Jailed Little Jade

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Jailed Little Jade Page 11

by Allison West

  “You’ve been nothing but trouble today. I’ve had to ask you twice to do things and then your mouth ought to be cleaned out with soap.”

  She shut her lips and felt his hand slam down on her bottom.

  Poppa lifted the hem of the dress and pulled down her panties, blossoming her bottom with reddening swats. It seemed as if he’d been holding in his frustration with her all day based on the strength of his hand spanking her bottom. He didn’t let up either.

  She kicked and wailed, attempting to break free. Her hands tried covering her bottom to stop a swat or two, but he gripped both hands firmly with one fist, pinning them behind her back.

  “Would you prefer I restrain you for your spanking?” he asked.

  Jade shook her head and her fighting went slack, letting him discipline her. She knew she’d been acting like a brat but they’d wanted this, didn’t they? Her head felt foggy and as he peppered her behind, bruising her seat, she couldn’t stop the tears from falling.

  “I’m sorry, Poppa!” Jade sobbed into his leg. Her bottom exposed for anyone and everyone to see. She knew the surveillance cameras would get a good look at her ass. Did Chilton, Rafael, and whoever else that watched get a kick out of her being spanked? The thought only made her blood bubble and she writhed in her poppa’s arms, still trying to break free.

  “I’ll tell you when you’ve had enough.” He didn’t lighten his firm grip on her or the swats to her once pale and porcelain bottom.

  Jade felt her pussy begin to throb as his swats moved over her bottom and he spread her cheeks, making sure to pay attention to the sensitive skin of her anus with a few swats. Was he trying to arouse her or discipline her?

  Whining and shifting uncomfortably, Jade’s pussy grew wet. Could he see her pink folds and smell her scent as he spanked her? She wanted him, like she’d never wanted anything in her life. “Please,” she begged, unsure what she was even asking for in that very moment.

  “Do you want this?” Poppa asked, letting his digits slip further down toward her swollen lips, teasing apart her folds as his fingers glazed in wetness from his doing.

  Jade nodded, her eyes grew heavy and head hung as she ground her hips into his. She wanted to fuck him. Would he satisfy her desires or tease her until she felt ready to explode?

  “Then perhaps you need to remember to listen to your poppa,” he said, pulling his fingers away. He helped guide Jade back onto her feet.

  Her eyes begged for him to fuck her but it seemed that wasn’t what he had planned for tonight. Her pussy throbbed with a pulsing sensation she’d never felt, not like right now where it craved his engorged cock pushing inside of her entrance. Panting, her cheeks must have been as red as her bottom.

  Instead she was met with a cold wooden chair on her sore rear as she sat down. Dinner had been set in front of her yet her appetite had diminished at the onset of arousal. Was it against the rules for poppas to touch their little ones? He’d given her a taste of desire on the prison colony and she craved every ounce of him and then some. Holden had opened up a world to her that she hadn’t known existed and she wanted to further explore it with him. Would he let her?

  “Eat your salad,” Poppa said, starting with the plate in front of him.

  Jade lifted her fork and took a bite of lettuce, curious where their food source came from considering the conditions outside. “How do they grow food on Adair?”

  Poppa took a bite and waited until he swallowed to answer. “There’re acres of hydroponics that help feed our society. The storms sometimes disrupt the ecological system we have in place, but those with enough money and influence have no trouble finding food to feed their families.”

  “What about those that aren’t wealthy?” Jade asked. “Do they starve?” She knew people in her world starved, it was a sad fact of many societies across the world. “Never mind.” She decided that she didn’t want to hear the answer. Jade finished her salad and glanced at the seasoned chicken breast on her plate along with vegetables. “Can I use a knife this time?” The only utensil that sat beside her plate had been a fork.

  “Little ones aren’t allowed to use something so dangerous,” Poppa said. He stood and walked around the table, reaching for her plate. He cut up the chicken into small bite-sized pieces.

