The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1108

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  (TN: Emperor Jing was the sixth emperor of the Han Dynasty and was Emperor Wu’s father.)

  “Academic Lu also said that Master Dong was an incredibly talented genius, probably one of the best leaders the Confucian Sect has ever had. Alas, despite his outstanding talent, he lacked the luck of the Secretariat Advisor, so he was never able to realize the dream of the Confucian Sect. He could not make Emperor Wu accept the concept of the Harmonious World!” Zhang Que said, bowing.

  Wang Chong said nothing, but his head was slightly raised as his mind turned.

  Lu Ting had been studying Bird Seal Script ever since the Confucian Sect had first appeared on the stage, and he had already made significant progress. He could now proficiently read texts written in Bird Seal Script and understand more than eighty percent of the meaning therein.

  But it was truly astonishing that an illustrious Confucian like Master Dong was actually a leader of the Confucian Sect.

  Wang Chong also understood what Lu Ting meant when he said that Master Dong lacked the Secretariat Advisor’s luck. In the early years of Emperor Wu of Han’s reign, the empire was still in a state where the foreigners were strong and the Central Plains was weak. Moreover, even after several generations, the humiliation of Baideng still burned in the minds of all the Han sovereigns.

  (TN: As a reminder, the Battle of Baideng was when the Xiongnu forces surrounded the first emperor of the Han Dynasty and his army, forcing the Imperial Court to bribe the Xiongnu leader’s wife so that he would let the emperor go.)

  All of the sovereigns wanted to actively expand their borders to wash away this humiliation. If Master Dong were to bring up the Harmonious World in this situation, he would clearly find very few people who agreed. After all, a single raid from the north would be enough to infuriate the people. Not even Master Dong could do much in the face of this momentum.

  But in this dynasty, the Great Tang Empire had become the strongest faction on the continent, and whether it was Goguryeo, the Eastern and Western Turkic Khaganates, Mengshe Zhao, or Ü-Tsang, they had all suffered major defeats at the hands of the Great Tang and quailed in fear of its strength.

  This became even more so after Wang Chong led his army to the west and pushed Arabia back from Talas all the way to Khorasan, causing the greatest empire of the west to lose one million soldiers and even have its capital of Baghdad threatened. After that, no one on the continent could defeat the Great Tang. This was the complete opposite of the situation in Master Dong’s time, with the Central Plains ascendant while the foreigners were weak.

  Only now did the Confucian Sect have the foundation on which to implement their Harmonious World.

  “Is there any other information on the Crown of Confucius?” Wang Chong suddenly said.


  Zhang Que shook his head.

  “There weren’t many records about the Crown of Confucius in the first place, and those besides the one regarding Master Dong are all damaged. But Academic Lu mentioned that if Li Junxian is relying on the Crown of Confucius, then this is no trifling matter, and Your Highness must be extremely careful.”

  After saying this, Zhang Que couldn’t help but look up at Wang Chong, his eyes tinged with concern. This was a match with the fate of the empire on the line. If Li Junxian really had the Crown of Confucius, the battle was very unfavorable toward his liege.

  “I understand. You’re dismissed.”

  Wang Chong waved his hand, and once Zhang Que had left, he began to think.

  It doesn’t matter whether you’ve obtained the Crown of Confucius or any inheritance of the Confucian path. I’m not yielding a single step this time.


  Time quickly passed, and it was now the day of the match. The entire capital was in a state of excitement—the major officials, the great clans, and even the common people were paying close attention to this grand occasion. Tens of thousands of people were converging on the capital, and some common people were even visiting the capital specifically to see this match.

  The militarist-Confucian conflict would decide the future course of the entire empire, and was inextricably linked to every person. Everyone who had heard the news immediately began to make their way over, no matter how great the distance was.

  For the sake of safety, only a small audience was allowed into the training ground, with the total spectators not exceeding five thousand. But it was not forbidden for commoners to watch from the outer edge. The distance was rather far, and the view wasn’t as clear. But even so, for the commoners, it was more than enough for them to personally witness this match.

  “I wonder who will win between the King of Foreign Lands and the Secretariat Advisor?”

  Several hundred meters away from the training ground, a young man in azure robes stood on his tiptoes, leaning on the metal railing recently set up by the Golden Guards, and observed the training ground from the distance.

