Wyatt: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 5)

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Wyatt: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 5) Page 18

by Nyssa Kathryn

  “I’m really sorry, Tan, but I can’t make it.”

  She nervously bit her lip, waiting for her friend’s response.

  “What? You can’t be serious. You’re not coming? I don’t understand! Why not?”

  Because your husband tried to kill me. Because I still have bruises and marks on my body, done by his hand.

  “I was in a car accident. A small one.” She scrunched her eyes shut, hating that she was lying to her. “I’m okay, but the doctor recommended I don’t fly at the moment. I’m so sorry.”

  There was a short pause. “You were in an accident? When?”

  Oh, God. She was going to be smited or something for lying to a grieving woman.

  “A few days ago. I didn’t want to say anything because you’re going through so much. I promise, though, as soon as I’m better, I’m going to fly over and spend quality time with you.”

  As long as the danger was gone and the guilt hadn’t eaten her alive.

  “Oh…okay. I’m sad you won’t be here. But I hope you’re okay.”

  Yep. The guilt was going to be the end of her.

  “Remember, I’m only a phone call away. Even if you don’t want to talk. I’ll just sit on the line with you. Okay?”

  “All right. Thanks, Quinny. Talk soon.”

  There was clear disappointment in her friend’s voice before she hung up.

  Placing her phone on her lap, Quinn shook her head. “Ugh. I hate myself.”

  Wyatt pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Don’t say that. You would have been uncomfortable attending a funeral for a man who tried to kill you. Tanya would have felt your energy. It’s better this way.”

  Wyatt was right. Didn’t change the fact that she felt terrible.

  Curling her body into his, she let his warmth soothe her guilt. “What did I do to deserve you?”

  “I should be asking you that question.”

  Chapter 24

  Wyatt knocked on Quinn’s door, excitement stirring in his gut.

  It was ridiculous. He’d only just seen the woman. Hell, bar the time they were working, he’d been spending every minute with her.

  It didn’t seem to matter. He didn’t think he’d ever tire of seeing Quinn.

  Of course, seeing the woman wasn’t the only reason he was excited.

  It also had something to do with the fact that once they were home from Luca and Evie’s engagement party, Wyatt planned to tell Quinn he loved her.

  That was likely why a distinctly nervous feeling accompanied the excitement.

  He’d never told any other partner that he loved them. But this felt right. The woman had captured his heart, and he needed to say the words out loud.

  Footsteps sounded from inside the apartment just before the door was pulled open. Wyatt’s heart stopped, then sped up at the sight of her. For a moment, he had to remind himself to breathe.

  The woman was gorgeous.

  Quinn wore a figure-hugging black dress that went to her knees. There was a slit up the side, which showed a generous amount of thigh. Wyatt itched to reach out and run his hand up her leg.

  When his eyes rose, he noticed the thin straps and low-cut design of the bodice. That, in combination with her hair being pulled up, gave him an ample display of her creamy skin.

  It took a hell of a lot of self-restraint not to push the woman inside the apartment and peel the dress right off.

  When his gaze reached her face, he stared into the same deep blue eyes that haunted his dreams.

  One side of Quinn’s mouth lifted. “Like what you see?”

  No. He was destroyed by what he saw. The woman in front of him was a goddess. His goddess.

  Stepping forward, Wyatt pulled Quinn into his arms. She was soft and pliant and smelled like a damn flower store.

  His mouth lowered to hers, and Quinn sank into him, her fingers running through his hair. A quiet moan sounded from her throat.

  Christ, the woman was the only person on Earth able to ignite such a fire within him. A part of him wanted to blow off the entire evening and get lost in her. If Luca wasn’t family, he would do just that.

  Reluctantly, Wyatt pulled his head away.

  A soft whimper escaped her lips. “No. You can’t kiss me like that only to pull away. That’s torture.”

  She was right, it was torture. For him as well as her.

  “I want to ravage you, but that will take a long time. You deserve hours, not the mere minutes we have. Tonight.”

