The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 913

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  Wang Chong’s mind was suddenly resounding with screams.

  Supreme Art, Blazing Sun!

  This was Wang Chong imitating the extremely torrid and bright energy of the sun. It was the complete opposite and bane of this unknown creature’s cold and sinister energy.

  With the assistance of the blazing sun, he was finally able to halt the assault of that strange Psychic Energy.

  “It’s useless! Even if you have the power of the sun, you still cannot stop me!” The unknown creature’s supremely savage voice resounded in Wang Chong’s mind. Now that it was free from the constraints of the fleshly body, the monster was completely unleashed.

  “Isn’t it just the power of the sun? I can do it as well! You have no secrets before me!”

  At the edge of Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy, there was another boom, and as Wang Chong looked on in shock, yet another light burst onto the scene. Wang Chong’s supreme skill, the Blazing Sun, had been used again.

  This time, the one who had used this skill was not Wang Chong, but that mysterious creature.

  In a flash, a massive blazing sun had appeared. The corona, the solar prominences, and even the sunspots were all there. It was exactly the same as the sun produced by Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy.

  Wang Chong felt his heart sink.

  This terrifying creature had used its immense Psychic Energy to draw him into a Psychic World it had created. This had not only allowed the creature to leave a mental brand on his mind, but it also allowed it to obtain some of his memories and secrets.

  Unless one obtained the secrets regarding the sun from his mind, they would never be able to use Blazing Sun.

  This was because the beings of this world knew nothing of the sun.

  Wang Chong felt like this was the most difficult opponent he had ever faced in his life. His powerful moves seemed to have little effect against it.

  “Let me see just how formidable you are!”

  As he saw that blazing sun rising out the darkness, Wang Chong hardened his heart. This unknown creature’s actions had stimulated his sense of pride. He seized the initiative, taking control of his own Blazing Sun and driving it into the Blazing Sun produced by that mysterious being.

  Speed and time in the world of thought could not be measured the same way as they could in reality. However, even though that creature was much stronger than Wang Chong, it still could not dodge the Blazing Sun.


  Boooom! The heavens seemed to tear apart as those two equally massive suns, each radiating heat in the tens of thousands of degrees, collided in the mental world.

  It was impossible to describe the enormity of the impact. Even though that creature’s Psychic Energy was much more powerful and more abundant than Wang Chong’s, it was still badly shaken by the collision of these supreme arts.

  “Ant! You cannot defeat me! Not even the God-Devils of the ancient era could exterminate me, much less an insignificant human like you.”

  The mysterious creature’s voice resounded through Wang Chong’s mind.

  Chapter 1463 - Evil Is Rewarded with Evil!

  Chapter 1463: Evil Is Rewarded with Evil!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  As the monster loudly spoke, the two suns slammed into each other, the shockwaves from their impacts spreading out through the Psychic World shared between the two.

  Wang Chong’s battle with the mysterious creature reached a fever pitch of invasion and counter-invasion, possession and reverse possession, occupation and reoccupation…

  In this battle, both combatants used every method available to them. Although Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy was far inferior to his foe’s, Wang Chong was well aware that if he did not hold back these assaults, he really might end up being possessed by this monster, his mind imprisoned forever.

  “If you want to possess my body, you have to have the skill!”

  Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy frenziedly fought back, and though it was weaker, its attacks were far fiercer than the monster’s.

  The battle in the world of Psychic Energy was exceptionally fierce, and as it intensified, their memories inevitably began to mix.

  “Interesting—you have the memories of two people! Wait; these people are both you! You’ve actually lived two completely different lives, but how could that be?

  “Eh, hold on! You have another set of memories, but how…

  “This is the first time I’ve seen one human hiding so many secrets. I’d like to see just what else you’re hiding!”

  That unknown creature’s voice resounded through the world. When it had first imprisoned Wang Chong in the illusory world, it had only scraped the surface of Wang Chong’s memories, like his martial arts and battle experience.

  But now, it had begun to truly plumb Wang Chong’s depths and come across the truly important secrets.

  Every person possessed extremely powerful mental safeguards and would also self-select memories so that the darkest and most important memories were hidden in the deepest corners of their mind.

  These were secrets that it had known nothing about before.

  However, when it plumbed the depths of Wang Chong’s mind, even this monster that had lived for countless years was deeply shaken.

  This human’s secrets had surpassed its imagination. This human somehow had two, perhaps even three, different lives, which simply didn’t make sense.

  Even this monster had never seen anything like it.

  The monster immediately redoubled its assault, mountains of pressure squeezing in from all sides. Wang Chong was pushed back again and again, and seemed about to break.

  “Show everything to me!” that monster madly cried out.

  No creature in the world could stop it. There had been none in the past, and there would be none in the future. It could already see itself occupying Wang Chong’s body. It was utterly resolved to seize this human for itself.

  Deep down, it vaguely sensed that this mysterious human might even possess the secret to rebirth.

  But this monster had no idea that even though he was facing the great peril of possession, Wang Chong had remained calm. He was constantly fighting back, and his body in the cave showed no hint of panic.

