The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 971

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  Several birds took to the air. The mood was somber.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man, wearing his black robe, loomed over the earth like a furious lion. Ji Andu kneeled down in front of him, his complexion ashen.

  After several years, he had once more run into the most terrifying existence in his life.

  All was silent, neither of them saying a word.


  A resplendent carriage rolled up to Wang Chong’s side. He had been provided a clean set of clothes, rations for the road, and even a driver. Out of respect for Wang Chong, the martial artists had even prepared a bag of silver for him.

  After the events in the northwest, Wang Chong’s ability to call upon the martial arts world was even greater than Song Yuanyi’s.

  After all, Song Yuanyi could only call upon the members of the righteous path while Wang Chong could call upon the members of both paths.

  “Young Master Wang!”

  Just when Wang Chong was about to board the carriage, he heard a rush of footsteps behind him.

  “Young Master Qingyang?” Turning his head, Wang Chong saw that it was Young Master Qingyang and Sword Dragon.

  The pair stopped several steps away. After exchanging a glance with Sword Dragon, Young Master Qingyang stepped forward and said, “Young Master Wang, Sword Dragon and I thought it over. Without Young Master Wang, the two of us would have died beneath the earth, and Young Master even cured this one’s infirmities, fulfilling my long-cherished desire to learn martial arts.

  “…Moreover, after the events of the northwest, this one has decided that he has seen enough of the world, nor is there really any good place for me to go. If Young Master doesn’t mind, this one and Sword Dragon are willing to follow Young Master.”

  Wang Chong was taken aback by these words and shot another glance at Young Master Qingyang and Sword Dragon.

  Seeing how hesitant Wang Chong was, Young Master Qingyang added, “I have heard that Young Master has always been advocating having the Great Tang army proactively attack foreign foes like Arabia, Ü-Tsang, the Eastern and Western Turks, and Mengshe Zhao, replacing defense with offense, in order to protect the people of the Great Tang. This untalented one, as a Tang, is also willing to assist Young Master with this effort. Moreover, this one has already seen enough of the martial arts world. In the future, this one hopes to experience the battlegrounds of foreign lands.”

  Upon hearing this, the hesitant Wang Chong immediately smiled.

  “There’s no reason for Young Master to make up so many reasons. I agree! Come and join me!”

  Wang Chong extended a hand toward Young Master Qingyang.

  Young Master Qingyang possessed extraordinary abilities, and Wang Chong had wanted to recruit him upon their first meeting, but he had lacked a good opportunity. Once they were out, the sudden emergency at the capital had made Wang Chong dispel any such thoughts, but if Young Master Qingyang was offering, Wang Chong was happy to accept.

  Wang Chong had just worried that Young Master Qingyang did not sincerely want to follow him and was simply trying to repay his kindness. From the look of it, however, he had been overthinking things.

  If he didn’t agree now, Young Master Qingyang would probably get frantic and think up even more excuses.

  “Hahaha, wonderful! Sword Dragon, let’s go!”

  Young Master Qingyang waved behind him, and Sword Dragon happily chuckled as the pair entered Wang Chong’s carriage.


  With the crack of a whip, the carriage set off for the capital.


  The carriage traveled as quickly as possible, only stopping to take in supplies or rest.

  Wang Chong had a grave expression on his face the majority of the time, with the rest of the time spent treating Young Master Qingyang’s injuries and cleaning the motley Stellar Energies that had not been entirely absorbed yet.

  Young Master Qingyang truly possessed formidable talent. In this short while, he had completely solidified his foundation and had mastered various martial arts.

  Not only that, Young Master Qingyang had an unconventional way of thinking. He could discuss martial arts theory with Wang Chong and even inspire him.

  The carriage continued south, but as it was passing through Tong Pass, Wang Chong stopped the carriage.

  “Young Master Qingyang, the capital will be extremely dangerous, a vortex at the center of the Great Tang. But before this, I have an even more important matter that I need you to help me with.”

