The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1212

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Chapter 2000 - An Yaluoshan’s Tribute!

  Chapter 2000: An Yaluoshan’s Tribute!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “May the Emperor live ten thousand years…”

  “King of Foreign Lands…”

  Wang Chong could even hear the common people cheering, and many of them were even excitedly shouting his name.

  The area outside the walls was a sea of happiness, the atmosphere even more enthusiastic than within the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal.

  Wang Chong was taken aback and forced to ponder this scene.


  At this moment, a bell melodiously rang. The audiences with the foreign emissaries were over, and the feast was entering its main event.

  “Today’s feast of all countries is an occasion of unprecedented grandeur that cannot be wasted. The other countries have invested many days preparing for performances of singing and dancing. Everyone has gathered here today, so let us celebrate this feast and hope for the continued prosperity of the world and harmony and peace between all countries for all time!” the old eunuch in front of the throne loudly declared.


  Outside the walls, the common folk of the capital exploded with thunderous cheers.

  They had been waiting ages for this moment.

  The entertainment portion of the feast of all countries was something that both the sovereign and the people could delight in. The people of the capital could clearly see the performances in the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal over the walls, and even the ‘Sage Emperor’ on his throne. This was the time where the people of the capital could get closest to the Sage Emperor and his officials.

  Moreover, according to custom, the foreign countries had not only prepared tributes, but also exotic performances from their countries for the Sage Emperor.

  For the people of the capital, this was a wonderful show!


  Fireworks began to whistle into the air and brilliantly explode.

  Harps, pipas, and bells began to make music as palace ladies stepped onto the stage and began to dance. After that, the various performance troupes prepared by the foreign countries began to take the stage.

  The most surprising performance of all came from Goguryeo.

  In the war of the northeast, Yeon Gaesomun had led hundreds of thousands of soldiers to invade Youzhou, causing a great stir within the Great Tang.

  But for this feast of all countries, not only had Goguryeo Emperor Yeon Gaesomun taken the initiative to send an emissary with a message of submission, he had also sent a performance troupe.

  “#%#… @@¥#Wuliliwa!”

  A short and thin Goguryeon emissary with rather dark skin stepped into the center stage. After bowing to the Sage Emperor, he began to jabber in a different language.

  Everyone broke out in laughter.

  Goguryeo had made an enemy of the Great Tang and had destroyed Zhang Shougui’s Roaring Tiger Army. Naturally, there was no one here who would give them any respect.

  “Your Highness, what is he saying?” Xu Qiqin curiously asked.

  Wang Chong smiled and replied, “He is saying that Goguryeons are the descendants of the ancient Golden Crow, and in their hearts, the Sage Emperor is the sun that gave birth to the Golden Crow. The Goguryeo Empire feels the greatest reverence to the Sage Emperor and has prepared for him a special gift!”


  Xu Qiqin was clearly rather surprised, but she also felt a deep respect and admiration.

  Wang Chong was born of a revered clan, but he had never become conceited because of his status. Rather, he studied many books and possessed erudite knowledge. In the entire court, Wang Chong was probably the only one who knew so many languages: Arabic, Tibetan, Mengshe Zhao, Turkic, Goguryeon… There was basically no language that he didn’t know. He could truly be considered an all-around genius.

  Wang Chong simply chuckled. One had to both know oneself and know one’s enemies to defeat them.

  He did not learn so many languages to flaunt his talent, but to defeat the formidable foes of the Great Tang.


  As the two were speaking, that short, monkey-like Goguryeon emissary opened his mouth and spat out flames!


  The crowd cried out in alarm as they saw the Goguryeon emissary disappear. At the same time, a large fireball like the sun appeared in the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal.

  “Protect His Majesty!”

  The Golden Guards swiftly came forward, but before they could charge onto the stage, caaaw! There was a bleak cry, and the fireball was replaced by a giant fire crow.

  Its wings were unfurled, the flames seething as it floated in the air. Most striking of all were the three legs beneath its body.

