The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 112

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  This was the greatest regret in Wang Chong’s heart, be it in this life or his previous life!

  For countless nights in the past, upon thinking of the heavy responsibility that he had to shoulder, Wang Chong found it hard to sleep!

  When he was alone and unable to persist on anymore, Wang Chong once thought that if everyone in the world could stand by his side and work together as one, how wonderful would that be!

  Just like what Wang Chong said, if everyone was a patriot, Wang Chong wouldn’t have ended in tragic defeat, and the Central Plains wouldn’t have fallen.

  If everyone was a patriot, everything would have been different.

  Just that Wang Chong couldn’t say it out loud. He could only make use of grandfather’s birthday to express these thoughts of his. In this world, he was probably the only one who understood grandfather, but grandfather… may not necessarily understand him!

  Initially, everyone was confused by what Wang Chong was talking about. However, when Wang Chong spoke his final word, everyone’s faces immediately became agitated.

  “Hahaha! Great, great, great! Chong-er, well said! Well said! …”

  The old master was still impassive to Wang Chong’s words in the start, but at this moment, carrying Wang Chong’s sword, he couldn’t help but laugh heartily.

  “To think that I, Wang Jiu Ling, would find a soulmate in my grandson, this is truly gladdened! Gen-er, you don’t understand. None of you all understand. Perhaps, in the entire world, only Chong-er understands!”

  Big Uncle Wang Gen was astonished. The old master was austere, and he rarely smiled. This was his first time seeing the old master laughing so happily.

  “Also, Gen-er, there’s something you spoke wrongly about. 《Commentary of Zuo: Duke Cheng of Lu, Year 16》: ‘If a day comes when many patriots emerge, they would become an unstoppable force’. Chong-er’s words aren’t belittling me. On the contrary, this is the highest compliment he could offer me. ——Chong-er, stand up! I will be accepting this Patriot Sword!”

  The old master stood up from his seat, and amidst everyone’s astonished gazes, he bent down and helped Wang Chong up.


  Wang Ru Shuang widened her eyes. She stared at the old master, then at the assisted Wang Chong, and she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

  The old master was still one of the most powerful officials in the country, a towering existence.

  From young, Wang Ru Shuang has never seen anyone who was given such treatment from her father, and this was including her and her three siblings.

  Wang Ru Shuang couldn’t understand why her father would regard Wang Chong so highly when all he did was to gift him a sword.

  “This lad…”

  Wang Ru Shuang stared at Wang Chong, and this time, she was truly shocked. As a lady, she didn’t understand governance, but Wang Ru Shuang knew that Wang Chong has done something incredible.

  Standing beside her, Li Lin was also stunned.

  He has witnessed Wang Chong’s performance for himself, and his superior, Zhao Fengchen, was filled with praises for him. However, the standing of Zhao Fengchen and the old master were miles apart.

  “Chong-er’s words must have struck a chord in the old master’s heart…”

  With a contemplative look, Li Lin muttered. His understanding of Wang Chong has been refreshed yet again.

  On the other hand, Wang Chong’s big aunt, Xing Yuan Chun, was completely different from them two. Upon seeing the old master personally helping Wang Chong up, her complexion turned extremely awful.

  As for the old lady sitting beside the old master, although she frowned upon hearing that Wang Chong intended to gift a sword during such a festive occasion, she couldn’t help but smile at this moment.

  “Yay! Yay! Yay!”

  Wang Family’s little sister didn’t know what was happening, and neither did she understand what Wang Chong has said. However, seeing grandfather, grandmother, and everyone happy, she raised her fists and cheered loudly.

  ——That stern atmosphere a moment ago has frightened her, and she didn’t dare to move at all then.

  “This child.”

  Wang Chong’s mother rubbed her eyes in delight. The matter just now caused her to panic to the point that tears were about to fall from her eyes.

  “Come! Chong-er, stand beside your big uncle, along with grandfather.”

  Holding onto Wang Chong’s words, the old master said.

  “Shu Hua, you should get in line as well.”

  “Yes, father-in-law.”

