The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1110

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Li Junxian strode forward as he spoke.

  Powerful streams of energy began to rise from his body, causing his robes to stir and flap.

  “Senior Brother!”

  The white-robed young woman stared at Li Junxian in excitement.

  Behind her, the rest of the Confucian Sect was just as excited.

  The fact that he had been able to endure the trials of the Path of the First Sage and obtain the recognition of the Crown of Confucius had already made Li Junxian one of the most outstanding leaders in the history of the Confucian Sect.

  And if he could defeat Wang Chong, Li Junxian truly would become the Confucian Sect’s number one.

  “Young Master, defeat him!”

  “Young Master, you have to win!”

  The Confucian Sect members excitedly called out. Even Elder Song’s beard was trembling, a sign that he was finding it hard to keep his composure.

  It appeared that Li Junxian with the Crown of Confucius was now entirely capable of blocking Wang Chong’s attacks, meaning that his young master was essentially undefeatable.

  The Confucian Sect’s victory was nigh certain in this clash.

  “I see. This must be your greatest tool.”

  Wang Chong pressed his right hand against the Origin Immortal Sword, his expression turning much calmer. No matter what trump card Li Junxian had, he needed to win this battle.

  “You’re wrong! You have no idea what the Crown of Confucius truly represents!”

  A cold and savage light flashed in Li Junxian’s eyes.


  Li Junxian suddenly extended a finger, upon which all the energy over a vast area suddenly pulsed. Like subjects receiving a sovereign’s decree, this energy began to converge, following Li Junxian’s finger, and rumble toward Wang Chong.


  Wang Chong instantly shot away, barely avoiding Li Junxian’s attack.

  Behind him, there was a massive explosion as a large chunk of the training ground was blasted to bits. Even Wang Chong couldn’t help but twitch an eye at this sight.

  He knew that the Crown of Confucius had to be formidable, but he hadn’t expected Li Junxian to be capable of commanding the surrounding Origin Energy.

  Wang Chong could use his Stellar Energy to also control worldly Origin Energy, but not like Li Junxian. Li Junxian was not exuding the slightest ripple of Stellar Energy but was still capable of commanding Origin Energy.

  The Sage’s crown truly is formidable, but any object, as long as it’s being used by a person, must have a flaw! Wang Chong quietly said to himself.

  But until Wang Chong had clarified the abilities of the First Sage’s crown, he could not afford to be careless.

  “It’s useless. If you want to know the powers of the Crown of Confucius, you don’t need to go through all that trouble. I’ll just tell you!”

  Li Junxian’s eyes were bright, his inky hair dancing around him. His sharp eyes had already seen through Wang Chong’s objective.


  A moment later, a powerful stream of energy emerged from the top of his head.

  At the same time, a powerful wave of mental energy, as vast as the sea, erupted from the Crown of Confucius and engulfed the area.

  “Not good!”

  Upon sensing this power, Wang Chong paled.

  As someone who had already lived two lives, Wang Chong possessed a Psychic Energy much stronger than those of the same level, particularly after absorbing the Nightmare Beast’s Psychic Energy. Wang Chong’s current Psychic Energy was five times that of other Subtle realm experts.

  But the power erupting from Li Junxian was even more terrifying than Wang Chong’s. It was that of ten, twenty, perhaps even thirty Subtle realm experts.

  Even True Lord Yellow Dragon seemed dim in the face of this power.

  Chapter 1814 - The Unfulfilled Wish of Confucius!