  There were still more than two hours until the match began, but a sea of people already surrounded the training ground. Behind that young man was a packed crowd consisting of peddlers, women, elders, martial artists, warriors, soldiers, and even many Hu. All of them had expectant expressions as they tried to predict the final result.

  “Is that something you even need to think about? It has to be the King of Foreign Lands! The King of Foreign Lands possesses transcendent martial arts, having pacified the southwest, conquered Talas, and stopped that coup. He’s a hero of our Great Tang. How could Li Junxian possibly be a match for him?!”

  “Nonsense! And what does it matter if he wins? It’s still just brute strength! Moreover, the Secretariat Advisor is different from your average Confucian scholar. If he didn’t possess formidable martial arts, how could he have possibly traveled deep into foreign lands to persuade those barbarians? I think that the one who will win in the end is the Secretariat Advisor. If he wasn’t completely sure of his victory, how could he have possibly agreed?!”

  “That’s right! Don’t forget that the six arts of the gentleman include archery and martial arts, and the Sage Confucius himself used a sword. Moreover, among his seventy-two disciples, several of them were incredible martial artists. The King of Foreign Lands is by no means guaranteed a win!”

  “Hmph, this bunch of rotten Confucians are all the same. Just like those fools from the Confucian Sect, you’re still dreaming about the Harmonious World. But do you see any Harmonious World around you? Can you be reasonable with those barbarians? If those barbarians attack the capital, you think that your eloquent tongue will be enough to deal with them?”

  “That’s right! The strong eat the weak and might makes right! The King of Foreign Lands said it loud and clear! No matter what you say, I’ll always support him!”

  “I support the Secretariat Advisor! The Secretariat Advisor must win!”

  The crowd had originally been talking about just the event, but as time went on, the conversation began to circle around the ideals of Wang Chong and Li Junxian. The crowd soon divided into two fiercely quarreling sides, and there were even a few brawls.


  Meanwhile, in the plum forest in the northwestern part of the Imperial Palace…

  “Teacher, the match will begin soon. Is Teacher going over to watch?”

  In the classroom, a white-bearded Confucian bowed in front of Master Zhu.

  “There’s no need!”

  After a few moments of thought, Master Zhu shook his head.

  “He’s already gained the Crown of Confucius that he desired, the fourth person in the history of the Confucian Sect to obtain its approval. With this crown, he no longer needs my help.”

  “Yes, Teacher!”

  The others in the classroom lowered their heads upon hearing Master Zhu’s words.


  Within the Imperial Palace’s Inner Court, Jade Dragon Palace…

  Although there was still time until the match, the Fifth Prince had already washed up and changed into his ceremonial ro

  In the Rebellion of the Three Princes, Li Heng had gone to the emperor’s defense, and though he had not received any obvious rewards or titles, everyone could now sense the Sage Emperor’s favor toward the Fifth Prince. His ceremonial dragon robe was now that of a silver-and-gold four-footed dragon.

  This was still not the highest level of imperial robe, but everyone knew that since there was no Crown Prince or First Prince, Li Heng now wore the highest level of imperial robe amongst the remaining Princes of the Imperial Palace.

  A man would feel refreshed and pleased during a joyous occasion, and when he was being dressed by the maids and eunuchs, Li Heng had been all smiles, his complexion glowing.

  “Your Highness, do you think the King of Foreign Lands will win?” Li Jingzhong asked from behind him, smoothing out the wrinkles on Li Heng’s shoulders.

  Li Heng suddenly stopped adjusting his robe as he asked, “What? You think the King of Foreign Lands might lose?”

  “How could that be? This slave wouldn’t dare.”

  Li Jingzhong dryly laughed.

  “Heh, regardless of what others might say, and no matter who the opponent might be, this prince will always stand at the side of the King of Foreign Lands. Moreover, while the Secretariat Advisor’s arguments might be somewhat reasonable, and this prince can understand the desire for the Harmonious World, the borders have yet to be pacified, and the Great Tang has not united the world. How is disbanding the prefectural armies at this time any different from crippling oneself? This prince finds it difficult to agree,” Li Heng said.


  Li Heng was merely speaking casually, but Li Jingzhong shivered, a hint of surprise in his eyes.

  Li Heng had been slowly changing all this time, and ever since he had become able to cultivate, he had lost his timidity and become much more responsible. But this was the first time since he had begun serving Li Heng that he had ever heard him give such an insightful opinion.

  These words alone made Li Heng stand out from the other clueless Princes. He was gradually gaining the ability to handle governmental affairs.

