The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 154

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “Everyone has just enlisted into the camp. Zhao Qianqiu is probably intentionally leaving this issue out so as to prevent fear and panic!”

  Wang Chong thought. In truth, he couldn’t tell whether this was good or bad.

  “… But the only ones who could deal with master archers are master archers themselves. Thus, the empire has always valued the grooming of master archers!”

  Zhao Qianqiu continued.

  “Strength, speed, and dexterity. Those are the three main classifications of martial arts. If dexterity grants one aptitude for archery, speed would correspond to cavalry then.”

  Zhao Qianqiu said as he walked toward another giant training ground. Several fully-armored examinees could be seen riding taking turns riding two valiant black war steeds, and the wind whistled as they galloped to and fro the area. On the training ground, there were various obstacles such as wooden stakes and formations.

  These few people had to travel along the narrow spaces between the wooden stakes, but even so, their speed didn’t fall by the least.

  Held in the hands of the riders were wooden swords which they jabbed the wooden stakes with relentlessly as they passed them by. Every single one of their stabs would accurately strike the vitals on the wooden stakes.

  “Seems like there are many good buds in Kunwu Training Camp!”

  Standing by the perimeter of the training ground, Zhao Qianqiu saw an examinee stabbing accurately on every wooden stake from the same angle on the same location and complimented.

  “There are two main advantages to a mount—greater mobility and enhanced strength from the momentum of a charge!”

  Zhao Qianqiu suddenly gestured to another instructor on the training ground and the latter replied with a chuckle.

  “Zhao Qianqiu, I’ll just say it first. This stone is mine so you better carry one up to replace it by tonight!”

  “Cut the nonsense, are you doing it or not?”

  Zhao Qianqiu reprimanded jokingly. Clearly, the two of them were close to one another.

  “Fine, on the account of your students, I’ll give in to you this once!”

  The latter gestured helplessly. Then, taking off his helmet, he slowly aimed his spear at a specific direction.

  The group turned in the direction at which the spear was aimed for, and at around fifty zhang away, a massive rock possessing the height of two men towered.


  “Heavy! This must be Xuanwu rock. It probably weighs four thousand to five thousand jin!”


  Wang Chong roughly estimated the weight of the boulder. He had already noticed it when they had just arrived earlier, but thinking that it was just an ornament, he didn’t pay it any heed then.

  But from the looks of it now, it seemed to be a dummy for the training of the cavalry!


  Seated on the back of an armored steed, the instructor was dressed in a heavy black armor and an aura of menace crept forth from him. At this instant, he felt like a demon who had just crawled out from hell.

  The war steed neighed and charged forward, leaving behind innumerable after images behind them.


  Before the crowd could process what was going on, a deafening explosion sounded in the distance. The ground shook violently, and the four thousand jin Xuanwu rock abruptly burst apart, blasting thousands of fragments into the air.

  At that very instant, everyone was stunned. A huge wind blustered from the impact, and even at several dozen zhang away, the group could feel a dull pain on their faces.


  The war steed cried valiantly. Under a mysterious veil of dust and rock fragments. the silhouette of a man and his steed gradually reappeared. At this instant, he resembled a war god who had descended from the heavens.

  “Zhao Qianqiu, I’ll be expecting you to replace this! Remember to move a Xuanwu rock over by tonight!”

  The instructor said as he leaped off the horse, flipped across the fences, and disappeared toward the bottom of the mountain.

  “Did you see that? That’s the might of a charging cavalry. With a war steed, an Origin Energy Tier 5 martial artist can easily achieve an assault equivalent to the full might of an Origin Energy Tier 8 martial artist, and that is just a conservative estimate. A group of True Martial Tier 5 steel cavalry can easily subdue a True Martial Tier 7 footsoldier army! That’s the strength of the cavalry!”

  “Regardless of which nation it is, be it the Eastern and Western Turkic Khaganate, the Goguryeo empire, the Ü-Tsang empire, or Erhai’s Mengshe Zhao… even when going as far west as the Charax Spasinu and the Abbasid Caliphate, every single one of them prioritize the grooming of a large and powerful army of steel cavalry.”

