The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 633

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Yet this sun was bright and true, exuding a heat that was far purer and higher-level than Masil’s Abyssal World. This was the dream of all Psychic Energy practitioners since ancient times. Even Masil had lost his composure before this power.

  The endless heat exuded by this ‘sun’ was setting the Abyssal World aflame. No Psychic Energy practitioner could this, only the true and authentic sun!

  “The secret of the sun?”

  Wang Chong’s chuckling voice came from the heart of the blazing sun.

  “What secrets does the sun have? Isn’t it just the corona, the atmosphere, sunspots, solar flares, and the core?”

  As a person who had crossed over from another world, Wang Chong regarded the sun as a very ordinary thing, and he found Masil’s reaction to be much ado about nothing.

  “Corona, atmosphere, sunspots, solar flares, the core…”

  Masil’s face was the picture of confusion. He recognized the words Wang Chong had spoken, but put together, they made no sense.

  He had never seen these words in any scripture or heard them from any Psychic Energy expert.

  He instinctively sensed that this was a core secret that every Psychic Energy expert desired, but he had no means of understanding it.

  “I’ll see for myself what this corona and solar flare are. Once I absorb you and make you my puppet, all your secrets will be mine to use!”

  Masil’s eyes shone with a vicious light. If this were a true Psychic Energy practitioner who could transform their mind into a pure sun, Masil would have immediately turned tail and fled. However, this Tang had clearly only imitated this power by accident. His level, experience, and other aspects were clearly still not at that dreadful level. This was an exceedingly rare chance that Masil had to seize!

  Rumble! The world began to shake as the abyss came to life. A pure and corrosive darkness began to pour in, wave after wave layering upon each other.

  The Abyssal Apocalypse!

  This was the strongest offensive ability Masil’s Abyssal World possessed. It gathered up all the power of the Abyssal World to create a psychic attack ten thousand times stronger than normal. This was Masil’s move of last resort, one he used only against the strongest of foes.

  Although it was powerful, the Abyssal Apocalypse was only effective against people trapped in his Psychic World.

  The sun created by Wang Chong had a stifling pressure on Masil. The Abyssal Apocalypse was the only move he had left.


  The Abyssal World instantly collapsed, contracting with astonishing speed. The pressure within the world increased, multiplying the burden on Wang Chong’s body by one thousand times, ten thousand times. This was a power strong enough to break Wang Chong’s soul.

  The moment Masil’s Psychic World collapsed, Wang Chong’s sun also began to transform. The blazing sun first began to retract inward, and then it began to rapidly swell. In a flash, it was a hundred times larger, and then a thousand times larger, spreading its bright and righteous energy throughout the world.

  Hissing loudly, Masil’s strengthened corrosive darkness burned away at astonishing speed.

  If one looked carefully, one could see that the sun manifested by Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy was growing more and more detailed. The corona of this sun was rising and falling, with waves of heat splashing across its surface. Farther down below, countless streams of turbulence could be seen surging through the atmosphere with a complexity many times greater than before. Moreover, the stable sunspots and solar flares along the sun’s surface suddenly began to appear and disappear with much greater frequency.

  In short, if Wang Chong’s sun was initially only ten percent similar to the real sun, through application of his Psychic Energy, Wang Chong had pushed it to nearly forty percent. As a result, the heat exuded by the sun grew greater and greater, sweeping through the Abyssal World with unstoppable pressure.

  “This can’t be real!”

  Masil stared as all this happened, his teeth grinding against each other in frustration. Wang Chong was maturing far too quickly, and was displaying a strength that no Psychic Energy practitioner had ever displayed before. But the greater the abilities Wang Chong displayed, the more they inflamed Masil’s killing intent.

  The Abyssal Apocalypse could not be stopped. Once it was used, it had to be carried out to the very end, or else the user would suffer a severe backlash.

  Boom! The Abyssal World began to collapse at an even faster rate, producing even more pressure. It was like a giant invisible hand squeezing the blazing sun in the center.

