The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 103

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “There’re so many of us here, how can there be enough for us all?”

  There were at least thirty to forty commanders of the Imperial Army here. If Wang Chong was only going to produce a single sword every month, when would there be sufficient swords for all of them here?

  “Also, how will you determine who would get the sword every month?”

  “That’s simple!”

  At this point, Wang Chong chuckled:

  “Every month, I will conduct an auction. Every sword made will only be of higher quality than the previous one! If you all are interested, you all can feel free to join. Whoever who puts up the highest bid will get the sword. However, the slots for the auction will be limited, and not everyone will be able to participate in it.”

  “Only those who have paid the deposit for the sword will be allowed to participate in the auction. For those who are here today, I can give you a discount of 10% on your sword. Those who come after won’t get such a privilege.”


  Initially, everyone thought that Wang Chong was forging too little swords and thus, they tried to bargain with him on that aspect. However, upon hearing that there were limited slots for the auction, how could they continue to fuss over such details? They immediately charged forward and crowded around Wang Chong!

  “Wang gongzi, it’s no problem at all! I’m willing to pay as much money as it takes!”

  “Wang gongzi, how much is the deposit? I will bring the sum over right now.”

  “Wang gongzi, you must sell it to me. I’ll be your loyal buyer!”

  “Wang gongzi, please reserve a slot for me!”


  They squeezed one another, trying to get closer to Wang Chong.

  They weren’t the only commanders in the Imperial Army, and they could be considered as the earliest wave here. If they were any later, they wouldn’t be entitled to such a discount.

  When the rest comes later on, the fight for the slots would only get more and more intense.

  As for the matter regarding only a single sword being produced each month…

  That wasn’t a problem at all!

  Which of the famous swordsmith didn’t operate in this manner? Besides, Wang Chong has said that every single sword of his would be unique. Regardless of whether it was the design, the outer appearance, or the model, they would be different from one another.

  Not to mention, his reputation as the number one swordsmith in the world made the swords worth collecting. Even if they ended up not using it, they could probably earn a hefty sum by selling it in the future.

  Of course, this is if you are willing to sell it after witnessing the prowess of the weapon for yourself!

  All in all, the matter regarding there only being a single sword every month was just an issue of money. Any problem that could be solved with money wasn’t a problem for them!

  Seeing the group charge toward him, Wang Chong was delighted. He took the idea of collecting deposits for the sword from the real estate industry from another world. Without doing anything, he has already earned a huge sum of money for himself.

  At this moment, what Wang Chong required the most was a huge amount of gold, and the deposits from the Imperial Army commanders added up to an astronomical figure.

  At the entrance of the residence, the payment of the debtors didn’t take long. Wang Chong only owed them a few taels each, and the matter was settled swiftly. Wang Chong called Shen Hai and Meng Long over and they began writing receipts.

  The incident at the Bluebottle has already brought the price of the Wootz steel sword up to 40000 gold taels. As such, the qualification to attend the auction was priced at 20000 gold taels.

  While the cost wasn’t cheap, it wasn’t too high either. At the same time, it served as a good ‘entrance fee’ to sieve out those who were just interested in the commotion. Wang Chong also explained the matter regarding the matter of the deposit:

  Every single deposit corresponded to the privilege to bid in the auction. If one failed to purchase the sword in the auction, one was entitled to a full refund of the deposit.

  Of course, one could also pass the privilege on to others, and Wang Chong would acknowledge it. However, as the first batch of buyers, their privilege entitled them to a 10% discount on Wang Chong’s swords!

  ——As such, the privilege has become a hot commodity. No one would be willing to ask for a refund!

  Possessing the knowledge of his previous life, very few people could compete with him in terms of marketing strategies.

  With Shen Hai and Meng Long’s assistance, it didn’t take long for a receipt to be given to the more than thirty Imperial Army commanders in the room. Given that each of them had paid 20000 gold taels each, it added up to more than 600,000 gold taels!

  This was an astronomical sum!