  “Hm. Okay. But I expect lots and lots of ravaging.”

  That was something Wyatt could happily promise.

  Turning, Quinn grabbed her bag from the kitchen counter before stepping outside. His arm snaked around her waist as they headed to his car.

  “Are you excited to celebrate their engagement?” she asked, glancing up at him. “From what I hear, it’s been a long time coming.”

  “It has. Too long. I’m excited that they’re finally taking the plunge. Those two are great together. Rocket wanted to wait until Hylar was caught, but who knows when that will happen? It could be years. We can’t put our lives on hold forever.”

  At least now their old commander was at a disadvantage with all that he’d lost. That was something.

  The drive to Luca’s was quick. Wyatt spent the entire time trying to keep his eyes on the road. It was an effort when the woman beside him was so damn alluring.

  As they stepped inside Luca’s home, Wyatt and Quinn spent the first half hour moving around the room and greeting everyone.

  Moments like this, when they were all together celebrating, just reminded Wyatt how lucky he was. These people were his family. Not everything in his life may be perfect, but these guys gave him a lot to be thankful for.

  Growing up as an only child, Wyatt had never had that sibling relationship that so many others experienced. The moment he was given his SEAL team, he’d finally learned what that connection felt like.

  They’d been through a lot together. The intensity of their shared experiences created a bond that was all but unbreakable.

  “Jobs! You look like you need another drink.”

  Wyatt smiled at Kye’s booming voice. He lifted the beer he was holding. “Got one.” Where Kye had clearly had a few to drink already, Wyatt was still on his first.

  “No rule that says you can’t have two…”

  Wyatt chuckled. He wouldn’t be getting through his first. He needed a clear head. “I’m good, thanks. Just happy to celebrate the engagement of two of our closest friends.”

  Kye nodded. “I feel like there’ll be plenty more on the way.”

  That was true. By the way things were going, each man would be married off in no time.

  Luca came to stand with them. “The more engagements, the better. Everyone should marry the woman they love.”

  Wyatt smiled at Luca. “Couldn’t agree more, brother. Congratulations again. You pulled this party together quickly.”

  Hell, the couple had only been engaged a little more than a week.

  He shrugged. “The sooner we have an engagement party, the sooner I get to marry her.”

  Damn straight. “That’s awesome. I’m happy for you.”

  Luca dipped his head. “Appreciate it. Sometimes I feel like I need to pinch myself because I can’t believe I found her. Or that my feelings are reciprocated.”

  Kye scoffed. “With a face like that, how could she not love you?”

  Wyatt nodded sagely. “Cage is right. That face is a winner.”

  One side of Luca’s mouth lifted. “I guess the face helps.”

  Wyatt glanced across the room to Quinn at the same time Luca looked over at Evie.

  Kye groaned out loud. “Look at you guys. Can’t go a minute without searching for your women. I think I’ll remain single. Maintain my sanity.”

  If Wyatt had to choose between his sanity and Quinn, he’d be choosing her. Every time. “I’ve got bad news for you. When the time comes, you won’t have a choice.” Wyatt kept his
eyes on Quinn as he spoke. “One day, someone will walk into your life and nothing will be the same again.”

  Luca nodded. “And there won’t be a single part of you that will regret it.”

  “Nope.” Wyatt looked at his friend to see him shaking his head. “Not gonna happen. I’m like a mountain lion. There’s no taming me.”

  Kye had no idea. Wyatt had little doubt that the day would come when he would find out.

  “Bodie will probably be next,” Luca said. “I think the man wants what we have. Someone by his side.”

  Wyatt agreed. “That guy will make a woman very happy.”

  Kye swung his arm around Wyatt’s shoulders. “You would know. You’re the smart one in the group.”

  “That’s the only reason he’s allowed near my sister,” Mason commented as he joined them.

  Kye pulled back, removing his arm. “I’m smart. You saying I can date your sister?”

  “You ever touch her, I’ll kill you.”

  “I’ll give you a hand,” Wyatt added.