  Boom! As the Abyssal World retracted upon itself, Wang Chong’s blazing sun grew even larger and even more detailed.

  “Masil! It’s useless. Your strength has no effect against me,” Wang Chong calmly proclaimed from the center of the blazing sun. Wang Chong had no idea that Masil had used his strongest technique, but as he fought against Masil, he gained more and more experience.

  If Wang Chong had to accumulate this experience alone, he would have needed ten years, perhaps even longer. But with Masil’s ‘training’, Wang Chong had skipped several steps, rapidly reaching an extremely high level of attainment. Moreover, in some aspects, the fusion of Masil’s experience with his own insight allowed him to even surpass Masil.

  “All Psychic Energy is just illusion. No matter how many moves you have or how great your abilities, it’s all just a minor itch to me! You no longer have any chance of winning!”

  Chapter 983.1 - Discord Amongst the Behemoths!

  Chapter 983: Discord Amongst the Behemoths!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Deep underground, Masil’s pupils constricted as if Wang Chong’s voice had sharply jabbed him. ‘All Psychic Energy is just illusion.’ Wang Chong had lightly described one of the core principles of Psychic Energy, the consensus shared between all elite Psychic Energy experts.

  However, saying it was one thing, but truly understanding it and putting it into practice was a feat that only very few succeeded at. Moreover, most people had a shallow understanding of this principle, taking it to mean ‘Psychic Energy is fake’. But if this really was the case, how had he managed to subsume so many people and make them his puppets?

  And if Psychic Energy was fake, why was it that when Psychic Energy was extinguished, martial artists would die with it?

  The domain of Psychic Energy was not as simple as everyone imagined!

  ‘All Psychic Energy is just illusion’ was a principle that would never be overturned. However, those who could truly carry it out were one in a million, the true masters of Psychic Energy who could proudly look down upon the entire world. Only they understood the essence of this saying.

  Masil had heard this saying twenty years ago, when he was still just a minor priest. But not even someone of as great talent and comprehension as him, someone capable of creating the Abyssal World, was able to reach this level.

  Masil would never believe that someone could comprehend this supreme level faster than he could.

  “This isn’t real, it can’t be… I don’t believe it!” Masil’s eyes were red as he hollered.

  Rumble! The world shook with the sounds of collapse. As the end of the Abyssal World neared, the pressure at its core increased.

  The sun formed from Psychic Energy finally began to be affected by this pressure. As the space in which the sun could expand shrank, the surrounding space began to twist. Even the surface of the sun began to ripple, shocks running through it.


  Masil was overjoyed by this sight. He had finally regained the initiative in this battle. As long as his Abyssal Apocalypse could have some effect on Wang Chong’s blazing sun, it meant he still had a chance to defeat this Tang youth.

  But just when Masil was about to excitedly put more power into the Abyssal Apocalypse, a golden spear, hallowed and resplendent, descended from the sky and pierced through the collapsing Abyssal
World. Kacrack! Countless cracks began to creep through the abyss, allowing energy to pour in.


  Masil gave a howl of despair. The spear had pierced through his Psychic World and taken away his last sliver of hope.

  The Psychic World was far more powerful than other psychic attacks, but in order for this supreme technique to be effective, one first had to be within the ‘world’ of the user. Now, however, the abyss had been shattered and could no longer reform.

  “All of this is nothing but illusion. Masil, you’ve lost!”

  Wang Chong’s calm voice rang out, and then the Abyssal World collapsed, whisking Wang Chong and Masil back to the real world.


  On the left arm of the giant ape, Wang Chong’s body had half-sunk into the ape’s thick fur. His eyes were calm and clear, as if they could see all secrets of the world. In terms of will, Wang Chong was far stronger than Masil.

  “Now is the time to bring this battle to an end!”

  Wang Chong’s eyes glimmered with cold light. The part of his mind that had been battling with Masil merged back with his body, whereupon he swiftly launched a torrential assault against the giant ape’s mind. His attacks this time were of a completely different nature, swiftly and meticulously driving Masil’s mind from all the channels in the giant ape’s brain.

