The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 701

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  The combined power of the Ultimate Martial Army and Roaring Tiger Army was unimaginably lethal. Even though they were clearly outnumbered, they were actually the ones with the upper hand.


  A Death Army soldier charged over with shocking speed, but before he could even get close, a sword instantly stabbed through his knee. As he fell down on one knee, another sword stabbed through his chest and pinned his corpse to the ground.

  Thump! A foot stomped down on the Death Army soldier’s chest and pulled out the sword, then stepped over the corpse to continue onward.

  Whether it was a contest of speed, strength, agility, or defensive capability, the Death Army had completely lost. In terms of individual strength, the soldiers of the Ultimate Martial Army and Roaring Tiger Army were far above the Death Army.

  The seven halos shining on the bodies of the soldiers of these two armies hacked like giant axes through the battlefield, hewing open paths through the Blood Beast Army and Death Army.

  The Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army won victory after victory, pushing the Blood Beast Army and Death Army back step by step.

  Eight hundred, one thousand, fifteen hundred, two thousand… the losses suffered by Qutaybah’s two elite armies rapidly swelled, and the defense line the two armies had built using their advantage in numbers began to show signs of collapsing.

  Chapter 1102 - The Might of the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!

  Chapter 1102: The Might of the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  The moment the Blood Beast Army and the Death Army became mired in a bitter battle, in the distance, dust began to billow into the air. Beneath this cloud of dust was the gleaming golden light of countless golden-armored warriors riding out like a storm.

  Xu Keyi took only a single glance before grimacing and turning his head. “Lord Marquis, it’s the Revelation Army!”

  Although the army had been given a massive boost in power by the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner sent by the Sage Emperor, everyone was still frightened by the dreadful fighting power of the Revelation Army.

  “General Li, I must trouble you again!”

  Wang Chong turned to the black-armored guard behind him.

  The guard said nothing, only gave a slight nod.

  Boom! The black-armored guard took a single step forward, causing the entire world to quake around him.

  For the first time in this battle, the black-armored guard continued to stride forward, leaving the defense line and entering the intense battlefield.

  The moment he stepped out, the Divine Martial Army, Divine Prison Army, Dragon Stallion Army, Roaring Tiger Army, Ultimate Martial Army, and Xuanwu Army all felt a reaction from the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner. Their seven halos fused completely with the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner.

  Once he was completely outside the first defense line, the black-armored guard stopped and turned to glance at Anxi Protector-General Gao Xianzhi.

  “You should go as well!”

  Gao Xianzhi understood and gestured at the Iron Wall Army behind him.

  A moment later, the seventeen hundred soldiers of the Iron Wall Army marched out.

  Hwooo! The Nine Dragon Blood War Banner waved and an invisible energy immediately engulfed the Iron Wall Army.

  Clangclangclang! With a metallic clattering, the energies of the seventeen hundred Iron Wall Army soldiers began to swell.

  Six new and different war halos of various colors flowed out from the Iron Wall Army soldiers and swiftly wrapped around their feet.

  In the blink of an eye, all the Iron Wall Army soldiers gathered beneath the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, becoming one with the Divine Martial Army, Divine Prison Army, Roaring Tiger Army, Dragon Stallion Army, Ultimate Martial Army, and Xuanwu Army.

  If one looked down from the sky, one could see that these top-class armies of the Great Tang were all faintly linked together, all surrounding the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner in an awe-inspiring formation.


  Now that all seven armies had emerged from the steel defense line, light and shadow began to twist over their heads.

  A massive golden stele, more than ten meters tall, appeared in the sky. If one looked carefully, one could see five mysterious black carvings on this golden stele.

  These five words contained the power of ancient laws, and these five words were different from any extant language, seeming to come from a time before even the dawn of human history.

  Lights flashed beneath the massive golden stele, and suddenly, a massive dragon more than one hundred feet long howled out and began to circle around the stele, its contemptful eyes looking upon the vast sea of Arab cavalry.


  There was no sound in the air, and yet everyone in a range of tens of thousands of feet could hear the bellow of a dragon.

  This mighty sound stimulated primordial fear in the depths of everyone’s hearts.

  Neeigh! Without any warning, the Arabian warhorses reared up on their hindlegs in fright.

  “Bastards! What’s going on here?”

  The strangeness of their mounts startled the Arab cavalry and made them curse in Arabic.

  When a formation that used the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner as its center was activated, it would create a faint draconic aura that would intimidate all beasts and warhorses for tens of thousands of feet around it.

  Neeeigh! In their fright, countless warhorses began to jump around and slam into each other, immediately causing chaos and turmoil.

  The commander of the Revelation Army swiftly issued his order. “Everyone, hear my order! First eliminate the foes of the Blood Beast Army and Death Army, then shatter all the other infidels!”

  This Revelation Army commander was even taller than Li Siye and possessed a pair of astonishingly sharp eyes. In a flash, he had decided on his targets in the Tang army.