  On the contrary, his tightly-closed eyes were pulsing with Stellar Energy and emanated a strange light.

  If one of Wang Chong’s close subordinates like Xu Keyi had been present, they would have immediately recognized from these pulses of energy that Wang Chong was immersed in the world of energy.


  As that monster was bursting with pride, a voice resounded in its mind.

  “This battle is far from over! Don’t celebrate just yet!”

  That voice had barely spoken when the monster’s brash calls and endless Psychic Energy attacks came to a sudden halt.

  “H-how?! How did you know?!”

  For the first time, there was panic in the monster’s voice.

  “Everything has its weakness. This is probably your core!”

  In the massive cavern, Wang Chong had extended his right hand, and he gripped a black pearl between his index and middle fingers. That two-meter-tall otter monster had been cut open by a sword.

  Hwaaa! The two halves of the deceased monster’s body fell to the sides with a thump, sending up a cloud of dust.

  The bones piled up on the ground nearby were tossed into the air.

  As the monster’s corpse fell, one could clearly see a pearl-sized cavity near its neck.

  “No living being can suffer a fatal attack and still maintain their mind even after the body has died. If my guess is right, you rely on this core to survive!”

  “Don’t speak nonsense! This is just your own speculation! If you destroy that pearl, I will possess your body all the same.”

  “Is that so?”

  Wang Chong sneered and lightly flicked at the pearl. As he did so, he partitioned
off some of his Psychic Energy and hurled it at the pearl.


  Suddenly, a wretched scream rang out as the monster’s mind began to writhe.

  Even though it had firmly held the advantage in the earlier part of this Psychic Energy battle, it had apparently just suffered a heavy blow.

  Wang Chong could even sense that the Psychic Energy that it had sent into every part of his mind was now twitching and trembling in extreme pain.

  None of Wang Chong’s other attacks, not even his supreme Psychic Energy art, had been able to even shake this monster. Just a light flick of the finger had accomplished more than hundreds or thousands of Psychic Energy attacks.

  Wang Chong instantly knew that his conclusion had been correct.

  Seeing an opponent’s flaw through the world of energy was something the Demonic Emperor Old Man had taught him, and this had certainly not been the first time Wang Chong had applied this lesson. Thus, when he saw that the monster’s corpse was still pulsing with energy, he knew that the monster had a weakness.

  This monster had far more Psychic Energy than any martial artist could suspect. Not even Wang Chong was any match for it. But its core was not so formidable.

  “I’d like to see now how you try to occupy my body!”

  Wang Chong coldly laughed and once more used a finger to flick the core.


  Wang Chong immediately heard a bestial yowl in his mind. That Psychic Energy that had completely engulfed his mind was now in complete turmoil. Wang Chong didn’t even need to do anything special to sense that the creature’s Psychic Energy was rapidly weakening at an accelerating rate.

  And this was not the only result his flick had produced.

  That monster had previously used its connection with Wang Chong through drawing him into the illusory world to create a mental bridge between their minds. As the monster’s Psychic Energy weakened, Wang Chong immediately sensed that some of the Psychic Energy still on the monster’s body split off into a most pure and fundamental Psychic Energy that surged into his mind.

  Upon encountering this energy, Wang Chong’s own Psychic Energy immediately began to absorb it and swell in power. In just a few moments, Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy had been restored to full power and was continuing to grow in strength.

  “What’s going on here?”

  This action left Wang Chong very surprised, but after some thought, he realized what was going on.

  “Hmph, this is called evil being rewarded with evil. You planted a seed in my mind before so that you could possess my body, but now, even if you want to escape, you can’t!”

  The monster had established a bridge between the two, planning to use this bridge to smoothly possess Wang Chong once its own body was destroyed. But now, Wang Chong could use the bridge against the monster.

  The two had been tied together with a rope.

  Now that the monster’s Psychic Energy was weakening, that scattering Psychic Energy was not vanishing into the void. Instead, it traveled along the Psychic Energy channel into Wang Chong’s mind, strengthening him.

  “How could this be, no, no… I was wrong. Release me! I won’t possess you! I’ll choose a different body and we won’t have anything more to do with each other…”

  Fear tinged the monster’s voice.

  “Too late! Accept your fate! At a time like this, you’re still thinking about possessing someone else?”

  Wang Chong sneered. The past was the past, and this was the present. With just two flicks of his finger, he had discovered the strengths and weaknesses of this creature. Now, it no longer had the ability to control its own fate.

  “Don’t get too cocky, ant! If nothing else, I’ll take you down with me!”

  The monster’s voice turned hoarse and raspy. Wang Chong’s words had instantly triggered its innate ruthlessness. Aroooo! A howl resounded through the Psychic World as the monster threw all its Psychic Energy at Wang Chong.


  But a moment later, another flick of the finger knocked against the monster’s core. This flick possessed even more strength and was also imbued with Psychic Energy. A snap could be heard as cracks began to appear on the surface of the pearl.

  “Aaah! How could this be? I don’t want this!”