  The three-legged divine crow!

  This divine bird was none other than the holy beast revered by Goguryeons.

  The three-legged divine crow turned to the Sage Emperor and bowed its head three times, then it spoke in stiff and clearly unpracticed Han. “Congratulations to the Great Tang’s Son of Heaven!”

  “Hahaha, withdraw! All of you, withdraw for Us!”

  The Sage Emperor heartily laughed from his throne.

  Meanwhile, the fiery light faded, and that Goguryeo emissary lightly drifted down to the ground as if he was weightless.

  “So he was a sorcerer!”

  Wang Chong’s eyes pensively gleamed.

  Sorcerers were different from martial artists. They had ancient origins, appearing as far back as the Spring and Autumn Period. It was considered an offshoot that dabbled in all sorts of skills: martial arts tool creation, alchemy, magic, and unique skills that were passed down through lines of sorcerers.

  But after the Qin, the sorcerers began to fade away, and the number of people who knew about them dwindled away until they had become the stuff of legends and tales. He had not expected that the Goguryeo Empire still had some hidden sorcerers living within it.

  The Goguryeon sorcerer soon stepped off the stage, and the other countries began to exhibit their own performances.

  The Eastern Turkic Khaganate performed for the Sage Emperor ‘Dancing with wolves, the Wolf King howls to the moon’. The sight of the Eastern Turks controlling hundreds of white wolves who stood on their hindlegs and howled at the moon left a deep impression on all the common folk.

  Arabia and the countries bordering them had brought beautiful dancing ladies who moved their waists as flexibly as snakes, the many ornaments decorating their bodies melodiously jangling and creating their own music.

  These performances were completely different from the dances and music of the Central Plains, as exotic as could be.

  Once all the performances were over, a loud voice drew everyone’s attention. “Your Majesty, this lowly subject, An Yaluoshan, has prepared a great tribute. Your Divine Majesty, please kindly accept it!”

  On the left side of the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal’s ‘U’, An Yaluoshan suddenly stood up and respectfully bowed to the Sage Emperor.


  Wang Chong instantly grimaced on hearing An Yaluoshan’s voice, his cold and vicious eyes swiftly moving toward him.

  A thought flashed through Wang Chong’s mind. It’s begun!

  The numerous performances at tonight’s feast had everyone cheering and clapping, but Wang Chong had kept most of his attention on An Yaluoshan.

  He just knew that An Yaluoshan, by standing up at this moment, had ulterior motives.

  Xu Qiqin, King Song, Zhangchou Jianqiong, and even Li Linfu turned to look at An Yaluoshan.

  On his throne, the ‘Sage Emperor’ heartily laughed when he saw An Yaluoshan stand up.

  “Hahah, An Yaluoshan, what do you plan to do?”

  The ‘Sage Emperor’ had a glowing complexion, and he was at his happiest.

  “Today, all the countries have gathered, but this lowly subject is foolish and slow. For the fortune of seeing the Son of H
eaven’s divine countenance, this lowly subject is filled with gratitude. This lowly subject happened to obtain a treasure that he would like to offer as tribute to Your Majesty!”

  An Yaluoshan gave a hand salute and laughed, his chubby face radiating innocence.

  “Oh? What is it? We are very curious!”

  The ‘Sage Emperor’ seemed very amused.

  The ‘Sage Emperor’ had an excellent impression of this chubby Hu. He still had the nearly one hundred Hu beauties An Yaluoshan had gifted him in his harem.

  “Haha, Your Majesty will not be disappointed!”

  An Yaluoshan was different from the Han officials, and his lack of decorum would have had another thrown out long ago. But the ‘Sage Emperor’ found that he really didn’t care about such things when it came to An Yaluoshan.

  Clap! Clap!

  An Yaluoshan clapped his hands.

  “Bring it up!”

  Footsteps came from the stairs, and the officials and foreign dignitaries turned to look. A few moments later, two Youzhou soldiers in their violet-black armor came up with a gilded bronze chest.

