The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 294

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “Somebody! Quickly take him away!"

  Standing at the balcony, the official extended his index finger at the distant Wang Chong, his complexion ashen, his voice harsh.

  The crowd around the practice ground became restless as several Imperial soldiers rushed toward Wang Chong.

  And on the other side, the Ü-Tsang First Prince looked no better than the official. That arrow just now had not been merciful. If he had not reacted quickly, he would have been shot through.

  "A master archer!"

  The Ü-Tsang First Prince twisted his head around and glared at Wang Chong, hatred instantly making Wang Chong his target.

  At the same time, everyone in the practice ground also focused on Wang Chong.

  "I already said that this battle was already over. Since you insist on feigning ignorance, I'll say it again. Doesn't Ü-Tsang want to acquaint itself with the young elites of the Central Plains? Don't you want to find someone who can defeat you? Then, your wish is fulfilled. Tibetans have always esteemed strength, so they shouldn't have this little skill and only know how to bully the weak, right?"

  Wang Chong leisurely sat on his horse. The first part of his words had been spoken in the tongue of the Central Plains, but he had ended by speaking in flawless Tibetan language.

  When Wang Chong spoke this smooth string of Tibetan words, the originally angry Ü-Tsang First Prince and even the Ü-Tsang Great General Dusong Mangpoje and the other Tibetan warriors behind him were visibly affected.

  The Great Tang of the Central Plains regarded the Tibetans as barbarians that were not even worth their contempt, so no one would ever go and learn the Tibetan language. Other than a few people in the Chamberlain of Dependencies, this was the first time they had encountered someone in the Central Plains who could speak Tibetan.

  This was actually not a very good feeling.

  Moreover, this also meant that they could no longer communicate with each other in Tibetan in front of these people of the Great Tang.

  "Who are you? How can you speak the language of us Tibetans!"

  The Ü-Tsang First Prince narrowed his eyes as he finally turned his body to fully face Wang Chong. He had suddenly grown very interested in this fully-armored horseman of the Great Tang.

  He was even more interested in him than he had been in that Great Tang scion who he had beaten black and blue.

  "Moreover, since you want to step forward, that's also fine. You should know the rules for this match. Only those below the age of twenty-six have the right to participate in this challenge. The Great Tang of the Central Plains is reputed for its illustrious heroes, famed as a gathering of young elites. They shouldn't need to cheat for this sort of challenge, right!"

  The Ü-Tsang First Prince had a proud expression, but his eyes flashed with cunning.

  "…What are you looking around for? Why aren't you seizing him?"

  A severe voice spoke, after which Wang Chong heard the stomping of footsteps behind him, several powerful energies rapidly approaching. He chuckled and, without even turning his head, he cast a dazzling token behind him, which landed in front of two Imperial soldiers.

  Upon seeing that lively dragon on the token, the Imperial soldiers trembled and came to a halt.

  "Hahaha, didn't you want to know who I was? Just as you wish, I'll tell you!"

  Wang Chong looked across the practice ground at the Ü-Tsang First Prince. He possessed incredibly keen insight, so he already knew what this prince wanted.

  His right hand gripped the brim of his helmet and pulled. A head of long, pitch-black hair toppled down. A white face was revealed beneath the close-fitting armor, the face of a handsome young man.


  A chorus of shouts rose from the crowd at the sight of this young and exceptional face.

  In the building at the edge of the practice ground, an official of the Chamberlain of Dependencies who had been quietly sitting the entire time, clearly one of high authority, suddenly stood up. His entire person seemed to have been struck by lightning as his complexion rapidly changed.

  "It's him!"

  At this moment, he finally recognized who this youth who had suddenly appeared on the practice ground was. The one person who was most unwelcome in the Chamberlain of Dependencies, who was most loathed, was unquestionably this youth before his eyes.

  Whether it was the Regional Commanders incident or the Goguryeon Assassins incident, everything that Wang Chong had done had easily reversed the great efforts of the Chamberlain of Dependencies.

