The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1184

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Just when Wang Chong was about to reach the main gate, a voice called out. “Wait a moment!”

  Startled, Wang Chong stopped and turned around.

  After some hesitation, Yao Chong had followed Wang Chong.

  “Your Highness, do you know why it is that I do not enjoy raising flowers or bamboo, instead choosing to raise so many birds and hang up so many bird cages in this Four Quarters Embassy?”

  “I do not.”

  Wang Chong smiled, knowing that Yao Chong would give the answer.


  Yao Chong sighed. He walked to a place not far from the main gate, put down his cane, and took a hwamei from a metal footstool.

  Unlike the other birds, the hwamei was not in a bird cage. Instead, a thread on its right leg kept it tied to the footstool.

  Yao Chong untied the thread, and the hwamei began to jump around in Yao Chong’s palm, happily singing. It was clearly extremely familiar with Yao Chong.

  “The birds I raise are the finest specimens gathered from across the land. The guards of Four Quarters Embassy worry that they will fly away, so they use threads to tie them to metal footstools, but they have no idea that these birds will never fly away.”

  As Yao Chong spoke, he lightly pushed his palm upward. The hwamei happily flapped its wings and took off.

  But the hwamei had only flown a few dozen feet before its body grew unstable, and it plunged from the sky back to the ground.


  Wang Chong frowned as he uttered this word. With his perceptive Psychic Energy, he could see everything clearly. The reason the hwamei had lost its balance and fallen to the ground was that Yao Chong had cut several feathers from its right side.

  The cut was not very obvious, but the feathers had been carefully selected so that the left and right feathers were now ‘out of balance’.

  The tail feathers had also been trimmed!

  “Yes, balance!”

  A look of praise flashed in Old Master Yao’s eyes as he looked at Wang Chong.

  “I stood in the court for decades, experiencing all kinds of storms: factional disputes, political disputes, militarist-Confucian conflicts, struggles over imperial authority… No matter how great the wave or which two sides were fighting, I managed to stand firm. No matter which Emperor was enthroned, I had their favor. This was all because of balance.”

  Old Master Yao picked up his cane and looked forward. At this moment, his thin and shriveled body erupted with an enormous and intimidating power that made even Wang Chong raise an eyebrow in surprise.

  Old Master Yao was acknowledged in the political circles of the Great Tang as an evergreen tree. Any sovereign that took the throne could not disregard him, and all the officials respected him. No storm of any sort could do anything to him, and only Old Master Yao knew the secrets and reasons for his success. Wang Chong had not imagined that he would summarize his experience and tell his secrets to the grandson of his lifelong opponent.

  “Minister Yao?” Wang Chong asked in confusion.

  “I had two children. The eldest died at a young age, and while the second son, Guangyi, has some intelligence, it is small wisdom that isn’t worth displaying. Moreover, his personality is too impatient, and it will be difficult for him to accomplish any great things. As for that child Feng-er, he was born slow-witted and cannot be very useful.”

  Old Master Yao seemed to not hear Wang Chong as he shook his head and talked to himself.

  “This is a principle I developed through my experiences in life, but no one in the Yao Clan can inherit it. This has been the greatest regret in this old man’s life. And the majority of the capital’s people are either feckless or fools, none of them able to enter my vision and inherit my teachings.

  “This old man did not expect that the only person who can inherit my teachings would be that old rascal’s grandson.”

  Old Master Yao emotionally sighed.

  He had questioned Yao Guangyi, Yao Feng, and others with the same question. The majority of them had been befuddled, and even Yao Guangyi had needed him to almost reach the very end of the lecture to understand.

  But Wang Chong was different. He had understood the principle with barely any prompting at all.

  Yao Chong could not help but be overcome with emotion and sigh.


  Wang Chong completely understood what Old Master Yao wanted. He was planning to reluctantly pass on the principles he had learned through his political career to his foe’s grandson.

  “I’ve accepted Old Master Yao’s good intentions, but the so-called path of balance is something similar to the Confucian school’s Doctrine of the Mean. While they are different, their differences are not too great. Such a principle is one thing when the world is at peace, but if the Central Plains is in danger while everyone keeps to this principle and looks out for themselves, their desire for personal gain making them too afraid to step forward, the Nine Provinces will be in peril, the Great Tang in peril, and the people in peril!

  “This path of balance is only good for maintaining the achievements of one’s predecessor and not building upon them. It is not the path Wang Chong upholds! If Minister Yao is planning to pass it to me, there is no need.”

  Wang Chong grinned.

  Yao Chong was taken aback by these words.

  “Good! Yes, a method for maintaining achievements. You are right. This law of balance is not suitable for you. This old man was overthinking things.”

  Yao Chong smiled, feeling relieved.

  Every person had their own path to follow, and based on the path this Wang Clan scion had already taken, this method truly did not suit him.

  With a wave of his sleeve, Wang Chong left Yao Chong’s residence. Yao Chong stood at the gate, and though he had been rejected, he had a relieved smile on his wizened face.


  Wang Chong opened his carriage door and entered. An elegant figure was seated within, exuding a soft fragrance.

