shock and anger on the faces.

  One of the thugs already held a lab technician by the throat. The other two paused mid shoving materials into a bag. Scientists fanned across the room. Three men, two women. Each looking more scared than the next.

  High-tech devices filled the space, while liquids, bottles, and trays covered the counters.

  “Don’t tell me you weren’t expecting us?” Wyatt asked, directing his words at the man holding the technician.

  He scowled, shoving away the guy he’d been holding. “Who the fuck are you assholes?”

  Eden took a step into the room. “We’re the assholes who are going to kill you.”

  One of the men holding supplies laughed as if Eden had just told a joke.

  “Don’t believe us?” Luca asked. “Good. I like taking people by surprise.”

  Wyatt scanned the room, making eye contact with each scientist. “Get out of here.”

  For a moment, no one moved, too scared to know whether they would die for doing so. Then one man took a step toward the door. And another.

  Slowly, the rest followed. One of the men in black took a step toward a woman.

  Wyatt was between them before the guy could blink. “Going somewhere?”

  His eyes widened. Clearly he wasn’t expecting an even fight. A look of fury came over his face. “So you’re like us. You think that means you can stop us?”

  He didn’t think he could stop them. He knew he would.

  A second of dead silence passed before the man pulled his arm back and shot it forward. Wyatt caught the fist in one hand.

  That was all it took for the room to break out into violence. Around him, Wyatt could hear fists colliding with skin. Grunts of pain. Quick movements.

  Wyatt twisted the fist in his hand, but the man wrenched it free, showing his strength.

  “I’m looking forward to making you hurt,” the man sneered.

  Wyatt was looking forward to silencing the guy permanently.

  The man grabbed a knife that was sheathed to his ankle, swiping in Wyatt’s direction. Once, twice, three times. Wyatt dodged every strike. On the fourth, he kicked the knife out of his hand.

  He didn’t stop there. Wyatt immediately kicked the man in the gut. He hit the floor, sliding across the room. His large body hit a table and sent chemicals and test tubes flying.

  Wyatt followed. “Where’s Hylar hiding?”

  The asshole jumped to his feet. “I’m not telling you shit.”

  He lunged at Wyatt, who stepped to the side just before the man made contact, grabbing him from behind. Snaking an arm around his throat, he immediately tightened his grip.

  “Where’s Hylar?”

  The man spluttered in Wyatt’s grip. Struggling for air.

  A sharp pain bloomed in Wyatt’s ribs. An elbow. Wyatt used his body to push the man to the floor. Disabling him.

  He looked up to see Eden shoving a knife through his man’s neck. Luca’s guy was already dead.

  Good. They only needed one man alive.

  Luca gave both Wyatt and Eden a nod before lifting the bag of materials. The bag the men had just filled. He left, moving so quickly he was a blur.

  Eden walked over to where Wyatt still held the man to the floor. Wyatt was about to stand when noise sounded from the front of the building. The door opened and footsteps followed. Many footsteps.

  Wyatt remained where he was, not willing to release the man in his grasp.

  A moment later, the lab door opened and police entered. Guns were immediately trained on them.

  The man below Wyatt bucked. Wyatt firmed his grip—

  And a second later, a bullet hit the man between the eyes.

  Blood sprayed, splattering Wyatt’s face and arms.

  What the hell?

  Rolling to the side, he raised his own gun. Eden already had his trained on the man in front of him.

  That’s when he saw who it was. Agent Sinclair. Member of the CIA. The man heading the Project Arma shutdown.

  He was standing in front of the officers.

  Sinclair holstered his gun. “Weapons down, boys, these guys are working with me.”

  When the officers dropped their weapons, Wyatt and Eden slowly lowered theirs.

  Sinclair walked farther into the room, stopping a foot away from Wyatt.

  Frustration clawed its way up Wyatt’s throat. “Why the hell did you shoot him?” That was him being polite. What he really wanted to do was push Sinclair against the wall and take out some of his anger. Any hope of acquiring answers was lost.

  “The guy was about to show the boys in blue what he could do. I did what I needed to.”

  Except that wasn’t true. Wyatt could have easily subdued the man, particularly with Eden’s help. And Sinclair knew that.

  The team had researched Sinclair. They’d researched him thoroughly…and always came up with nothing. No prior connection to Hylar. No prior connection to Project Arma.

  It was frustrating. They sensed more and more that something was off about the guy. His act
ions tonight just strengthened Wyatt’s suspicion.

  The same rage was bouncing off Eden. “We had it handled.”

  Sinclair’s eyes narrowed. “How about you guys tell me what you’re doing here?”

  “We’ve been following the pharmaceutical lab break-ins across the country,” Wyatt lied. Not willing to implicate Quinn. “We pieced together that this would be the next target.”

  “The fact that you’re here means you knew Project Arma was behind it. Why didn’t you tell us about these break-ins?” Eden asked.

  Sinclair’s jaw tightened. “By the way the scientists were killed, I had an idea that men from Arma were responsible. I couldn’t be sure though. I can’t just share every file with you unless I know for certain it involves Project Arma.”

  Wyatt crossed his arms. “But you would have told us. If you knew it involved them. Right?”


  It was a lie. The asshole didn’t even try to hide it. Even though Wyatt’s team was supposed to be helping the government shut down the program, this guy was doing everything possible to keep them out of it.

  They needed to keep looking into Sinclair. Find whatever it was that they were missing. Because they were missing something. They had to be.

  “We appreciate your help on the matter.” Sinclair turned, all but dismissing them. He’d only taken a couple of steps when he stopped and looked back. “There was a surviving witness at one of the other break-ins—a Maya Harper. We can’t locate her. You wouldn’t happen to know where she is by any chance?”

  Wyatt shook his head. “No clue.”

  And if he did know, he wouldn’t be telling this guy.

  Chapter 17

  Quinn’s cursor hovered over the delete function. She hated deleting research. It meant washing away hours of work that she’d dedicated time and energy to.

  To be fair, the work she was deleting right now barely amounted to anything. Not that it made it easier.

  Blowing out a long breath, she darted her gaze around Joan’s Diner one last time before clicking “delete.”

  There. Done. No more research about laboratory break-ins, murdered scientists, or men with super strength. She was leaving it all in Wyatt’s hands. Trusting him and his team to save the technicians at the final lab.


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