  “The might of a single cavalry might be negligible on the battlefield but when they came in an army, they would be the nightmare of any nation. They’ll also be the greatest threat you all will face in the future battlefields.”

  “A frontal charge by a huge army of steel cavalry can easily tear apart any formation. Just like with archers, the only ones who could deal with cavalry face-on are other cavalry. As such, Great Tang also places stress on the grooming of cavalry as well!”

  Zhao Qianqiu said.

  Hearing those words, Wang Chong frowned inconspicuously but eventually, he decided against saying anything.

  Admittedly, the might of an army of charging cavalry was fearsome, but to Wang Chong, they couldn’t even come close to be considered as ‘unstoppable’.

  The current empire was still stuck with the notion that only cavalry could deal with cavalry. However, in that era when he was the Grand Marshal of the Central Plains, the charge of an army of cavalry definitely wasn’t a difficult problem to solve at all.

  At the very least, the ones who could deal with cavalry were far more than just cavalry themselves!

  “Last but not least, the footsoldiers! Just as you all can see here, footsoldiers are the most numerous troop we have in Great Tang!”

  Oblivious to Wang Chong’s thoughts, Zhao Qianqiu advanced forward and soon, they arrived at their last destination.

  Tracing the Zhao Qianqiu’s gaze, amidst a massive training ground, the group could see a large number of recruits brawling with one another.

  Of the three main training grounds—the archer training ground, cavalry training ground, and footsoldier training ground—the footsoldier training ground had the most number of recruits. In here, everyone wielded different kind of weapons and utilized innumerable types and styles of martial arts.

  In comparison to the archers’ shots and cavalry’s charges, the training here was much more lively and diverse.

  “The core of footsoldiers is strength! Even if you are lacking mastery in riding and archery, as long as you possess sufficient strength, you will be a powerful footsoldier. Of the three main troops, the requirements for footsoldiers have always been the lowest, and the death toll has always been the highest as well. However, things have changed in the current Great Tang dynasty. From the Han to the Sui, the footsoldiers of our Great Tang can be said to be the strongest in history!”

  “Even though our cavalry is inferior to Ü-Tsang, and our archery is unable to match up to Eastern and Western Turkic Khaganate, our footsoldiers are the strongest of them all!”

  “You all have to remember that the troops of our Great Tang never operates individually. When our archers are suppressing the other archers and our cavalry are curbing the other cavalry, all that is left is for our footsoldiers to conquer!”

  Hearing those words, loud cheerings sounded in the area. Even the other recruits who were passing by couldn’t help but smile at those words.

  Indeed. Of the entire world, Great Tang’s footsoldiers definitely ranked at the top. When a legion of footsoldiers were allowed to come into close quarters, regardless of whether they were facing archers or cavalry, with just their overwhelming number in itself, they would be able to subdue just about any enemy easily.

  Thus, even though footsoldiers couldn’t match up to soldiers and cavalry, Great Tang still chose to maintain a huge army of footsoldiers.

  Of the entire world, Great Tang was the only one who could utilize footsoldiers to such a level!

  Chapter 200: Zhuang shi and Chi Clan!

  “Before Origin Energy Tier 6, one mainly trains their tendons, bones, skin, blood, flesh, and internal organs. At Origin Energy Tier 6, one will be able to choose among strength-type, speed-type, and dexterity-type cultivation techniques to cultivate. This choice will determine one’s future role on the battlefield.”

  “There are all kinds of cultivation techniques in the training camp, and you are free to learn them. Of the three types, I would recommend you to pick any two to learn. However, I don’t advise you all to take on all three of them at once.”

  “Being too overambitious will just make you a master of none. Even though there are people who take on three types of cultivation techniques at once, for most people, it’ll only mean slower progression.”

  “Alright, follow me. We’ll be heading to the cultivation ground next!”

  Zhao Qianqiu beckoned as he led the group beyond the vast training grounds. Behind the training grounds was the cultivation ground.