  With another scream, that flood of Psychic Energy instantly scattered and broke apart. Even before it could collide with Wang Chong’s mind, it had unraveled into endless screaming.

  Wang Chong’s finger flick had heavily injured the core and also its mind. From the moment Wang Chong had found the monster’s core, this battle in which Wang Chong had been heavily outmatched had come to an end.

  The creature’s mind instantly collapsed, its boundless Psychic Energy returning to its most pure and fundamental form before flowing along the Psychic Energy bridge into Wang Chong’s mind. As it did so, ancient memories belonging to an inhuman creature began to appear in his mind.

  Chapter 1464 - Ancient Memories!

  Chapter 1464: Ancient Memories!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Raaaa! An endless roar echoed in Wang Chong’s ears, and he saw a dark and desolate land. Countless figures brimming with energy were engaged in fierce combat around ‘himself’.

  They all possessed a cultivation level far above the Great General level. These martial artists that were extreme rarities in the Great Tang were densely packed in this place. They roared as they battled, the lights of thousands of different kinds of martial arts colliding against each other with thunderous booms.

  Wang Chong couldn’t see very clearly, but he could make out that they were wearing high hats and broad belts, attire of an ancient era. Their auras were also extremely old and completely different from the auras of the present.

  Dark clouds covered the sky while fierce flames and plumes of smoke rose up across the battlefield. Tattered war banners, divided between black and yellow, waved in the air, and there were words written upon them that Wang Chong didn’t recognize, a script even older than Bird Seal Script.


  A warrior dressed in a wide-sleeved yellow robe aimed his sword to the heavens and loudly cried out, “For the Yellow Emperor!”


  Wang Chong’s body trembled as if he had been struck by a lightning bolt. He suddenly understood what was happening.

  “This is the Battle of Zhuluo1!”

  He had never imagined that he would ever ‘personally witness’ this most glorious, dazzling, and mythical battle from several thousand years ago in this fashion.

  It was said that this battle of the ancient era was a battle of ‘God-Devils’.

  Although it was known as the most important battle in the history of the civilization of the Central Plains, just like all the other lost civilizations, nothing remained of it except a few characters and some scant descriptions of that era and battle. The rest was lost to the vast torrent of history, buried in the dust of time.

  In some dynasties, there were even those who claimed that it was a myth with little basis.

  But through this mysterious creature’s eyes, Wang Chong was witnessing this important battle for himself.

  Yet just when Wang Chong was hoping to see a little more, his vision went dark and the scene vanished.

  Wang Chong was quickly presented with another scene. Countless warriors of the ancient era had seemingly become enchanted and were killing each other. Their eyes were unfocused and devoid of rationality. These formidable ancient warriors, one by one, fell around ‘him’.

  But in this entire battle, no one paid ‘him’ any attention. They all treated him as their comrade.

  It’s Psychic Energy control. It turned its appearance so that it seems like everyone’s ally! Wang Chong quietly said to himself.

  Wang Chong had already experienced that mysterious creature’s ability to transform into anything it pleased and use the abilities of those it transformed into. His Psychic Energy had be
en far greater than most, but he had still fallen prey to this move, much less others.

  As the battle continued, more and more people around ‘him’ died and fell around him. Wang Chong sensed a hint of excitement.

  The slaughter continued through countless fragmentary memories appearing in Wang Chong’s mind. And finally, a boundless darkness surged in.

  “This Nightmare Beast is too dangerous…”

  Wang Chong suddenly heard a voice. The language was clearly different from the Great Tang’s, but Wang Chong could ‘understand’ it.

  “So this monster was called a Nightmare Beast!”

  Wang Chong instantly understood. He now finally understood what this monster was, and he also understood why it possessed such powerful Psychic Energy. It did not create illusions, but dreams.

  “We have to kill it! Or else it will bring a disaster one day!”

  “Its Psychic Energy is too powerful. None of us can stop it. Moreover, this beast has no intelligence and has no means of controlling its own strength.”

  “Forget it. After all, it grew up together with His Majesty.”

  “The Nightmare Beast’s lifespan is far greater than a human’s. Even when His Majesty is still here, it is still able to create such disasters. Thousands of years from now, when His Majesty is no longer here, who will be able to stop it? That will be a calamity. Think of those soldiers that were killed. Your Majesty, please uphold justice for the slain soldiers!”

  “Your Majesty, please uphold justice for the slain soldiers!”

  “Your Majesty, please uphold justice for the slain soldiers! Kill the Nightmare Beast!”

  Agitated cries resounded through the skies.

  But these sounds quickly died away, and all fell silent. Wang Chong saw another scene in the Nightmare Beast’s memories. This was a simple and ancient palace, everything shrouded in shadows.

  Wang Chong saw an imposing figure in the palace wearing a yellow robe and the high crown of an Emperor. This person clearly possessed some status, but for some reason, he appeared rather sorrowful.

  “…I must do this. I hope that you can forgive me. This is the only way I can protect you. A day will come when you find someone similar to me. When that time comes, you can follow him like you follow me today. He is me!”


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