The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 67

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Consort Taizhen contemplated for a moment before harrumphing coldly.

  King Song had offended the Sage Emperor, and as a result, the latter sent five imperial edicts to him. Consort Taizhen knew of this matter, and in her view, King Song was obviously trying to make peace with them after realizing that he was in a bad position.

  “Hehe, you can’t really put it that way. Even though he had been demoted, his influence still remains. If he were to make a stand, many officials will still stand by him, and that will be detrimental to our situation. His silence is the best news to us.”

  Yang Zhao said.

  Consort Taizhen harrumphed, but she had to admit that her Cousin Yang Zhao was right on this matter.

  The Sage Emperor could ignore the officials and adamantly induct her in as his consort, but being criticized by the entire royal court wasn’t a pleasant affair. If she could enter the court safely and silently, that would be for the best.

  After all, if she wanted to climb higher in the royal palace, she couldn’t disregard the opinions of the officials.

  “Hm? Little sister, what’s that you are holding?”

  Through the veil of the tent, Yang Zhao suddenly noticed that Consort Taizhen was holding something in her hands. From what his sharp eyes caught, it seemed to be a letter.


  Yang Zhao’s heart skipped a beat and he immediately realized that something was amiss. In the capital, his cousin had no kin other than him. Who would write a letter to her?

  “Little sister, can I take a look?”

  Stretching a hand in, Yang Zhao asked.

  Consort Taizhen hesitated for a moment. Knowing that her Cousin Yang Zhao was the type of person who would persist until he achieved his aim, she reluctantly handed over the ‘Song of Purity and Peace ‘1’’ over.

  “It’s a poem?”

  Yang Zhao was stunned. He had considered all possibilities, but never in his dreams did he expect for it to be a poem.


  Consort Taizhen nodded.

  “Return it to me after you’re done. Don’t crumple it!”

  Taken aback by Consort Taizhen’s words, a sliver of astonishment flashed across Yang Zhao’s eyes. Glancing at the paper, he started browsing through the contents.

  Yang Zhao didn’t possess any aptitude toward poetry, and he would much rather be rolling dices at the gambling den instead. Even so, despite his laziness and lack of education, he could tell that this poem was a masterpiece.

  “Good poem! This is indeed a good poem. Even an oaf like me can tell that this is a poem complimenting a lady. Who wrote this?”

  Yang Zhao commented perfunctory as he casually asked.

  “King Song Li Chengqi!”


  As though a bolt of lightning had struck Yuzhen Palace, Yang Zhao’s eyes widened and his lower jaws nearly fell to the ground.

  “King Song? Li Chengqi? How is this possible! ——”

  Yang Zhao stared at his younger cousin with a look of disbelief. This news was truly unimaginable for him, and he felt as though a giant mountain had crashed into him.

  “Do I need to lie about this? This letter was sent a few days ago!”

  Consort Taizhen replied coldly.


  Yang Zhao was unable to understand this matter. A few days ago? But why didn’t he hear about this matter?

  “But why would he send this letter? What is he up to?”

  Calming down, Yang Zhao asked in confusion.

  “Hmph, I was also perplexed over this, but after hearing your words, I think I can guess roughly guess his intentions. Just like what I said before, Li Chengqi is scared. He is intentionally expressing his goodwill to fawn on us.”

  Consort Taizhen replied coldly. Remembering all of the injustice, insults, and criticisms she had suffered, she still felt deep resentment toward King Song.

  “I didn’t know that it was King Song who sent this over before, but wouldn’t it be bad to keep this?”

  Yang Zhao read through the letter once more and a deep furrow appeared between his eyebrows.

  “Even though I don’t understand poetry, I can sense nostalgia from the poem. Little sister, it will be bad if this letter falls into the hands of the Sage Emperor. Why would King Song send you such a poem?”

  “Big brother, you’re thinking too much into the matter. Look at the words on it, do you think that handwriting belongs to King Song?”

  Consort Taizhen smiled coldly. Indeed, if this poem came from King Song, it would be a huge scandal.

