The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1182

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “Hurry; come inside. Your grandfather has been waiting for you for ages.”

  The Old Madam happily pulled on Wang Chong’s hand.

  “Grandfather has been waiting for me?”

  Wang Chong was taken aback, but before he had time to think, he was pulled inside by his grandmother.

  An armchair had been placed in the room, and next to the chair was a wooden table. A potted plum blossom tree rested on the table, and next to it was a pair of shears. The Old Master of the Wang Clan, wearing simple clothes, was seated on the chair.

  It seemed that the Old Master had been pruning the plum blossom tree when Wang Chong had visited.

  The Old Master was about the same as Wang Chong remembered. His face was still noble and austere, but it had become much older and thinner.


  Upon seeing the Old Master, Wang Chong hastily bowed.

  “There are no outsiders here, and there is no need to be overly polite to members of your own family. Come here and let me have a look at you!”

  The Old Master’s cold expression instantly thawed when he saw Wang Chong, grim austerity transforming into warm affection.

  Chapter 1949 - Mysterious Jade Pendant!

  Chapter 1949: Mysterious Jade Pendant!Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: MichyrrWang Chong bowed and said, “Grandfather, Grandmother, I brought back some of Arabia’s specialties with me. Inside are pearls and herbs from Arabia. Crushing the pearls and mixing them with the herbs can extend one’s life and bolster the body. In addition, your grandson has brought back pineapples and durians, fruits that cannot be found in the Central Plains. I offer them to Grandfather and Grandmother to taste.“Besides that, your grandson has also brought some Goguryeon golden ginseng to gift to Grandfather and Grandmother, and clothes and carpets made from the pelts of polar bears and arctic foxes, animals that live north of the Eastern and Western Turkic Khaganates.”“Heh, what a good and considerate child!”The Old Madam was so pleased that she could hardly stop smiling.At their age, they cared little about precious treasures. What they found more precious was Wang Chong’s consideration.Duke Jiu said nothing, but he shot Wang Chong a glance of praise.Although he resided in Four Quarters Embassy and paid no attention to court affairs, he had always paid attention to news that concerned Wang Chong.“Not bad! Your grandfather was right about you! The trials you’ve been through have made you more mature and steadier, a true backbone minister of the Great Tang!” the Old Master declared.Children and grandchildren would encounter their own fortunes, and the Old Master had rarely interfered in the careers of Wang Gen, Wang Yan, and Wang Chong. Even when Wang Chong had suffered a setback in the militarist-Confucian conflict, the Old Master had known and had chosen to stay mostly out of the way.Only through honing could one sharpen a precious sword, and only through the bitter winter could peach blossoms be so fragrant. And Wang Chong had not disappointed him. Through his various trials, Wang Chong had been transformed, and he had finally become the revered and illustrious King of Foreign Lands, the hero of the Great Tang.He had even been enshrined in Lingyan Pavilion, the first in one hundred years! This was an unprecedented honor.And because of him, the entire Wang Clan had climbed to a completely new level. In this aspect, the Wang Clan had completely surpassed the Yao Clan, leaving Old Master Yao Chong and Yao Guangyi choking in the dust.Of course, for the Old Master, the most important thing was that Wang Chong had not disappointed him. He had become a true supporting pillar of the empire, a fiercely loyal subject who had not betrayed the Wang Clan’s traditions.“Grandfather, thank you for your generous praise. Your grandson only did his duty!” Wang Chong humbly replied.Although he had experienced so many sights, had been made a Marquis, a King, and even been enshrined in Lingyan Pavilion, none of these could compare to the simple words of praise from his grandfather.Wang Chong felt his heart relax in happiness, warmth, and pride.As a descendant of Duke Jiu and a son of a clan of ministers and generals, he had not betrayed the Wang Clan’s traditions.“Sit!”Duke Jiu pointed a finger in front of him, and a Golden Guard quickly placed a stool there.“You are now an important official of the state, so your every move is being watched. The Imperial Court relies on you, as does the border. Every move you make is critical. As they say, a general does not move out lightly. For you to come to Four Quarters Embassy, you must have had another reason besides seeing your grandfather!”Once Wang Chong was seated, the Old Master gazed at him with his perceptive eyes.“Your grandson truly has encountered some difficulties recently.”After a few moments of silence, Wang Chong got straight to the point.“Recently, many worrying incidents have taken place in the Imperial Court. Your grandson has pondered them for many days but has still not been able to find an answer. Your grandson hopes that Grandfather can provide some guidance.”The Old Master and Madam shared a glance as if they had predicted this.From the moment Wang Chong had appeared, they knew that he had come for a reason.After a brief pause, Wang Chong began to relate what was happening in the court: the Eastern Palace incident, the construction of the Peace Pavilion, the selection of talented women, the conversation in the rear hall… In addition, he spoke of the Sage Emperor’s strange behaviors previous to the Rebellion of the Three Princes and his own speculations.The Old Master and Madam intently listened the entire time. A long while later, Wang Chong was done, and the room fell silent as the two elders turned pensive.“Have things already reached this stage?” the Old Master suddenly said.Buzz!Wang Chong shivered and raised his head.Wang Chong had just been trying his luck in visiting his grandfather, not really hoping for an answer. But from his grandfather’s tone, expression, and words, Wang Chong immediately sensed that he had found the right person.His grandfather seemed to know a significant part of the story!