  Would he find a way to accidentally leave the knife behind, letting her snatch it undetected? Though she doubted it’d be easy with all the surveillance equipment watching her every move. Perhaps if she could wear a dress with long-sleeves then she could hide it on her without being seen. That wouldn’t happen tonight with the gown she wore.

  Jade shoved her fork into the small piece of chicken, at least that had been the assumption she’d made when she saw the white meat. It looked delicious and smelled even better. Hungrily she ate, quiet as a mouse. Her bottom still hurt as her cheeks sat pressed against the wooden chair. She devoured her meal, hoping to be able to get off her bottom when she finished.

  Pushing back her chair, it squeaked against the floor.

  “Where are you going, young lady?” Poppa asked.

  “To the playroom.” She pointed behind her.

  “Not until you’re excused,” Poppa said.

  Jade’s face scrunched, unpleased with the arrangement. She had finished eating and wanted to go play. “May I be excused?”

  “No.” Poppa made his position firm and clear. “I will excuse you after I’m done eating. It’s nice to have company at the table, don’t you think?”

  She huffed under her breath and folded her arms across her chest. Holden watched her with a strange fascination as he ate. “What?” she asked. Did she have something on her face? Or perhaps it was her eyes. “Have they changed color?” She wanted to know if she looked like the other girls now with the golden halo.

  “Not yet,” Poppa said and shook his head, “but I’m not sure they will. I’ll need to speak with Chilton after you go to bed.”

  She didn’t know what he was talking about, but the mere thought of bed made her face scrunch. “Please don’t make me go to bed.”

  “Everyone has to go to sleep eventually,” he said, taking another bite of dinner. “I promise you won’t go to bed any sooner than you have to.”

  “Good.” Jade felt satisfied by his answer. Still scooted back from the table, she kicked her feet, showing her own unintentional signs of boredom. “Are you done yet?” What she really wanted to ask was could she be excused, but she knew the answer without asking.

  “In a minute. Practice patience, Jade.”

  “I can’t,” she whined, her feet never seeming to stop.

  Poppa took the last bite of his dinner before scooting his chair back. “Go ahead to the playroom but you have only an hour before your bath and then you go straight to bed.”

  Whining in protest she climbed down from the chair and hurried to the playroom before he had time to change his mind.

  It was a relief to find the playroom filled with toys and devoid of little ones. She didn’t have to pretend to like Courtney and Melody anymore. No one would be mean to her. Jade scurried toward the dollhouse that was hers to play with all on her own. She sat in front of the massive mansion, made especially for an adult little one as it stretched taller than her when she sat on the floor.

  Quietly she played, the lights dim but not off.

  Poppa joined her a few minutes later, probably after he’d finished the dishes. He flipped the overhead light on, basking the room in horrid fluorescent lighting.

  Jade preferred the small lamps in the doll house lighting up the room. Maybe she could start an electrical fire that would help them escape the facility? Sighing, she actually didn’t mind it too much here. She shifted slightly, sitting her weight on her knees and then to the side, not quite touching her bottom to the floor as her legs kept her slightly propped up. Someone needed to make thick padded bloomers for after a spanking, to make it much more comfortable to sit down. Why hadn’t anyone thought of that?

  She quietly played alon
e, the room strangely silent except for the sounds she made as she had the dolls interact with one another.

  Poppa watched Jade from a chair, keeping a close eye on her.

  She glanced back, curious what he was thinking, but her concern was lost the moment she set eyes on the doll house again. It was more beautiful than any toy she’d had as a child. Playing with it brought back a warm sense of familiarity and comfort.

  The door creaked open and she heard Poppa talking with Chilton but paid neither of them any attention.

  “Jade.” Poppa’s hand came to rest on her shoulder. She hadn’t realized he’d even gotten up from the chair and approached her. “It’s time for your bath.”

  Had it really been an hour like he’d said? “You told me I could play for an hour.”

  “Yes and now I’m telling you it’s time for your bath,” he said, not indicating whether an hour had passed or he’d just decided she’d had enough time to play.

  “I don’t want to take a bath!” Jade shouted at her poppa. She stood up, and ran away from him, hiding behind the dollhouse.