  However, Consort Taizhen was certain that this wasn’t King Song’s handwriting.

  “I see, so this isn’t King Song’s handwriting.”

  Looking at the letter once more, Yang Zhao smiled awkwardly. He had already noticed earlier that even though the poem was well-written, the words were squiggly. In fact, it wasn’t wrong to say that they were awful.

  However, he had just arrived at the capital and the royal court was something new to him. As such, he thought that the handwriting of the Great Tang kings were like that.

  “Hmph, even though it isn’t written by King Song, his seal is on it. At the very least, he has browsed through the letter, so it can represent his intentions as well. Thus, there is no mistake that he is expressing his goodwill through this method.”

  Consort Taizhen rationalized.

  If it was in the past, it would be impossible for her to understand politics and governance. Such things were simply too far away from her. However, the criticisms and insults from others, as well as the slanderous remarks from the officials of the royal court, had become a tonic which helped her to grow swiftly.

  Even though she wasn’t skilled in politics yet, she was no longer the pure and ignorant lady she once was.

  “Little sister, if King Song is expressing his goodwill, then… this is actually good news for us.”

  Yang Zhao spoke slowly and carefully.

  He could sense that his cousin was dissatisfied with King Song, and he could understand it as well. However, Yang Zhao had a different view from her. Having grown up in gambling dens, Yang Zhao was already an expert in interpersonal relationship.

  Li Chengqi was a king of Great Tang, and he possessed immense authority. Even though His Majesty had demoted him for the moment, his standing as king was still there.

  The two siblings had just arrived at the royal court and they didn’t have any backing. Even though King Qi and the Yao Clan were supporting them, based on Yang Zhao’s investigation, the reputation of the two wasn’t good. It was very likely that they were only helping them out of political convenience.

  Thus, if they could receive the backing of a Great Tang king like King Song Li Chengqi, then the plight of the two siblings in the royal court would improve significantly.

  Who is the one who earned the most money in the gambling den? The banker!


  Because regardless of who the banker is gambling with, he will be able to win the money of everyone else!

  In Yang Zhao’s perspective, King Qi and the Yao Clan were too dangerous. By pulling King Song onto their boat, they would be able to strike a balance between the both of them. This would also be the ideal situation for the two siblings.

  “Hmph, I have suffered so much because of him, and I was almost killed by him on numerous occasions. I really can’t accept letting him off just like that.”

  Consort Taizhen was reluctant to let this matter go.

  “Little sister, what do you intend to do then?”

  Yang Zhao asked carefully.

  “Big brother, help me write a letter saying that I have received his letter, and ask him ‘Lord, why has modesty replaced your arrogance?”

  Consort Taizhen said contemptuously. If she didn’t vent her anger through insulting Li Chengqi back, she would never be able to let this matter go.


  After hearing Consort Taizhen’s words, Yang Zhao heaved a sigh of re
lief. At the very least, given how his cousin was willing to send King Song a letter, this meant that she wasn’t prepared to turn against King Song completely yet. There was still hope for reconciliation.


  Yang Zhao answered. Then, he left to settle the matter as Consort Taizhen instructed.

  Chapter 127: I Wasn’t Aware of Your Highness’s Beauty!

  In the King Song Residence, Lu Ting, the old butler, and Wang Chong were gathered together. Surprisingly, King Song wasn’t present.

  Wang Chong had instructed Lu Ting in advance that if Consort Taizhen were to send any letter, he had to intercept it before anyone else and inform him. On top of that, King Song must not find out about it.

  “Chong gongzi, what did you write to Consort Taizhen?”

  Seeing the letter Consort Taizhen sent, Lu Ting and the old butler stared at one another.

  “Why would the letter write ‘Lord, why has modesty replaced your arrogance’?”

  The only content on this letter was this short sentence, which was filled with unembellished mockery. It wasn’t bizarre that Consort Taizhen would send such a letter to ridicule King Song.