“Grandfather, this is an extremely important manner that has the attention of the entire court. Moreover, the Sage Emperor’s personality change is so great that it has provoked much speculation,” Wang Chong sternly said.“Chong-er, you are an important official of the state, so you should know that matters related to the sovereign do not permit reckless conjecture. For some matters, if the Sage Emperor and Eunuch Gao will not speak, they naturally have their reasons for doing so and hardships that they must endure.“Moreover, compared to seeking things out, as a subject, you should be seeking to stabilize the country and safeguard the people! As for anything else, as long as it does not harm the country, it need not be your focus,” the Old Master declared.Wang Chong was taken aback. He had never expected that his grandfather would decide to remain uninvolved after hearing all this.This was not the normal reaction!His grandfather and the Sage Emperor had known each other for decades, and the entire realm knew of their relationship. In normal circumstances, his grandfather should have been worried about the Sage Emperor’s condition after learning about what was going on, not urging his grandson to place his duty as a subject and the stability of the country above the matter.Qiqin was right. Grandfather, just like Eunuch Gao, knows the truth.Wang Chong’s heart thumped in instinctive dismay.An indescribable feeling surged through his mind.Wang Chong truly found it hard to imagine what secret would make Gao Lishi and his grandfather, despite knowing full well the truth behind the Sage Emperor’s condition, determined to maintain their silence and act unaware.Moreover, it was one thing for Gao Lishi to remain silent, but why was his grandfather also unwilling to tell him?And there were no outsiders present, only members of the Wang Clan. In other words, the situation was so serious that not even his grandson could know.Wang Chong found himself more and more confused.Countless thoughts ran through his disordered mind.If not even Eunuch Gao and his grandfather would tell him, who else could know the truth?If it was really as Qiqin had analyzed, the Great Tang would face an even worse situation. How would it be handled then?Was he just going to have to sit back and let it happen?“Grandfather, this is not a matter related to the country or its people, nor does your grandson wish to forcefully intervene, but the matter is extremely grave. His Majesty is re
vered by all the people as a sovereign for the ages. Your grandson is confident that we equally revere the Sage Emperor.“But the Sage Emperor’s actions have already incurred deep discontent from the court, and the imperial censors are particularly incensed. They have even begun to call His Majesty an incapable ruler in private!” Wang Chong said.Buzz!The Old Master had been unperturbed initially, but the mention of ‘incapable ruler’ made him blink, his face twitching.“Absurd! His Majesty has poured all his effort into ruling over the empire. It is only through the Sage Emperor’s efforts that the Great Tang has reached its current stage. When did even His Majesty start being considered an incapable ruler!?”The Old Master showed a rare hint of rage on his face.“Old Master, soothe your anger. This child is merely relaying what he has heard.”The Old Madam grabbed Duke Jiu and soothed him.“Grandfather, no one would say that, and even if they did, they would only be a small number that would not represent the people. But if nothing is done and this is allowed to continue, your grandson worries that it will one day become reality.“Grandfather, just like you, your grandson wishes to protect the Sage Emperor’s reputation so that he has a good beginning and good end!” Wang Chong sternly said.No one understood more than Wang Chong how things would develop.If the memories from his previous life were anything to go by, the Sage Emperor would indulge himself in pleasure and women, and his series of absurd actions would incur greater and greater objections from the realm until he truly gained the infamous title of ‘incapable ruler’.This was one thing in the past, when he had just been a stray lotus leaf going with the flow, but now, Wang Chong was right in the middle of the vortex.In addition, the more Wang Chong understood about the Sage Emperor, the less he wanted to see the Sage Emperor reach that stage.This was one of the primary reasons Wang Chong had persisted with his investigation.As the Old Master looked into Wang Chong’s eyes, he seemed to sense something, and his mind was shaken.“And also…”Wang Chong briefly thought things over, and then he took out the double fish pendant.“In the rear hall, the Sage Emperor also gave me this jade pendant.”Wang Chong had just been throwing it out there, and hadn’t expected both the Old Master and Madam to fiercely tremble at the sight of the pendant, even more shaken by it than Wang Chong’s account of recent events.“Haaah…”The Old Master took the double fish pendant from Wang Chong’s hands and gave a long and complicated sigh.“I didn’t think that His Majesty would give you this jade pendant.”The Old Master’s old fingers gently caressed the pendant, almost as if the pendant carried some sort of special significance.Wang Chong was shocked to see this.He merely thought that the jade pendant possessed some special ability or had been like the white chess piece Su Zhengchen had once given him, containing extremely important information. But from his grandfather’s reaction, Wang Chong could tell that the background of the jade pendant was not as simple as he had imagined.Judging by his reaction, the jade pendant probably had an extremely long history and meant something special to the Sage Emperor, the Old Master, and Eunuch Gao.If this was the case, why had the Sage Emperor given it to him?What secret did the jade pendant hold?