  Wang Chong looked across at Young Master Qingyang and solemnly took out a token.

  “Although the conflict between the militarists and Confucians is intensifying, what I’m most worried about is not the inside, but the outside. The Arabs remain ambitious, and the other countries also harbor ill intentions that make it difficult for me to rest easy. I need you to go to the triangular gap and accomplish an extremely important mission for me.”

  Chapter 1570 - The Current Situation of the Capital!

  Chapter 1570: The Current Situation of the Capital!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong passed a letter to Young Master Qingyang.

  Young Master Qingyang’s eyes narrowed upon glancing at it, his expression turning grave.

  “Understood. Leave this matter to me!”

  Wang Chong nodded. Supplies needed to move before the army, and for every matter, preparation led to success and lack of preparation led to failure.

  The triangular gap was in a complicated position, positioned between the Western Regions, the Western Turks, the Ü-Tsang Empire, Arabia, and the Qixi Protectorate controlled by the Confucian Sect. Although Wang Chong had dispatched Su Hanshan and Li Siye to oversee it, he had always felt the place to be too weak.

  More importantly, Young Master Qingyang was the best choice for completing the mission Wang Chong had assigned.

  Wang Chong also had another plan in mind. Su Hanshan and Li Siye were two of Wang Chong’s most important officers, but while the two of them had been Great Generals in their last lives, they hadn’t had enough time to mature in this life.

  But with Young Master Qingyang’s sharp intuition and vast knowledge of martial arts, he might be able to help Su Hanshan and Li Siye rise to a new level and reach the levels they had achieved in their past lives a little earlier.

  Perhaps even his other officers might also be able to benefit from Young Master Qingyang’s help.

  The Origin Immortal Lord had said that the calamity could come at any time. Wang Chong was far too busy with other matters to teach his subordinates martial arts. In this aspect, Young Master Qingyang could completely replace him.

  And once all this was done, Wang Chong had other plans for Young Master Qingyang.


  Young Master Qingyang and Sword Dragon soon took their leave, and the carriage continued to hastily make its way toward the capital.

  Around six or seven days later, Wang Chong’s carriage finally completed its journey and returned to the majestic capital of the Great Tang.


  In the distance, the crowds were thriving, an endless stream of carriages flowing in and out of the gates.

  After returning from a place as deserted as the northwest, Wang Chong couldn’t help but feel a little dazzled upon seeing the capital. But he still felt that there was something different, a sense of bleakness and solemnity.


  The shout from the carriage driver brought Wang Chong back to his senses, and the carriage soon mixed into the crowd entering the capital.


  At this time, the gate to the Wang Family Residence was wide open. Old Eagle, Zhang Que, Xu Keyi, Su Shixuan, and Cheng Sanyuan were waiting in front of it.

  “Xu Keyi, do you think the young master is really coming back?” Su Shixuan couldn’t help but ask. Ever since he had received the news, he had become so impatient that he
could hardly sit still. Wang Chong had been gone for a very long time, and all of them were worried about his condition. Moreover, without Wang Chong, the entire Wang Clan was in disarray.

  Now that they had received news of Wang Chong’s return, Su Shixuan could hardly contain himself.

  “There’s no mistake! Didn’t you all read Young Master’s letters?” Xu Keyi sternly replied. He could understand what all of them were feeling, and while he seemed composed, he was just as anxious as everyone else.

  “Milord, can your birds see how far His Highness is now?”

  Xu Keyi turned to the towering and unmoving figure of Old Eagle. After all, it had been Old Eagle who sent the initial message to Wang Chong.

  All the subordinates in the estate regarded Wang Chong’s return with utmost importance, and Old Eagle had even emerged from his seclusion. It was also only Old Eagle who knew the specifics of Wang Chong’s route and progress.

  “It’s not long now. He’ll be here soon.” The unperturbed Old Eagle gave a perfunctory answer.