  Meng Long and Shen Hai were impressed by Wang Chong’s ability to earn money. In fact, they weren’t the only one. The other Wang Family Residence guards, maids, nannies, and servants who had gathered around curiously were also astounded.

  Their young master was simply too incredible! Just by writing a few notes, he has earned more than 600,000 gold taels. Where else could one see such a sight?

  With such means, it was just a matter of time before he breaks through the heavens!

  In comparison, all of the other merchants in the capital seemed insignificant and petty.

  “Am I dreaming?”

  “Young master! Is this really our young master?”

  “Our Wang Clan will finally become an affluent clan as well!”


  The old nannies, servants, maids, and guards who served at the Wang Clan for decades widened their eyes, and their bodies trembled in agitation. One of the older nannies even fainted from excessive agitation.

  It was a miracle!

  Even after serving in the Wang Clan for their entire lives, they’ve never seen such a huge fortune!

  After years of frugality, the Wang Clan has finally struck gold!

  In the blink of an eye, several other old nannies fainted as well. Even when they fainted, there was nothing but bliss and exhilaration on their faces.

  Third Young Master… was too incredible!

  Chapter 78: News on Zhao Fengchen!

  All of the Imperial Army commanders came excitedly and departed thrilled.

  Even though they failed to leave with a Wootz steel sword, they were content with receiving a discount on the auction of the world’s number one swordsmith. Not to mention, it was a 10% discount.

  There were many other commanders in the Imperial Army, and several were higher ranked than them. However, with this tiny receipt in their hands, the others would have to back off!

  As for the deposit of 20000 gold taels, it was no problem to them at all!

  Which of the commanders of the elite Imperial Army didn’t have a lustrous background? 20000 gold taels wasn’t a small sum of money, but it meant nothing to people of their standing.

  After sending the Imperial Army commanders off and delegating some instructions to the servants, Wang Chong stepped into his mother’s room.

  Usually, there would be some nannies and maids waiting by his mother’s side. But this time, other than Wang Chong and Madam Wang, there was no one else in the room.

  The 600,000 gold taels stacked up in a miniature mountain was a shocking sight to Madam Wang. The Wang Clan was a clan of general and ministers, and after marrying into the clan, Madam Wang has witnessed many different things. Even so, Wang Chong’s ability to earn 600,000 gold taels in a snap of the fingers was still an amazement to Zhao Shu Hua and the incorruptible Wang Clan.

  ‘Even though a gentleman loves money, he obtains it through righteous means’. If Wang Chong had earned his fortune through dishonest dealings, Zhao Shu Hua would berate Wang Chong and stop him.

  However, she personally witnessed the Imperial Army commanders happily dumping their gold taels and gemstones on the Wang Family Residence. In fact, there wer
e even a few who felt that they were giving too little.

  Clearly, Wang Chong’s wealth came from a clean source.

  “Chong-er, what’s going on?”

  The room was silent. Seated on a chair, Madam Wang faced Wang Chong and spoke the words that have been plaguing her mind the entire day. Even at this moment, she has yet to recover from the shocking sight of the 600,000 gold taels.

  Wang Chong was hiding too many things from her.

  “I should come clean now!”

  Standing before his mother, Wang Chong’s head was lowered. Even though this wasn’t the ideal situation Wang Chong had in mind, he didn’t think that he should put off the matter any longer.

  The matter this time taught Wang Chong a heavy lesson. Sometimes, decisions made with the welfare of the others at heart may not be truly beneficial to them.

  After organizing his thoughts, Wang Chong started to talk about the affairs regarding the Hyderabad ores without hiding anything at all.

  “So, you’re saying that you borrowed the money from those scions for the smithing of the sword?”

  Madam Wang asked.

  “Un”, Wang Chong nodded in response.

  Madam Wang examined Wang Chong intently, and there was an unspeakable emotion welling up in her chest. For an instant, Zhao Shu Hua felt that Wang Chong seemed foreign to her, but at the next, she felt relief as a mother.

  “Chong-er, you have finally grown up!”