  Li Heng had completely transformed.

  Li Jingzhong was pleasantly surprised. Wasn’t this exactly the sort of Li Heng he had always wanted?

  Chapter 1811 - Grand Tutor Pei Guangting!

  Chapter 1811: Grand Tutor Pei Guangting!Translated by: Hypersheep325Edited by: Michyrr“Your Highness is wise!”Li Jingzhong suppressed his emotions and lowered his head.“Haha, Uncle Jing, let’s not waste all this time talking. Come on! This prince wants to see Wang Chong’s victory with his own eyes!”Li Heng had much less on his mind. Once he was properly dressed, he turned around and quickly stepped out of Jade Dragon Palace.……In the Grand Tutor Residence in the western part of the capital, one of the eminent Three Dukes of the Great Tang, Grand Tutor Pei Guangting, was also getting dressed so that he could head for the training ground. His face was stiff and inflexible.As a civil official, Pei Guangting did not approve of the idea of resolving the militarist-Confucian conflict through martial combat, nor did he have much desire to preside over the match.But the militarist-Confucian conflict had persisted for ages, and it wasn’t like this quarrel had started with this dynasty. Not even Pei Guangting could think of a better way. He shared the understanding of the crowd that, no matter the outcome of this battle, it would be decided solely by Wang Chong and Li Junxian.As Pei Guangting was putting on his jade belt and fish token, a voice timidly spoke up, the speaker clearly afraid that they might anger Pei Guangting. “Grandfather, in today’s match, you’re going to support the Secretariat Advisor, right?”Pei Guangting’s hands froze, but a doting smile quickly appeared on his lips.“Yu’er, do you not like the Secretariat Advisor?”The person who had sneaked in was a girl of around sixteen years. She had charming eyebrows and a picturesque face. Although she was still young, she was already developing into a beauty. Moreover, under Pei Guangting’s influence and tutelage, she had already begun to vaguely radiate the bearing of an influential figure.Pei Xiaoyu was Grand Tutor Pei Guangting’s most beloved granddaughter. The Pei Clan was harsh when it came to discipline and upbringing, and even Pei Guangting’s sons and sons-in-law didn’t dare to breathe too loudly in front of him, let alone mention court matters.Pei Xiaoyu raised her head and cautiously said, “No, it’s not that. It’s just that everyone in the capital is talking about how the King of Foreign Lands is a hero of our Great Tang, and Yu’er has heard that many people fiercely support him. Grandfather is Master Zhu’s disciple… so you must support the Secretariat Advisor.”Although she knew that her grandfather greatly favored her, Pei Xiaoyu also understood that the militarist-Confucian conflict was extremely important, far more significant than any other conflict. Her grandfather had even issued an order forbidding any member of the household from discussing the matter.“Heh, it’s true that your grandfather is Master Zhu’s disciple, but even more so a trusted official of the Sage Emperor. What your grandfather thinks is not important. What is important is that I ensure the fairness of the match.”Pei Guangting softly smiled.“Ah! So Grandfather doesn’t hate the King of Foreign Lands!”Pei Xiaoyu’s eyes brightened, and her entire body seemed to become much lighter and happier.“Grandfather, you’re still busy, so Xiaoyu won’t bother you anymore.”She swiftly left the room.The girl was completely unaware that as she left, Pei Guangting’s smile slowly faded, his expression turning grave.“The King of Foreign Lands’ prestige in the capital has already reached this level…”Pei Guangting was troubled. His concern was not that his granddaughter liked the militarist Wang Chong despite being born in a civil official household. What he was more concerned about was that Pei Xiaoyu had said that ‘everyone in the capital is talking about how the King of Foreign Lands is a hero of our Great Tang’.His granddaughter interacted with only the children of high officials, nobles, and great clans. If even his own Xiaoyu was saying such things, it meant that Wang Chong’s reputation amongst the younger generation had reached a transcendent level, or at least a level that Li Junxian could not possibly reach.And what the youth represented was the future of the empire!Their adoration for Wang Chong meant that many young people were watching this match.This was not necessarily a good thing for the empire, but not even Pei Guangting, the Grand Tutor, could criticize Wang Chong. Much information about the Rebellion of the Three Princes had already leaked out, and this certainly wasn’t the first time this youth had saved the empire from imminent collapse. Pei Guangting found it hard to say anything bad about him.“Forget it! Let the two of them decide it amongst themselves!”With this thought, Pei Guangting left his residence.