  The questions on Wang Chong’s mind only increased.

  Chapter 1950 - Yao Chong’s Invitation!

  Chapter 1950: Yao Chong’s Invitation!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Chong’er, there are some things that your grandfather cannot tell you not because he is unwilling, but because they are far too important for him to speak about. In other words, now is not the time for me to tell you!”

  The Old Master sighed, a complicated expression on his face. A look of recollection appeared in his turbid eyes but quickly faded away.


  Wang Chong’s brow rose. Today’s meeting had already completely surpassed his expectations.

  His grandfather actually knew about what was happening to the Sage Emperor!

  This was Wang Chong’s sole harvest today.

  Cough, cough!

  His thoughts were interrupted by a burst of coughing.

  Wang Chong grimaced and raised his head, only to see his straight-backed and austere grandfather suffering from a fierce coughing fit, even his face turning rather pale.

  The Old Madam hastily patted him on the back.


  In alarm, Wang Chong got up and grabbed the Old Master’s thin fingers, sending a stream of Stellar Energy across.

  “I’m fine—just one of my occasional coughing spells. I’ll be fine soon. Don’t worry!”

  Sensing Wang Chong’s worries, the Old Master waved his hand and indicated that he was fine.

  He took some tea from the Old Madam, took a sip, and slowly began to recover.

  Wang Chong looked with deep concern at his grandfather.

  Though his grandfather was a member of the civil path, he had also cultivated martial arts and had reached a formidable level. If not for various internal injuries that had caused his cultivation to decline, he would not have fallen to the level of an ordinary person, liable to catch colds and erupt in coughing fits.

  Moreover, after his grandfather’s birthday, Wang Chong had always gone out of the way to send his grandfather medicines to strengthen his body and health.

  An irrepressible concern and unease welled up in Wang Chong’s mind.

  The Old Master pushed aside the Old Madam’s arm and sternly said to Wang Chong, “Chong-er, remember, you must keep the jade pendant the Sage Emperor gave you safe no matter what. It is much more important than you think!”