  Chapter 1814: The Unfulfilled Wish of Confucius!Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: MichyrrThe energy did not come from Li Junxian, but from Confucius and the hundred other sages of the Confucian Sect, and also the previous leaders of the Confucian path.Buzz!In the blink of an eye, all this energy gathered together and pressed down on Wang Chong’s body, causing him to immediately tremble.“Wang Chong, take my move!”Li Junxian’s cold voice rumbled like thunder. Crack! A flash of lightning appeared overhead, and with a great rumble, a massive path to a higher dimension was opened.But the energy of this higher dimension was different from the Subtle realm. When this dimension opened, the world was instantly awash with the chanting of sages, and countless words and ancient texts began to manifest around Li Junxian, blinking in and out of existence.Milky-white streams of energy, majestic, vast, and bursting with righteousness, poured out of that dimension and flowed into Li Junxian.Clang!Li Junxian suddenly pulled out the Noble Sage Sword, which immediately gave a resounding cry.In a cold flash of light, a majestic beam of Sword Qi shot forth, joining together with that vast torrent of higher-dimension energy to slash at Wang Chong.This attack was faster than lightning and the speed of thought, instantly crossing space to appear above Wang Chong’s head.As the Sword Qi shot across, it left a long white scar in its wake!This was the Sword of Divine Judgment, the strongest attack of the Confucian Sect that gathered together the power of two holy relics, the Crown of Confucius and the Noble Sage Sword. At this moment, Li Junxian had already squeezed his way into the spot of the strongest leader of the Confucian Sect.Boom!Wang Chong’s pupils constricted, and in that moment, a sea of Subtle realm Stellar Energy poured out of him and into the Origin Immortal Sword.Wang Chong did not choose to retreat in the face of Li Junxian’s supreme attack. Instead, he gathered up all the strength in his body to put up his own fierce resistance.Boom! The two Sword Qis collided, and a shockwave swept over the training ground. In the face of Li Junxian’s attack, Wang Chong was forced back more than one hundred feet by the formidable might of the Noble Sage Sword.“Your Highness!”“Young Master!”Li Siye and Miyasame Ayaka cried out in alarm, both of them paling.The power of Li Junxian’s attack was simply absurd. He wielded two relics, and each one was more than one thousand years old. Both of them had followed Wang Chong for a long time, but this was the first time they had seen someone of the same age capable of pushing him back.“This is bad! The Confucian Sect’s Crown of Confucius is too powerful! His Highness won’t be able to hold on! And that’s not the only thing! You might not have noticed, but Li Junxian’s Psychic Energy is even stronger than His Highness’s. The Crown of Confucius has allowed him to surpass His Highness in both strength and Psychic Energy!”“Not good! Li Junxian is attacking again!”As Wang Chong’s subordinates cried out in alarm, Li Junxian vanished like a ghost and then once more slashed at Wang Chong.Bom! The attack left a long white scar in the air, but this time, Wang Chong did not choose to take the attack directly. Using the Greater Void Step, he narrowly dodged the blow.“It’s pointless, Wang Chong. The Crown of Confucius is the number one relic of our Confucian Sect, the crown worn by the First Sage. The sages say that people must directly face their own flaws in the same way as they arrange their clothes in a mirror. You militarists have killed far too many people. Wang Chong, your desire to kill and murder surpasses that of any other Great General in any era.“Before the Qin, Bai Qi, who was known as the King of Great Generals, buried four hundred thousand of Zhao’s soldiers in the Battle of Changping, and became known to later generations as a god of murder. In the southwest, you killed four hundred thousand and spread a plague across the Tibetan Plateau that killed countless innocents. In the Battle of Khorasan, you ceaselessly pursued the enemy, killing one million. Even Bai Qi dims in comparison to you!“You are the true Demon King of Murder! The Sage’s crown is meant precisely to control bloodthirsty militarists like you!”Li Junxian’s unhurried voice resounded across the training ground.Even though Wang Chong had dodged his attack, Li Junxian was in no rush.“Now, let me end the battle between us!”Li Junxian’s voice was cold and re
