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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1373

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Heaven! No matter what, I will find you and end you, and this day isn’t far off! Wang Chong said silently.


  A gust of wind caused the plum blossoms to drift in the wind. As Wang Chong stood in front of the window, his face hardened with resolve.


  Time went by. Heaven had not appeared since that day, and there had been no further information on him.

  Even so, Wang Chong did not let his guard down. On the contrary, he hastened his plans.

  One day after the incident, Wang Chong executed a series of plans.

  Rather than reducing the Tang army after the war, he began to rapidly expand it.

  This was particularly true for the Nine Cauldron Division and the Shadow Dragon Division. Wang Chong sought to expand by ten-some times, even several dozen times.

  In addition, Wang Chong gathered many inscription and formation masters to set up formations that could gather spiritual energy in the capital so as to accelerate the cultivation of the elite soldiers.

  Wang Chong also summoned Zhangchou Jianqiong, Yeon Gaesomun, the Khitan King, the Xi Queen, and Mutasim III to his estate.

  He revealed everything that had happened regarding Heaven on that day, giving them all the details.

  The others might not have believed him in the past, but after going to the far north, they had seen the incredible methods available to the Celestial God Organization, including that ancient building at the bottom of the sea, the dimensions opened up within it, and those unkillable monsters.

  Besides Mutasim III, no one believed that Wang Chong was exaggerating.

  In truth, the other countries feared the Celestial God Organization far more than Wang Chong and the Great Tang.

  If they had to experience another great disaster like the Great Ice Age, all of human civilization would cease to exist!

  After a night of discussion, the other countries agreed that they would send Wang Chong their finest elites, including their elite martial artists, to participate in Wang Chong’s plans.

  All information regarding this force was classified, and no one except Wang Chong, Li Heng, the various Kings knew the exact details. Nobody even knew what they were called.

  Everything was moving forward at full speed. Wang Chong was even helping the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief break into the Grotto Heaven realm.

  In addition, with Li Heng’s tacit approval, Wang Chong was able to visit Su Zhengchen in the Su Residence under the cover of darkness.

  After relating his experiences battling with Genesis Supreme and ‘Heaven’, Wang Chong silently departed.

  Chapter 2287 - Message from the Sindhu High Priest!

  Chapter 2287: Message from the Sindhu High Priest!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Time flew by, and there was now one month until Wang Chong and Xu Qiqin’s wedding.

  Early morning, in the main hall of the King of Foreign Lands Residence…


  Wang Chong sat cross-legged in the hall, in a state of meditation.

  Six or seven feet above him, a halo unleashed dazzling light and powerful pulses of spatial energy.

  Flanking that halo were two Wang Chongs with somewhat different energies, their eyes closed as they floated in the air in a state of meditation.

  By using Genesis Supreme’s halo divine tool to cultivate, one could absorb spacetime energy at ten times the usual rate. This was a surprising discovery Wang Chong had made.

  Time was short, and Wang Chong was using this method to quickly bring up his Divine Embryos.

  Wang Chong had previously used his three Divine Embryos to have his original body break through the bottleneck and enter the Grotto Heaven realm early, allowing him to fight against Genesis Supreme.

  And now that Wang Chong was so much stronger and had so much more information on Grotto Heaven realm laws, he could do the same with his three Divine Embryos.

  Compared to the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief, the three Divine Embryos, with their astonishing talent and their natural connection to him, were far easier to boost.

  If he could bring all three of his Divine Embryos to the Grotto Heaven realm, it would be a great boon to both Wang Chong and all of the Great Tang.

  With four Grotto Heaven realm experts, joined with the other elite experts, even if all the remaining Supremes of the Celestial God Organization appeared together, Wang Chong would not be afraid.

  In addition, when facing Heaven, Wang Chong would have a stronger basis to work from.

  This was the most direct and most effective method Wang Chong had developed to deal with Heaven.


  A few moments later, the halo divine tool swelled with power, waterfalls of energy pouring out from it and splashing onto Wang Chong and the two Divine Embryos in the air.

  As this energy poured down, a familiar figure could be briefly glimpsed within the halo.

  It was Wang Chong’s earth clone!

  Wang Chong had discovered some time ago that the halo divine tool contained its own dimension.

  Thus, Wang Chong had placed the Earth Divine Embryo in the halo divine tool to act as an intermediary. By using the Earth Divine Embryo’s power, Wang Chong could more effectively extract spacetime energy using the halo.

  With this method of cultivation, Wang Chong was able to gain unprecedented progress.

  Spacetime energy continued to gush down, and in this baptism of energy, Wang Chong and the Divine Embryos grew stronger and stronger, and their bodies even began to pulse with spacetime energy.

  After some time…


  Wang Chong exhaled, and as exhaustion crept into his mind, he slowly began to withdraw his energy and end his cultivation session.

  Different from what martial artists imagined, the higher the level of the universal energy, the more taxing it was on one’s mind, will, and physical energy. One could not endlessly cultivate without rest.

  Wang Chong had looked through Genesis Supreme’s memories and found that even an ancient expert like him would not cultivate for more than six hours a day. As for Wang Chong, he had managed to last for around ten hours, which was incredibly rare for Grotto Heaven realm experts.