  The Wang Clan had gained the glory and reputation they had desired, but in order to calm the unease they had created in the capital, the Chamberlain of Dependencies had expended a great deal of money and energy to calm the foreign envoys. They also had to convince the Hu and other foreigners in the capital that all this was an accident, that the empire's policy toward the foreign countries would not change.

  Without question, the entirety of the Chamberlain of Dependencies was unanimous in their hatred for the youngest scion of the Wang Clan.

  "Bastard! Didn't I tell them? They can't allow this scion of the Wang Clan to get close. How did he manage to mix himself in the crowd!"

  The veins on the forehead of that high official from the Chamberlain of Dependencies were throbbing. He suddenly felt a very ill omen that this practice grounds affair might get out of hand.

  Anywhere this scion of the Wang Clan appeared would become a complete mess.

  The official pinched his forehead and said, "Stop him. No matter what, he cannot be allowed to harm the First Prince of Ü-Tsang!"

  "Milord, I'm afraid it's too late…" an expert of the Chamberlain of Dependencies said. As he watched those two people approaching Wang Chong, he said with deep concern, "Neither that Tibetan or that scion will agree with us. Moreover, Wang Chong also has King Song's token with him…"

  These final words struck the lethal point of this mighty official. Like a deflated leather bag, he toppled back into his chair.

  King Song's token!

  Like a mighty wall, it had blocked out all his ideas!


  "There's no need to worry! In the magnificent Great Tang, there's no need to send anyone powerful to deal with you. Just sending me will be enough."

  Wang Chong had no idea that an official of the Chamberlain of Dependencies was already keeping watch on him from the building. While speaking, Wang Chong put his helmet back on. With only his eyes showing, he urged his horse forward.

  "How arrogant! Since you want to die, I'll fulfill your wish!"

  A vicious look appeared in the Ü-Tsang First Prince's eyes. Without another word, he urged his horse to the other end of the practice ground.

  Wang Chong looked around and saw that the defeated scion had been carried away. He gave a cold laugh and rode his horse to the end of the practice ground opposite the prince.

  Wang Chong did not leak a single strand of energy from his body. This prevented the Ü-Tsang First Prince from seeing what sort of move he would use and just how strong he was.

  Two people, one to the east and the other to the west, looked at each other across the vast practice ground. The atmosphere instantly grew tense.

  Old Eagle, Huang Qian-er, the official from the Chamberlain of Dependencies, Dusong Mangpoje, and all the scions around the practice ground were completely focused on this pair.

  It was so quiet that it was possible to hear a falling leaf.


  Wang Chong's hands extended a silver spear in front of him, its Wootz Steel tip pointed at the distant prince.


  Wang Chong snorted, and all the Stellar Energy in his body suddenly jolted to life, his entire person suddenly exuding a somber aura.

  He was not coming here to take revenge for what had happened on the western roads.

  To issue such a challenge in the middle of the capital, these Tibetans were acting far too arrogant. Even the people from the Chamberlain of Dependencies would not be able
to protect them.


  The earth quaked, and in the next moment, the White-hoofed Shadow exploded forward, bringing Wang Chong like a bolt of lightning toward the Ü-Tsang First Prince.


  The prince gave a fierce smile as his light brown horse neighed and shot forward with an equally majestic momentum.

  In the shortest of times, these two warhorses had pushed their speeds to the limit.

  Forty zhang, thirty zhang!


  There was a rumble of metal. Without any hesitation, Wang Chong had released the Halo of Dusk Stallion.

  A massive halo extended from Wang Chong's body to the feet of the White-hoofed Shadow and then began to expand. The massive halo weighed more than a thousand jun and caused the ground to slightly sink.

  Hum! After the first halo appeared, there was another flash of light as another halo emerged.


  The appearance of the halo beneath Wang Chong's horse caused a resounding roar of laughter to echo over the practice grounds.