sounding, like a great bell.Boom!Li Junxian had barely spoken when noble and righteous energy surged out from the Crown of Confucius, causing space to twist.At this moment, the figures of various Sage Masters began to manifest around Li Junxian, gripping books and scrolls, and exuding noble and righteous auras.The power of these Sage Masters caused Li Junxian’s power to swell even more.Boom!Upon seeing this, all the spectating Confucians stood up in alarm, their faces excited. This age where martial arts were dominant was doomsday for the Confucian arts. Since the passing of the Spring and Autumn Era, the Sage Masters had disappeared, and a virtuous sage had not once appeared in the Central Plains since then.While Master Zhu was called ‘Master’, this was a title the people had conferred on him. There was still a gap between a ‘Master’ and a ‘Sage Master’.Purely through the feat of summoning the Sage Masters, Li Junxian had soared to the very top of the ranking of Confucian Sect leaders.“Incredible! This Li Junxian was already able to reach an astounding level of cultivation with the help of his sect, and now, he has the assistance of the actual Sage Masters! The chances of victory for the King of Foreign Lands look slim.”The miraculous feats of the Crown of Confucius were a major shock to the martial artists present.Moreover, as Li Junxian used more and more of the crown’s power, the chanting of the Confucian sages grew louder and louder. But this miracle was somewhat different from what was recorded in the historical texts.The books held in the hands of the sages surrounding Li Junxian suddenly began to flash with bloody light, and the images of numerous weapons and gruesome battlefields manifested.The crowd immediately fell into an uproar.“Sage Confucius’s unfulfilled wish, and the unfulfilled wish of all the other Sage Masters, is to do away with all the weapons and soldiers in the world, pacifying all wars for all eternity so that the people might live in peace. Wang Chong, your hands are drenched in blood and you are bound to be loathed by all the sages! Receive the divine judgment of the Supreme Sage and his fellow worthies!”A gust of wind howled across the world, and a noble and righteous energy engulfed Li Junxian’s body. All that was left was his cold voice ringing through the heavens.The thick and righteous energy concealed Li Junxian as he thrust out with his finger and unleashed the crown’s energy against Wang Chong.Rumble!Thunder pealed in the heavens, and then a dazzling pillar of righteous energy suddenly slammed down onto Wang Chong, so fast that not even Wang Chong could dodge.And if one looked carefully, one would notice that this vast pillar of noble energy was covered in countless wriggling characters. The words of the sages and their disciples were all inscribed onto this dazzling pillar of light as it rumbled into Wang Chong’s body.As the words of the sages entered his body, they immediately burst apart, spreading to every limb and meridian.Buzz!Wang Chong instantly sensed danger and drew back all his Psychic Energy to protect his mind and heart.Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy condensed into a sturdy barrier to block this unfathomable Confucian power descending from the heavens.Wang Chong’s reaction was very fast, but it was still too slow in front of this mysterious Confucian power. Crack! Wang Chong’s sturdy Psychic Energy barrier shattered like glass, and that mysterious energy began to throw Wang Chong’s energy circulation into disarray.His Subtle realm energy was rapidly being sealed.“Not good!”Wang Chong’s heart sank and his face grimaced. He was no longer fighting against Li Junxian, but all the Sage Masters of the Confucian path!Wang Chong swiftly marshaled his Subtle realm energy to fight back.But at this moment, he felt a surge of danger.His heart shivered, and without a second thought, he used the Greater Void Step to move to a different location several hundred feet away.Boom! A dazzling white Sword Qi blasted into the ground where Wang Chong had been standing.“What a pity!”Sword Ghost and the white-robed girl both softly groaned.“This Wang Chong is too crafty. Every time Young Master is about to hit him, he manages to just barely dodge.”“He can’t escape! As the power of the Crown of Confucius will get stronger and stronger as time goes on. The Crown of Confucius is the last method the Confucian Sect has to deal with these militarists, sealing their energy so that they can never use it again.