  Madam Wang stared at Wang Chong, gladdened.

  Which mother didn’t wish for their own son to accomplish great feats? The current Wang Chong has surpassed all expectations she had for him.

  Wealth has always been a fatal flaw of the Wang Clan. Of the entire Wang Clan, and this was including Big Aunt Wang Ru Shuang, little uncle, and Wang Chong’s own family, there wasn’t a single person who was talented in commercialism.

  Big Uncle Wang Gen was slightly skilled in the aspect; with several businesses under him, his financial situation was the best within the clan. Even so, it was only to that extent. He was still far from matching up to the truly affluent clans in the capital.

  Somehow, the Wang Clan just wasn’t skilled in managing businesses. Including Wang Chong’s big brother and second brother, there wasn’t in the Wang Family who possessed outstanding aptitude in that aspect. However, at this moment, Zhao Shu Hua could see talent in commercialism that exceeded anyone else in her youngest son.

  That was 600,000 gold taels!

  This astonishing fortune was sufficient to sustain all of the members of the Wang Clan for several decades straight!

  “Mother, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have hidden this matter from you.”

  Wang Chong apologized with a lowered head.

  Madam Wang shook her head.

  “Son, this matter has shown me that you have become mature and dependable. In the future, you need not report to me about such stuff. Feel free to do whatever you want to, mother believes in you!”


  Wang Chong felt moved. For a moment, he stared at his mother, unable to speak a single word.

  Wang Chong stepped out of his mother’s room with a lightened heart. Even though Su Bai nearly got the better of him, he managed to avert the crisis and turn the tables on him.

  Through this matter, he has won the absolute trust of his mother, and his mother has permitted him to ‘do whatever he wants to’.

  Not long after Wang Chong started practicing his martial arts in the courtyard, Wang Chong’s uncle, Li Lin, knocked on the doors of the Wang Clan anxiously.

  “The commanders of the Imperial Army has been here?”

  That was the first question Uncle Li Lin asked upon meeting Wang Chong.


  Wang Chong nodded.

  “Heh, those fellows sure react fast. I have rushed as fast as I could, but I still wasn’t able to outspeed them!”

  Smiling, Li Lin shook his head.

  ‘The joys of life reinvigorates one’. Ever since Li Lin was redeployed from his position as a section commander in the North Gates, he seemed to have become livelier, and the words he spoke has increased.

  “Uncle, has something happened at the royal court? Is it Zhao Fengchen?”

  Wang Chong asked.

  When Wang Chong tried to pry open the mouths of the other Imperial Army commanders, their lips were tightly sealed. However, there were some things that they were unable to hide from Wang Chong.

  “That’s right! Zhao Fengchen has defeated Huang Xiaotian and became a marshal. He has become the only marshal promoted in the past few years!”

  Li Lin didn’t hide anything from Wang Chong and spoke of the truth:

  “Marshal Zhao and Huang Xiaotian’s martial arts are on par with one another. In fact, Huang Xiaotian seemed to be slightly more skilled than Marshal Zhao. However, Marshal Zhao enjoyed an overwhelming advantage in terms of weaponry. With a single slash, not only did he cut through Huang Xiaotian’s Winterthirst, he even split the steel armor on his body into two. He was just a hair’s breadth away from splitting the other party’s body into two as well!”

  “There were many people spectating the fight then, and another marshal of the Imperial Army was there as well. Everyone was stunned by the sharpness of Marshal Zhao’s sword. That bunch of fellows who came to look for you must have been present as well. To think that they would sneak here to look for you!”

  Huang Xiaotian and Zhao Fengchen’s fight for the position of the marshal was a huge affair for the Imperial Army. What was at stake wasn’t just the seat of a marshal, it was also a face-off between the two factions in the Imperial Army.

  Wang Chong couldn’t be any more aware of that fact.

  Even though his uncle didn’t describe the matter in detail, Wang Chong could sense the tenseness in that fight.

  “It’s good that Lord Zhao has been promoted to a marshal.”

