The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 714

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  The black-armored guard and the village chief stood in a distant stand-off with Qutaybah, their eyes solemn.

  The air was saturated with tension!

  “Hmph! One of you has internal injuries while the other is relying on the strength of a war banner. None of you have truly touched upon that realm. The two of you are simply no match for me!”

  Bang! The air resonated as Qutaybah stomped forward, his cape flapping in the wind and his eyes glowing with contempt.

  With one strike, Qutaybah had wounded the Wushang Village Chief and drawn out the black-armored guard, but this had not even been his full strength. Without the Demonic Emperor Old Man to stop him, there was no one left on the battlefield that could fight him for a prolonged period of time.


  The world quaked as Qutaybah suddenly took another step forward. His body swelled with vast golden light, making him appear like a god that had descended to the battlefield, inspiring dread and respect in all.

  All the cavalry, infantry, and generals were like ants before this vast storm of energy.

  Step by step, Qutaybah strode through the air, approaching the Great Tang’s Nine Dragon Blood War Banner like a storm, the air seeming like solid ground beneath his feet. As Qutaybah got closer and closer, the Wushang Village Chief, the black-armored guard, Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, Zhao Fengchen, Su Hanshan, and all the Tang soldiers felt a tremendous pressure.

  This was what it truly meant to be strong!

  This was the greatest threat to the Tang army!





  As they saw Qutaybah proceed with an unstoppable momentum, the silent Arab soldiers began to cheer like madmen, their cries rising to the heavens. The Arabs had always been known for their courage and conquests, but they had encountered a true opponent this time.

  All of them had initially believed that they had lost this war, little expecting after all the twists and turns that Arabia would emerge victorious, defeating these tenacious eastern foes.


  The paused Arab army began to charge behind their Arab War God, all of them yelling and waving their scimitars as they surged like a tsunami toward the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner.



  Now that Qutaybah had begun to move out, the momentary peace on the battlefield had come to an end and the fighting began once more. Boom! At the intersection of the two armies, soldiers were sent flying into the air and crashed back down to the ground.

  “General Li, be careful!”

  The Wushang Village Chief narrowed his eyes as he warily stared at Qutaybah.

  Qutaybah’s judgment of the Wushang Village Chief had been completely on the mark. The salt-eating practices of Wushang Village had caused all the villagers to suffer from an illness, and the Wushang Village Chief was no exception.

  On the night of the lunar eclipse, Wang Chong’s assistance had saved the village chief’s life, but this illness had still not been expelled. It would not normally show itself, but at crucial moments, in clashes between elites, it would immediately become a lethal element.

  Moreover, the Wushang Village Chief was already very old. In terms of strength and other aspects, he could no longer contend against Qutaybah, who was still in his prime.

  But this was not the time and place to worry about such things. The Wushang Village Chief immediately began to gather the Stellar Energy in his body, prepared at any moment to battle with Qutaybah. On the other side, the black-armored guard gripped the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner, solemnly waiting to do battle.

  Experts had extremely sharp intuition. The black-armored guard was no weakling, and he was at least stronger than Osman, but there was still a gap between him and top-class experts like the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Qutaybah. However, this gap was not as large as one imagined.

  “Kill them first!”

  While Qutaybah was still thousands of feet away, the black-armored guard suddenly waved the banner. The sky instantly dimmed as a vast energy shot forward, not at Qutaybah, but at the closer Aybak.

  At almost the same time, the Wushang Village Chief jabbed out with a finger. A milky-white bolt of energy streaked toward Huoshu Huicang like a comet.

  The two of them had exchanged no words, but they seemed to share a mutual understanding in their actions. Dalun Ruozan’s schemes had resulted in the Great Tang losing two Great Generals, so Aybak and Huoshu Huicang would continue to be significant variables on the battlefield. If the two of them wanted to deal with Qutaybah in peace, they first had to take care of Aybak and Huoshu Huicang.


