The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 270

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Hong long long!

  It was like a storm had started within the Big Dipper Army commandant's heart. He stared at Wang Chong as if he was looking at a spectre. Shock, with a trace of fear, now held the entirety of his being.

  The young man before him was far more difficult to deal with than he had thought. He had made sure to conduct everything discreetly, and he had ensured that his plan was flawless before confronting him, so he couldn't understand where he had failed.

  The huge pressure from the other party's words weighed down heavily on him, and cold sweat trickled profusely down his back.

  Had Wang Chong not said anything at all, he would have pushed on with the matter. However, with the revelations, there was no way he had the guts to continue on with it.

  If Wang Chong was only an ordinary recruit before, at this very moment, he resembled a demon from hell. Just a gaze from him could leave his soul trembling in fear.

  The Bureau of Military Personnel, King Song, and the Wang Clan; with these behemoths behind him, this young man wielded immense authority that could easily dictate his fate.

  The commandant suddenly realized that he couldn't afford to offend the young man before him.

  More importantly, the young man had already seen through his secrets.

  "Gongzi, I don't know what you're talking about!" Even though his intentions were already revealed, the commandant had little choice but to refute it. The deep fear he felt left his clothes soaked in sweat.

  "You know better than anyone else what I am talking about. Tell Geshu Han that he's free to come at me with whatever he has, but spare me from this kind of pathetic scheme!" Wang Chong sneered.

  With those words, Wang Chong leapt back onto his steed and galloped away without bothering to spare a single glance at the commandant.

  "Know your own place. This conflict isn't something that a measly commandant like you can interfere in. I'll let this slide this time, but in the future... You better count your blessings!" Wang Chong's sharp voice drifted back along the wind as his figure disappeared from view.

  With Wang Chong's disappearance, the Big Dipper Army commandant fell weakly to the ground. To think that just a short encounter with the other party would leave him feeling drained of his strength. It felt even more treacherous than the battle he had fought just a moment ago.

  But nevertheless, he was glad that he had managed to escape a calamity.

  "I was intending to exact vengeance for the great general, but it seems like my thoughts were too immature. This young man isn't a figure who someone of my level can deal with!" the Big Dipper Army commandant sighed deeply.

  Just as Wang Chong said, the Big Dipper Army commandant knew his true identity. In fact, when Wang Chong first reported to him at the resting point, he had already recognized him and sent a report to Great General Geshu Han.

  Within Longxi's territory, there was probably no commander of the Big Dipper Army who wouldn't recognize Wang Chong.

  Regarding the regional commanders incident, perhaps most of the Han generals might be standing on Wang Chong's side, but nearly all of the Big Dipper Army commanders had sided with Geshu Han.

  Geshu Han had managed Longxi for many years, guarding the borders and protecting Longxi's populace from the Tibetans. Over the years, he had built up a resounding reputation in the military. He might be a Hu, but he was deeply respected in the region.

  Thus, most of them were aggrieved to see Geshu Han humiliated by Wang Chong in the regional commanders incident, and they were eager to get back at Wang Chong for him. The event that had just occurred a moment ago was a result of that event.

  This wasn't a sudden whim on his part, but something he had decided upon long ago.

  Just that, he never thought that Wang Chong would be sharp enough to see through his intentions.

  "The only thing I can do now is to report the situation here to the Great General and have him decide the next course of action." Sighing deeply once more, the commandant took out a piece of paper and brush, and began writing a letter.


  With an agitated flapping of wings, a white pigeon soared into the sky to deliver the letter to the frontlines of Longxi.


  "I fear that I must leave now!" Wang Chong's first words after returning to the group startled everyone.

  "What happened?"

  "Does the commander intend to punish you?"...

  The group of men asked anxiously. Wang Chong's declaration of departure had come too abruptly.

  It was clear that something must have happened in the encounter with the commandant.

  "The Big Dipper Army commandant has recognized me, and Geshu Han already knows that I am here. I can't remain in Longxi any longer. Since the third mission has been cleared, I should return to the training camp," Wang Chong replied.

  Longxi was Geshu Han's territory, and in the regional commanders incident, an irreconcilable grudge had been created between the two. No matter how naive Wang Chong might be, he didn't think that Geshu Han would stop at this.

  If that was the extent of his grudge, he wouldn't have submitted a memorandum to the Sage Emperor imploring for Wang Chong's death. A day that he remained at Longxi would spell another inch deeper he was in danger.

  Wang Chong was certain that Geshu Han wouldn't allow him to leave easily. Thus, it was imperative that he make his departure before Geshu Han could make any preparations.

  As long as he was out of Longxi's territory, Geshu Han's claws would be unable to reach him.

  Chapter 378: Ambushed!

  Chapter 378: Ambushed!

  Wang Chong was far from the "War Saint" that he was in his previous life. Even if he had won this battle, he was still nothing more than a small recruit from the training camps.

  On the other hand, Geshu Han was at the prime of his power.

  His position as a Great General wasn't just for show. He wielded immense power, far beyond Wang Chong's means.