  “Jade. Get over here right this instant!” Holden snapped his fingers and pointed at the spot beside him. “Or I will blister your bottom so bad that you won’t sit for a week.”

  She didn’t want any more spankings but she also didn’t want a bath. Before she’d had Nanny Marie bathing her but since she had no nanny, it meant her poppa would be giving her a bath. It wasn’t something she felt ready for.

  “Can I skip my bath? Or have a shower?” Perhaps he’d give her a bit more privacy if she could use the shower stall? There hadn’t been one on the prison colony to even consider it an option.

  “The showers are for grown-ups,” Chilton said, nixing the idea. “It’s where your poppa will bathe when you’re playing quietly.”

  “Oh.” Jade hadn’t realized he was to share a bathroom with her. Where was his bedroom? She hadn’t seen it and figured she was probably forbidden from visiting it just as she was on the prison colony.

  Perhaps while he showered she could sneak in and watch him? It only seemed fair considering the circumstances.

  “Fine,” Jade said, giving in and letting Poppa win the argument this time. She didn’t have much of a choice if she knew what was good for her bottom.

  Chilton followed Jade and Poppa into the washroom. She swallowed nervously, her hands growing sweaty as she watched in horror as Chilton took a seat on the closed toilet lid. Poppa she still felt uncomfortable bathing in front of, but Chilton was absolutely out of the question.

  “You’ll take a bath,” Poppa said and he turned around to start the tap. He plugged the tub and turned around to face her. “You need to undress.”

  Jade shook her head no. The moment of being little, of feeling young vanished in horror. Her heart sped like a freight train, prepared to derail on its next turn.

  “Put your hands up in the air.” Poppa’s voice was calm and soothing to Jade’s ears but one look at Chilton and she froze all over again. Her feet remained planted on the floor and her hands folded across her chest, making it impossible to remove her gown without a fight.

  “No.” Jade stared, eyes narrow at Chilton. “I want him gone.” She made it clear her intentions. He was not to watch her bathe.

  “That’s out of the question,” Chilton said. “I’ve come to examine your behavior along with your eyes. Tomorrow the doctor will have a better look at you when he’s available.” Why wasn’t he available now? Jade didn’t care, she was relieved not to deal with him tonight too.

  “Isn’t that what the cameras are for?” Jade pointed at the device with it’s ever present red light blinking to let her know they were being watched.

  “Yes,” Chilton said, “but they’re too far away for such precise detail, like eye color. I’ve seen bits of your transformation already and I want to be present if and when it happens in full.”

  Jade scrunched her face and stuck out her tongue at Chilton. She didn’t think it’d do much good, but it certainly made her feel better.

  “Get undressed, Jade,” Poppa said, keeping his tone even yet firm. “Do you remember your punishment from dinner?”

  She remembered the beating to her bottom before dinner and she wouldn’t forget how painful it was to sit and eat without being able to stand. “Fine.” She sulked as she spun around, lifting the gown, up and over her head. The dress came off first before she inched her panties down with a wicked idea. Pulling them to her ankles she bent forward, spreading her bottom cheeks and let out a loud fart, giggling as her rear faced Chilton.

  Chilton muttered and groaned under his breath, waving the air in front of his face before he stood needing to evacuate the room.

  She finished stepping out of her panties, grinning proudly. She’d gotten far more than she’d bargained for by doing something completely rude. Jade hadn’t expected him to leave the room.

  Holden shook his head, grabbed Jade’s arm and helped her climb into the large porcelain bathtub.

  “You’re not mad at me?” He hadn’t spanked her for what she’d done. She’d half-expected the swat to land on her bottom to show Chilton that he was in fact in charge of her.

  With the tap running, he brushed a dark strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ve been trying to think of a way to get him to leave since he showed up. I’m proud of you, in a slightly disgusted way, but still thrilled of your accomplishment.” Holden kissed her cheek and added a dollop of bubbles as the water filled around her and sparkled in rainbows as the light bounced off the growing number of bubbles that enveloped the tub.