  But a moment later, the ground exploded. The attacks of the black-armored guard and the Wushang Village Chief had landed in the dense ranks of the Arab cavalry, sending blood and flesh flying.

  Aybak and Huoshu Huicang had apparently predicted these attacks, and the pair had immediately begun to pull away from the Wushang Village Chief and the black-armored guard.

  “Hmph, a last-ditch struggle!” Aybak coldly jeered as he stared at the pair. The primary force in this war was not him or Huoshu Huicang, but Qutaybah. The two of them were just helpers.

  And the two of them could naturally tell what the Wushang Village Chief and the black-armored guard were thinking. Although they hadn’t shown it on their faces, they had already prepared themselves for any attack. Even though the Wushang Village Chief and the black-armored guard were both extremely powerful, it would be very difficult for them to kill Great Generals that were on their guard.

  “Tibetan, be careful! These two people might attack us!” Aybak shouted at Huoshu Huicang in Arabic, not caring if he understood.

  Nearby, Huoshu Huicang lowered his body and placed his right hand on his scimitar, his eyes brimming with wariness. Although the two didn’t share a language, there were some things that didn’t need an exchange of words to be understood.

  If the black-armored guard and the Wushang Village Chief hoped to find an opportunity to reverse the course of the battle on the two of them, then they hoped in vain.

  “There’s no need to worry. That black-armored guard can’t leave the formation!”

  Huoshu Huicang stared hard at the black-armored guard as he spoke.

  What had brought them success would also bring them defeat. The black-armored guard was powerful, but if he left the formation, the top-class Tang soldiers would be battered down by the attacks of the combined Arab and Tibetan army. The charges of the Revelation Army, Blood Beast Army, and Mamelukes would be certain to inflict gruesome casualties on the Tang.

  Reality bore out Huoshu Huicang’s conclusion. After sending out these probing assaults, the black-armored guard and Wushang Village Chief immediately stopped and placed their focus back on Qutaybah.

  They would kill Aybak and Huoshu Huicang if they had the opportunity, but Qutaybah was still the highest priority.


  Qutaybah had coldly watched this exchange, but he had shown no intention of interfering. After all, before supreme strength, these two were bound to be defeated.

  Chapter 1126 - The Stone of Destiny's Warning

  Chapter 1126: The Stone of Destiny’s Warning

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Qutaybah stepped forward, covering a hundred feet with every stride. As he passed the six-meter-tall golden bell, there was a slight ripple of emotion in his cold and emotionless eyes.

  Qutaybah was powerful and proud. His personality meant that he disdained using such schemes to imprison any of his opponents.

  But such thoughts remained in Qutaybah’s mind for only a brief moment before vanishing.

  In the end, the overall mission was far more important that the likes or dislikes of a single person. Qutaybah’s self-esteem was on the same level as his desire for victory.

  “No one is permi
tted to kill this man. I will take him back to Baghdad to personally dispose of him!”

  Qutaybah glanced at Dusong Mangpoje next to the golden bell, and then he flashed away, moving with his deceptive speed toward the front.

  On the ground, Dusong Mangpoje was frozen. Although he didn’t know Arabic, he could faintly guess at a few things from Qutaybah’s expression. Dusong Mangpoje simply gave a self-deprecating laugh and said no more.

  The Great Snow Mountain Holy Temple had only given him the method to activate the golden bell and put away the golden bell. He could do nothing else. From the moment the Demonic Emperor Old Man had been engulfed by the Sacred Bell, Dusong Mangpoje had actually been left with nothing to do.

  As Dusong Mangpoje was thinking to himself, Qutaybah and his strides of one hundred feet were rapidly approaching the front.


  God’s Might buzzed and droned in the air, and then suddenly, it unleashed a massive beam of golden Sword Qi that thundered toward the Nine Dragon Blood Formation.

  Unlike the first attack, this one was so heavy and firm that it did not seem like Sword Qi, but hundreds of thousands of mountains stacked upon each other, crushing down onto the soldiers.

  “Move out!”