  Wang Chong’s brow twitched upon seeing this.

  The rules of the Imperial Palace were incredibly strict. It was forbidden for border officials and generals to bring their personal soldiers into the Imperial Palace, particularly since this was the last night of the feast of all countries, with the Son of Heaven personally attending. Everyone had to enter the palace with a provided nameplate. These Youzhou soldiers would have never been able to enter the Imperial Palace, unless they had someone assisting them.

  The Youzhou soldiers were completely different from the Imperial Army, and for them to appear here was far too abnormal.

  Li Linfu!

  Wang Chong coldly glared at the seated Prime Minister.

  After King Qi’s fall, the Bureau of Rites had fallen almost entirely under Li Linfu’s control. An Yaluoshan would not have been able to bring in his soldiers unless he had Li Linfu’s permission.

  But the Son of Heaven was so happy and enthusiastic that he clearly did not notice or care about this detail.

  The Youzhou soldiers brought up the chest and stopped in the middle of the hall. This was as far as they could go.

  No soldiers except those of the Imperial Army were allowed to get within one hundred feet of the Son of Heaven. To breach this limit was to commit rebellion!

  Meanwhile, An Yaluoshan had stridden past his delicacy-laden table and begun making his way toward his subordinates.


  As everyone watched, An Yaluoshan opened the bronze chest and reached inside, removing from it a square, golden box.

  “Your Highness!” Xu Qiqin suddenly shouted.

  On the side, Wang Chong immediately frowned.

  Chapter 2001 - : Offering a Dragon Pearl!

  Chapter 2001: Offering a Dragon Pearl!

  A civil official suddenly shot to his feet and loudly said, “Your Majesty! For this feast of all countries, all the gifts presented by the countries were received by the Bureau of Rites to be stored in the treasury. For An Yaluoshan, as a major border official, to personally offer a gift to His Majesty is against the rules! Moreover, the Son of Heaven is of most revered status, but this gift has not been inspected. If something happens, who will take the responsibility?”

  “Ridiculous! Do you mean to say that our beloved subject An would dare to harm Us?”

  The ‘Sage Emperor’ broke out in laughter upon hearing the official’s words.

  “Wen Lan, what rubbish are you saying?” A Bureau of Rites official was waiting and ready to stand up and loudly rebuke him. “So many people are watching this feast of all countries, and you insist on damaging His Majesty’s dignity?”

  The Bureau of Rites was responsible for planning out this feast. Wen Lan’s words were unquestionably a criticism against it.

  “Haha, everyone, there is no need to be concerned. An Yaluoshan only feels respect and love for His Majesty. How could I harm a hair on His Majesty’s head? If everyone is worried, An Yaluoshan will open it and let everyone have a look first!”

  An Yaluoshan heartily laughed, apparently not minding Wen Lan’s doubts.

  Wang Chong said nothing, but his brow furrowed even more.


  An Yaluoshan held the golden box in one hand while his left hand removed the clasp and opened the lid.


  The moment the golden box was opened, a blinding light filled the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal, and all the torches, lanterns, and fire basins seemed to momentarily dim.


  Outside, the countless inhabitants of the capital cried out in shock.

  In their eyes, it was like a large moon had appeared above the open-air hall of the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal, so bright that it stole radiance from the actual moon above.

  “What’s that?”

  “Such intense light!”

  “Let me see! The new Andong Protector-General is truly generous, gifting the Sage Emperor such a supreme treasure!”

  The packed crowd outside stretched their necks to see what treasure An Yaluoshan had gifted.

  “It’s a luminescent pearl!”

  Only Xu Qiqin managed to keep her cool, instantly recognizing that the treasure in An Yaluoshan’s box was a giant luminescent pearl.

  Though luminous pearls were precious, they were everywhere in the Great Tang Imperial Palace. While the Imperial Palace might not have had one hundred, it had at least seventy, many of which had been acquired during the occupation of the Arabian Empire. Wang Chong had seized many luminescent pearls from Mutasim III’s treasury and brought them back to the Imperial Palace.