  Wang Chong said. After which, he told of the matter regarding the 600,000 gold taels to Uncle Li Lin.

  Just like that, Zhao Fengchen and Huang Xiaotian’s fates have been changed.

  In the future, many things would change as well.

  Wang Chong knew that after being promoted to a marshal, the royal court would devote its resources to grooming Zhao Fengchen. As such, Zhao Fengchen’s growth would be hastened, and he would achieve the position of a grand marshal much faster than before.

  And given that Wang Chong’s uncle has contributed to him through presenting him the Wootz steel sword, he would rise through the ranks in the Imperial Army alongside Zhao Fengchen.

  With this relationship, it would become more convenient for Wang Chong to sell his swords to the Imperial Army.

  Furthermore, Uncle Li Lin has always been the weakest link of the Wang Clan. If he could achieve success alongside Zhao Fengchen in the Imperial Army, the strength of the entire Wang Clan would be brought to new heights.

  “Today’s matter is not a one-time off thing. Most probably, more people will come looking for me in the future. Thus, I hope to leave this matter to uncle. With Lord Zhao covering you in the royal court, it should be more convenient for you to deal with this matter.”

  Wang Chong said.

  Wang Chong was prepared to pass on the matter regarding the bidding privilege and the organization of the auction for the Wootz steel sword to Uncle Li Lin to handle.

  This wasn’t just for Wang Chong’s convenience, or that Uncle Li Lin’s position made it easier for him to deal with such matters. Rather, Wang Chong hoped to raise Uncle Li Lin’s standing in the Imperial Army through this matter.

  When most of the commanders, generals, and even marshals have requests of Uncle Li Lin, his standing and prestige within the Imperial Army would rise naturally.

  Uncle Li Lin’s promotion would probably come much faster than he himself could expect. Furthermore, with Zhao Fengchen and the Zhao Clan shielding him, few people would dare to cause him trouble.

  What was even more incredible was that th
e commanders from the various differing factions would wish to obtain the Wootz steel sword, and this would prop Zhao Fengchen and Uncle Li Lin’s position in the Imperial Army upward. At the same time, they would meet with less resistance and opposition as well!

  ——That is, if these people still desire to purchase Wootz steel swords in the future!

  All in all, only in Uncle Li Lin’s hands will maximum benefits be derived from this matter!

  “Rest easy, I know what I should do. Right, your aunt asked for you to come by when you are free so as to chat with your cousin and guide him along. That fellow is arrogant, but his abilities are lacking. Your aunt and I hope that you can help us teach him a lesson.”

  Li Lin said.

  Wang Chong chuckled. Big aunt and uncle have a son named Wang Liang. Even though uncle’s surname is Li, the family followed by big aunt’s surname. This was the usual practice when the maternal family was much more powerful than the paternal family.

  Big aunt and uncle have high hopes of Cousin Wang Liang, but it was a pity that he seemed to be drifting further and further from their expectations.

  “Alright, I will go over when I have time.”

  Wang Chong said. It wasn’t long before grandfather’s birthday, and if nothing goes wrong, Cousin Wang Liang would be there as well. There was no difference meeting him at big aunt’s house or during grandfather’s birthday.

  After earning 600,000 gold taels, the matters that Wang Chong could engage in has expanded significantly. Finally, he could set his plan into motion.

  After sending uncle off, Wang Chong immediately brought Shen Hai and Meng Long, along with a crate of gold ingots, to the White Agate Jewelry Store to look for the two Sindhi monks, Ablonodan and Arloja.

  “Masters! I have brought the money for the 300 jun of Hyderabad ores!”

  Wang Chong pointed to the crate and gestured.


  Shen Hai and Meng Long carried the crate over to Ablonodan and Arloja.

  “There’s 80000 gold taels here! It’s yours!”

  Wang Chong said confidently.

  Despite their usual composure, Arloja and Ablonodan’s heart jolted violently upon hearing Wang Chong’s words. But at the next moment, they felt bewildered.


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