  “You just said you don’t want to date,” Luca said. “Besides, the woman’s obsessed with Jobs. You wouldn’t stand a chance.”

  Kye feigned offense.

  As if she heard them talking about her, Quinn turned her head to look at them. Her eyes stopped on Wyatt, and a slow smile curved her lips.

  He smiled back. He couldn’t not.

  “No sign of anyone lurking around, searching for those drugs we took?” Mason asked.

  And just like that, Wyatt was sucked back to reality. “Not yet. And if they were, they wouldn’t find them. We’ve hidden them somewhere they won’t be found.”

  The team had tossed up whether to hide or destroy the stuff. They’d gone with hide…for now. Something was stopping them. Call it gut instinct.

  Mason lowered his voice. “If he does come looking, we’ll be ready.”

  Wyatt nodded. They weren’t just a team, together they made an army.

  Kye threw his arms up. “Okay. Enough shop talk. This is Rocket’s engagement party. We need to drink, drink, then drink some more!”

  “Wow, your life in New York sounds so exciting!”

  Quinn smiled at Shylah’s comment. She wasn’t sure if “exciting” was the best word. It was busy. There was rarely a dull moment.

  “And you’re going to give it all up and stay in Marble Falls?” Lexie asked.

  The only thing she was giving up was chasing a job she no longer had much desire to do. But she knew what the women were saying. That her life may be less interesting, working in the bakery of a small town. It really wasn’t.

  “I’ve been researching and writing about other people’s lives for years. I think it’s about time I started living my own.”

  Both women seemed to melt at Quinn’s words.

  Quinn’s ringing phone pulled her attention. She looked down to see it was Tanya.

  Nibbling on her bottom lip, she eyed the back door. She should take it. Darren’s funeral was yesterday, and she hadn’t spoken to her friend since the day before that.

  Excusing herself from the group, Quinn stepped out the back.


  “Quinn. Hi. Sorry to call so late, I just wanted a friendly voice to speak to.”

  Quinn took a seat on the top of the steps that led out to the yard. Tanya sounded tired and worn out. “Of course. Call anytime. How did the funeral go yesterday?”

  She almost didn’t want to know, but she felt she had to ask.

  “It was impossibly hard. I had to say goodbye to the only man I’ve ever loved.”

  Quinn knew all about saying goodbye to loved ones. Losing her mother, then her father in such a short time frame had been soul wrenching.

  Tanya sighed. “And there were all these people there who barely knew him, acting like they cared. I hated it.”

  Even though Tanya wouldn’t be able to see, Quinn nodded. “I remember feeling the same at my parents’ funerals. I tried to remind myself that they were entitled to be there. That everyone suffers grief in their own way, even if the person barely touched their lives.”

  There was a moment of silence. “You always know what to say. That’s why I needed you there.”

  A part of her wished she had attended. Just for her friend. But a larger part of her knew that not attending was the right decision. “I’m sorry.”

  What else could she say? She didn’t want to repeat why she hadn’t made it. The lie. She’d felt wretched enough the first time.

  “I know. Maybe I can visit sometime soon? You’re still in Marble Falls, right?”

  Gosh, Quinn didn’t know if she’d be able to look her friend in the eye, knowing she’d played a part in her husband’s death. “I am in Marble Falls. You’re welcome to visit, Tan.”

  “I could use a good friend right now,” Tanya sighed. “Anyway…just wanted to hear your voice. I should go now. Thanks for chatting, Quinn. I’ll call again soon.”


  Hanging up, Quinn dropped her head into her hands and groaned. She knew what happened to Darren wasn’t her fault. God, the man had tried to kill her, for heaven’s sake.

  So why was the guilt so all-consuming whenever she spoke to Tanya?

  Quinn already knew the answer to that. Because her friend was hurting. And if Quinn hadn’t pushed so hard to uncover the truth about the story, then Tanya may still have her husband.

  “You okay?”

  Turning her head, Quinn caught sight of Sage stepping outside.

  “Oh, you know, just having a battle between my head and my heart. It’s a normal occurrence in the Quinn Ross world.”