  Everyone was only further vexed by his reply. This was how Old Eagle had answered several hours ago, and he was still saying the same thing after they had all waited such a long time.


  At this moment, a carriage rolled up and suddenly stopped in front of the residence. The carriage door opened, a foot emerging from within.

  “Your Highness!”

  “Your Highness!”

  “His Highness has finally returned!”

  Everyone quickly rushed up to welcome Wang Chong once they saw him coming out from the carriage.

  Even the unperturbed Old Eagle hastily strode over.

  “Your Highness, how are you doing?!”

  The subordinates crowded around Wang Chong with utmost concern. Wang Chong had been gone for just over a month, but it had felt like countless years to them all.

  “I’m fine now! Let’s wait until we get inside to talk about anything else!” Wang Chong indifferently said.

  After saying this, he immediately walked into the estate.

  After more than a month, Wang Chong had gained an even more composed and refined temperament. He had been tempered by his trials and become more mature.

  Wang Chong’s vomiting blood in his study had given all of them a fright, and over the last month, they had been constantly worried about his condition. Although they still wanted to ask more questions, hearing the words ‘I’m fine now’ relieved more than half their worries, and they immediately followed.

  Bang! Not long after they had gone inside, the gates to the Wang Family Residence closed.

  Seating himself behind the familiar desk on his sandalwood chair, Wang Chong looked across it at Xu Keyi and the others.

  After giving a brief summary of his journey, he turned his focus to the crowd.

  “Xu Keyi, Su Shixuan, what happened while I wasn’t in the capital?”

  Everyone grimaced at the question and the mood turned grim.

  Wang Chong had left at the height of the militarist-Confucian conflict, and without an opponent like Wang Chong for a month, how could nothing have happened in the capital?

  Everyone was quiet as an oppressive mood settled in.

  Su Shixuan and Xu Keyi worriedly glanced at each other. Although their young master had vomited blood because of his cultivation defect, it had not been entirely unrelated to the militarist-Confucian conflict. If not for his depression and the misinformed slander from the common people, Wang Chong’s injuries would not have worsened, compelling the Wushang Village Chief and the Demonic Emperor Old Man to take him to the northwest.

  Now that he had returned, everyone’s greatest concern was that Wang Chong would ask this question.

  But they had knives to their backs and their fronts. They had all known from Wang Chong’s letter that he would ask this question.

  “Your Highness!”

  Finally, Su Shixuan stepped forward.

  “Without Your Highness in the capital, storms have stirred both within and without the capital. The Confucians have already taken complete control of the court.”

  Su Shixuan’s very first words caused the mood to turn even heavier.

  But to everyone’s surprise, Wang Chong simply closed his eyes in thought, appearing much calmer than expected.

  The First Prince, Li Linfu, King Qi, and the Confucians were all working together, and they also had Master Zhu’s rallying cry. Even when Wang Chong had been there, the situation had been dire. Without him to lead the militarists, the Confucians had gone unopposed.

  The Confucian Sect had definitely not only taken control over the Imperial Court while Wang Chong was gone.

  After a pause, Su Shixuan began to explain all that had occurred in the capital while Wang Chong had been gone.

  With Wang Chong gone, everyone in Wang Chong’s faction had come under severe pressure. All the members still left in the Imperial Court, including the people of Deflecting Blade Manor, had been left unused and had not been assigned to any important posts.

  For some of the lowest-ranking officers, excuses were made to have them removed from their positions. Not only that, all those border officers who were pro-war were all placed on a list that was called the ‘recall list’.

  All the border officers on this list were transferred back to the capital, stripped of their military authority, assigned a civil post, and banished to various administrative posts across the empire.

  Besides this, Master Zhu’s prestige had resulted in the annual imperial examinations being held three months in advance, with Li Junxian’s supporters occupying the top three positions.