  Given King Song’s vehement opposition against her before, it wouldn’t be surprising even if Consort Taizhen were to send several pages worth of criticisms to berate him.

  After so many matters had occurred, the relationship between the two couldn’t be any worse. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that they were archenemies.

  Just the fact that Consort Taizhen was willing to write back was already beyond the expectations of the duo.

  Without a doubt, Wang Chong’s strategy was working. They were curious to know what kind of method he used to reconcile the relationship between Consort Taizhen and King Song.

  “Hehe, I didn’t do anything. All I did was to send Consort Taizhen a poem.”

  Wang Chong chuckled, making use of this timely opportune to showcase the temper of a youngster. He didn’t want Lu Ting and the old butler to think that he was too mature.


  Lu Ting and the old butler stared at one another in confusion. They couldn’t understand what kind of poem Wang Chong could have written to wield such effects.

  Unknowingly, even the old butler began to trust Wang Chong completely.

  Even so, to send a poem to one’s enemy? This was something that no one could have thought of.

  “However, why can’t His Highness know of this matter?”

  The old butler asked doubtfully.

  Wang Chong had said in advance to not let King Song learn of this matter. But at the same time, he wasn’t particularly stern about the matter either. The old butler found it hard to keep up with Wang Chong’s thoughts.

  “You all have seen Consort Taizhen’s letter as well. If it is possible not to trouble King Song, it’s best to do so to lighten King Song’s burden. Thus, I decided to offer my services to accomplish this matter for him. After all, it is only normal for us to help him when he requires it, isn’t it?”

  Wang Chong laughed heartily.

  Hearing Wang Chong’s words, the old butler chuckled as well. For some reason, he suddenly felt a surge of goodwill for this child.

  “We’ll do as you said then.”

  The old butler had a skeptical personality, and he tended to distance himself from others. He didn’t even hold much trust for Wang Chong’s father, who was a close alliance mate of King Song.

  But for some reason, he wasn’t able to raise any hostility against Wang Chong, and he found himself incapable of doubting him either.

  This was just the feeling that Wang Chong gave him.

  “Lord Lu, I’ll be depending on you.”

  Wang Chong glanced at Lu Ting.

  “I really don’t understand how you found out that I am able to imitate King Song’s handwriting.”

  Lu Ting smiled bitterly as he stared at Wang Chong as though the other party was a wily old fox.

  He was extremely close with King Song, and there was more than a decade to their relationship. After so many years of fellowship, especially given the fact that Lu Ting had assisted King Song on many affairs by the side, he unwittingly learned to imitate King Song’s handwriting.

  Very few people knew about this, but somehow, Wang Chong learned of this matter.

  “Lord Lu, please.”

  Wang Chong simply smiled as he urged Lu Ting. Lu Ting wasn’t just capable of imitating King Song’s handwriting. Wang Chong knew that this Academic Lu was incredibly talented, and he held astounding aptitude in imitating the handwriting of others.

  As long as he saw three different works of a person, he would be able to imitate that person’s handwriting to seventy percent semblance. If he were to put in more effort into the matter, then even the person in question would be unable to differentiate his handwriting from Lu Ting’s.

  Without a doubt, the number one calligraphy impersonator in Great Tang was this person, but it was a pity that Lord Lu was also known for keeping a low profile.

  Lu Ting shook his head, but he still placed the paper neatly on the table, ground the ink slab, and raising his brush.

  Even though he was still joking casually a moment ago, as soon as he picked up his brush, both his and the old butler’s face immediately turned grave. It was just a simple letter, but the most important matter that swept over the entire royal court as though a hurricane was at stake.

  Whether King Song would be able to come back to power and lead the royal court; whether King Qi and the Yao Clan would be stopped from laying their demonic claws on the Bureau of Military Personnel and Bureau of Punishments; whether the fracture between King Song, Sage Emperor and Consort Taizhen could be repaired; the effects of this incident on the officials of the royal court…

  All of these were dependent on this simple letter.