  Masil was thrown back again and again, constantly forced to give ground.

  “Impossible! I can’t lose!”

  Masil bellowed as he poured all his strength into defense, but he could not stop Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy, which was like a flood of magma that melted everything in its path. In the blink of an eye, Masil’s control over the giant ape had dropped from ninety percent to seventy percent, and then fifty percent, thirty percent… Despite Masil’s fierce struggles, he could not escape the fate of being driven out. With one last bang, Masil’s Psychic Energy was finally thrown out from the giant ape.

  But Masil’s Psychic Energy did not return to his body, instead floating in the air before suddenly surging toward the Burning One several dozen zhang away. Whoosh! The Burning One turned its head, opened its mouth, and fired a blistering tongue of flame at the giant ape.

  “Who cares if you can take the form of a sun! I’ll never lose to you! In this battle, we will fight to the death!” Masil crazily called out as he made the Burning One breathe yet another gout of scorching flame.


  The giant ape roared as its flesh was scorched and charred in two places by the flames of the Burning One. Although its flesh smoked, the giant ape’s injuries were far less serious than they seemed. As the strongest of the four Behemoths, the Consecrated possessed an unbelievable defense. Not even the Burning One could hope to injure it relying purely on its flames.

  “A grasshopper trying to stop a carriage! Masil, you’ve already lost! Cease your pointless struggle!”

  The giant ape’s scarlet eyes flashed cold, and then it spread apart its arms, bent its knees, and leaped at the Burning One like a tiger lunging at its prey.

  Boom! The ape moved its head, barely dodging a gout of flame, and then its arm smashed with prodigious force at the Burning One’s neck. With a howl, the Burning One’s enormous body was flung over sideways in a spray of debris.


  Countless people yelled and screamed as they tried to flee. The Arab cavalry were particularly panicked, their eyes bursting with fear and shock. They had taken the first attack by the Burning One on the giant ape as a coincidence, but they could now clearly see that things were not so simple.

  “Damn it! What’s wrong with the Consecrated? Why is it fighting with the Burning One?”

  “It’s not the Consecrated! The Burning One was the first to attack!”

  “Ah! Watch out! They’re coming at us!”

  “Where’s Masil? The Behemoths are supposed to be used against the Tang, so why are they fighting each other!”

  The Burning One quickly got up and lunged, biting down on the giant ape’s right arm. The two Behemoths quickly began to battle against each other, and the Arab soldiers quickly paled and began to retreat. Their disciplined formations instantly collapsed.

  But the Behemoths were only beginning to fight.


  The sky dimmed as an enormous foot stomped down. Several hundred pale-faced Arab cavalry failed to dodge in time and were crushed into pulp.

  “Bastard! Masil, what are you doing! Hurry and take control of your Behemoth!” A furious bellow resounded in the sky. Abu Muslim was in the middle of holding down Gao Xianzhi, preparing to use this chance to finally kill the Anxi War God. But at this very moment, the Consecrated, a vital part of his own force, had suddenly killed his own men. This was a mistake that was very difficult to forgive!

  But Abu Muslim was shortly after left stunned.

  “Lord Governor, hurry… hurry and help me! I can’t hold on much longer!” Masil’s voice rang out in his mind, in a state of complete panic.

  “What’s going on!”

  Abu Muslim was flabbergasted at these words. He had been entirely focused on fighting Gao Xianzhi, such that he had not paid much attention to what Masil was doing. He had never imagined that Masil would have been forced by someone else into this state.

  “What could be happening? Is Masil not the one controlling the Behemoth?”

  Abu Muslim was truly befuddled.

  “…It’s… it’s that Tang boy! He’s on the verge of taking control over the entire Behemoth Army! Lord Governor, hurry and help me deal with him!” Masil’s voice was fraught with concern and a deep despair.