  The light faded as the halo divine tool dimmed, eventually becoming a hoop that dropped from the air and attached itself to the back of Wang Chong’s head.

  Wang Chong’s two Divine Embryos rapidly shrank and entered the halo.

  The hall returned to normal.

  It’s about time to take a trip to the Xu Clan, Wang Chong remarked to himself as he stood up.

  Their marriage was nearing, and though the exact details were being handled by the elders of the clans and the go-between in the Imperial Court, there were some things that he needed to personally handle.

  Moreover… it was high time he went to meet with Qiqin.


  Wang Chong had barely had this idea and was about to leave the hall, when…


  The earth rumbled, and a familiar voice rang out in his mind.

  “Development in Sindhu! King of Foreign Lands, hurry to Hyderabad!”

  The booming voice was tinged with weakness and anxiety.

  The Sindhu High Priest!

  After a moment of shock, Wang Chong recognized the voice and paled.

  Though Wang Chong had not interacted with him much, he had left an incredibly deep impression on his mind.

  Wang Chong was able to establish his renowned Wushang Cavalry because of the Sindhu High Priest.

  All the Wootz Steel weapons were forged from Hyderabad ore.

  But it had been several years since they had last met, and strictly speaking, Wang Chong had never even seen his face.

  Wang Chong had never imagined that he would hear his voice at a time like this, carrying such an urgent tone.


Chong suddenly thought of something and quickly took out the box the Sindhu High Priest had given him. As expected, the Sindhu High Priest’s voice once more came out of the box.

  “This old priest doesn’t have many days left, but I have an important matter to relay to Your Highness… related to Heaven!”

  The voice suddenly stopped speaking, and at the same time, the metal box in Wang Chong’s hand fell apart like it was made of sand.

  Wang Chong looked at the pile of metal powder in his hand, his mind in turmoil.

  Not many days left?

  What did that mean?

  What had happened in Sindhu?

  Wang Chong felt extremely uneasy.

  Wang Chong had been focused on the Central Plains this whole time, paying little attention to elsewhere. He had never imagined an incident like this.

  The Hyderabad ore from Sindhu was closely linked to the Great Tang and Wang Chong’s future plans. Not only that, the Sindhu High Priest had mentioned Heaven in his message.

  Wang Chong had met the Sindhu High Priest once, but he had never thought that the Sindhu High Priest was connected to Heaven. And what exactly had he meant?

  Wang Chong stood in a daze for a while, one thought after another passing through his mind.

  Everything had happened too suddenly, and he still needed time to digest it all.


  A few moments later, Wang Chong thought of something and shot out of the hall like a bolt of lightning.


  As an ancient clan that had persisted through several dynasties and had its moments of glory, this was undoubtedly the most glorious moment in the Xu clan’s history.

  The invincible and ever-victorious War Saint, the King of Foreign Lands who had made the Great Tang the strongest country in the world, had turned his favor on the Xu Clan, had been ‘cut down’ by their young lady. It seemed unthinkable.

  Countless great clans in the capital were green with envy.

  This was an enormous honor.

  There had been countless talented heroes over the years, but all of them paled in comparison to the Great Tang’s King of Foreign Lands, and with the marriage between Wang and Xu, the Xu Clan would naturally share in his glory.

  The Xu Clan Residence was brightly festooned, suffused with a joyous air that was on par with the Wang Clan.

  But at this time, the rear garden of the Xu Clan Residence was quiet. All of the maids had been sent away, and even the patriarch had found some excuse to leave the residence.

  All of this was because the Xu Clan’s son-in-law had just paid a visit.


  Within Xu Qiqin’s room, tea poured out from an exquisite teapot of red porcelain into an equally exquisite cup. The gurgling sound of water filled the room, paired with the fragrance of the tea.

  “You plan on heading to Sindhu, right?” Xu Qiqin asked once she finished listening to Wang Chong.

  She was graceful and composed, still that fairy from Wang Chong’s memories that could make one feel love at first sight.

  “This…” Wang Chong hesitated a few moments before saying, “I’m still not decided.”

  “My love, there is no need to worry about me.”

  Xu Qiqin smiled, apparently knowing what Wang Chong was thinking.

  Their wedding was nearing, and Wang Chong was clearly worried about her, leaving him unable to make up his mind.

  “Hyderabad is extremely important to the Great Tang, and Sindhu is providing manpower for the Promised Land. No matter what, Chong, you should go.

  “When the Sindhu High Priest gave you that metal box, it appeared to be a way to protect yourself against men in black in hiding, but it now seems that the High Priest expected this situation and was making arrangements.

  “From this, we can see that the High Priest’s connection to the Celestial God Organization might be closer than we imagined. He must also have more information at his grasp than we imagined.

  “Heaven’s location has always been a mystery, and even now, my love, you have not been able to get any information on him. At present, the High Priest is perhaps the only one who knows Heaven’s secrets.”

  Xu Qiqin put down the teapot and calmly said, “This humble woman feels that Chong should go to Sindhu no matter what.”

  “But… there’s only one month.”

