The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 993

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “Look; it’s the King of Foreign Lands!”

  The moment Wang Chong appeared, he was immediately noticed, and the crowd began to cheer.

  “The King of Foreign Lands!”

  “The King of Foreign Lands!”

  “The King of Foreign Lands!”

  Whether they were men, women, young, old, noble, or poor, they all cheered until they were red in the face.

  This young man had created a miracle on the northern steppe, his four hundred men defeating twelve thousand. Even though many of them had opposed Wang Chong in the militarist-Confucian conflict, all of them strongly supported him in this border incident.

  No one could lightly humiliate the Great Tang. Anyone who offended the Tang had to pay a price. Wang Chong was of one mind with the crowd and was a voice for their opinions.


  Cheng Sanyuan respectfully retreated to the side. At this moment, Wang Chong was the undisputed most dazzling existence in the world.

  Wang Chong nodded and slowly turned around. With the rolling of those heads, their eyes still wide open, and the blood gushing from their necks, the border incident had been brought to a grisly close.

  As the crowds thundered and cheered, Wang Chong only sighed.

  This operation had expended immense manpower and resources. What Wang Chong had wanted was for all the world to see that the Great Tang was still the same Great Tang, that no one could afford to recklessly offend this country and its people.


  At this moment, the woman suddenly dropped to her knees, her head touching the ground. As she prostrated herself, her body trembled and her eyes wept.

  “King of Foreign Lands, my utmost gratitude for allowing this lowly woman to hold the saber and take revenge for this massacre. This lowly woman will remember Your Highness’s kindness for the rest of her life!”

  Miss Duan’s face was covered in tears. As for the bloodstained saber, she had already cast it aside.

  Although Hulugan and Ashide had been executed, the dead could not be brought back to life. None of what she had lost could be brought back.

  Those heart-wrenching sobs made Wang Chong feel a stab of pain in his heart.

  Didn’t the general campaign on the borders against foreign countries precisely to protect the innocent people?

  As the Great Tang’s King of Foreign Lands, as one of the best generals of the Bureau of Military Personnel, he could not escape the blame for this incident.

  “Miss, please rise. Wang Chong cannot accept this bow!”

  Wang Chong hastily helped Miss Duan up.

  “This operation was not just for you. It was for the sake of all the people of the Great Tang.”

  Wang Chong turned to the vast crowd, his expression somber.

  It became so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. All the people looked toward Wang Chong with gleaming eyes.

  In corners where no one could see, Hu wearing thick, face-concealing robes were stricken with fear.

  The thought of a raid on the execution ground had passed through their minds, but when they saw Wang Chong in the crowd, they had relented.

  At this moment, all the Hu understood that the youth on the stage was the most terrifying existence they had ever known.

  None of them could predict what kind of grievous consequence an attack on the execution ground would incite.


  At this moment, the white-clothed Li Junxian was in a daze. He was not focused on Wang Chong, but on the widowed Miss Duan prostrated before him and the bloodstained saber she had cast aside.

  “How could it be her?”

  He had believed that it was one of Wang Chong’s subordinates who had beheaded Ashide and Hulugan, but now, he realized that the executioner was the widow from the massacred village.

  “How could this be?”

  No one except those of the Confucian Sect had noticed the dumbstruck expression on Li Junxian’s face.

  If Wang Chong had killed those two, Li Junxian would have been able to make a case to court, but if it was Miss Duan… not even he could pursue the matter.

  On the stage, Wang Chong continued to speak.

  “…In this operation, we have given all the foreign countries a message: those who offend the Tang will! Be! Punished! No matter how far!”

  Wang Chong’s expression was cold, and his every word caused the minds of the people to tremble.


  Suddenly, the crowd exploded with thunderous cheers.

  Whether they were nobles, generals, or ordinary folk, they had heard their sincere beliefs arise from Wang Chong’s mouth.

  Because this was the Great Tang!

  All the Confucian Sect experts were dazzled, and they felt a bitterness in their hearts.