  “So the place that we saw from the bottom of the mountain was this.”

  Zhao Jingdian remarked.


  Wang Chong nodded. Lifting his gaze, he looked at the massive flag that stood at nearly a hundred zhang tall. The word on it ‘Kunwu’ was exceptionally striking.


  Beneath this gigantic flag was the cultivation ground. Massive palace-like buildings filled the area, and they were all cultivation chambers.

  “Follow me!”

  Under Zhao Qianqiu’s lead, the group stepped into the centermost cultivation chamber in the area.

  Walking in, Wang Chong noticed that the chambers were all crafted using metal. Another aspect that caught his attention was the exceedingly flat and smooth ground, reminiscent of the surface of a mirror.

  Inscriptions could be seen on the ground at fixed intervals.

  Wang Chong realized that even though it was only the first day, there were already many new recruits seated within the chamber, deep in cultivation.

  “This area is crafted using top-notch metal. An inscription for gathering spiritual energy has been carved below, turning all of these seats into a small spiritual energy gathering formation. In the future, you will be able to use this place as often as you like. Cultivating within these chambers will be much more efficient than cultivating anywhere else.”

  Zhao Qianqiu led the group through the cultivation chamber.

  “Behind the cultivation chambers is the cultivation ground.”

  In the depths of the cultivation area, a dozen fully-armored Imperial Army members stood guard in front of a grand hall, dividing the front part of the cultivation ground from the latter part.

  “The martial art manuals in the cultivation grounds are divided based on their tier. Origin Energy Tier 6 martial arts are placed in one region, Origin Energy Tier 7 martial arts are placed in another, and so on… In the future, choose the cultivation techniques best suited for you based on your respective cultivation realms.

  The cultivation techniques stored here are all top-notch, and it’ll be hard to find any techniques of similar quality outside. However, as my students, you’ll be different from the other recruits. About this… you will understand in the future.”

  Other than Wang Chong, the other students all revealed perplexed expressions.

  However, Zhao Qianqiu didn’t elaborate on the matter.

  Following which, Zhao Qianqiu led the group to familiarize with the area and just like that, the tour came to an end.

  “… Some of you may already know of it but I’ll just say it once more for the benefit of the others.”

  Beneath a lush Chinese scholar tree at the top of the mountain, Zhao Qianqiu gave his final lesson of the day to the group.

  “The Origin Energy realm can be divided into nine tiers, which is Origin Energy Tier 1 to Tier 9. Upon reaching Origin Energy, one will be able to learn strength-type, speed-type, and dexterity-type cultivation techniques.”

  “At Origin Energy Tier 9, one will be able to release one’s internal energy, forming a circular area of air pressure ripples just like this.”

  Zhao Qianqiu stomped his feet, and weng! A circular milky-white Origin Energy ripple diffused from beneath his feet. The ripple looked completely normal, but a grim expression appeared on Wang Chong, Zhao Jingdian, and the other recruits’ faces.

  Within the circular ripple, everyone could feel Zhao Qianqiu’s ridiculously immense strength.

  Clearly, the other party hadn’t given it his all previously.

  “Once one gains the ability to release one’s internal energy, Origin Energy will be able to take on many forms. Fighting will transcend beyond mere movements, just like this!”

  With his palms facing downward, Zhao Qianqiu did a grabbing action and the milky-white ripple beneath his feet shook. A powerful surge of Origin Energy burst forth from Zhao Qianqiu’s palm, and it slowly morphed into the shape of a lion.

  Following which, the Origin Energy morphed into the shape of a tiger, panther, and then a wolf!

  “The flexible control of Origin Energy adds an additional dimension to fights. Thus, if you were to meet with Origin Energy Tier 9 experts, you must be careful. Experts of that level are extraordinarily troublesome, and you won’t be able to deal with them easily.”

  Saying so, Zhao Qianqiu gently jerked his palm, and the wolf-shaped Origin Energy surged out. Boom! Several dozen zhang away, a boulder exploded. Dust cloaked the area.