  Li Junxian’s authority in the Imperial Court was growing stronger and stronger. It was said that he was now at the level where he could discuss matters of state with Prime Minister Li Linfu as equals.

  “There’s also another important thing: the Master… Not long ago, Li Junxian and the First Prince made a fuss over a minor error and managed to squeeze him out of the Imperial Court.”

  Su Shixuan couldn’t help but sneak a glance at Wang Chong at this point, his voice slowing down and his expression turning cautious.

  The ‘Master’ of the Wang Clan naturally referred to Wang Chong’s big uncle, Wang Gen. Wang Gen was extremely fond of Wang Chong, even more than his own son. At the same time, Wang Gen held the highest status within the Imperial Court. His being pushed out of the court was a heavy blow for the clan.

  This meant that the renowned Wang Clan, a clan of ministers and generals, no longer had any right to speak within the court.

  Wang Chong had always held deep respect for his big uncle, and this was bound to be a major blow to him.

  As expected, Wang Chong’s body visibly trembled at the news and the mood in the study became even more oppressive.

  In the still and frozen air, no one said a word.

  Wang Chong sat on his chair, his mind in turmoil. He had long ago predicted the events in the capital, but his big uncle’s removal still left him extremely shocked. The situation in the capital was far more dire than he had imagined.

  After a long while, Wang Chong finally asked, “Speak! Besides this, what else has happened while I was in the northwest? Old Eagle didn’t mention a single thing about the Imperial Court in his letter, but this shouldn’t be all that has happened in the capital while I was gone!”

  Chapter 1571 - Secret Meeting!

  Chapter 1571: Secret Meeting!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The faces of Wang Chong’s subordinates went stiff. What they had feared had come to pass, as their lord’s eyes were as sharp as ever. They couldn’t hide anything from him.

  “Relax! I’ve already prepared myself,” Wang Chong calmly said. After all that he had experienced, he could accept even the worst news.

  “Your Highness…”

  Xu Keyi swallowed, lowered his head, and finally began to cautiously report another matter.

ile you were gone, Prime Minister Li Linfu managed to pass a proposal through the court completely disbanding the prefectural armies. By now, the prefectural armies are almost all dissolved.

  “In addition, with Li Junxian’s vigorous backing, a large number of Hu have been allowed into the capital and the other provinces, much more than previously allowed. There are fifty thousand in the capital alone.”

  “We’ve also discovered quite a few foreign spies within these Hu, but Li Junxian has completely suppressed this news,” Zhang Que added.


  Wang Chong’s body trembled in shock. Even though he had prepared himself to hear about how the Confucian Sect had seized the month he had been gone to magnify its victory and suppress the Bureau of Military Personnel, the news that the prefectural armies had been disbanded still left a nasty scowl on his face.

  The prefectural armies were the foundation of the country, a reserve of soldiers. Without the prefectural armies, a major incident would result in unimaginable consequences.

  “Li Junxian!”

  Wang Chong clenched his fists as this name passed through his mind.

  “Your Highness…”

  His subordinates worriedly looked across the desk at Wang Chong, but none of them dared to say a word. The mood became almost suffocating.

  After a seemingly interminable second, Wang Chong finally spoke.

  “I understand!”

  Wang Chong waved his hand and took in a deep breath. Although there was still some turmoil in his voice, he was not as agitated as everyone had expected.

  “We’ll take back everything we’ve lost one by one. Temporary setbacks are insignificant. I’ve come back so that I can correct all the errors and put them back on the right track,” Wang Chong sternly said.

  Whew! Wang Chong’s calm voice caused everyone to breathe a sigh of relief.

  Amidst their relief, they also felt excitement and anticipation.

  This was the first time they had encountered such a predicament, but just like in the southwest and at Talas, they all maintained an absolute conviction and trust in their young master.

  Around an hour later, the meeting was over and they left the study on Wang Chong’s orders. Once they were gone, Wang Chong turned to Old Eagle.


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