  What defeated them was not all of Wang Chong’s tricks and the execution of Hulugan and Ashide, but the joyful and sincere cheers of the crowd.

  Not too long ago, who could have imagined that the ones the crowd were cheering and supporting would be the Confucian Sect’s sworn enemy?

  Li Junxian also had a nasty scowl.


  At this moment, he sensed something odd and looked up to see that Wang Chong was looking at him.

  Their eyes met, and neither said a word.

  “Wang Chong, don’t get too complacent! You won this round, but this is far from over. I will never let you destroy this world peace that I have worked so hard to bring about!”

  Li Junxian’s mental wave passed through the crowd and resounded in Wang Chong’s mind.

  “Hmph, you still don’t understand? At this stage, you’re still clinging to your ideals? Just think of those four hundred souls massacred on the border! Is that the Harmonious World you sought?” Wang Chong coldly replied with his Psychic Energy. He would never back down to Li Junxian and his Confucian Sect.

  “It’s precisely because of such things that the Harmonious World must be realized! I will let no one ruin our plans—not even you, King of Foreign Lands!”

  Li Junxian’s pupils constricted, his face turning into a sheet of ice.

  “So, you want even more of these tragedies to occur? Can you not see even now the ambitious hearts of these countries?! Wolves are wolves, and they cannot change their nature. Trying to use benevolence to reason with those who worship strength is truly the peak of idiocy!” Wang Chong angrily retorted.

  It was said that pedant scholars would harm the country, but someone like this, whose eyes could not be opened to the real world even by four hundred lost lives, was truly an idiot down to their bones.

  “Ha, I won’t give up. In order to realize a great goal, prices must be paid. As long as we can realize the Harmonious World and bring peace and good fortune to even more people of the Great Tang, I would even sacrifice myself and all of the Confucian Sect!” Li Junxian coldly replied.

  The road before them was never going to be smooth. The Confucian Sect had come to understand this long ago. Wang Chong’s appearance and this defeat had only strengthened his convictions and the vision of his goal.


  Wang Chong’s eyes went cold, as did his demeanor.

  “There’s a limit to everything! Since this is the case, then let the Confucian Sect be destroyed!”

  Time seemed to stop. The cheering crowd had failed to notice the clash between Wang Chong and Li Junxian. This was the last compromise the two would ever make. Starting from this point, the two of them would no longer show mercy.

  Of these two, only one could stand in the Great Tang.

  Amidst the thunderous cheers of the crowd, Li Junxian silently led his Confucian Sect experts away.

  As Wang Chong watched Li Junxian leave, he faintly smiled.

  This was not their first clash, nor would it be the last. But as long as he was here, the Confucian Sect would never succeed.

  “Let’s go!”

  Wang Chong turned and left with Cheng Sanyuan and his men.

  Behind them, the che
ers went on and on.

  This was a day of celebration for the people of the capital. On the streets, in the tea houses, amongst the common people, nobles, generals, and ministers… the entire capital was rejoicing.

  More importantly, the people of the world had seen the value of the Bureau of Military Personnel. No one else could have accomplished this!

  “Wonderful! Wang Chong, I truly had you right!”

  Flapflap! The news in the capital was spread out on the backs of numerous birds. Gao Xianzhi within the Anxi Protectorate, Big Dipper Great General Geshu Han on the western border, An Sishun in Beiting, and the other Great Generals and Protector-Generals all smiled upon receiving the news.

  The militarists had been on the back foot for so long, suppressed and beaten on every front. But this time, the militarists had won a round fair and square. They had also shown to all the people of the empire that they had the will and resolve to protect this land.

  “Come! Gather all the generals! We’re all going to have a drink! A toast to the kid!”

  Within Big Dipper City, Geshu Han heartily laughed. He tore the seal off a wine jar and began to madly guzzle it down, and one of his deputies hastily attempted to stop him.

  “Milord, your injuries!”