  Wang Chong hesitated.

  After living through a life in which he had lost so much, he had become more keenly aware of how precious the people around him were. Wang Chong hoped to always protect Xu Qiqin and the important people around him until they were all white-haired and wrinkled. This was why he was so hesitant.

  “Heh, dear Chong, with your cultivation, going back and forth won’t take that much time. Moreover, I know that if you don’t go, you’ll feel regret for the rest of your life!” Xu Qiqin softly said.

  Chapter 2288 - Hyderabad's Appalling State!

  Chapter 2288: Hyderabad’s Appalling State!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong felt a stream of warmth in his heart from Xu Qiqin’s words.


  Wang Chong nodded and said no more.

  Xu Qiqin was always so sensible, no matter the occasion. This was one of the reasons Wang Chong had chosen to favor her with his affection.

  Once he had made the arrangements, Wang Chong headed off toward Sindhu with a small group of people, leaving behind two of his clones to guard the capital and preside over the Xiangliu Formation.

  Sindhu was extremely far from the Great Tang, but just like Xu Qiqin said, at Wang Chong’s current level of strength, even the farthest distance lost its meaning.

  Around six days later, Wang Chong arrived at Sindhu.


  A cold wind howled.

  Atop a grayish-black mountain in Sindhu, Wang Chong, Young Master Qingyang, Li Siye, and Old Eagle looked down from on high.

  Sindhu was as barren and impoverished as he remembered.

  Around him was desolation, a land of swamps and bald rock. Even the mountain they were standing on was barren.

  The cold wave had ended several months ago, and the ice and snow covering the Central Plains had thawed long ago. All was rejuvenating, and even the plum blossoms had bloomed.

  Perhaps because of the intervening mountain range, the spring winds had been obstructed, and Sindhu was still cold, its winds chilly.

  “Old Eagle,” Wang Chong suddenly said.

  “Your Highness, I’ve already tried to make contact, but the situation looks dire. We’ve suddenly lost contact with our men in Hyderabad and we have yet to receive any information from them,” Old Eagle sternly said, his expression grave.

  Hyderabad was a strategically important location for the Great Tang, as all Wootz Steel came from there.

  Long ago, Wang Chong had garrisoned an army there that could reinforce Hyderabad in a timely manner if invaders attacked.

  Hyderabad had complicated terrain, and he had left elite soldiers to guard this place. In normal circumstances, this would be more than enough to deal with enemy forces below ten thousand soldiers.

  Even if they couldn’t hold, the garrison could send a request for aid.

  It should not be like this, where there was no news at all. Even the messenger bird Wang Chong had sent had not received any reply.

  Wang Chong said nothing, but his brow creased. He understood that the situation was dire. If his guess was right, the chances that the garrison at Hyderabad had survived were slim.

  “Is there no news from An Sishun or Gao Xianzhi?” Wang Chong finally said after a few moments of silence.

  The closest ones to Hyderabad were Gao Xianzhi and An Sishun, who were garrisoned in Arabia.

  Upon learning that something had happened in Hyderabad, Wang Chong had immediately tried to get in touch with the Hyderabad garrison. At the same time, he had also sent a message to Baghdad, asking Gao Xianzhi and An Sishun to send men to see
what was going on.

  This was the quickest way to find out what was going on in Hyderabad.

  “Lord Gao Xianzhi’s report came somewhat late. From what they’ve heard, there was some sort of incident in Hyderabad. All of the craftsmen fled Hyderabad, and they couldn’t find any of them. They questioned the locals, but nobody knew what had happened,” Old Eagle sternly said.

  “And then nothing?”

  Wang Chong’s brows creased.

  Old Eagle dropped his head and sincerely reported, “Nothing. Their last report was three days ago. Given the time that has passed, they should have entered the Hyderabad Mountains.”

  Wang Chong said nothing, but a thoughtful look appeared in his eyes. The Hyderabad Mountains were steep and craggy, difficult to traverse. If one had never been there before, they would almost surely get lost.

  Wang Chong had only managed to find the place because the other party had sent someone out to receive him. If everyone in Hyderabad had fled, then it would be truly difficult for Gao Xianzhi’s men to find the place.

  “Put them aside for now. Let’s head straight for Hyderabad!” Wang Chong said after some thought.

  Three days wasn’t long, and they weren’t far from Hyderabad. With Wang Chong’s strength, they could get there in about half a day.


  A silver barrier emerged from Wang Chong’s body and enclosed his entire group, and then Wang Chong shot like a cannonball into the distance.


  Half a day later…

  From the sky, the Hyderabad Mountains appeared like a slumbering primordial giant, its body covered in sharp rocks. This mountain range was far more imposing and erect than many people could imagine.

  “There’s a thick burning scent in the air.”

  While the group was still in the air, Young Master Qingyang frowned, his nose twitching once or twice.

  At their altitude, they shouldn’t have been able to smell any sort of burning, unless the fire was extremely large.

  Even more bizarrely, the Hyderabad Mountains were barren rock. There was nothing to burn, so where was such a strong odor coming from?

  As the group continued, a few moments later, they finally understood where the odor was coming from.


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