The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 667

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Only after his murderous intent had greatly decreased did they finally release him. He was later placed under the Yarlung Royal Lineage’s Great General Namri Songtian. Even with Namri Songtian’s formidable Great General cultivation, he just barely managed to suppress Dama Trimo’s killing intent and demonic energy. Even so, it was rumored that Dama Trimo would occasionally fall into madness and kill his own men.

  For this reason, Namri Songtian would only send him out for extremely important wars.

  No one had expected that this demonic killing god suppressed by Great General Namri Songtian would be released, and it appeared like there was no one around to control him. Someone of his murderous nature was highly likely to end up killing everyone here.


  Dama Trimo coldly snorted as he swept his eyes over the crowd, already seeing the fear in their hearts.

  “Relax. The Holy Temple gifted me a Buddha knife to suppress my martial arts and murderous nature, so I won’t be attacking any of you.”

  Dama Trimo scornfully laughed and then patted his back. It was only then that everyone noticed that Dama Trimo was carrying a golden dagger on his back. A red ‘’ was carved onto the sheath, and from a distance, one could feel a pure Buddhist energy within the blade of this dagger.


  This Buddhist dagger with the brand of the Great Snow Mountain Holy Temple and the calm expression on Dama Trimo’s face made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Paying respects to General!”

  Everyone lowered their heads.

  Dama Trimo was a legendary figure of the outer temple, and he was far stronger than anyone else present. Only Great Generals were capable of suppressing him.

  “Hmph, let’s go. Talas has people I can kill. I have no interest in any of you!”

  With a cold laugh, Dama Trimo rode through the crowd.

  Behind him, Dayan Ersongrong, Darlag Nyetsai, and the other experts of the plateau’s ancient clans exchanged thoughtful glances. Afterward, the forty thousand elites from the tribes and clans of the plateau gathered together into a single flood that began to make its way toward Dalun Ruozan.


  Time slowly passed. To the north, past Ü-Tsang, in the distant city of Talas, Stellar Energy was raging through an elegant study, coiling around it like an enormous python and cramming into every nook and cranny. In the center of this frenzied stream of Stellar Energy were the dazzling images of the sun and moon.

  If one looked carefully, one would discover that a youth was seated cross-legged beneath the sun and moon. This figure was the center of this room. All the Stellar Energy circled around the room before eventually flowing into Wang Chong’s body.

  The Great Destruction Art!

  This was the final and strongest move of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art. There was a saying that went ‘One produced Two, Two produced Three, and Three produced all things’. In the martial arts of the Central Plains, the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art was ‘One’ and it was also the strongest technique in the world.

  Although the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art was inferior to the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art, it was also extremely powerful. For this reason, the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art represented ‘Two’. It could be seen through the Dao of Yin and Yang, the root of the heavens and earth, and the rising and falling of the sun and moon.

  When the Yinyang Energy of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art reached its extreme, one could use the Yinyang Art to cultivate the Great Destruction Art.

  This technique was the strongest technique of the evil path and was also the technique the Demonic Emperor Old Man used to dominate the world. Countless experts and old seniors of both the righteous and evil path had died to this technique. But this great power came with excruciating difficulty.

  If Wang Chong hadn’t absorbed the enormous Stellar Energy reserves of the King of Giants Ghareeb Hassam, bringing him to the peak Brigadier General level, he wouldn’t have had the ability to cultivate the Great Destruction Art. Even so, cultivating this technique was still extremely challenging.

  The Great Destruction Art had three minor levels. The first level was the Great Distortion Art, the third level was the Great Spacetime Art, and the third and complete level was the Great Destruction Art!

  Each level was more difficult to cultivate than the previous two supreme techniques Wang Chong had learned.


  After some time, the motionless images of the golden sun and red moon on Wang Chong’s shoulders began to slowly approach each other. Boom! Suddenly, the thick coils of Stellar Energy in the room shone golden and red, and began to fuse with each other. Space began to twist and blur as if some invisible hand was clenching and twisting it.