  “How was it?” Xu Qiqin asked. She had been very surprised to hear that Old Master Yao had summoned Wang Chong.

  Wang Chong’s smile faded as he sternly said, “Old Master Yao doesn’t have much time left!”

  Old Master Yao had not seemed like the commanding official he had been for most of his life, appearing more like an ordinary old man handling his last affairs.

  An elder statesman of three governments, Minister Yao was revered by all levels of society. Only at the very end of his life, for the sake of the continuation of his clan, would he ever lower his proud head.

  And when Wang Chong had examined him through the True World ability, he could tell that the eighty-some-year-old Old Master Yao couldn’t last for much longer.

  Wang Chong couldn’t help but sorrowfully sigh at this. Regardless of their wrongs or rights, a man was to be respected at death. While the Yao Clan and Wang Clan had fought for a very long time, there was no doubting the contributions Old Master Yao had made toward the peace and prosperity enjoyed by the Great Tang.

  “Move out!” Wang Chong ordered.


  With a shout, the carriage left Four Quarters Embassy.


  Upon his return from Four Quarters Embassy, Wang Chong had Lu Ting and Yang Zhao examine the palace books from thirty years ago and quickly made a discovery.

  “Your Highness, we examined all the books in the palace. All of the records regarding the court officials and generals, including those of Duke Jiu and Minister Yao, are complete, but there’s been a small problem…”

  In the main hall of the King of Foreign Lands Residence, Xu Keyi bowed as he wondered how to explain what they had discovered.

  Wang Chong’s brow creased as he asked, “What problem?”

  “This… The records in the palace are all complete and well-preserved. Taizu, Taizong, Gaozu, Gaozong… the records of all the previous Emperors of the Great Tang are all there, but a large portion of the information regardin
g the Sage Emperor has gone missing. There is only information pertaining to after the Sage Emperor took the throne!” Xu Keyi sternly said.

  (TN: Historically, there was no Emperor Taizu in the Tang Dynasty.)

  Wang Chong sat upright in his chair and blurted out in shock, “What!?”

  Chapter 1953 - The Yan Residence!

  Chapter 1953: The Yan Residence!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Sovereigns had a special status, and the records related to them were of extreme importance, demanding completeness. One could say that the history of the Central Plains was created by joining together the reigns of different sovereigns.

  And the records of a sovereign’s actions were even more important. Even when the sovereign was in his bed chamber, there was a eunuch posted outside to record his deeds. From this, one could see just how rigorous the records were.

  But now, the records of the Sage Emperor, one of the wisest sovereigns in the history of the Central Plains and the Great Tang’s most outstanding Emperor, were incomplete, the important information pertaining to his life before his ascendance to the throne missing. This was simply inconceivable.

  Wang Chong subconsciously glanced at Xu Qiqin, and they could see the shock in each other’s eyes.

  “No wonder Old Master Yao was so ambiguous with his words. It seems that he was referring to this?”

  Xu Qiqin looked like a fairy in her white dress, and her eyes shone with intelligence.

  In Four Quarters Embassy, Old Master Yao had told Wang Chong to search the palace records from thirty-some years ago. At the time, the two of them had not understood, but now, the historical records of the Sage Emperor seemed highly suspicious.

  “The palace records are different from the records kept by the historians, and not even historians can defy the laws. In addition, the historical records kept in the palace are very special. Not only are there particular people meant to keep records, the records are guarded by the Imperial Army, and outsiders have an extremely difficult time gaining entry. In addition, once the records are taken, not even major officials have the authority to review or edit them. Right now, ten-some scrolls’ worth of the Sage Emperor’s records have gone missing. This is far from normal!”

  Wang Chong frowned as he solemnly spoke.

  “The question is why and who would do this!”

  Xu Qiqin’s brows knitted together.

  The recording and compiling of a sovereign’s history had nothing to do with the court or any factional dispute, and these were records from decades ago. Who would go out of their way to steal or destroy them?

  Moreover, the records of the other Emperors were all complete. Why was it only the Sage Emperor’s records that were incomplete?

  More importantly, this was somehow connected to the Sage Emperor’s recent abnormal acts. What was Old Master Yao hinting at?

  At this moment, the minds of the pair were buzzing with countless theories.

  The major shifts taking place in the realm and within the court were growing more and more incomprehensible.

  Before this, neither of them would have ever imagined that all of this went back as far as thirty-some years, nor had they imagined that the records of the Sage Emperor would ever go missing.

  Destroying important records in the palace carried the death penalty. Who could possibly be so bold as to do such a thing?

  Heavy layers of fog swept in, and the people in the hall fell silent.

  After a few moments of thought, Xu Qiqin suddenly raised her head.

  “Although I don’t know what secret is hidden in those missing records, there’s still another way of finding records from thirty-some years ago!”

  Wang Chong nodded, and the two of them spoke in unison:

  “The Yan Residence.”

  The records in the palace primarily related to the words and actions of the Princes and Princesses, including how well they did in their homework, the teachers that taught them, and the question-and-answer sessions with the sovereign.

  Of course, the daily life and conduct of the sovereign was also recorded.

  Many of these incidents took place in the palace, where the historians had no access.