  Wang Chong’s mother felt agitated, overjoyed, and proud. Every time, when it came to her father-in-law’s birthday, she was always fearful that she might commit any mistakes.

  Ever since her marriage into the Wang Clan, this was the first the old master was regarding her so highly, even calling her name.

  “Grandfather, I think I’ll stand with my mother instead.”

  Looking at his mother, Wang Chong said.

  “Hehe, go ahead.”

  The old master was taken aback, but he didn’t stop him. Filial piety stood at the top of all morals. Rather than getting offended by Wang Chong’s actions, he felt heartened instead.

  “Men, help me keep this sword. Place it carefully at the highest point of my study.”

  The old master beckoned the Imperial Army guards by the side and ordered.

  His face has a healthy glow, and compared to before, he was clearly in high spirits.

  Given the offsprings of the Wang Clan were gathered together and the old master was in high spirits, the crowd began to talk about the casual affairs within the clan. Even the reticent old lady from before began chatting with the others amiably.

  This was mainly an exchange between the elders of the clan, and other than Cousin Wang Li, who was able to speak up from time to time, the others of the third generation, Wang Chong, Wang Liang, and Wang Zhu Yan, could only stand obediently by the side.

  “You’re incredible!”

  By the side, the bored Cousin Wang Liang glanced at Wang Chong and shot him a thumbs up. Wang Chong chuckled and gestured back.

  “How is it? Shall we go out and play?”

  “I’ll pass.”

  Wang Chong secretly gestured with his hands.

  “For some fresh air?”

  “I’ll pass as well.”

  Wang Chong shook his head. In the past, he and Wang Liang were unable to stand such a dull gathering. As such, whenever Cousin Wang Liang went out, he would invite Wang Chong along.

  However, having lived two lives, Wang Chong’s state of mind has already matured.

  To Wang Chong, even a simple family gathering was a great bliss to him.

  Only after losing will one understand regret.

  Only after repossessing will one learn to cherish.

  Seeing Wang Chong ignore him, Wang Liang lost interest quickly and turned away. Chuckling, Wang Chong could guess what was going to happen next.

  “AHH! My stomach hurts! Grandfather, grandmother, I will be going out first!”

  Clutching his stomach, he yelled. Before anyone could speak, he already ran out.

  Upon hearing his words, the chatter in the hall abruptly paused. The old master and old lady inconspicuously shook their heads, but they didn’t stop him.

  On the other hand, Wang Ru Shuang’s face steeled.

  Uncle Li Lin also shook his head helplessly.

  During that era, as said before, women were not allowed in politics.

  Chapter 91: Taboo of the Wang Clan!

  “Lord, Fourth gongzi is here!”

  Just as everyone was speaking, a black-armored Imperial Army expert with a thick spear in his hand walked in and kneeled onto the floor respectfully.


  Hearing those words, everyone’s eyes lit up. The old master also sat slightly more upright:

  “Allow him to enter!”

  “Little uncle is finally here!”

  Standing by t
he side, when Wang Chong heard those words, his attention was piqued as well. The Wang Clan four siblings consisted of big uncle, big aunt, father, and not to forget, little uncle.

  Even though little uncle didn’t live too far away, his condition was the most unique of the four. Little uncle was a commander of the Imperial Army Training Camp, and he shouldered the responsibility of picking out the elites from the various lands and train them at Tianzhu Mountain.

  The further studies of the Imperial Army elites fell under his scope of responsibilities as well.

  Thus, even though he didn’t live too far from the capital, as a guard of the Imperial Army of the Sage Emperor, his freedom was restricted.

  “Hahaha, brother, sister-in-laws, big sister, uncle… You’re all here!”

  From the entrance of the Four Quarters Embassy, a light-hearted chuckle sounded. Soon, a thin but powerful-looking, young, tanned general walked in.

  “Father, son has returned to offer you blessings!”

  Upon walking through the entrance, that young general respectfully bowed to the old master and old lady.

  “Hehe, Mi-er, it’s good that you’re back!”