  But all of these pearls seemed dim in comparison to An Yaluoshan’s pearl, like comparing fireflies to the moon.

  This was because An Yaluoshan’s pearl was simply too huge!

  “Your Majesty, Youzhou borders the Eastern Sea, where divine dragons dwell and spiritual energy gathers. In the past, when fishermen were out at sea and the weather was misty, they would see divine dragons crossing the skies.

  “This lowly subject obtained this luminescent pearl by chance from a fisherman. As this pearl glowed at night, the fisherman said that it was a luminescent pearl, but when the lowly subject obtained it, he immediately knew that this pearl was no ordinary object. This was no luminescent pearl, but a dragon pearl!”

  An Yaluoshan’s words immediately caused an uproar.

  Wang Chong and Xu Qiqin coldly watched, but the rest of the crowd chattered amongst themselves.

  This treasure in An Yaluoshan’s hand was clearly no ordinary object. But to say it was a dragon pearl was clearly a little too much.

  “Haha, if everyone does not believe, just watch!”

  An Yaluoshan seemed to have predicted this reaction, and he heartily laughed. Boom! He instantly sent Stellar Energy into the head-sized pearl.

  Above the large pearl, small mountains and gurgling rivers began to form, and even tiny little trees and animals. This was clearly a miniature model of the land.

  “This… is a miniature map of the Central Plains!”

  A Bureau of Revenue official shot to his feet in excitement.

  The pearl was displaying none other than the mountains and rivers of the Central Plains, and even birds and beasts were vividly realized. If one carefully listened, one could even hear the flowing of the rivers, as if they were real rivers rather than illusions.


  All the officials in the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal were struck dumb.

  “The ‘Records of Master Guan Wei’ mentioned dragon pearls. They said that dragon pearls were congregations of spiritual energy. They appeared similar to luminescent pearls, but the spiritual energy in them resonates with the Nine Provinces, allowing them to display an image of the realm.”

  “The first book of the ‘Three Texts’ says that dragon pearls are the size of a head and are the essence of the sun and moon, an auspicious omen

  “The ancient texts really do say that the Eastern Sea is where Dragon Qi gathers. Could it be that the Andong Protector-General really did obtain a dragon pearl?!”

  Many of the officials taking part in this feast of all countries were eminent and erudite scholars.

  An Yaluoshan’s gift truly was very similar to the legendary dragon pearl!

  If An Yaluoshan was gifting a dragon pearl, then the gift was one of an entirely different nature.

  Wang Chong coolly watched. Of course, he did not believe that this was some dragon pearl.

  Even the Arabian Empire’s savage beasts had been created using the ancient technology on the embryos of apes, lions, rhinos, tigers, and other such beasts, and then further nurtured with special techniques. Even the Ifrit had been created by human hands. Nothing was born from the heavens and earth. Dragon pearls did not really exist in nature.

  There was no doubt that An Yaluoshan was offering an extraordinary treasure, but the projection of the mountains and rivers was nothing impressive. A few special techniques could easily pull it off.

  An Yaluoshan stood in the center of the hall, squinting and nodding in satisfaction as he listened to the reaction from the crowd.

  “Your Majesty, this lowly subject is a Hu, born far from the culture of the Central Plains, and there are many things he does not understand. But this lowly subject does know that Your Majesty is the manifestation of the true dragon, the Son of Heaven. This lowly subject thought that since he happened to come upon this dragon pearl, he should naturally offer it to Your Majesty, the True Dragon Son of Heaven!”

  As An Yaluoshan spoke, he deferentially bowed, offering up the dragon pearl.


  The ‘Sage Emperor’ was delighted by An Yaluoshan’s words.

  “My good An Yaluoshan, you are truly too kind! Come; let Us see this dragon pearl of yours!”

  As the ‘Sage Emperor’ spoke, he waved a hand at An Yaluoshan.


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