  However, so long as the Princes and Princesses took part in activities outside the palace, interacting with the noble scions of the capital, the historians could still obtain the relevant information and record it, though it would differ somewhat from the records in the palace.


  In the Great Tang, there were quite a few people who did not know of some Duke or other high noble, but trifling few did not know of the Grand Scribe’s Yan Clan.

  Even though Wang Chong had grown up in the capital and lived there for ten-some years, this was his first time paying a visit to the Yan Clan Residence.

  The reason was very simple. For the various scions of the capital, the Yan Clan was a ‘dragon pond’, a ‘tiger cave’, the forbidden ground of the capital.

  Though the members of the Yan Clan did not know martial arts, being part of a scholarly clan, the brushes they gripped were sharper and more frightening than any sword.

  The moment harmful words or conduct reached the ears of the Yan Clan and were entered into the historical record, the person in question would forever become a pariah of their clan.

  “What a large estate!”

  When Wang Chong arrived and saw the many buildings of gray stone and porcelain tile, he could only sigh.

  The Yan Clan Residence was not as extravagant as other noble estates, and there were no stone lions in front of the gate. It seemed very inconspicuous, but it was much larger in scale than the estates of other nobles.

  As everyone knew, the Yan Clan was a clan of civil officials that had always been very inconspicuous, dressing so plainly that many people forgot that the Yan Clan was a true great clan that had held the position of Grand Scribe for generations.

  Dynasties might change, but as historical observers who stood outside of the court, the Yan Clan had always stood firm.

  A significant part of the Yan Clan Residence had been gifted by a previous sovereign, and future sovereigns had approved, even adding to the land.

  The majority of the buildings in the residence were used to hold records.

  After some thought, Wang Chong headed into the Yan Clan Residence, and all of the Yan Clan disciples came out to welcome him with pomp and ceremony.

  However, the one who came to welcome Wang Chong was not Yan Wenzhang, but his son, Yan Wenzhen.

  “Father is very old, and his body has grown weaker and weaker, requiring more rest and quiet. He no longer records many incidents, turning to this one to record them. The Sage Emperor has already approved of all this. If Your Highness needs anything, you may directly ask me.”

  Wang Chong was surprised, but when he thought back to the elder Yan, he realized that the man really was at an age when the body grew stiff and tired.

  “Lord Yan, thank you for the trouble. I would like to inspect some historical records related to the court. I hope that Lord Yan can accommodate me on this.”

  Wang Chong looked around at the other Yan Clan members as he explained his purpose.

  Yan Wenzhen appeared hesitant.

  Once written, the historical records of the Yan Clan were sealed away so that members of the reigning government could not read them. This was a rule that existed precisely so that officials could not see records that painted them in a bad light and attempt to edit them so as to improve their appearance in history.

  Such incidents had happened in the past.

  Some nobles were utterly unscrupulous when it came to embellishing the historical record, sending assassins in the night to steal the records, and even going so far as to hire master plagiarizers to recopy entire texts. But in the end, the Yan Clan still found out.

  Even sovereigns had attempted to embellish their reputation, deleting records unfavorable to them.

  After all these
incidents, the Yan Clan had long ago decreed that all historical records were to be sealed and not to be read. There were no exceptions, not for sovereigns or for high officials.

  This was the prerequisite for the members of the Yan Clan to take on the responsibility of historians, and a prerequisite that all sovereigns had accepted.

  History was not merely a writing exercise. The Yan Clan also needed to ensure the authenticity of their historical records.

  “I know of the Yan Clan’s laws, and I do not intend to read my own records. Before the age of sixteen, Wang Chong was known as a hedonistic wastrel throughout the capital, someone who had even assaulted a woman. Everyone in the capital knows, and Wang Chong did not come with the intention of modifying this account,” Wang Chong directly stated, seeming to know what Yan Wenzhen feared.

  Yan Wenzhen and the other Yan Clan members sighed in relief upon hearing this. As long as Wang Chong had not come here for this purpose, everything was still negotiable.

  Yan Wenzhen bowed and sincerely said, “Your Highness, it is not that our Yan Clan is unwilling, but the Yan Clan’s laws forbid even members of the Yan clan from reading the records, let alone outsiders. An incident like this also took place in Emperor Taizong’s reign, and everyone in the court knows about this. I am sure there is no need to explain what happened afterward. Your Highness, please forgive me!”

  Even though Wang Chong was the King of Foreign Lands and one of the supreme figures of the land, there were some things that the Yan Clan could not compromise on.

  Wang Chong looked around and gravely said, “Lord Yan, can I speak with you alone?”

  Yan Wenzhen’s heart leaped as he stared in shock at Wang Chong.

  “Everyone, withdraw!”

  On Yan Wenzhen’s order, all the other members withdrew. Yan Wenzhen quickly turned to Wang Chong.

  “Can Your Highness speak now?”

  “Lord Yan, this one has not come for personal reasons, but for a matter of the court. Wang Chong wishes to inspect the records pertaining to the early life of the Sage Emperor.”

  Wang Chong quickly explained how the records regarding the Sage Emperor’s life before he took the throne had been stolen.


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