  “Haha, enjoy all the pleasures which life affords! Didn’t the kid say something like that? If you run into something that makes you happy, you naturally have to celebrate! As for my injuries, they’re fine! No need to worry!”

  Geshu Han laughed.

  On this day, Big Dipper City was brightly lit and abounding with laughter.

  Chapter 1609 - Hunting with the Khagan on Mount Sanmi!

  Chapter 1609: Hunting with the Khagan on Mount Sanmi!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  On the day of the execution, the news of the events that had transpired within the capital—and the words Wang Chong had spoken to the crowd—sprouted wings and flew to the countries bordering the Great Tang, traveling as far as Arabia and Charax Spasinu. And to Wang Chong’s final words, these countries all fell silent.

  Wang Chong’s words were nothing more than a brazen threat to these countries, but none of them dared to retort.

  Arrogance needed a basis, and there was no doubt that the King of Foreign Lands had this basis. Whether it was Mengshe Zhao, Ü-Tsang, the Western Turks, or the Arabian Empire, they had all been defeated by him.

  Did a defeated general dare to speak up courageously?

  “The Confucian Sect lost this round, as did all the countries around the Great Tang. With the King of Foreign Lands there, it will not be very easy for us to destroy the Great Tang. The Western Turks have lost all face, as one of their generals has been executed in the capital of an enemy country. We will have to see how Ishbara Khagan responds.”

  In the incense-laden palace of Ü-Tsang’s royal capital, Dalon Trinling folded up the letter and put it in his sleeve, his eyes pensively turning toward the ceiling.

  The conflict within the Tang Empire had involved all countries, but it was ultimately a dispute between the Western Turks and the Great Tang. The other countries were very limited in what they could do, even if they wanted to intervene.

  “Hear my order. In the Tsenpo’s name, write a state letter to the Great Tang saying that Ü-Tsang is closely watching this matter and that we hope that the Great Tang can give all the other countries a proper explanation,” Dalon Trinling indifferently said.

  “Yes, Great Minister!”


  “Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!”

  Amongst all the countries, no one was more enraged than Ishbara Khagan of the Western Turks.

  The thunderous roars, like those of an enraged lion, resounded over the holy Mount Sanmi. The hundred-thousand-some Turkic elites around the mountain could only lower their heads in fear.

  “Absolutely ridiculous! The Tang Empire attacks the vanguard of my regular Western Turkic army as it pleases and even manages to snatch two officers from an army of more than ten thousand and take them back to their capital! Our Western Turkic Khaganate has become a joke to the other countries now!”

  Within his tent, Ishbara Khagan was furious, the veins on his arms bulging in rage.

  “Can the heavens no longer control the King of Foreign Lands? In the Tang Empire, is it the Son of Heaven or the King of Foreign Lands that is greater!? Is it the First Prince who is regent or Wang Chong? Write a letter for me with all these words! I demand an explanation from the Tang Empire! If I don’t get a good one, then the Great Tang can look forward to a war!”

  Ishbara Khagan slammed a fist down. A fierce gale broke out, obliterating the steel table, chairs, and the tent itself. A terrifying fissure was gouged out of the top of Mount Sanmi.


  “Bastard thing!”

  Within Taihe Palace, a grim mood reigned. All the officials trembled, not even daring to breathe too loudly. Seated on a raised platform, the First Prince was massaging his forehead with two fingers while his chest burned with rage.

  Ever since he had returned, Wang Chong had not wasted a moment of time, stirring up one problem after another. The Public Order Squad incident was hardly over and he was already causing another incident.

  What Li Ying found the most unbearable were the vexatious words in Ishbara Khagan’s letter.

  ‘In the Tang Empire, is the Son of Heaven greater or the King of Foreign Lands greater?!’ ‘Is it the First Prince who is regent or Wang Chong?’ Although Ishbara Khagan had said these words in anger, all of them struck at the First Prince’s pain points.

  He was first in line to the throne and the heir apparent of the Great Tang. He was even now the regent in place of the Sage Emperor, clearly beneath only one man in the empire, but he could not order around Wang Chong.