  Both the Wushang Village Chief and the black-armored guard had long awaited this moment. With two explosions, the two of them rose up.

  Roooar! A massive dragon shot through the air and unleashed a flurry of attacks against Qutaybah.

  Meanwhile, the black-armored guard’s armor clattered as an enormous strength surged out from the Divine Martial Army, Divine Prison Army, Dragon Stallion Army, and other soldiers, gathering in his body.

  Booom! The earth quaked as if it was about to tear itself apart as a massive iron fist, pitch-black and as large as a mountain, rumbled toward Qutaybah’s golden sword.

  The strength in this punch was simply enormous, and the fingers that made up this fist contained the elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth respectively. The combined power of these two attacks managed to firmly block Qutaybah’s Sword Qi, and it even began to show signs of collapse.


  The Wushang Village Chief was energized by this sight. As long as the two of them worked together, they could still manage to block Qutaybah’s attacks, meaning there was still a chance of reversing the tides of this battle.

  “Hmph, not knowing your own strength!”

  Qutaybah stared down from high above with his cold eyes. Before the pair could break his first beam of Sword Qi, yet another massive beam of Sword Qi was slashing down at them.

  Boom! The immense shockwave immediately created a furious storm.

  Unlike the one from just moments ago, this attack from Qutaybah was not only heavier, but also more focused on the white-haired Wushang Village Chief, with sixty percent of its power aimed at him.

  Qutaybah’s extremely sharp gaze and the powerful fighting instinct that made him the Arab War God allowed him to instantly see the weaknesses in his foes.

  The black-armored guard was powerful and bursting with energy. Moreover, he was able to absorb energy from the top-class soldiers around him. It would be very difficult to swiftly dispatch him.

  But the Wushang Village Chief was different. He was more than ninety years old, his body afflicted by some disease, and he was already injured. If he were constantly attacked by his casual beams of Sword Qi, the injuries would build up until he was ultimately defeated.

  And with the Wushang Village Chief dead, the black-armored guard would naturally be no match for him.


  With no time to think, the Wushang Village Chief pushed the energy in his body to its very limits. More and more blue dragons were ‘summoned’ to madly attack Qutaybah.

  But it was far from over. Boom! A blazing sun appeared in the sky, instantly transforming into a massive beam of Sword Qi. Qutaybah’s third attack had come as swiftly as lightning.

  God’s Might!

  One of the special attributes of Qutaybah’s powerful weapon was that it sped up his attacks. He could fire off two destructive Sword Qis in a single moment, and he could continue to fire them off in an endless torrent, impossible to block.

  Qutaybah’s strength, paired with God’s Might, was almost unstoppable. Unless one was the Demonic Emperor Old Man, who had comprehended the origin of energy and had the Myriad Spirit Sea Art, and was thus capable of firing off just as many attacks as Qutaybah, it would be nigh impossible to stop him.


  The Arab War God’s attacks were getting heavier and heavier, fiercer and fiercer.

  Suddenly, there was a massive boom as a hundred-foot-long crimson Sword Qi shot out from the Nine Dragon Blood War Banner and slashed at Qutaybah.

  The bloody Sword Qi left a black spatial fissure in its wake. The laws of space that many martial artists could not understand were torn apart like pieces of paper by the black-armored guard’s attack.

  At this moment, everyone suddenly realized that a dark red sword had appeared in the guard’s hand.


  The black-armored guard’s crimson Sword Qi worked with the Wushang Village Chief’s ‘Dragons Without a Leader’ to battle with Qutaybah’s golden beams of Sword Qi. Their battle was extremely fierce and equal. Even someone of Qutaybah’s abilities was momentarily unable to suppress this pair.

  “These two bastards! They’re quite powerful!”

  Aybak and Huoshu Huicang widened their eyes in shock. Even though they outnumbered Qutaybah, for them to still be able to fight on par with him was still evidence of incredible strength. But it took only a few moments for Aybak and Huoshu Huicang to regain their composure.

