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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1160

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  In the future, no matter how large an army one had, no one would dare to act recklessly around the Great Tang, or else, just as the Sage Emperor of the Great Tang had warned in his official letters to the various countries, the Great Tang would only have obedient vassals on its border in the future, heeding its commands for all eternity!

  “Wang Chong, Wang Chong… as expected, it was you again! With the Nine Provinces Protector-General protecting the Central Plains, who would dare to think of disobedience!?”

  Ishbara Khagan clenched his fists and slowly looked upward, helplessness in his heart.

  “As expected… even Arabia lost? Just who in the world will be able to contend against the Great Tang in the future?”

  Ishbara Khagan was far from the only one with such thoughts. Atop the lofty Tibetan Plateau, in the royal capital, Dalon Trinling sat on a large armchair, muttering to himself as he gripped the letter from Namri Songtian.

  His wise eyes that were always sparking and flashing with ideas had greatly dimmed.

  Even Dalon Trinling and his thousands of stratagems could do nothing about the final outcome of that war in the northwest.

  After some time, an anxious and uneasy voice broke the silence. “Imperial Minister, then the soldiers we have waiting for orders in the east…”

  All the Tibetan generals in the hall immediately focused.

  “Withdraw! Have them all withdraw!”

  Dalon Trinling closed his eyes and weakly waved a hand.

  “Pass on my order! Starting from now, all our soldiers will retreat eight hundred li from any area frequented by the Tang army.

  “In addition, prepare a letter to me informing the Emperor of the Great Tang that there have been many misunderstandings between Ü-Tsang and the Great Tang over the years. If the Tang Emperor wishes, Ü-Tsang is willing to make a long-lasting peace with the Great Tang!”

  “Yes!” A voice came from the side.

  The dejected generals in the hall lowered their heads.

  The soldiers stationed in the east had been waiting for the opportune moment to intervene in the war between the Great Tang and Arabia, or else to strike when the battle was over. But after this battle, everyone understood that the Great Tang had used its indisputable strength to take the place as hegemon of the continent.

  Although the Great Tang’s interior was empty and all of its hundreds of thousands of elites were on campaign, chasing down the defeated Arab soldiers, no one dared to use this chance to attack the Great Tang’s interior.

  Because once the Tang army turned around, no one dared to even imagine the consequences.

  The Ü-Tsang Empire had lost all right to compete with the Great Tang for supremacy!

  Now, it could only retract its claws and become an eternal subject on the Great Tang’s borders.

  To the west, far across many mountains and rivers, was the Arabian capital of Baghdad.

  While other countries were fraught with concern, Baghdad was a scene of jubilation, awash with dance and music.

  “Your Majesty, the Hierophant has already crossed into Qixi and assaulted the City of Steel. We will soon be able to occupy Longxi.”

  “With the paltry soldiers the Great Tang brought, how could it possibly contend against the Hierophant and his army of two million, six hundred thousand soldiers? And even the High Priest is lending a hand this time. The Great Tang is no match for us!”

  “Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations! Once we receive word from the Hierophant, our Arabian Empire can truly be considered to have conquered the world, united the east and west!”

  “That’s right! Hierophant Khatabah has spent his life on the battlefield and has never been defeated. Your Majesty should have Khatabah escort the Tang Emperor back as a hostage so that he can pay obeisance to Your Majesty, and that Wang Chong too! All the shame and humiliation suffered from the previous invasion can be returned in kind.”

  “Haha, once the Hierophant conquers the east, Your Majesty will become the greatest ruler in the history of the Arabian Empire! In the future, all people of the world will remember Your Majesty’s mighty deeds, and all the other empires will be eternal slaves to our Arabia!”

  Countless great dukes and high nobles filled the palace, gathered around Caliph Mutasim III and showering him with flattery.

  Mutasim III was seated upon a golden throne, squinting as he gently rocked a goblet in his hands, the red within sliding along the glass sides and forming a beautiful little whirlpool.

  Although he said nothing, he had a slightly flushed complexion. It was clear that he had been taken by the words of his nobles.

  Chapter 1910 - Arabia in Utter Disbelief!

  Chapter 1910: Arabia in Utter Disbelief!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Arabia had mobilized all its soldiers, sending a force that could not be compared to the one at Talas. The Tang had no chance of victory.

  Mutasim III squinted and said to the officials, “You are all loyal subjects of Arabia. Once the Hierophant subjugates the east, We will richly reward all of you!”

  Though he knew these dukes and nobles were all flattering and sycophantic courtiers, they had followed him for many years, and even courtiers had their advantages. Moreover, once Arabia unified the world, he would need many people to rule such a vast territory.

  These courtiers were lacking in ability, but they had enough loyalty.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

  All the nobles in the palace were elated by Mutasim III’s words, and kneeled.


  The flapping of wings interrupted the jubilant air, and then an armored soldier quickly strode in.

  “Your Majesty, a letter from the front. Please inspect it.”


  The hall fell silent as everyone turned their heads to look.

  “It’s finally here!”

  Mutasim III felt his heart thumping in anticipation.