  "Wang Chong, we'll leave with you!" Huang Yongtu suddenly said as he prepared to leap onto his steed to leave with Wang Chong. Hearing those words, the others hurriedly rushed off to bring their steeds over as well.

  After the battle they had just fought, they were more united than ever. Standing on the same boat, the first reaction they had after hearing about Wang Chong's departure was to follow him.

  "There's no need for that!" Wang Chong waved his hands. "Geshu Han and the Big Dipper Army commandant are only coming for me, so nothing will happen to you all even after I leave. Even if they were to pursue the matter, you just have to say that I have commanded you all with King Song's token in my hands, and you should be able to absolve yourself from blame. After all, there are so many of you. If Geshu Han is a smart man, he will know better than to offend so many prestigious clans over such a minor matter.

  "Furthermore, if you move before the Bureau of Military Personnel issues the return command, you will be only giving him a reason to send his soldiers after us instead. I have King Song and the Wang Clan behind my back, so I should be able to get off the hook without trouble, but the same can't be said for the rest of you. Moreover, this could potentially leave a stain on your records, hindering your promotions in the future.

  "Besides, staying in the resting point is beneficial to you as well. Given that so many of us have participated, and the huge contribution we have made through our actions, he would risk incurring the anger of the troops should he choose to punish you," Wang Chong said nonchalantly.

  It wasn't a mistake that Wang Chong said "I fear that I must leave now" instead of "I fear that we must leave now". It was a decision he had made after careful consideration.

  If he remained here, Geshu Han's wrath might end up spilling over onto them as well. On the other hand, if he were to leave, Geshu Han would have no reason to do anything, and they would be safe.

  "Wang Chong is right. The reason why Geshu Han and the commandant are doing this is so that they could deal with him. So as lo
ng as he leaves, we will be safe. If we remain with him, we might end up dragging him down instead!" At this point, the silent Bai Siling suddenly spoke up. Her eyes reflected composure and wisdom. Of everyone gathered here, she was the only one who was able to rationally analyze the current situation they were in.


  Just as everyone was speaking, a pigeon suddenly swooped down from the sky, headed for Lieutenant Zhang Lin.

  This abrupt sight had startled everyone.

  Upon seeing the pigeon, Wang Chong's face froze for a moment, and his eyebrows rose inconspicuously.

  "Lord, the Bureau of Military Personnel has sent a message requesting everyone to report back to the capital after the third mission is completed!" Zhang Lin rushed over to report to Wang Chong after swiftly reading through the letter.

  "Wang Chong, let's go together then! There's no point remaining here anyway!" Huang Yongtu replied immediately after hearing Zhang Lin's words.

  With this letter, there wouldn't be any issues if they were to leave now.

  "Un, it'd be good if we can leave as a group. This way, we can cover for one another if anything were to happen," Xu Gan agreed.

  Just like what Huang Yongtu said, since the mission had already concluded and they had received orders to return, there was no meaning in remaining here.

  Besides, if they were to return as a group, Geshu Han shouldn't be so brazen as to ambush them on the way back.

  With this, the only one who had yet to make a stand was Bai Siling.

  "Sigh, forget it. Count me in, then! Since we came together, it's only right that we leave together!" Seeing everyone's eyes on her, Bai Siling sighed and went along with them.

  After a moment of contemplation, Wang Chong nodded in agreement as well, "Alright then."

  "Make some preparations, we'll set off as soon as everyone is ready.

  "Ma Song!" Wang Chong called out as he turned to the Ten-Man Squad Leader who had accompanied him for this entire journey.

  He had a very good impression of the latter, and he intended to rally him to his side. After all, talents were often the greatest asset of all.

  "If you meet with any difficulties or retire, feel free to find me in the capital."

  "Yes, gongzi!" Ma Song nodded. Looking at the dignified young man before him, he suddenly couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic. After all that had happened, they were going to part very soon.

  "Lieutenant Zhang, farewell!"

  "Lord, I'll look forward to seeing you again. It's our honor to have fought alongside you!" Placing his right fist on his chest, Zhang Lin did a deep military bow.

  At the same time, the Great Tang military veterans, including Ma Song, also placed their right fists on their chests and bowed deeply as well, expressing their deepest respect for Wang Chong.

  Had it not for Wang Chong, everyone here might have been cold corpses at this instant. For this, they were extremely grateful.

  At the same time, the other party had also displayed incredible capabilities as a commander, so this bow also represented the admiration they harbored toward his abilities.

  In an instant, the surroundings fell silent.

  Zhao Yatong, Fang Xuanying, and the other recruits and soldiers couldn't help but feel moved upon seeing this sight.

  This gesture had touched Wang Chong as well. To a true soldier, there is nothing more moving and prideful than to be acknowledged by the comrades you have fought alongside.

  "Comrades, it's my honor to have fought alongside you too!" Saying so, Wang Chong stepped back, placed his right fist on his chest, and did a solemn military bow as well.

  Their time of parting had finally come!

  Wang Chong knew that this was likely to be his last time working together with these respectable soldiers, and the thought of it had left him complex emotions inside. Nevertheless, such was the part and parcel of life. More of such similar partings would only await him in the future ahead.