  “To still struggle at this stage, how stubborn! Tibetan, go! Let’s kill him together!”

  Aybak’s eyes narrowed as they exploded with vast killing intent. Without the slightest hesitation, he charged forward.

  Clang! As he charged forward, a dark red halo infused with a mysterious aura erupted from his feet.

  At the same time, a dreadful and sinister wail resounded through the skies.

  The pharaoh appeared behind Aybak once more, a giant more than one hundred meters tall with a golden mask of many colors that fused with Aybak. Aybak punched at the crimson Sword Qi around the black-armored guard, his fist infused with a torrent of destructive energy.

  At almost the same time, Huoshu Huicang was replaced by the enormous golden Vairocana Buddha as he slashed his scimitar at the Wushang Village Chief’s pack of dragons.

  While Qutaybah used his immense strength to hold down the pair, Aybak and Huoshu Huicang assisted from the sides. This crucial battle immediately began to lean against the Wushang Village Chief and the black-armored guard.

  “Not good!”

  No one was more nervous at this moment than Gao Xianzhi.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man had been sealed under the golden bell, Wang Chong had been heavily injured, and the Wushang Village Chief and the black-armored guard were being assailed by Qutaybah, Aybak, and Huoshu Huicang.

  In just a few short moments, the battle had undergone a complete reversal, and during this entire process, Gao Xianzhi could only watch, his mind burning with concern.

  “Eight Ultimate Sunderings Art!”

  Eight massive pillars flew out to distribute themselves across the sky, this action immediately causing space to buckle and crack. Gao Xianzhi used this chance to shoot toward Qutaybah.

  The Wushang Village Chief and the black-armored guard alone would not be enough to stop Qutaybah, so Gao Xianzhi decided to make him the first priority.

  “Hmph, Gao Xianzhi, the decisive battle between us isn’t over, so where are you running off to?”

  An icy voice came from behind him, speaking a language that seemed very unfamiliar to the owner. Before Gao Xianzhi could get very far, a torrent of energy swept up from the ground to obstruct his path.

  “Abu Muslim!”

  Gao Xianzhi clenched his
fists at the appearance of this figure, his hands trembling.

  “Gao Xianzhi, I said before that we were the two people who started this battle, so before our battle is done, you’d better not think about helping anyone else!”

  Abu Muslim’s face was a sheet of ice and his entire body was brimming with energy. Even though Gao Xianzhi was only a short distance from the Wushang Village Chief and the black-armored guard, Abu Muslim’s presence was like an impassable wall that cleanly separated Gao Xianzhi from them.


  Gao Xianzhi’s eyes went red, but after taking in a deep breath, he was able to calm himself. Yet the killing intent in his eyes was only inflamed.

  “Since that’s the case, I’ll fulfill your wish!”

  Boom! Gao Xianzhi began to rain down attacks on Abu Muslim as if he had gone mad.

  Gao Xianzhi had always been known for his cool mind and wisdom, and he rarely fell prey to his emotions and fell into a maddened frenzy. But when he saw his officers and soldiers being felled, he couldn’t help but lose control.


  A moment later, Gao Xianzhi lunged like a tiger at Abu Muslim, his attacks so vicious and overbearing that even Abu Muslim was caught off guard in his alarm.

  “Warning! User is on the verge of failure!”

  “Warning! User is on the verge of failure!”

  “Warning! User is on the verge of failure!”

  “Warning! If Talas is lost, user will be obliterated!”

  Chapter 1127 - Reborn in Blood!

  Chapter 1127: Reborn in Blood!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  At this moment, on the other side of the battlefield, Wang Chong lay on the ground amidst piles of corpses, his body covered in wounds, while the Stone of Destiny’s icy voice of warning relayed a constant stream of messages through his mind.

  After what seemed like both a mere instant and like countless years, Wang Chong finally awakened. His senses returned to his body, the thick stench of blood filling his nose and the galloping of hooves resounding in his ears.


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