  If one looked from one side, one wouldn’t be able to see what was happening on the other. All objects seemed to lose their original appearance while the rumbling Stellar Energy seemed to feel even more dangerous than before.


  The first to be affected were the wooden floorboards of the room. They began to bend upward, with fibers peeling off them as they did so. Rumble! As the Stellar Energy surged past, the floorboards transformed into tens of thousands of wooden fibers that were swept up to spin around the room with the rest of the Stellar Energy flood.

  Crackcrackcrack! The porcelain cups in the room began to shatter, these fine and exquisite pieces exploding into white powder. This debris joined the wooden fibers in spinning furiously around the room.

  Following the porcelain were the wooden tables and shelves. They vanished in the blink of an eye, transformed into countless tiny pieces that joined the Stellar Energy pythons coiling around the room. At the very end, even the two simple beast-shaped incense burners fell to the pressure. Tiny cracks began to spread along their metal surfaces, and then they completely collapsed.

  The Lord of Talas was extremely rich, and his two incense burners had been exquisitely crafted by the best Arab smiths. Even those precious Arabian sabers and swords could only leave shallow marks on these incense burners, but Wang Chong’s Stellar Energy had caused these incense burners made of refined iron to explode into tiny metal grains.

  And it was still far from over. The pressure in the room was only increasing, as was the energy bursting from Wang Chong’s body. The golden sun and red moon intensified in color and brightness. Swoosh! A black spatial crack appeared in the distorted air above Wang Chong, followed by a second, a third…

  These thin black cracks were all mouths that opened into a dreadful abyss.


  Suddenly, a trace of inharmonious energy flitted through the room, like a lightning bolt in the middle of a storm. In that moment, all those expanding cracks vanished, and even that furious flood of Stellar Energy in the room dissipated into nothing.

  Bzzz! Without the support of the Stellar Energy, the wooden fibers, grains of metal, and porcelain powder dropped to the ground. Peace and serenity were restored to the room.

  “Haaa, what a pity. I was just a little off!”

  With a soft sigh, Wang Chong opened his eyes. As he glanced at the devastation around him, he quickly stood up.

  The Great Destruction Art was the strongest of the three techniques and also the most difficult to cultivate. Wang Chong had originally planned to cultivate the Great Distortion Art and then begin working on the Great Spacetime Art, but… he had failed. Yet Wang Chong had not come away empty-handed.

  Although he had failed, Wang Chong had received a great boost to both his physical energy and Psychic Energy. His Stellar Energy had also increased and become much fiercer.

  Wang Chong raised his head and said, “Someone, clean this room up.”

  “Yes, Milord!” A respectful voice came from outside.

  Wang Chong nodded and stepped over the debris to reach the door. Hwooo! Upon opening the door, he was immediately greeted by a cold blast of wind. Wang Chong narrowed his eyes as he felt a slight chill.

  The weather’s getting colder and colder, Wang Chong silently noted.

  Dark clouds had gathered above Talas and the air was frigid. According to the usual seasons of the Western Regions, there was still quite some time until snowfall, but Wang Chong could already feel the temperature dropping. There were many places in the city where stoves had been lit to drive away the cold.


  As Wang Chong was thinking, he was suddenly interrupted by the sounds of scuffle mixed with shouts in the Hu language.

  Chapter 1042 - The Mo Saber Unit Takes Form!

  Chapter 1042: The Mo Saber Unit Takes Form!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “What’s going on?”

  Wang Chong frowned as he glanced in the direction of the noise, at the same time calling over a soldier of the Anxi Protectorate army.

  “Milord, it is the people of the Qiluo Tribe. Several lambs froze to death last night, and the Qiluo people say that lambs freezing to death before winter is an inauspicious sign and they want to leave,” the Anxi Protectorate army soldier reported.

  The Anxi Protectorate army had spent many years in the Western Regions, and the majority knew a few Hu languages and understood the tribes of the Western Regions. When Wang Chong’s army arrived at Talas, he had entrusted the coordination of the Western Regions tribes to the Anxi Protectorate army.