  The old lady immediately grew agitated upon seeing the young general. Seeing his tanned skin, she felt her heart ache for him.

  Wang Chong’s little uncle was the youngest of the second generation of the Wang Clan, as well as the only spouseless one. This was also the greatest worry of the old lady.

  “Come in. You’ve worked hard at the Tianzhu Mountain.”

  In contrast to the old lady, the old master was much calmer.

  Little uncle nodded and glanced about. Very soon, his gaze fell on Wang Chong, and he secretly winked.

  Wang Chong couldn’t help but smile.

  Of the elders, Wang Chong was the closest to this little uncle. As his little uncle was the youngest of the second generation, the age gap between him and Wang Chong was the smallest as well.

  More importantly, little uncle had a cheerful nature, so he didn’t bear much expectations of the younger generation. In his previous life, when Wang Chong was undergoing his rebellious phase, and all of the elders were disappointed in him and criticized him, only little uncle didn’t put on airs and joked around with him.

  Thus, of all the elders in the clan, Wang Chong was the most fond of this little uncle, and he was the closest to him as well.

  Little uncle walked over and sat beside Uncle Li Lin.

  Little uncle has been busy on Tianzhu Mountain, and it was rare for him to come and visit. The old master asked him about his present condition, and little uncle replied his queries patiently.

  “Now, only Yan-er isn’t here!”

  Having the offsprings of the Wang Clan gathered here delighted the old master, and the smile on his face was clearly much brighter than before. However, when those words fell into Xing Yuan Chun’s ears, she coldly muttered:

  “Hmph, isn’t there another one in the jail?”


  The moment Wang Chong’s big aunt’s words sounded, the atmosphere in the entire hall turned cold. Everyone fell silently, and their gazes fell onto Xing Yuan Chun.

  Zhao Shu Hua felt a sour sensation in her nose, and tears nearly fell from her eyes.

  Even Wang Chong turned solemn.

  Wang Chong knew that Big Aunt Xing Yuan Chun was talking about his second brother, Wang Bei. Other than his little sister, Wang Chong had two elder brothers.

  Big brother has followed father’s footsteps, and he was currently out leading an army. However, second brother’s condition was slightly unique, and he was currently locked up in a cell.

  This has always been his mother’s sore spot.

  But everyone knew that this wasn’t second brother’s fault.

  Everyone in the Wang Clan knew that the issue regarding Wang Chong’s second brother was a taboo.

  “Wh-What are you all looking at me for? It’s not like I’ve said anything wrong! …”

  Big Aunt Xing Yuan Chun knew that she misspoke, but as the mistress of the main family and before such a huge crowd, she was unwilling to admit her mistake.


  Big Uncle Wang Gen’s complexion was awful.

  Despite knowing that the old master didn’t like to hear such words, she intentionally brought this matter up. Wasn’t this an obvious attempt to sully the old master’s mood?

  “Can’t my mother even speak of a fact?”

  Displeased, Wang Li stood in front of her mother and stared furiously at his father.

  Wang Chong ignored them, and instead, he was musing over another matter.

  “Thinking about it, it has already been three months!”

  Wang Chong thought.

  “… I should pay him a visit.”

  Among Wang Chong’s siblings and kin, the one whom Wang Chong was the most distant from, as well as the coldest and prideful person of the Wang Clan, wasn’t Cousin Wang Li, but Second Brother Wang Bei.

  Cousin Wang Li was so arrogant that he would disregard Wang Chong’s mother, but compared to Second Brother Wang Bei, he was truly a hill before a mountain.

  Second Brother Wang Bei was close with no one.

  Since young, he has been distant from Wang Chong and the others. He spoke few words, and he didn’t play around with others. Even if it was with Wang Chong and his big brother, he rarely spoke.

  However, Wang Chong knew that Second Brother Wang Bei couldn’t be blamed for this. This wasn’t his true personality.


  In the hall, the old master slammed the table. He couldn’t tolerate it anymore.

  “All of you, get out!”