  Jade relaxed in the tub and Holden reached for a rag handing it to her. “Unless you need me to bathe you?” He shut the tap off.

  “No,” Jade said, her eyes widened and relieved that he still treated her with the respect of an adult. Nanny Marie had taken every bit of control she had away but Holden let her keep a small amount and she was grateful for it. Though his eyes never left hers, not granting her any amount of privacy.

  She dipped the cloth under the water and then rubbed soap over the contents scrubbing at her skin, washing the filth away. The bubbles hid her curves, not that he hadn’t seen them already, but she didn’t feel inclined to give him a show right now.

  He watched, his eyes studying her face, probably trying to see if her chocolate eyes had acquired a golden halo.

  “I wish you could stay with me tonight,” Jade said. Her fingers scrubbed the dirt and then worked to please, teasing beneath the bubbles.

  Holden grabbed her arm, pulling her wrist from the position between her thighs.

  Had he known what she was doing?

  “Not on my watch,” he said, scolding her.

  Jade’s face scrunched up, whipping her hand back, splashing him in the process.


  Her eyes widened and she pulled back, afraid she’d get spanked for her behavior. It wasn’t without cause because he lifted her from the tub, soaking himself in the process as he peppered her behind.

  “Owww!” The wetness from the water only made the sting on raw skin more painful. She slipped from his grasp, no longer caring that she was naked as she scurried into her room. Shivering, Jade realized her intention to get away was a terrible idea. Droplets of water fell from her like Niagara Falls.

  “Looking for one of these?” Holden asked, holding out a towel but not fully extending his reach to her, yet.

  What did he want?

  “Yes,” Jade said, knowing the towel was a necessity. The room may have been comfortable but naked and wet she shivered. Her nipples hardened and goose bumps pimpled her arms.

  Reaching for her, he grabbed Jade by the waist and lifted her so that she was flipped over his shoulder.

  “Put me down!” Laughing, she pleaded with him to let her go.

  He didn’t seem to care that she’d soaked every inch of his clothes. His hand spanked her bottom, forcing her to whimper and thrust, trying to jut away from his palm before it landed a
nother swat to her rear. It did little good. Did he enjoy spanking her? He’d done it far more times than she wanted to count.

  “I know what you’re doing,” he said into her ear, a harsh whisper that only formed a confused frown on her face.

  What was he talking about? All she wanted was to get a towel. Earlier she may have had other devious and fun ideas but the water continued to drip obnoxiously onto the hardwood floor. Someone would be forced to clean up the mess.

  With the towel in his other hand, he whipped it across her bottom.

  Jade’s body jolted as though lightening had struck her. It wouldn’t have felt so terrible had she not been blistered across her entire rear. Would she ever sit again?

  “Give them what they want,” Poppa said into her ear. He laid her gently on the bed, the spankings had ceased, at least for the moment. She didn’t put it past him to enforce another one a few minutes later for breaking a second or third rule. The towel he swiped between her thighs, gently drying off her intimate areas as he dragged the towel up and across her stomach to her breasts.

  She wanted to ask him if he liked what he saw, but the darkness of his eyes, the desire and longing told her without needing words. They were both hot for each other but couldn’t act on it, not with the cameras on. Perhaps he could force a glitch in the system and shut it down for an hour, maybe two. Would he even know how? If he did, they’d probably use that time to escape, not to fuck like two teenagers who had just learned what it’s like to have sex.

  “Jade.” His voice brought her back to the present but she didn’t quite know what he was saying. He wanted her to give them what they wanted, and what was that exactly? She couldn’t force the golden halo to exist. Contact lenses would have been optimal but they weren’t available and they’d probably see right through it. Their technology seemed to be far advanced beyond her world’s. Though they were also in the future, her future, so who knew what Earth was like now?

  “Yes, Poppa?”

  “Good girl,” he said and nodded, seeming quite pleased with her response. “Be the good little one who they’re looking for. I know it’s going to be hard, little Jade, but I promise that the tests will get easier.”


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