  Truly, it came exactly when he was anticipating it. After so long, he had finally received news of victory from the Hierophant and the High Priest.

  “Hand it over!”

  Mutasim III stood up and walked forward.

  Usually, a close official would read out the letter, but at such an important moment, how could he let anyone else have this honor?


  Mutasim III snatched the letter from the guard, but when he glanced at it, his heart thumped in dismay.

  The letter was written in Arabic, but the seal at the bottom… was the Great Tang’s!

  Mutasim III deeply frowned, but he said nothing as he tore open the envelope and extracted the letter.

  A moment later, Mutasim III exploded in rage and threw the letter to the floor.


  The hall went deathly still. Everyone glanced at each other, unaware of what was happening.

  News of victory from the front should have been good news, so why was Mutasim III so enraged?

  In the end, it was the nearest noble who swallowed and picked up the letter with trembling hands. When he saw the contents of the letter, he finally understood why Mutasim III was so furious.

  Only a few lines had been written on the letter.

  ‘Arabia has been defeated. Surrender in three days, or else, the day the army arrives will be the end of the Arabian Empire!’

  The seal at the bottom was that of the Great Tang Empire’s Nine Provinces Protector-General and Supreme Marshal, Wang Chong!

  This was no report of victory at all! It was a war letter from the Great Tang!

  “Hmph! So it was a letter from the Tang!”

  “They can’t defeat the Hierophant, so they’re using this method to sow chaos in the rear?”

  “A lot of nonsense and deceptive words! How could Arabia lose? This is another plot by the Tang!”

  “That’s right! The Tang can’t be trusted! Your Majesty, ignore them. Just wait in the rear and t
he news of victory from the Hierophant will come!”

  The courtiers supported each other with their words, all of them expressing indignation and a desire to tear Wang Chong to shreds.

  There was no one in Arabia that did not know the name of Wang Chong.

  Naturally, no one would believe his wicked words.

  Moreover, the Hierophant and the High Priest were invincible legends of the empire. When they worked together, how could they possibly lose?

  Not a single person believed the contents of that letter.

  Standing above, Mutasim III mentally nodded.

  He naturally couldn’t believe an enemy. If his foe thought that this trick could have an effect, then he was a little too naive.

  “Pass on my order! Prepare a letter to the Hierophant informing him that once the army is victorious, he should personally deliver that Wang Chong’s head to Baghdad!” Mutasim III spat.

  “Yes, Your Majesty!” someone below quickly affirmed.

  “That’s right! This person can’t be forgiven!”

  All the nobles were united in their animosity.

  This was not the first time Wang Chong had tried this. They still remembered that when they had taken Khorasan and wiped out the Sassanid Dynasty, that man’s letter had also forced the Arabs to act more restrained and give up on the idea of massacring the entire city.


  Suddenly, a panicked voice came from outside the hall. A moment later, an Arab general who had his garrison outside the city rushed into the hall.

  “Your Majesty, it’s terrible! News has come from the front! The army has been defeated! The Hierophant and High Priest were both killed by the Tang!!”


  As if a boulder had slammed into the center of the hall, the palace exploded into an uproar.


  “How could that be? How could the Hierophant lose?”

  “Fake, it must be fake! We have two million, six hundred thousand soldiers, enough to sweep over the entire eastern world! How could we lose?”

  “Check again! This must be false!”

  Too abrupt, too shocking!

  Arabia had sent an army of 2.6 million of the most formidable cavalry, and they had also sent many Behemoths. How could they lose? The first reaction in the hall was complete denial!

  This had to be an incorrect report!

  “Your Majesty, bad news!”

  Another wave stirred before the first could settle. As the courtiers were all stunned and uneasy, another panicked shout came from outside. A messenger of the palace rushed inside with a letter.

  “A report from the front line! The army has been defeated, and only Abu Muslim and an army of three hundred thousand survived. He’s led the army past Samarkand and is headed for Baghdad. A Tang army of several hundred thousand is in close pursuit!”


  “Your Majesty! The Damascenes have revolted, as have the Syrians… They’ve joined with the Tang and are marching toward the empire!”

  That first messenger had been like a signal, and a series of messengers rushed into the hall with ill tidings.


  Mutasim III trembled as if he had been struck by lightning, and he fell back into his throne. Meanwhile, all the nobles had turned ghastly pale.

  “This… how could this be?” they all muttered in shock.

  Arabia had dispatched such a powerful army for the eastern invasion, enough to conquer the entire east. Why had it lost to the Great Tang?!

  Their minds were momentarily blank in complete disbelief.

  But even so, they were gradually beginning to understand that this was probably all true.

  One person could misreport, but not so many, and not so many different reports!

  But how had Arabia lost?!

  “Was it him again?”

  On his throne, Mutasim III suddenly had the image of a youthful figure flit through his mind.

  Last time, he had advanced all the way to Khorasan, and now, to Mutasim III’s surprise, he was coming back!



  While Arabia and all the other countries were immersed in shock, the Central Plains was also in an uproar.