  The old master’s face was cold as frost. A frightening aura emanated from him, and even Big Uncle Wang Gen couldn’t help but shudder and fall deathly silent.

  The old master was both skilled in academics and martial arts, and he was a top-notch expert during his youth. When chaos broke out in the royal court back then, the old master used his own strength to break out from the complicated situation to support the current Sage Emperor to the throne.

  Even though it has been many years since then, and a severe wound he sustained during the military campaigns back then has caused his cultivation to deteriorate, he still wasn’t someone that those offsprings of his could compare up to.

  The old master never got angry easily, but when he did, he struck fear in the hearts of others. Even Wang Chong couldn’t help but lower his head.

  Even though Big Aunt Xing Yuan Chun spoke arrogantly before, before the wrath of the old master, she felt suffocated, and she didn’t dare to speak a single word.

  “Old master, calm down. It’s rare that the children have come to meet you. Furthermore, Yuan Chun didn’t mean it.”

  The old lady tried to calm the situation.

  “Gen-er, Mi-er, and Ru Shuang, why are you all still here!”

  Seeing that the old master was truly enraged, how could the rest of them dare to talk back to him? They hurriedly rushed out from the hall.

  “Yao-er, you remain here. Grandfather likes you the most, so humor him. Don’t let him remain angry.”

  Wang Family’s little sister was about to leap from the embrace of the two elders, but she was stopped by the old lady. There were few ladies in the Wang Clan, and little sister was the youngest of them all. She has an innocent and direct personality, and she has a flair for humoring the old master and old lady as well. At this moment, she was the only one allowed to remain in the hall.


  “It’s the old master’s seventieth birthday. Must you make everyone unhappy like that?”

  Walking out from the Erudite Pavilion, Big Uncle Wang Gen’s complexion was grave. Discipline was strict in the Wang Clan, and the old master and old lady had never quarreled in their entire life.

  Thus, taking them as role models, Wang Gen tolerated all that his wife, Xing-shi, did. Furthermore, Xing-shi governed over the finances of the family individually, which was a
n extremely difficult task given the huge number of guards, maids, nannies, and such in the family.

  On top of that, there wasn’t a single person in the Wang Clan who was skilled in management. If not for Xing-shi‘s particular talent in that field which allowed her to manage several businesses in the capital to fund the family, Wang Gen’s meager stipend was far from sufficient to prop up the family.

  This was also the reason why Wang Gen was forgiving and tolerant of Xing-shi.

  “… Haven’t I told you about Li-er’s matter? If not for Chong-er’s wits to guard against the Yao Clan, the Yao Clan would have exploited him. That child has helped us, so why must you be so against him? Besides, from the carriage, you have been trying to insult Zhao-shi ever since our arrival. In the hall, you intentionally chose to bring up all of the depressing affairs, causing the old master to become unhappy on this joyous occasion. What in the world are you up to?”

  Wang Gen rarely lashed out at Xing-shi, but this time, he couldn’t hold himself back.

  “What am I up to?”

  Hearing Wang Gen’s criticisms, Xing-shi felt wronged and displeased.

  “Wang Gen, if you have planned out Li-er’s future properly, do you think that I would have to do all these? In the end, the reason why the Yao Clan got a chance at our Li-er is because of your inept. If you have made arrangements carefully, would such a thing occur? Li-er is the eldest son of our Wang Clan, the eldest son! But look at how he is now!”

  “Putting aside how Wang Fu’s position is above his, what about the second son, Wang Bei? Although he is squatting in the cell, the old master is still protecting him! Can’t I at least talk about it?”

  “Besides, Wang Gen, don’t you forget. The children of your third brother are Li-er’s biggest competitors. The position and standing of the old master must be inherited by our Li-er. Why should we share anything with Wang Fu and Wang Bei? Other people may be unwilling to fight for him, but as his mother, why shouldn’t I be allowed to help my son?”

  Xing-shi‘s eyes reddened, and her entire body trembled in fury. That’s right! She was obnoxious, she disregarded the occasion, and she spoke back to the old master. However, all of this was for her own child!


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