  Although Ishbara Khagan had spoken these words in rage, they reflected the First Prince’s thoughts. Moreover, Wang Chong’s operation had been completely his own idea, with nothing reported to the First Prince. Not even the authority of the heir apparent seemed to be able to restrain Wang Chong.


  The First Prince got angrier the more he thought about it. He snatched up the letter from the Western Turks and threw it down.

  “Give this letter of state to the King of Foreign Lands! His willful actions have put us on the verge of a war with the Western Turks! He started this problem, so let him handle it!”

  The First Prince gnashed his teeth, the veins bulging out of his forehead. His last words were bellowed with such force that they resounded throughout the Imperial Palace.

  A few moments later, a silk-robed eunuch conveyed the First Prince’s rage, Ishbara Khagan’s letter, and the news of the clouds of war developing on the border to Wang Chong.

  “Your Highness, this is no minor matter. Ishbara Khagan is furious. Our scouts report that after sending this letter threatening war, he has already begun to gather the tribes and ready them to attack our northern region. Once a war begins, countless lives will be lost!”

  In Wang Chong’s study, Bian Lingcheng bowed, worry in his eyes.

  The eunuch ordered to deliver the First Prince’s will to the Wang Family Residence had been one that he had bribed. The King of Foreign Lands had been stripped of his official post and King Song had not attended morning court in quite some time, so the Imperial Court was under the almost-total control of the Confucian Sect. Bian Lingcheng feared that Wang Chong did not understand the gravity of the situation, so he had come over to pay a visit.

  “All the officials in court are criticizing Your Highness and the First Prince is furious. If a war breaks out, the First Prince will put all the blame on Your Highness. You must take this matter seriously!” Bian Lingcheng worriedly said.

  Although he had his conflicts with Wang Chong, Wang Chong even threatening him with evidence of his crimes, Bian Lingcheng had both respect and fear for this king. After all, this was a man who had money, abilit
y, and power!

  And even Bian Lingcheng had to clap his hands upon seeing the result of the border incident. After all, he was a Tang as well!

  The mood in the study was grim. Cheng Sanyuan, Xu Keyi, and all the others looked concernedly at Wang Chong. It was obvious that if this matter were not handled well, the First Prince would use this chance to seize Wang Chong.

  “Heheh, relax!”

  Surprisingly, Wang Chong merely glanced at the letter from the Western Turkic Khaganate before carelessly tossing it aside.

  “I know what you’re thinking. Report to the First Prince that I have my plans for this matter. Leave everything to me!”

  Wang Chong faintly smiled, his composed expression a stark contrast with the nervous faces in the room.

  Everyone watched in confusion as Wang Chong took a brush from the writing rack, dabbed it with ink, unrolled a sheet of paper, and then wrote a few lines. He swept Stellar Energy over the paper to dry the ink, rolled the paper back up, and handed it to Old Eagle.

  “Send this letter to Ishbara Khagan of the Western Turkic Khaganate. Once he receives this letter, he will naturally know what to do.”

  Everyone glanced at each other in surprise. Wang Chong had written so quickly that by the time they had realized what was going on, Wang Chong had already rolled up the letter. No one knew what he had written.

  “Your Highness.”

  They all hesitated to speak, but Wang Chong merely smiled, offering no explanation.


  Wang Chong waved his hand, and Old Eagle swiftly left with the letter.

  A few moments later, a hawk began its long journey to Mount Sanmi.


  “What has the Great Tang said?”

  On the peak of Mount Sanmi, a dignified voice rang out from a newly-erected golden tent.

  “Khagan, the Great Tang’s Imperial Court is currently in great turmoil. First Prince Li Ying has already received our letter, and we have heard that the First Prince is furious. Once we begin a war with the Great Tang, the King of Foreign Lands will be roundly criticized. We have heard that the First Prince has long been dissatisfied with him, but he lacked a good excuse. In addition, the Great Tang has said that they will give us a reply soon,” a Western Turkic King within the tent reported.


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