  "Brat, so this was all the skill you had! And here I thought you were strong! You're dead for sure!"

  Light flashed around the galloping horse as the space behind the Ü-Tsang First Prince darkened. In this darkness flashed the faint image of a massive black yak. It persisted for only a second before entering the prince's steed.

  The Ü-Tsang First Prince's speed instantly quickened.

  At this instant, there was a clattering of metal. One, two, three… five halos expanded under the hooves of the prince's mount.


  Space rumbled as the two riders and two warhorses reached extreme speeds. Like two shooting stars, they rushed heedlessly toward each other.

  There was no holding back, no hesitation.

  Their speeds were so fast that a massive gale stirred over the practice ground, its roar howling through the world!

  Chapter 415: Killing the ü-Tsang First Prince!

  Chapter 415: Killing the Ü-Tsang First Prince!

  Transalted by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  "Not good!"

  In the crowd, Huang Qian-er's face instantly tensed up at this sight, her heart beginning to fiercely beat. The strength of the Ü-Tsang First Prince was not something Wang Chong could match, no matter what he said.

  Old Eagle was also showing some concern.

  Although he spoke calmly, he was no less nervous than Huang Qian-er.

  And the crowd was also gasping in surprise.

  "Heheheh, this brat is dead for sure!"

  The horseman of the Tibetan diplomatic mission were gathered together, sneering as they watched Wang Chong like he was a corpse.

  No one was optimistic about Wang Chong's chances, not even those who hoped to see the prince defeated. At this level, Wang Chong was no match for the Ü-Tsang First Prince.

  "Hmph, you did this yourself. Don't blame me!"

  In the building at the edge of the practice ground, a figure from the Chamberlain of Dependencies stood at the balcony, his hands resting on the railing as he chortled.

  The Chamberlain of Dependencies could not deal with Wang Chong, but if Wang Chong sought death, they couldn't be blamed. Even if the Sage Emperor were here, he wouldn't be able to put this crime on their heads.

  At this moment, probably the only person still confident in Wang Chong was himself.

  Twenty zhang!

  Ten zhang!

  Eight zhang!


  Time seemed to slow to a crawl for a moment. When Wang Chong was only six zhang from the Ü-Tsang First Prince, his clear eyes flashed with a cold light, and changes immediately began to take place.


  Wang Chong's palm shook and a cold light shot forward through the air. However, this cold light was not aimed at the prince, but at the light brown horse beneath him.


  In the blink of an eye, Wang Chong's peach-sized Stellar Energy Iron Cloak fell into the horse's open mouth and into its belly.

  At such short distances, not even the Ü-Tsang First Prince had time to respond.


  Just when the two were about to collide, White-hoofed Shadow at its max speed, its course almost impossible to alter, the horse suddenly turned, drawing a curve in the air just a few zhang away from the prince as it brushed past.

  This move not only astonished the crowd, but stunned even the Ü-Tsang First Prince. Everyone knew that the faster one moved, the harder it was to alter one's course.

  The massive inertia was not so easy to disperse. Rashly changing directions would only lead the warhorse to break its bones under the force of inertia and crash to the ground.

  No ordinary horse could pull off such a maneuver.


  Before there was time for any further thought, the warhorses rumbled past each other. The light brown steed of the prince neighed and, like a rock rolling at high speeds, fell together with the Ü-Tsang First Prince.


  And at almost the same time, Wang Chong, now ten-some zhang away, turned around with an S-shaped maneuver, almost instantly reversing his course. Not only had his speed not dropped, he was now moving even faster. He was one with his spear, the tip swiftly approaching the prince, who was just now extracting himself from the corpse of his horse.

  "Not good! The Serpent Loop! How does this youth know such an advanced horsemanship technique!"

  In the distance, the observing Ü-Tsang Great General Dusong Mangpoje's pupils constricted. He had instantly recognized the exquisite horsemanship technique Wang Chong had used, and his entire person changed.