  “Who’s winning?”

  Good question. “My heart. But that’s no surprise, I’ve never been one to use my head that much.” Sage laughed as Quinn patted the spot beside her. “Come sit with me. Take my mind off my problems.”

  Sage dropped onto the step beside Quinn. The other woman was gorgeous with her soft blond hair and sky-blue eyes. Not only was she beautiful, but from the little Quinn had spoken to her this evening, Sage seemed both smart and genuinely nice.

  It was easy to see why her brother was so infatuated with her.

  “I hope it’s not Wyatt you’re stressing over?”

  Quinn almost laughed. “No. That man is the only thing I am a hundred percent certain about.”

  He was her clarity in a world of confusion.

  A knowing smile came over Sage’s face. “I know that feeling.”

  Quinn nudged the other woman with her shoulder. “I love that you love my brother. And that he loves you. He deserves to be happy.”

  Sage shook her head. “I still can’t believe that he loves me back. I keep waking up, expecting it to be a dream or for the guy to change his mind.”

  Nope. That wouldn’t be happening. “When my brother decides on something, he doesn’t go back. And trust me, he’s decided on you.”

  Sage’s cheeks tinged with pink. “That means a lot coming from you.”

  Quinn laughed out loud. A real belly laugh. “You mean coming from his crazy little sister who makes questionable life decisions?”

  “He never used the word crazy. He did use determined. Strong. Driven.”

  “Ah, the positive spin to ‘bossy’ and ‘doesn’t listen.’”

  Sage chuckled. “I’m really glad you’re in town and we can get to know each other. I hope that we can become friends.”

  “You’re dating my brother, so in my eyes, we’re more than friends. We’re family. I’m so looking forward to spending time with you.”

  Quinn wasn’t just saying that. She wanted to know every little thing about her brother’s new love. About the woman who had captured his heart.

  “It’s funny how life works out,” Quinn continued. “You can never predict it. Look at me. I’m a coffee-making, cake-baking, small-town-living gal. It’s nuts.”

  Sage chuckled. “I know what you mean. No matter how much we plan our future, it all goes out the wind
ow when life actually happens. We can’t predict what will happen tomorrow, let alone next week.”

  “So I should cancel the trip to Europe.”

  Sage shrugged. “Maybe keep it, just for now.”

  Both women laughed. Yep. They were going to be good friends in no time.

  Just then, the back door opened, and they turned their heads to see Mason. “Ladies, Luca’s about to speak. Then I hear there might be cake.”

  Quinn knew there was going to be cake. She had made the cake. Under the guidance of Mrs. Potter, of course.

  Standing, Quinn followed Sage back inside. As the door closed behind her, there was a beep on her phone. Opening the email, she noticed it was from an unknown address.

  Then she read the contents.

  Maya. Telling Quinn she was alive and safe.

  Quinn felt a wave of relief. She hadn’t heard from Maya in over two weeks and had feared the worst.

  Of course, there was a chance that the email wasn’t from her at all. And even if it was, Maya hadn’t included an address.

  Wyatt was a wizard with technology though. It was likely he’d be able to work with this to find her. At least, Quinn hoped that was the case.

  Chapter 25

  “I could sleep for twelve hours straight.”

  And she wouldn’t regret a single hour.

  She glanced up at Wyatt’s chuckle. His big warm hand was wrapped around hers as they made their way up the apartment stairs.

  After speeches and cake, Quinn had shown Wyatt the email from Maya. When he’d said he might be able to track the location of where the email was sent from, she’d been beyond relieved.

  Hopefully, then, he could send one of the guys to make sure she was safe.

  Everyone had remained at the party for another couple hours before people had begun to disperse. The cake had been a hit. Quinn loved the rave reviews. What she’d loved the most, though, was the look on her brother’s face when she’d told him she’d made it.

  “It’s only eleven thirty.”

  Quinn shrugged. “Guess I’m a nanna now. Nanna Quinn. Has a ring to it, don’t you think?”


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