  “He’s killed so many people, more than one million lives. The restricting power of the Crown of Confucius will be greater on him than on any other militarist in the history of the Great Tang! Young Master’s victory is inevitable!” Elder Song declared, his deep eyes brimming with confidence.

  Chapter 1815 - : Sudden Development! Manifestation of a Sage Master!

  Chapter 1815: Sudden Development! Manifestation of a Sage Master!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Before the start of the match, Elder Song’s sole concern was whether Li Junxian could obtain the approval of the Crown of Confucius. After all, in normal circumstances, Li Junxian was no match for Wang Chong.

  But now, the Confucian Sect’s victory was certain!

  Dazzling white light had engulfed the entire training ground, and Li Junxian’s power was continuing to swell. Meanwhile, Wang Chong’s energy actually dropped another level.

  Elder Song was correct. As time went on, the power of the Crown of Confucius would only increase. The more Wang Chong delayed, the more unfavorable the situation would become.


  During all this, Li Junxian continued to swing the Noble Sage Sword, causing bricks and debris to fly into the air.

  Even though Wang Chong managed to dodge again and again with the Greater Void Step, Li Junxian was in no rush. The strength of the Sage Masters was continuing to restrain Wang Chong, and as Wang Chong got weaker and weaker, he would be even more incapable of fighting against him.

  More importantly, Li Junxian estimated that it would be only a few moments before Wang Chong fell from the Subtle realm, upon which he could end the battle once and for all!

  “Wang Chong, why are you so quiet? Do you really think you can keep dragging things out?”

  Li Junxian’s cold voice rang out across the heavens.

  Rumble! As he spoke, the Crown of Confucius radiated light, and then yet another powerful stream of Psychic Energy slammed into Wang Chong’s mind.

  At the same time, with a crack of thunder, a dazzling pillar of white light descended on Wang Chong.

  No matter how strong Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy was, even he was badly shaken by this strike. Upon seeing this, Li Junxian finally cracked a smile.

  “The Crown of Confucius was originally meant to deal with evildoers like you! Wang Chong, you’ve lost this battle!”


  But Li Junxian failed to notice Wang Chong’s body trembling when he heard the mention of ‘evildoer’. He suddenly had an idea.


  Li Junxian once more swung his Noble Sage Sword, but this time, Wang Chong erupted with Stellar Energy and chose to fiercely block this powerful attack.


  Everyone stood up in shock. No one had expected Wang Chong to take Li Junxian’s attack, not even Li Junxian himself.

  For Wang Chong to take the attack in his current condition was extremely unwise.

  “Li Junxian, you’re wrong! This battle is far from over! More importantly, you shouldn’t have used the Crown of Confucius against me!”

  Wang Chong raised his head, revealing his blindingly bright eyes.

  While Wang Chong had apparently been doing his utmost to avoid fighting against the Crown of Confucius, he had actually been observing and examining the power of this crown.

  Every object had its flaw, a way to counter it, and the Crown of Confucius could be no exception.

  And Wang Chong had found the way.


  Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy that had been restrained and condensed to resist the Crown of Confucius was suddenly released, turning from resistance to acceptance, allowing the majestic Psychic Energy of the Crown of Confucius to enter his mind.

  “This is…”

  Let alone Li Junxian, even Li Heng and the other dignitaries were stunned. Li Heng was particularly shocked. He was extremely clo
se to Wang Chong and was one of his staunchest supporters.

  The Crown of Confucius was extremely restrictive toward militarists, and now, Wang Chong was opening his mind and allowing the Psychic Energy from the crown to come inside. This was simply suicidal.

  “What is this Wang Clan boy thinking? Does he think he can stand against the Crown of Confucius alone? How foolish! His defeat is certain!”

  Elder Song was also confused and flabbergasted, but he quickly got ahold of himself, his eyes coldly flashing. Regardless of what Wang Chong was planning, no one could resist the Crown of Confucius by themselves.

  Wang Chong’s own intelligence had led him to ruin.


  Time seemed to stop. As Wang Chong opened his mind, the majestic will and Psychic Energy of the Crown of Confucius surged into his mind, seeping into every nerve.

  Wang Chong opened his arms wide to the will of the First Sage and the Sage Masters of the Spring and Autumn Era, holding back nothing. He allowed this mysterious Confucian power to sweep over every corner of his mind.

  Unlike before, Wang Chong offered up all his memories of the past, including those regarding the Rebellion of the Three Princes, the Battle of Khorasan, the Battle of Talas, and the war of the southwest.

  Wang Chong held nothing back, exposing all those gruesome mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Even his greatest secret of all, the vision of the Central Plains in ruin, of that apocalyptic calamity that left corpses strewn across the land, his sincere heart and his undying will—he exposed it all to the Crown of Confucius.

  Wang Chong raised his head and mentally cried out, Supreme Sage, Sage Masters of the Spring and Autumn, judge for yourself if Wang Chong is an evildoer!

  On the other side, Li Junxian was unaware of Wang Chong’s thoughts.

  Just as he expected, a few moments later, Wang Chong’s energy rapidly plunged. In the blink of an eye, he fell from the Subtle realm to the Saint Martial realm, and then to the Imperial Martial realm, and he was still weakening. All of this happened in practically an instant.


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