  “Lambs froze to death?”

  Wang Chong’s brow creased.

  “We also found it rather strange. Lambs freezing to death isn’t too big of a concern, but the Qiluo people regard lambs very highly. They say that with the care of the mother, lambs would never freeze to death under normal circumstances. In the past, the lambs have always been able to survive, with only two or three occasionally freezing to death. But this year, snow hasn’t even fallen, yet ten-some lambs have already died. The Qiluo say that this is an ill omen.”

  The Anxi Protectorate army soldier lowered his head and bowed.

  Wang Chong’s brow creased even more tightly. A thought came to him, and those ideas in his mind became clearer and clearer. But Wang Chong said nothing.

  “How are you prepared to handle this matter?” Wang Chong said.

  This was a crucial period in the war preparations, and these tribes of the Western Regions were responsible for the resupplying of the Qixi Protectorate army and Anxi Protectorate army. This tribe could not be allowed to leave at this time. If the Qiluo Tribe were allowed to leave, the other tribes would also begin to demand to leave, which would have a massive effect on the two protectorate armies.

  “General Cheng has already brought Ferghanan Chief Banahan with him to resolve the matter. Banahan has a significant reputation in the Western Regions, so this matter should be settled soon,” the Anxi Protectorate army soldier said.

  Wang Chong gave a slight nod at these words, and his creased brows unfurled. It seemed like Gao Xianzhi had also realized the severity of this problem and had dispatched Cheng Qianli and Banahan to handle it. With these two important figures stepping forward, the problem of the Qiluo people would be quickly resolved.

  “Tell General Cheng that if this situation happens again, tell the tribes of the Western Regions that the Great Tang will pay compensation for any livestock that have frozen to death,” Wang Chong said.

  “Yes, Milord!”

  The Anxi soldier froze for a few moments, but he soon bowed and went off to deliver the message.

  The Anxi Protectorate army and the Qixi Protectorate army were currently administering their own armies, but in order to improve communication and coordination, they had stationed soldiers in each other’s camp to accept any assignments from the other side. This soldier of the Anxi Protectorate army standing outside Wang Chong’s door had been dispatched by Gao Xianzhi to Wang Chong’s side.

  After sending off the Anxi Protectorate army soldier, Wang Chong whistled over the White-hoofed Shadow and rode off toward the training ground in the western part of the city.

  Talas had three training grounds, which could hold two hundred thousand people in total. The first training ground was occupied by the Wushang Cavalry while the second training ground had been taken by Wang Chong to train the most unique kind of soldiers in all of Talas.

  Hwooooo! The cold winds howled around Wang Chong as he rode toward the second training ground, but before he had even arrived, he could sense an intense shaking. Unlike the rumbling of a cavalry charge, this was a shaking that came like the beating of waves, carrying a certain cadence. At the same time, it was also accompanied by shouting.



  These shouts were bursting with vigor and energy, all of them imbued with a fearless resolve that would never retreat.

  The Mo Saber Unit!

  Wang Chong faintly smiled as he urged his horse forward, and he soon arrived at the second training ground.

  This enormous training ground was paved with gray brick, its edges lined with wooden mannequins. On the training ground, nearly ten thousand elite soldiers had divided themselves into three human walls and were in the middle of bitter training. Each of them wielded a thick iron cudgel more than seven feet long, and each of them was repeating the same three simple actions: hack, slash, sweep.

  Although these actions were simple, the sensation of these ten thousand soldiers performing the same action in unison was truly intimidating to behold.



  All these soldiers’ faces were red, their backs caked with sweat. All their strength was put into repeating these simple actions.


  Upon seeing Wang Chong, the Gangke King, Xi Yuanqing, and Lou Shiyi went up to welcome him.

  “The Mo Saber Unit has already begun to take form. Milord, please inspect!”