  Amongst these soldiers, there was no doubt that the Roaring Tiger Army and the Ultimate Martial Army were the strongest, and the Revelation Army’s strategy was fairly simple and crude.

  If they could destroy the strongest and best of their foes, they could immediately damage the morale of their foes. A greatly demoralized foe would crumble without even being attacked!

  This was the reasoning behind the Revelation Army’s strategy to attack the strong.

  Clangclangclang! The Revelation Army soldiers pulled out their greatswords and aimed them to the sky, creating a forest of golden swords.


  The golden greatswords were then leveled like spears at the Roaring Tiger Army and the Ultimate Martial Army.

  As the Revelation Army charged forward, all the other Arab soldiers sought to get out of its way. Meanwhile, the massive rumbling produced by the charging of the several thousand soldiers of the Revelation Army filled the world, drowning out even the sounds of fighting between the Ultimate Martial Army and Death Army. The only sound to be heard on the battlefield was the thundering of hooves.


  Even though the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army couldn’t see the Revelation Army, they could hear the thundering hooves and almost instinctively felt danger, their hearts chilling and their minds becoming vigilant.

  At the same time, beneath the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, the soldiers of the Xuanwu Army turned in shock toward that thick cloud of golden light, their eyes turning red.

  “It’s the Revelation Army!” a Xuanwu Army soldier hollered.

  Although they hadn’t known what this army was at first, when the battle was over, almost all the Xuanwu Army soldiers had come to know the name of their Arab foe.

  The eight thousand soldiers of the Xuanwu Army had been able to fight on equal level against the Beheader Army, but when the Revelation Army entered the field, they had immediately sustained severe losses.

  An army of eight thousand was rapidly cut down to two thousand. T
he battlefield at that time had been a sea of blood dotted with the corpses of the Xuanwu Army.

  Even though they had been able to suppress and even overcome the Beheader Army, the sharp swords of the five thousand Revelation Army soldiers had torn through them like they had been made of paper. For the first time, the soldiers of the Xuanwu Army had felt a deep helplessness and sorrow.

  “Everyone, on your guard! The Revelation Army!”

  The other armies noticed the strangeness of the Xuanwu Army and soon saw the Revelation Army approaching the battlefield like a golden thunderbolt.

  In the battle, the Xuanwu Army had performed just as well as the other armies, but the Revelation Army had pierced right through it. There was no question that it posed an enormous threat to the other armies.

  Clangclangclang! The unique golden armor of the Revelation Army clattered on their bodies, getting louder and louder as they got closer and closer, producing a sound like no other suit of armor.


  A roar echoed over the battlefield. The Revelation Army stood at the apex of Arabia as its most powerful army, and when it began to charge, it did so with the power of an avalanche. Any existence that was not on the same level would feel immense psychological pressure from its charge.

  An army that could completely crush the Xuanwu Army was not something ordinary soldiers could deal with.

  The several thousand Revelation Army soldiers shot out of the Arab army like a golden sunbeam and charged at the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army. Clang! The strongest two armies of the Great Tang side only had time to raise their swords and bring them to bear against the swords of the Revelation Army.

  Time seemed to slow down to a crawl as the symbolic golden greatswords of the Revelation Army smashed against the human wall of the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army, their weapons intersecting. Booooom! The impact of these weapons, each weighing dozens of jin, seemed to cause the entire world to shake and sway. The clash of these two swords was like mountains ramming into each other, two primordial beasts locking heads.

  Qutaybah, Abu Muslim, Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi, and even Dalun Ruozan and Duwu Sili were paying close attention to this intense battle.

  This one clash would undoubtedly decide the course of this battle.

  If the Revelation Army could successfully tear apart the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army, then it could rout the rest of the Tang army and bring Tang morale to its absolute nadir. Not only that, it could pierce through the Tang formation and lead the Blood Beast Army, Death Army, and other Arab armies to cut like a sharp knife through the Tang army and completely shatter it.

  Everything would be completely different.


  With this enormous sound, time returned to its normal speed.

  As countless people watched, several figures were flung into the air, but more soldiers were forced backward by the charge of the Revelation Army, their halos flickering and vibrating. Even with seven halos, the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army still found it very difficult to stop the charge of the Revelation Army.

  As one of the most powerful armies in the world, the Revelation Army had reached a level that ordinary people would find difficult to imagine. Despite being empowered by the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army still found it hard to reach the Revelation Army’s level.

  “Hold!” somebody roared in the middle of the chaos.

  Chapter 1103 - Revelation's Nightmare!

  Chapter 1103: Revelation’s Nightmare!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Thumpthumpthump! After being forced back seven to eight steps, the warriors of the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army stomped their feet down, cracking the ground as they rooted their bodies in the earth.


  There was another roar, and as the Revelation Army, Blood Beast Army, and Death Army charged, the soldiers of the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army rapidly formed up into a defensive formation.