  Leaping onto his steed, Wang Chong galloped onto the eastern path along with Bai Siling, Xu Gan, and Huang Yongtu, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.

  With this mission coming to an end, they could finally return to the training camp!


  After leaving the third gathering point, Wang Chong and his group spent most of their time traveling, be it day or night, taking only minimal breaks in between. Around three days later, they finally reached Longxi's boundary.

  Upon stepping out of Longxi, Wang Chong heaved a long sigh of relief.

  Longxi was under the Big Dipper Army's control, and as the Big Dipper Army's highest commander, Geshu Han possessed nigh-absolute authority there. But beyond Longxi, he wouldn't dare to act recklessly no matter how brazen he might be.

  After all, if he were to be caught by the Bureau of Military Personnel or Bureau of Punishments privately deploying his troops beyond Longxi's borders, he would be in a lot of trouble.

  "We're finally safe now!" Looking at the towering trees around him, Wang Chong gazed into the sky and released a long breath of relief.


  But just as the tension had barely left Wang Chong's body, he abruptly felt an acute sensation that something was headed for his temple.

  It was a very vague sensation, and only one with instincts as sharp as Wang Chong would have felt it.

  "Shit!" With the intense feeling of danger clutching at his heart, Wang Chong immediately lowered his posture, leaning nearly parallel to the back of the White-hoofed Shadow.


  A deafening explosion reverberated resoundingly in the area. As swift as lightning, a massive black steel arrow carrying unimaginable destructive might suddenly appear from the woods.

  It brushed past Wang Chong's body just a few millimeters off, and the overwhelming shockwave and destructive Stellar Energy harnessed behind it seared Wang Chong's skin.

  Hong long long!

  The arrow whizzed past to the other end of the forest, making in continuous explosions, felling dozens of trees in its trajectory.

  A huge gale blew forth from the incredible impact, raking up a huge cloud of dust in the air.


  Alarmed, the steeds immediately neighed fearfully. The riders on their back swiftly straightened their backs in shock as well.

  "Be careful!" Wang Chong's voice echoed in the air.

  It was an ambush!

  Even at this point, Wang Chong's heart was still beating frenziedly. Had he reacted even an instant slower just now, he would have been crushed to smithereens!

  Judging from the means, the assailant was unlikely to be a soldier. In fact, the entire matter didn't seem like something Geshu Han would do.

  When the arrow had brushed across Wang Chong earlier, he had sensed a dark and destructive power imbued in the arrow. That was a trait of an assassin!

  Countless thoughts flashed across Wang Chong's mind, and it suddenly dawned on him what he was facing. In that instant, his goosebumps suddenly stood on ends, and he could suddenly smell the strong scent of death lingering in the air.

  Without a doubt, his identity and trail had been exposed.

  These assassins were here for him.

  "Siling and Xu Gan... run!" Wang Chong shouted as he pulled on his reins and dashed forward. His direction wasn't down the main road, in the direction of the capital, but to the dense forest to the right of the road.

  Master archers possessed superior vision that allowed them to even see a fly from afar, let alone a man. If Wang Chong were to remain in full sight on the main road, it would just be a matter of time before he was shot.

  The only way he would have a chance at a survival was to use the dense forest to conceal himself.

  But at this moment, the ones who Wang Chong was worried about weren't himself.

  He didn't think that the assassins would be so strong, and he felt guilty for involving Bai Siling and Xu Gan in this matter.

  At this point, he could only hope
that he would be able to lure all of the assassins away with him as he fled into the forest. This way, Bai Siling and Xu Gan would be able to get away safely.

  "Wang Chong!" A horrified shout sounded from behind, but Wang Chong didn't have the spare time to turn around anymore. He mustn't, or else all of them might just end up dead!


  At this crucial moment, the speed of the White-hoofed Shadow played a vital role. Just as Wang Chong dashed into the forest, the second steel arrow struck the location Wang Chong was at just a moment ago.

  That incredible destructive force caused a huge explosion, creating a large depression in the main road. A huge shockwave burst forth from the impact, jolting Wang Chong and the White-hoofed Shadow away several chi.

  Kachacha, a large group of trees fell before the powerful shockwave.

  Di da da!

  At the same time, five masked mounted assassins dressed in black coverings galloped forth from the left end of the forest, charging in the direction Wang Chong had disappeared in.

  Their cold eyes were filled with killing intent as they rushed after Wang Chong with sharp blades in their hands.

  Chapter 379: Heavily Wounded!

  Chapter 379: Heavily Wounded!


  A metallic reverberation sounded in the air. Wang Chong couldn't see the assassins behind him, but he could feel an icy-cold killing intent pursuing him relentlessly, like a sharp blade pressed against his neck.

  He couldn't turn to look back.

  He mustn't!

  As much as he was worried about Bai Siling and Xu Gan, he knew that if he were to show the slightest hesitation, that would be an opportunity for the assassins to strike. This unprecedented fear that seemed as if his life was just hanging on a thin thread made Wang Chong's blood run wild as he galloped frenziedly ahead.

  He knew for every additional zhang that he advanced, Bai Siling and Xu Gan would be put in a safer position, and there would be higher chance that he could survive this ordeal as well.


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