  The three gazed at Wang Chong with eyes full of respect. The Mo Saber Unit had been Wang Chong’s idea and had received Gao Xianzhi’s firm support. Moreover, he had ordered the Anxi Protectorate army to fully cooperate with Wang Chong in this endeavor. Everyone had been influenced by these two Protector-Generals into putting all their focus and strength into this day-and-night training. However, only Wang Chong could evaluate their actual performance.

  Wang Chong said nothing as he slowly swept his eyes over the training ground, but even he had to admit that the training carried out by Xi Yuanqing, Lou Shiyi, and the Gangke King had surpassed his expectations. Of course, Xi Yuanqing and Lou Shiyi were both veteran generals of the Anxi Protectorate army who had participated in numerous battles. With the cooperation of these two, his Mo Saber Unit would be able to develop much faster than expected.

  But Wang Chong did not lightly open his mouth. Suddenly…


  Under the flabbergasted gazes of Xi Yuanqing, Lou Shiyi, and the Gangke King, Wang Chong turned around and unleashed an incredible pressure. The air rumbled as this almost tangible energy engulfed the training ground, impacting with the Mo Saber Unit.

  Waaaa! This abrupt assault left the group of Mo Saber soldiers training closest to Wang Chong in a state of turmoil.

  With Wang Chong’s current level of strength and his formidable Psychic Energy, he could produce a pressure that no ordinary soldier could endure. The entire Mo Saber Unit had their training disturbed, the turmoil traveling through their ranks like a chain of dominoes.

  But just when the Mo Saber Unit was about to collapse, the situation suddenly changed. Those ten thousand Mo Saber soldiers had originally been training individually, but under Wang Chong’s stimulation, they seemed to awaken. All their auras merged into a single whole, one that was as tough as steel and even more terrifying than Wang Chong’s pressure.

  A second later, this vast pressure collided with mountain-toppling momentum against Wang Chong’s pressure. The earth trembled for a moment while the air over the training ground exploded with a metallic clattering.


  Wang Chong’s White-ho
ofed Shadow let out a cry as it suddenly took several steps back.


  Xi Yuanqing, Lou Shiyi, and the Gangke King all urged their horses forward in shock.

  “I’m fine!”

  Wang Chong waved his right hand and stopped them before they could arrive. As he gazed at that steely wall of energy formed by the ten thousand Mo Saber soldiers, his eyes shone with a sharp light and a joyful smile appeared on his face.

  The strongest point of the Mo Saber soldiers was not their individual strength, but the fusion of their energies into a single defensive wall, both impregnable and fierce. They would be both a steel wall and a forest of sabers. The energies of ten thousand warriors fused into one could kill gods and demons. It was precisely this kind of invincible resolve that made them invincible when they charged on the battlefield.

  Behind him, Xi Yuanqing, Lou Shiyi, and the Gangke King also understood, and they looked upon the massive training ground with contemplative gazes.

  When Gao Xianzhi and Wang Chong had first issued this order, the three of them had not understood why they needed to create this unit, especially in a situation where they were lacking soldiers. But none of them had any doubts now. Even from Xi Yuanqing’s and Lou Shiyi’s perspectives, this aura was extremely shocking and symbolized a strength that could alter the tide of a battle.

  “Do you see it? In the future, train them by emphasizing their spirit, energy, and mind, as well as their strength. This is the essence of the Mo Saber Unit!” Wang Chong sternly said.

  “This general understands!” the three replied in unison.

  Wang Chong said no more and urged his horse into the ranks of the Mo Saber Unit to inspect them one by one.

  “Have your left hand grip one foot up the hilt while your right hand grips three feet up the hilt. This is the best way to display the power of the Mo Saber. In addition, when slashing, move your waist accordingly. Don’t just use your Stellar Energy. You also have to use your body’s physical strength.”

  “Yes, your subordinate understands!”

  “Your movements are wrong. When you raise the saber over your head, your arms can’t be too tense. Rather, you have to leave strength in reserve. You’re building up strength in this process, like a winding gear. If you pull too tight, you’ll place too much burden on your body and the attack will have mediocre power!”


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