  The duo knew that it was already amazing for this seemingly irresolvable conflict to be fixed to this point.

  And this was all Wang Chong’s credit.

  On this matter, they had no other ideas so they could only pin their hopes on Wang Chong. Making Consort Taizhen to speak up for King Song was nothing more than a daydream under the current situation, and they wouldn’t have dared to harbor such thoughts.

  ‘A newborn calf doesn’t fear the tiger’. Only Wang Chong, an inexperienced youngster, could think out of the box and come up with such an inconceivable idea.

  “Chong gongzi, what should we do next?”

  Lu Ting turned around and looked at Wang Chong.

  To think that a great academic of the royal court would actually consult a child who was much younger than him. This sounded unbelievable, but it was happening at this very instant.

  He might not have noticed himself, but in the depths of his heart, he had already trusted and relied deeply on this ‘child’.

  ‘Lord, why had modesty replaced your arrogance?’. These were Consort Taizhen’s words.

  They didn’t know what Wang Chong had written to Consort Taizhen, but without a doubt, it was definitely words of flattery. However, Consort Taizhen’s letter wasn’t easy to reply to either.

  In the previous dynasties, the appearance of this phrase usually symbolized a stark ridicule to the other party, and it was a sign that negotiations were going to break down.

  It was difficult to offer a proper reply to these words.

  It was difficult to change Consort Taizhen’s opinion and attitude toward King Song.

  This wasn’t an easy matter at all.

  However, Wang Chong didn’t seem to be as perplexed as everyone thought he would be. Rather, it felt as though he had already expected Consort Taizhen’s reply and prepared an answer in advance.

  Walking over to Lu Ting, Wang Chong whispered.


  Hearing Wang Chong’s words, Lu Ting stared at him, dumbfounded.

  “Surely this isn’t a good idea?”

  “What’s bad about that? In any case, it isn’t really King Song who is
writing the letter, so surely it doesn’t matter?”

  Wang Chong laughed heartily. Lu Ting had always been jumping between him and King Song, and this was a rare chance to get back at him.

  “Lord Lu, I need to practice my martial arts, so I’ll leave the rest to you.”

  After saying those words, Wang Chong left with a delightful chuckle.

  Lu Ting was left with a long face in his wake.

  “Lord Lu, what did that child say?”

  The old butler asked curiously.

  “Sigh, I finally know why did that child call me here without informing King Song.”

  Lu Ting smiled bitterly as he repeated Wang Chong’s words to the old butler.

  After hearing those words, the old butler also burst out laughing. Not only did he not side with Lu Ting, he even spoke in Wang Chong’s defense.

  “That child is right, it isn’t appropriate for His Highness to deal with this matter. Academic Lu, you should shoulder some of His Highness’s burden. We will be depending on you on this matter.”

  Flinging his sleeves, the old butler left as well, leaving behind Lu Ting alone in the cold main hall.

  Lu Ting smiled bitterly.

  Silence loomed in the main hall, and after a moment of contemplation, Lu Ting eventually decided to go along with Wang Chong’s plan. Imitating King Song’s handwriting, he wrote a letter.

  “Send this letter to Yuzhen Palace.”


  “To Your Highness:

  Your Highness’s beauty is as ravishing as a fairy and as astonishing as a deity, a rare and perfect occurrence in the world. Chengqi’s previous abruptness was due to my unawareness of Your Highness’s elegance, so I plead for your forgiveness.

  His Majesty is a legendary emperor while Your Highness is a legendary beauty; such a perfect duo is rarely seen in history. Chengqi believes that given His Majesty’s legendary feats, only Your Highness is worthy of standing beside him.”

  “Chengqi’s only wish is for Your Highness to use your talents to assist His Majesty. Only when the dragon and phoenix calls in unison will prosperity be brought to the world.”

  “Chengqi had offended Your Highness in the past, and even if Your Highness assigns blame, Chengqi has nothing to say. Chengqi’s only wish is for Your Highness and His Majesty to last to a ripe old age together in the royal palace!”


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