The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1068

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  In the evening, Wang Chong’s residence was brightly lit. Wang Chong, Xu Keyi, Zhang Que, Cheng Sanyuan… everyone had gathered together, all of them nervous.

  On his throne, with his eyes half-closed, Wang Chong solemnly said, “Zhang Que, tell everyone about the information you’ve gathered!”

  “Yes, Your Highness!”

  Zhang Que bowed and quickly turned to face the others.

  “The situation right now is extremely bad. The First Prince has already used his power as regent to call back the Beiting army to the capital. While the Imperial Court claims that it’s only ten thousand, from what we’ve observed, Zhang Zheng is leading a force of at least thirty thousand, perhaps even in the range of forty thousand!

  “In addition, there are signs of movement from the Anxi Protectorate, Big Dipper City, and various border forts as well. All of these soldiers are marching toward the capital!”

  Everyone paled at these words.

  “How could they dare!? Everyone in the realm will know once all these soldiers begin moving!”

  Cheng Sanyuan’s face was pale and his fists were balled up as he agitatedly spoke.

  “An arrow loosed cannot be retrieved. Given how much things have progressed, they no longer fear anything. This garrison rotation is only the beginning. They only dare to mobilize this current amount of soldiers, but when the time is ripe, all their other forces on the border will mobilize without hesitation. And don’t forget, the First Prince even dared to kill Jade Consort Xiao! There’s no such thing as too low when it comes to him!” Zhang Que sternly said. As the leader of the spy team, he had a much greater understanding of the information that was being gathered. It was just that there was no need to speak in too much detail.

  “Garrison rotations can only happen if there are soldiers outside the capital to rotate with. But are there even soldiers at Gold Bull Mountain? Moreover, doesn’t moving soldiers require the approval of the Bureau of Military Personnel? His Highness still has his half of the Commander Tally, so how was the First Prince able to recall those soldiers?” Xu Keyi solemnly said.

  This garrison rotation had come very abruptly. More importantly, the First Prince had revealed his intense fighting intent through this decree. The entire capital would soon be choking in the flames of war.

  “This incident is extremely complicated. While it’s called a garrison rotation, there are no actual armies being rotated. After examining past cases, I discovered that Emperor Taizong frequently issued these decrees, with the primary goal being to have the border armies drill together with the Imperial Army. In this way, he could hone the Imperial Army while also inspecting the border armies.

  “In this way, he could avoid the sovereign in his palace being unaware of the situation on the border and also promote diligence in his armies.”

  Zhang Que frowned as he paused for a moment.

  “In Taizong’s era, this situation was extremely common, but now that the Great Tang is far stronger than its neighboring countries, it has become increasingly rare to rotate the garrisons. In the current reign, it was done once or twice before being completely abandoned.

  “As for what you said about the Bureau of Military Personnel, this would be true if all the soldiers were being mobilized, but as the decree only ordered ten thousand, the First Prince can do it on his own.”

  Though time had been short, Zhang Que had still done his best to gather as much information as possible.

  The hall quickly fell silent, everyone’s brows creasing in thought.

  “Where is Zhang Zheng’s army now?” Wang Chong suddenly asked.

  “From what we’ve gathered, even before the court’s decree arrived, Zhang Zheng had already led his forces out of the Beiting Protectorate headquarters,” Zhang Que replied automatically. “With his speed, he should be in the Yu Forest area. They will need five days at most to reach the capital.”


  Wang Chong opened his eyes and bolted up from his throne, striding over to the southeast corner of the hall.

  Whoosh! Wang Chong tore away a large sheet of cloth, and what was revealed beneath caused everyone to gasp.

  “This is a model of the Great Tang…”

  A few days ago, this object covered in a black sheet of cloth had appeared, but as Wang Chong had not brought it up, no one had asked him about it. Nor would anyone rashly remove the cloth.