……The great clans of the capital were also keeping a close eye on the match between Wang Chong and Li Junxian.On Xuanwu Street, the four great sword-smithing clans, the Chengs, Huangs, Lus, and Zhangs, had gathered together.“It’s about time. Get ready to go, everyone. Today, we’re all going to support His Highness!”“His Highness is a superb individual who has been restraining himself all this time. But now, it’s about time to end it all!”“Hahaha, come on, let’s all go and see how His Highness exhibits his divine might to defeat the Secretariat Advisor!”With this said, everyone got onto their carriages and set off for the training ground. As close allies and collaborators of Wang Chong’s, the four sword-smithing clans stood at his side without question.And it was truly time for this matter to be brought to a close.As the four sword-smithing clans set off in their grand procession, numerous other great clans also began to converge on the training ground.The Confucian path had persisted for one thousand years, deeply rooting itself in the Central Plains. While Wang Chong had many supporters, Li Junxian had just as many.“Are they ready?”“The Secretariat Advisor’s Harmonious World is an undertaking for the ages. We have to support him no matter what!”“That’s right! The Secretariat Advisor is not an impulsive person. I’m confident that he came to this battle with a way to deal with the King of Foreign Lands!”“Let’s go!”Many clan patriarchs had gathered in front of an estate in the so
uthern part of the city.There were all types in this crowd, some of them supporting Wang Chong and some of them supporting Li Junxian. They boarded their carriages and set off for the training ground.As they set out, a vast flood of Confucians and great clans that supported the ideals of the Confucian Sect was also converging on the training ground.More and more people were gathering, leaving the taverns and tea houses, putting down their cups of tea, ending their cock fights and cricket matches, stopping their training matches… The noble scions and daughters of the capital began to move out.“Come on! Let’s go and show some support for the King of Foreign Lands!”“His Highness is the great hero of our Great Tang! He’ll definitely win!”Unlike the other groups, these noble young men and women almost all supported Wang Chong. Wang Chong had always possessed a peerless reputation amongst the children of nobility. After all, Wang Chong had also been a hedonistic scion like them, a ‘good-for-nothing’ in the eyes of adults.But he had succeeded in forging his own path, and all the noble children of the capital wished to emulate his path.To go from a good-for-nothing rascal to a hero of the realm, a revered King… Was there any greater source of encouragement?……The hour of battle drew ever closer, and the capital grew increasingly frantic with excitement, and also a little nervous. No one knew how this battle would eventually turn out or in which direction the empire would travel.But everyone did know that this battle would be different from any other battle in history.Yet while everyone had their own ideas about what might come, no one knew what the actual participants were thinking.To the southeast of the Imperial Palace, in the King of Foreign Lands Residence…Amidst drifting maple leaves, Old Eagle, Zhang Que, Li Siye, Young Master Qingyang, and Guo Ziyi had gathered within the main hall. All of them looked in one direction.“Get ready to move out!”Wang Chong was not wearing his usual court robes today, having exchanged them for robes of silver cloth. He had resolved eyes and a transcendent bearing. It was a unique aura he exuded, not at all like the scholarly bearing of Li Junxian.Wang Chong walked out of the hall, his robes fluttering around him.Waiting at the main gate was a white-clothed fairy who seemed to have stepped out of a painting. As she gazed at the bright-eyed and handsome Wang Chong, Xu Qiqin blushed, a dazzled look in her eyes.Meanwhile, at the Secretariat Advisor Residence…Incense smoke curled in the air, exuding a soft and elegant scent.“Young Master, it’s almost time for the battle!”Outside the main hall, Elder Song, Bamboo Mirror, Sword Ghost, and the girl in white all bowed, their expressions somber as they waited.Buzz!In a flash of light, Li Junxian appeared in a white Confucian robe, his long hair draped down his back and only a single hairpin thrust into his hair. He slowly walked out, his expression cold and brimming with resolve.“Move out!”Li Junxian strode forward, passing through the group and swiftly boarding the white carriage waiting outside the Secretariat Advisor Residence. Escorted by numerous members of the Confucian Sect, the carriage set off for the training ground.……“It seems that everyone is here. For such a major event as the militarist-Confucian conflict, our Yan Clan must not be absent!”In the Yan Residence in the western part of the city, the seventy-some-year-old Yan Wenzhang slightly nodded.


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