  Abu Muslim’s body trembled in shock, not daring to believe his ears. He knew that the newly-arrived Tang commander was an incredible strategist and talented warrior, but he would have never imagined that he was able to contest with Masil in Psychic Energy as well, pushing the commander of the Behemoth Army to these desperate straits.

  Bzzz! Abu Muslim scanned the battlefield and quickly noticed Wang Chong standing on the Consecrated’s left shoulder.


  Just when Abu Muslim had turned his eyes to the ape, the giant stomped down on some Arab soldiers several zhang away. “Aaaaah!” The earth shook and screams filled the air as hundreds more Arab cavalry were crushed underfoot.

  And across from the giant ape, the fire lizard was beginning to move more slowly, and the flames it spat out were unstable and inaccurate, striking left of the ape, then right. This was definitely not normal for the Burning One.

  This was a sign that in the psychic domain, Masil was gradually being forced out of the Burning One by Wang Chong.

  Chapter 984 - The Eye of the Demon God!

  Chapter 984: The Eye of the Demon God!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong was on the verge of taking control of both the Burning One and the Consecrated!

  The stomping of the two Behemoths was inflicting serious casualties on the nearby Arab cavalry.

  “Damn it!”

  Abu Muslim’s thick brows revealed a tinge of fury. Bzzz! He lunged forward, casting aside Gao Xianzhi and flying toward Wang Chong on the left shoulder of the giant ape. Boom! The sky darkened as an enormous black fist covered in golden armor rumbled toward Wang Chong, stirring gales that caused space to twist and crack.

  This fist’s power was far above Saint Martial Tier 8, even above the strength of average Imperial Great Generals. But then, a sharp bolt of Stellar Energy swiftly pierced through Abu Muslim’s Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars fist.

  Although this attack was weaker than Abu Muslim’s, it had chosen exactly the right time and place to strike, hitting the fist energy at its weakest point. Abu Muslim’s attack immediately evaporated to this assault.

  “Abu Muslim, our battle isn’t over yet. Where are you going in such a rush?”

  In a flash of light, the armored figure of Gao Xianzhi appeared in front of Abu Muslim. Gao
Xianzhi’s face was so pale that it seemed devoid of blood, and his armor was in complete tatters, blood seeping out from the cracks. It was obvious that he had experienced an extremely grueling battle.

  But despite all this, Gao Xianzhi had a smile on his lips, maintaining a relaxed and graceful demeanor.

  “Gao Xianzhi! You are seeking death! You think that you can stop me in your state?”

  Abu Muslim’s face was a sheet of ice, and the fires of rage glimmered in his eyes.

  Gao Xianzhi had been fighting consecutive battles and was now at the limit of his strength. Abu Muslim had believed that Gao Xianzhi would be tactful and move aside. Unexpectedly, he had made the suicidal choice of continuing to fight with Abu Muslim.

  “A civil official does not grasp for wealth, and a general does not fear death. This is one’s duty, and if this Gao craved safety, he would never have marched all the way to this city of Talas. No matter how today turns out, this Gao will not retreat a single step. Lord Governor should use whatever supreme technique he has!”

  Gao Xianzhi grasped his sword in his right hand, with a smile on his face and determination in his eyes.

  Abu Muslim’s pupils constricted, and he looked over Gao Xianzhi as if he was knowing him for the first time.

  “Gao Xianzhi, I take back my previous words. You are truly an opponent worthy of respect!”

  A tinge of respect appeared in Abu Muslim’s eyes as he slowly straightened his body and took out what appeared to be an extremely old bronze gauntlet. This gauntlet’s surface was covered in ancient letters, as well as images of demons and angels, but the most striking image of them all was the enormous eye on its back.

  The Eye of the Demon God!

  This was the name of the bronze gauntlet.

  The world to the west of the Cong Mountains had experienced a completely different course of development compared to the Great Tang. An extremely powerful civilization had once existed there, and had left behind numerous ruins and formidable artifacts. Unlike in the Great Tang, these ancient artifacts all belonged to the highest ruler of the Arabian Empire, the Caliph.


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