  But no one had expected it to be a model of the Great Tang. More importantly, this model was already studded with red flags, and the positions of Anxi, Beiting, and Big Dipper had all been marked down.

  Even more little flags marked out the route between the Beiting Protectorate headquarters and the capital.

  All the important passes and checkpoints had been indicated by four-cornered flags.

  “His Highness predicted the First Prince’s plans and already prepared for them.”

  In their shock, they began to stand up like they were possessed and gather around Wang Chong.

  Chapter 1740 - Su Hanshan Moves Out!

  Chapter 1740: Su Hanshan Moves Out!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The model was extremely detailed, and it was probably the only model that incorporated all the prefectures and commanderies.

  This feat was only possible with extremely detailed surveillance. It was obvious that Wang Chong had been preparing for this ‘war’ far more than most of them had imagined.

  “Pass on my order! Tell Su Hanshan at the triangular gap that I’m leaving Zhang Zheng’s army to him!” Wang Chong coldly said.

  As his eyes flitted across the rolling mountain ranges on the model, he snatched up a flag and thrust it into an area eight-hundred-some li from the Beiting Protectorate headquarters.

  “There’s more than one road from the northern frontier to Gold Bull Mountain, but all of the roads must pass through here, Great Bear Pass! Tell Su Hanshan to get ready!”

  “Yes, Your Highness!” everyone replied in excited unison.

  “In addition, inform the great clans that, just like before, we need to borrow their strength!” Wang Chong sternly said.

  “Yes, Your Highness!”

  “Zhang Que, starting now, release all your scouts. I want twenty-four-hour surveillance on Zhang Zheng, the capital, the border, and all the surrounding countries. Inform me on the slightest sign of movement!”

  Wang Chong issued order after order, each one extremely clear and precise. These orders served to greatly calm everyone else.


  Wang Chong waved his hand, upon which Zhang Que, Xu Keyi, and the others swiftly departed.


  A few moments later, countless birds flew out of the King of Foreign Lands Residence.



  As these birds took off, within the Imperial Palace, gyrfalcons and eagles were also flying in and out of the Eastern Palace.

  The Eastern Palace was brightly lit and bustling at this late hour, brimming with a tense air.

  Kim U-Seok, with a sharp-eyed gyrfalcon on his shoulder, walked up to the First Prince and got down on one knee.

  “Your Highness, we just received word that the King of Foreign Lands Residence is showing signs of activity, exactly as expected. They’ve begun to send messages to the border.”

  A gentleman was willing to die for his friends, and in the Eastern Palace, he had received unprecedented favor and was able to fully display all his abilities. This was a treatment he had never received in Goguryeo.

  Kim U-Seok naturally did everything in his power to help the First Prince gather information, and the King of Foreign Lands Residence was naturally his top priority. The only person in all of the realm who might hinder the First Prince’s plans was that King of Foreign Lands.

  “It really was as you predicted!”

  The First Prince coldly chuckled from his throne as he turned to the Ghost King.

e one who makes the most calculations in the tent will defeat the one who makes fewer. With you here, this prince can accomplish anything.”

  Ever since the Ghost King had come to serve him, he had been able to predict almost every development, allowing the First Prince to successfully seize the soldiers and authority he desired. Everyone in the Eastern Palace now looked to the Ghost King for guidance.

  Hou Junji merely softly smiled at the First Prince’s words, little emotion on his face.

  “Your Highness, do not let your guard down until the final moment has passed,” Hou Junji nonchalantly said.

  The First Prince chuckled, clearly not taking Hou Junji’s warning too seriously.

  Meng Tu took a step forward and sternly said, “Your Highness, the King of Foreign Lands has made his move. Our most urgent task is to think of countermeasures so that Zhang Zheng’s Beiting Protectorate army can reach the capital safely. The Beiting Protectorate army is a veteran force possessing immense strength, and they’re all Hu and easy to control. If we have its assistance on the outside, together with Fumeng Lingcha, then even if there are some areas that refuse to submit, they won’t be able to build up much momentum. We cannot allow this army to be stopped.”