  "The Serpent Loop!"

  This was one of the supreme equestrian techniques in the world. In narrow confines, elite riders could make a 180° turn while not stopping and even increasing their speed.

  On the battlefield, where cavalry was powerful and of utmost importance, one could easily imagine how useful such a technique was.

  But in both the Great Tang and Ü-Tsang, this horsemanship technique was not something an ordinary person could grasp. One had to be at least a general to be able to have such subtle control over a horse's movements.

  This was not something an ordinary youth from a great clan or a scion of the capital could grasp, but Wang Chong was truly too well-practiced in this maneuver.

  Dusong Mangpoje felt his heart tighten as an intense sense of danger filled his mind. With a whoosh, he immediately shot out of the crowd.

  Dusong Mangpoje's reaction was fast, but Wang Chong's was faster.


  In the vast practice ground, Wang Chong trailed dust and cracked the earth. The speed of the White-hoofed Shadow coupled with the Halo of Dusk Stallion and Wang Chong's own strength bestowed Wang Chong with the power to rival an expert of True Martial Tier 5.

  "Come!" Wang Chong fiercely shouted, the silver spear in his hands bursting with a frightening light. The current Wang Chong exuded an awe-inspiring strength, like that of a war god.

  At this moment, the Ü-Tsang First Prince, whose mount had been slain, gave a sinister smile and did something that no one expected.

  He did not retreat in the face of Wang Chong's full-force attack. Instead, he took out his saber and slashed at Wang Chong, completely exposing his body and making no attempts to defend himself.




  "This move again!"


  The crowd around the practice ground were infuriated at this sight and began to curse. The spectators were far too familiar with this sight. The Ü-Tsang First Prince was clearly up to his old tricks, intending to use his body as a shield. He planned to use the method he had used against those other scions to deal with Wang Chong.

  "Hmph! You're seeking your own death! Don't blame me!"

  Unlike the others, Wang Chong sneered at this sight, viewing the prince as a dead man. The
Ü-Tsang First Prince had truly found the wrong person if he thought this move could work against him.

  Other people might shrink back, not daring to kill him, but he, Wang Chong, was not like the rest!


  With a world-shaking boom, Wang Chong and his horse finally crashed against the prince in mid-air.

  It was like two comets clashing in the void. Powerful waves of energy swept through the practice ground like furious winds.


  Right when they crashed against each other, Wang Chong jumped off his horse. Clang! Before the crowd could respond, a cold light flashed from Wang Chong's head to his feet. Catching the Ü-Tsang First Prince's at his most unprepared, Wang Chong had fiercely thrust his Wootz Steel sword through the prince's skull!

  This had been the time to strike!

  Crimson blood fountained out of the Ü-Tsang First Prince's head, covering his eyes, brows, nose, and lips.

  The prince's eyes were wide open, his lips quivering, but he could not speak a single word.


  His body toppled forward like a wooden pole. Even until the end, the prince's eyes were wide open as if in disbelief that Wang Chong would dare to kill him.

  Two countries at war!

  The Ü-Tsang Empire at war with the Great Tang, millions of common people swept up in the chaos, countless corpses on the battlefield… Was he really not afraid?

  Did he not know of the consequences?

  He… really dared to kill him!


  After a moment of silence, the practice ground erupted in cheers. At this moment, no matter if they knew Wang Chong, no matter what great clan they belonged to, they all raised their hands and excitedly cheered.

  Wang Chong had done it!

  Wang Chong had actually killed that arrogant Ü-Tsang First Prince!


  In a nearby building, the official from the Chamberlain of Dependencies smashed the wooden railing.

  "Bastard! The Wang Clan… does the Wang Clan want to rebel?!"

  The official's complexion was a sickly green with a dash of purple while blue veins bulged out of the palm that was still smashed into the railing. His excessive shock and anger were causing his entire body to shake in agitation.

  The First Prince of Ü-Tsang!


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