  The hearts of the group skipped a beat.

  “Beyond Origin Energy Tier 9 is the True Martial realm. At that realm, one would be able to gather his Origin Energy beyond his body, forming a halo. However, that is a matter for the future.”

  After explaining all of these, Zhao Qianqiu left.

  “Are you Wang gongzi?”

  After Zhao Qianqiu left, a few figures walked up to Wang Chong and bowed deeply to him.

  “I am Zhuang Zhengping!”

  “I am Chi Weisi!”

  “Paying respect to gongzi!”


  The duo was no other than the other two recruits who passed Zhao Qianqiu’s test.

  From the test location til here, the both of them hadn’t spoken a word. It was only after Zhao Qianqiu left that they stepped forward to pay their greetings.

  “Are you two from the Zhuang Clan and Chi Clan?”

  Wang Chong stared the duo before him.

  “That’s right!”

  The duo bowed respectfully.

  Wang Chong assessed the two of them carefully. The Zhuang Clan and Chi Clan were behemoths in the capital, and their influence was far beyond that of ordinary prestigious clans.

  The two clans were extremely skilled in commercial activities, and their business expanded across the entire world. At the same time, they also possessed considerable power within the military as well.

  In the Zhuang Clan’s hundred years of history, many of their offsprings had enlisted into the military and took up various differing positions throughout the organization, thus forming a sizeable influence.

  The Zhuang Clan’s offsprings were known for being valiant, and their steel cavalry was extremely famous in the empire.

  As for the Chi Clan, their reputation was slightly beneath that of the Zhuang Clan but the overwhelming number of experts in their clan made them a force to be reckoned with. Their silhouettes could almost be seen almost everywhere on the frontlines of the battlefield.

  What that made Chi Clan stand out from the others were their steel guards.

  Whenever a Chi Clan offspring stepped onto the battlefield, they would be accompanied by a sizeable amount of Chi Clan’s steel guards. Each of these guards would be equipped with a Xuan metal pla
te mail that weighed around four hundred jin and a halberd which height easily reached up to a man. On the battlefield, they were often able to tear open a hole in the enemy’s defenses, creating an opening for the other soldiers to exploit.

  Even though the two clans were still inferior to the Wang Clan, their strength wasn’t one to be underestimated.

  Just by the fact that the two of them were able to pass Zhao Qianqiu’s test proved testimony to their might.

  “Given the Zhuang Clan and Chi Clan’s influence, shouldn’t you two be in Longwei or Shenwei?”

  Wang Chong asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

  “In truth, we only chose to come to Kunwu Training Camp after hearing the news that gongzi is coming here. Gongzi‘s upright and noble personality has won the respect of both our Zhuang Clan and Chi Clan and thus, we hope to stand by your side.”

  Zhuang Zhengping and Chi Weisi said respectfully.

  In truth, their strength was on par with the current Wang Chong and Zhao Jingdian. What the two of them were truly deferential toward was the immense influence that stood behind Wang Chong.

  The Wang Clan was a clan of general and ministers, and Duke Jiu was a meritorious subject who helped the current emperor to the throne, thus earning him the favor and trust of the latter.

  But the influence of the Wang Clan didn’t stop there. There was still King Song, the officials of the royal court, the protectorates by the borders, and the various Conferred Generals and Han generals…

  The storm not too long ago had made many realize that they had been severely underestimating the Wang Clan. That massive influence that extended beyond the royal court and into the military…

  Even behemoths like Zhuang Clan and Chi Clan couldn’t help but feel deference. Just from that matter itself, it could be foreseen that even if Duke Jiu were to pass away, the prosperity and influence of the Wang Clan could sustain for a very, very long time.

  This was the reason why the prestigious clans like Zhuang Clan and Chi Clan sent their offsprings to Kunwu Training Camp instead of Shenwei and Longwei.

  After the verdict from the Sage Emperor, Wang Chong was labeled as the ‘rising power’ of the political scene. What was even rarer was that he was extremely young, being just fifteen at the moment, and thus, his influence had yet to fully take shape.


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