  The war between the Great Tang and Arabia had been a war that had used all their resources, a war of annihilation!

  All the provinces and commanderies of the Central Plains had offered their full support, and all the common people had been focused on the outcome of the war, their hearts nervous and uneasy.

  If the Great Tang were defeated, all of the Central Plains would fall under the iron hoof of foreigners.

  But in this battle, the Great Tang had won!


  A child of six or seven years held a pinwheel in his hand as he excitedly ran around, his cheeks red.

  “The Great Tang won! It won!”

  Around the child, the bustling streets were festooned with brightly-colored lanterns. All of the Central Plains was celebrating.

  As the center of the Great Tang, the capital was a sea of joy and jubilation. It was still daytime, but fireworks were already exploding into brilliant flowers in the sky, one after another.

  Countless people walked the streets and celebrated this unprecedented victory!

  “King of Foreign Lands!”

  Wang Chong’s name resounded throughout the capital.

  The people were running around and spreading the news of Wang Chong’s heroism.

  “The King of Foreign Lands has accomplished such a mighty deed that I propose the King of Foreign Lands be made a Vassal King, to forever guard the Western Regions for the Great Tang, and that the Wang Clan be made a first-class great clan!”

  “That’s right! Wang Chong should be richly rewarded for his meritorious deeds.”

  “I propose that the victory accomplished by the King of Foreign Lands and the soldiers of the Great Tang be entered into the annals of history and published into a book that is to be distributed to all the households of the Great Tang.”

  “This is an unprecedented event. An army of two million, six hundred thousand cavalry was obliterated in a single day. With a hero like this protecting the Great Tang, the Central Plains will experience a golden age.”

  The Imperial Court rang out with the voices of numerous excited officials, all of them discussing what unprecedented reward Wang Chong should be given.

  Everyone had been nervous and uneasy as they awaited news from the northwest.

  No one dared to imagine the consequences if the Great Tang lost.

  Fortunately, Wang Chong had won. As the youngest King of the Great Tang, he had once more produced a stunning miracle.

  Chapter 1911 - Pursuit into Arabia!

  Chapter 1911: Pursuit into Arabia!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Lord Prime Minister, you must be thorough in your discussions with His Majesty this time. The King of Foreign Lands and his men must not be wronged,” someone chided.

  All the officials immediately turned their attention to Prime Minister Li Linfu.

  No matter how poor the relationship was between Li Linfu and Wang Chong, they had to appear to get along well to the public.

  “Naturally. This minister will give His Majesty a detailed account.”

  Li Linfu beamed as he warmly replied.

  But hidden under his sleeve, his fist clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

  The Sage Emperor had not participated in this court session, but everyone knew that the news was certain to reach his ears.

  The tranquil and gorgeous Taiji Palace seemed like a fairy court brought to the mortal realm.

  “Your Majesty, a major victory in the northwest. The King of Foreign Lands won.”

  With soft and light footsteps, Eunuch Gao walked out from the rear.

  All was quiet in front of Taiji Palace. The supreme figure of the Great Tang, the Sage Emperor, was wearing a golden
dragon robe and a faint smile as he watched over the bustling capital.

  “Understood. We knew that he would win.”

  The words were calm and indifferent, but the information conveyed was startling.

  What level of trust was needed to entrust the lives of all the people in the Central Plains, himself included, to Wang Chong?

  This point alone made Wang Chong the number one official of the Great Tang.

  “In addition, news has come from the front that our army has already crossed the Cong Mountains and passed Samarkand, marching toward Khorasan and Arabian territory. There are worries in the court that if our army is too far away from our own territory, the interior will be undefended. If the other countries choose this moment to jointly attack us, the Great Tang will be at an extreme disadvantage,” Gao Lishi hesitantly said.

  “Heh, let them be. At this time, We would like to see just who would dare to act recklessly in front of the Great Tang.”

  The Sage Emperor placed his hands behind his back and chuckled, a despotic tone to his voice.



  The sounds of fighting could be heard all along the road between Samarkand and Khorasan as tens of thousands of Tang cavalry continued their pursuit.

  Wherever the army charged, chaos reigned and numerous Arab horsemen were cut down in pools of blood.


  A sharp cry came from above, and upon hearing this sound, all the Tang cavalry stopped.

  A few moments later, a youthful figure escorted by several dozen elites began to approach at high speeds.


  Zhang Que dismounted, inspected a body next to him, and then quickly stood back up.

  “What’s the situation?”

  Zhang Que turned to a nearby Tang general.

  “Today, we’ve killed about fifteen thousand Arabs. A significant number of Arab cavalry have fled in other directions rather than in the direction of Khorasan.

  “As for that Arab Governor, Abu Muslim, he’s been doing his best to gather the army. We estimate that he has two hundred and fifty thousand to three hundred thousand soldiers. Should we continue to pursue?”

  The Tang general left his remaining words unsaid.

  The King of Foreign Lands, the Nine Provinces Protector-General, Wang Chong, had ordered long ago that the army was to stop the moment they heard the cry of an eagle.


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