  The Eastern Palace fell quiet as everyone turned to Hou Junji.

  “Heh! Your Highness does not need to worry. I have already made arrangements!”

  Hou Junji smiled.

  “The closest source of troops that can intercept Zhang Zheng is the triangular gap. That’s the only place he can pull troops from!

  “But if the soldiers at the triangular gap appear in the Great Tang, Your Highness does not need to be worried in the slightest, and Zhang Zheng does not need to rush over to the capital. Zhu Tong’en, you’re familiar with the laws of the Great Tang. What is the penalty for privately raising an army?”

  “It is punished the same as fomenting a rebellion: execution!” Zhu Tong’en firmly declared.

  Everyone understood, smiles appearing on their lips.

  Yes, the fact that Wang Chong was training soldiers at the triangular gap had ceased to be a secret.

  But those soldiers were not in the Central Plains, so they did not fall under the laws of the Great Tang. Moreover, the Qixi forces, in conflict with the Ü-Tsang Empire, after suffering grievous losses in that area, had long ago withdrawn its garrisons from that region of the plateau.

  Wang Chong’s two steel fortresses and his garrisons there served as a perfect defense for the Great Tang against Ü-Tsang. This was why the Imperial Court had given its tacit approval.

  But that was then and this was now. If Wang Chong sent his army from the triangular gap to stop Zhang Zheng, the Eastern Palace had enough reason to arrest him.

  The First Prince had been so cautious, even taking over the Imperial Army and the border armies, precisely because Wang Chong existed. But if the hindrance of Wang Chong was no more, the First Prince would have nothing to fear, and no one in the Great Tang would be able to stop him!

  “Good! Ghost King, this prince was right to trust you! Kim U-Seok, starting from now, keep a twenty-four-hour watch on the triangular gap. Inform me as soon as Wang Chong moves his troops out. When the time comes, this prince will personally lead the Golden Guards to seize Wang Chong and his entire clan for the crime of rebellion!”

  The First Prince had a chilling gaze, streaked with killing intent.

  “This subordinate will deliver this order!”

  Countless gyrfalcons, rock eagles, and golden hawks took to the skies, flying toward the distant triangular gap. At the same time, countless soldiers began to gather at the triangular gap, an invisible killing intent beginning to engulf it.

  A crisis was imminent!



  As messenger birds flew here and there, on the ground, at the edge of the plateau, tens of thousands of cavalry stood in neat rows within the lush grass.

  At the very front of this army, Su Hanshan and Li Siye stood side by side, both looking into the distance.

  One could see far into the horizon from the lofty heights of the Tibetan Plateau, even the City of Steel and the Qixi Protectorate headquarters.

  The howling winds caused the plateau grass to somberly rustle.

  “Are they ready?” Su Hanshan suddenly said, his hair dancing in the wind.

  “Ready!” a voice resounded from the rear.

  “Very good!”

  Su Hanshan coldly chuckled as he crushed the letter in his hand.

  “His Highness sent a letter some time ago that once we leave the triangular gap and advance eastward, Hou Junji will use this chance. While the triangular gap is being watched, the moment we enter the Central Plains, he will accuse us of starting a rebellion and seize His Highness. There are probably already sentries stationed at the two roads from the triangular pass into the Great Tang.”

  “Milord, then why don’t we send men to remove the spies the First Prince has planted at those two roads?” one of the ballista officers asked.

  “There’s no need. It’s a temporary solution, but not a long-term one. They can watch out for us at other places besides the triangular gap. As long as we’re in the Great Tang, it doesn’t matter where they discover us,” Su Hanshan coldly said.


  As he was speaking, a messenger bird descended. A horseman received the bird, glanced at the letter it carried, and hurriedly rode up to the front.

  “Milord, we’ve received a report that suspicious people have been discovered on the road to the City of Steel!”