  “Alright, Chong-er, let’s end things here for today. Your grandfather’s health isn’t that good, and he needs some rest,” the Old Madam said.

  Wang Chong hesitated, but then he remembered his grandfather’s coughing fit, which sent spasms of reluctance through his heart.

  “Grandmother, I have some pills here. Have Grandfather take them. In another few days, I’ll send some more pills over!”

  Wang Chong saw that he wasn’t going to get anything more from this conversation. After making a bow, he quickly left.

  Once Wang Chong was gone, the Old Master slowly straightened his back and shared a glance with the Old Madam. The two of them had complicated expressions as they deeply sighed.

  “Old Master, is it really best if we don’t tell him anything?” the Old Madam unhappily said. She had almost spoken out just now, but she had managed to restrain herself at the last moment.

  “It is not that we are unwilling to tell him, but that we do not have the ability to. Not everything has an answer, and knowing the truth too early is not necessarily a good thing!”

  The Old Master sighed, a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

  “From a certain perspective, this is protecting both him and the empire!”

  The Old Master appeared somewhat uncomfortable as he spoke, and with the Old Madam’s help, he walked into his chambers.

  Wang Chong quickly made his way out of Four Quarters Embassy, winding his way through the fake mountains and bamboo thickets. As he exited the gate, he looked up at the dark clouds overhead and took in a deep breath, a complicated look on his face.

  His visit to Four Quarters Embassy had brought him some answers, but that initial question in his mind remained unanswered.

  “Let’s go!”

  Wang Chong boarded his carriage and went on his way.

  As Wang Chong’s carriage was passing by the eastern side of Four Quarters Embassy, a voice suddenly spoke.

  “Is that the Nine Provinces Protector-General, the honorable Wang Chong?”

  Neeeigh! The carriage came to a stop. Inside, Wang Chong’s face darkened and his brow creased.

  “Who’s there?”

  “Your Highness, on my Old Master’s orders, I have waited here for your honored presence for some time! The Old Master has said that if Your Highness wishes to know some answers, why not have a seat in his quarters?”

  The middle-aged guard by the side of the road deeply bowed.r />
  “Old Master?”

  Wang Chong raised an eyebrow. Raising the carriage curtain, he glanced at the emblem of the black halberd on a cloud on the guard’s left chest, upon which his heart thumped.

  The Yao Clan!

  Wang Chong’s body fiercely trembled.

  The Yao Clan was the only clan that used this sort of emblem in the capital, and the only person in the Yao Clan that could be addressed as Old Master was Yao Chong, Old Master Yao!

  Even someone who had been through so much as Wang Chong could not help but be shaken, a look of extreme surprise on his face.

  The Wang Clan and Yao Clan were old foes. The Wang Clan Old Master had begun fighting with the Yao Clan Old Master in the era of the previous Emperor, and they had spent all their lives continuing the fight.

  And the Yao Clan’s Yao Guangyi had supported King Qi and devised all sorts of schemes against the Wang Clan. If not for Wang Chong’s prompt appearance at Vast Crane Pavilion, the Wang Clan would have fallen into his trap and started on the path to decline, a completely different destiny from the one they had now.

  Wang Chong had battled with Yao Guangyi and his son, Yao Feng, but he had never battled with the Yao Clan’s Old Master. When it came to politics, the Yao Clan’s Old Master was an extremely troublesome foe.

  The Old Master had weathered the storms of one government after another, always standing firm.

  When the Sage Emperor took the throne, a rebellion broke out in the palace. His grandfather Duke Jiu had used this chance to gain the merit of assisting the dragon to the throne, reversing the tides when the situation was hopeless. In this way, he allowed the Sage Emperor to safely take the throne and became the Duke Jiu revered by all the people of the realm.

  But the Yao Clan’s Old Master had no such achievements. He did not take part in the rebellion, nor did he assist in pacifying it. Nevertheless, he had managed to become Prime Minister of the Great Tang, and his Yao Clan became an influential force in the court.


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