  This sight instantly caused the Revelation Army soldiers to pale.

  The charging power of the Revelation Army was unrivalled. Anyone that could not stop its charge only had death to look forward to. But for the Roaring Tiger Army and the Ultimate Martial Army to have reassembled so quickly after being scattered, giving no opportunity for the Arabs to charge, was the first time the Revelation Army had ever seen such a thing.

  Not only that, even though the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army seemed to have been suppressed by this charge, only seven or eight of them had actually died. In the end, the result inconceivably ended up having more bark than bite.

  “Kill them!”

  In a flash, the Revelation Army reacted. No matter how strong these two Tang armies were, as long as they could not contend against the Revelation Army, they were still doomed. The Revelation Army would slaughter them eventually.

  The earth once more began to rumble.

  The Blood Beast Army, Death Army, and Revelation Army, Qutaybah’s three top-class armies, gathered together and charged at the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army.


  But no one noticed that behind the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army, the black-armored guard waved the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner once more, instantly causing clouds to roil and winds to blow.

  As thunderclouds gathered, red streams of light tinged with gold shot out from the golden stele, vanishing into the Tang armies. A moment later, the formation came to life.


  Before the Revelation Army could finish its charge, there was a massive rumbling and terrifying roar as a new army charged in from another angle.

  “Kill them!”

  “Avenge our brothers!”

  The two thousand Xuanwu Army soldiers, their eyes red, plunged into the Revelation Army, Death Army, and Blood Beast Army.

  At such a close distance, even the Revelation Army was caught off guard. A second later, all was chaos as the two armies fiercely clashed.

  But this was merely the beginning. The Xuanwu Army had no intention of getting caught in a protracted battle. After the fierce collision, the Xuanwu Army together with the Roaring Tiger Army and Ultimate Martial Army swiftly departed through the power of the formation. Boom! Another army smashed into the Revelation Army, but this one also immediately fell back.

  The Divine Martial Army, the Divine Prison Army, the Dragon Stallion Army, the Iron Wall Army… one army after another, powered by the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, fleetingly struck the Revelation Army before rolling away like a wheel so that another could take its place.

  Halos vibrated and the earth quaked. In the face of all these brief strikes, even the Revelation Army was thrown into a momentary disorder. It had no idea who it was facing or which army it should chase. At every moment, an army was turning away while another army was attacking them from the rear.

  Once, twice, thrice… as wave after wave of attack fell upon it, the Revelation Army was finding it difficult to keep up. In a few short moments, the Revelation Army had been battered around twenty-three times, and this renowned army could finally take no more. Its ranks in chaos, it began to retreat.

  At this time, all the soldiers of the Revelation Army had grimaces on their faces.

  “Now is the moment!”

  Wang Chong had been keeping a close eye on the battlefield, and when he saw this sight, he immediately issued an extremely lethal order for the Revelation Army.

  “Chuluohou, go!”

  Wang Chong turned to Chuluohou, who was standing more than two hundred feet away.

  Although Chuluohou was very unconvinced by Wang Chong’s abilities and his Tongluo people had their quarrels with him, Wang Chong was the supreme commander on this battlefield. At a crucial moment like this, even Chuluohou had to obey Wang Chong’s orders.

hou viciously glared at Wang Chong before immediately looking away and unsheathing his sword.

  “Everyone, follow me!”

  As he was speaking, his horse leapt forward, leading the several thousand Tongluo Cavalry in a thunderous charge.

  “Watch out; it’s the Tongluo!”

  The sight of the Tongluo charging out had a Death Army officer’s pupils constricting in surprise. They had already heard of this army’s name from Dalun Ruozan, and they also knew that these personal guards originating from Emperor Taizong’s era had a power that could not be disputed.

  Rumble! Arab soldiers rushed to change their direction and stop the Tongluo, but they were too late.

  In a few seconds, the several thousand Tongluo Cavalry in their bronze armor had cleaved a path through the Arab army and stabbed into the ranks of the Revelation Army.


  The moment the Tongluo Cavalry impacted with the Revelation Army, Wang Chong swung his arm down, gesturing to his left flank at the three-thousand-some soldiers of the Azure Martial Army, personally trained by Great Tang War God Su Zhengchen.

  With a roar, the Azure Martial Army charged out from the defense line with a momentum that could knock down mountains and reverse the seas.

  In the past, the Azure Martial Army had been one of the strongest armies under Su Zhengchen’s command. Even though there had not been enough time to train these soldiers to that unstoppable level that had all the empires on the borders quaking in fear, this army had around sixty to seventy percent of the original’s power.


  As the final army stepped onto the battlefield, the black-armored guard who stood on the battlefield like a god once more waved the war banner. Instantly, two shrouds of energy shot forth, one descending on the distant Tongluo Cavalry while the other fell on the Azure Martial Army.

  The Tongluo Cavalry, Azure Martial Army, and Ultimate Martial Army were all armies that had been first established in Tang Taizong’s era.


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