  All fell silent at the horseman’s report, but Su Hanshan remained indifferent. Wang Chong’s letter had explained everything, and Hou Junji’s actions were all within expectations.

  “Milord, what do we do now? If we can’t leave the triangular gap, how can we stop the Beiting Protectorate army’s march?”

  The officers all frowned in frustration, and all of them looked to Su Hanshan.

  They had never exchanged blows with the Beiting Protectorate army, but the soldiers of the triangular gap did not fear the strength of any protectorate army. However, none of that mattered if they couldn’t even march into the interior.

  The situation of the Great Tang was extremely tense, and border armies of the Great Tang were forbidden from entering the capital region. This would always be taken as a sign of rebellion.

  And it wasn’t just Zhang Zheng marching to the capital. If they couldn’t stop him, the entire capital would be transformed as the other protectorate armies followed.

  This would only increase the pressure on their liege.

  “I already have a plan! Zhang Long!” Su Hanshan suddenly said.

  “Your subordinate is here!”

  “I’ve written out all the orders on this paper! Do as I have instructed, and set out immediately. Remember, you must follow my instructions to the letter, or else you will be dealt with in accordance with military law!” Su Hanshan coldly ordered.

  “This subordinate will go!”


  Horses neighed as the army swiftly departed. But instead of heading toward the City of Steel or the Qixi Protectorate headquarters, it headed into the plateau.

  Flapflap! Messenger birds soared into the air, and while a murderous current surged beneath the Central Plains, numerous soldiers began to move.

  Time slowly passed, the sun setting and the stars rising. Far away in the capital, in the King of Foreign Lands Residence…

  The massive model was covered in little flags. Besides red flags, there were also white flags, the two entangled with each other like two tigers brawling.

  Wang Chong stood in front of this giant model, his mind in a trance. No one else knew what all these flags represented.

  Chapter 1741 - Tongluo Rebellion!

  Chapter 1741: Tongluo Rebellion!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Your Highness, we just received word that
Zhang Zheng’s Beiting Protectorate army has already reached Crouching Tiger Pass!”

  Cheng Sanyuan strode into the hall and got down on one knee.

  “But there is still no sign of Su Hanshan’s forces yet. Should we send another letter to the triangular gap to push him into action?”

  Upon hearing this request from Cheng Sanyuan, Wang Chong blinked and came back to his senses.

  “There’s no need!” Wang Chong said calmly, slowly moving his eyes off the giant model.

  “There’s no need to worry about Zhang Zheng. Let Su Hanshan do what he wants! He is more than capable of handling this matter.”

  As one of the last Great General talents of the apocalyptic era, Su Hanshan was far more capable than Zhang Zheng. And through the tempering of Talas and Khorasan, he had already begun to develop his edge.

  “Starting from now, you just need to keep a close eye on Big Dipper, Anxi, and the capital. In addition, have Zhang Que report to me on the Beiting Protectorate army’s position every six hours,” Wang Chong sternly said.

  “Yes, Your Highness!” Cheng Sanyuan sternly responded.


  As the two were speaking, a guard rushed into the hall.

  “Your Highness, we just received a letter from the palace. This information is of an extremely high level, and only Your Highness has the right to open the letter!”

  The guard got down on one knee and offered the letter with both hands. Cheng Sanyuan glanced at the mark of three large flames on the letter and grimaced.

  Information levels!

  Wang Chong had developed a system for ranking information. The higher the level, the more secretive and important the information was, and the fewer the people that could read the report. The three flames on the letter marked this letter as belonging to the highest level of information. In other words, this letter was written for Wang Chong’s eyes only. Not even Zhang Que had the right to read it.

  Cheng Sanyuan had served Wang Chong for a long time, but this was the first time he had seen a letter of this level.

  Wang Chong reached out with his hand, and the letter flew into it like an arrow.

  “It’s a letter from Yang Zhao!”


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