The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1394

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Li Xuantu was also going all-out. Although he had said that he wasn’t willing to associate with Li Heng, he was still a member of the House of Li. Heaven sought to make the mortal dynasties his plaything, so he presented an enormous threat to the Great Tang. No matter what, he could not be allowed to destroy the Great Tang as he had destroyed past civilizations.


  The combined attack of these four supreme experts was terrifying and awesome to behold.

  On the other end, Alpha Supreme and Luo Supreme used this chance to unleash their own frenzied assault.

  Heaven was simply too powerful. Just like Wang Chong, Luo Supreme was under immense pressure, waves of countering energy coming from Heaven and divine lightning crashing down. Only someone in the middle of it all could sense the discrepancy between Grotto Heaven experts and Heaven’s Pantheon Pearl avatar.

  This was a massive chasm, and in normal circumstances, it would be impossible to defeat Heaven. Just like Wang Chong, Luo Supreme chose to gather large amounts of universal energy and grind away at Heaven’s energy through his attacks.

  This battle quickly became a test of energy reserves.

  At this time, Heaven’s heart was ice-cold.

  In a duel, neither Wang Chong nor Luo Supreme would be any match for him. Even without using his real body, the Pantheon Pearl avatar would be enough to deal with them.

  But Wang Chong working together with Luo Supreme, their many clones, and Li Xuantu meant that at least six Grotto Heaven realm experts were attacking him. Even Heaven would find it hard to kill them all in a short amount of time.

  “I’d like to see how long you can last!” Heaven’s furious voice came from above.

  Space trembled as the massive body of the god king transformed once more, torrents of universal energy flowing into it.

  With thunderous booms, Heaven’s arms flickered, and with Luo Supreme’s gathered universal energy, he created four more arms.

  The King of Gods had now become a six-armed god king, even more terrifying than before.


  The six hands of the King of Gods opened, the palms crackling with lightning as they took aim at Wang Chong and Luo Supreme and descended.


  Wang Chong’s Divine Embryo 1 couldn’t react in time, and the dragon was struck by the descending arm and the crackling lightning within the palm. Scales shattered, bones snapped, and Divine Embryo 1 was directly ejected from the dragon.


  At almost the same time, Luo Supreme’s ‘Alpha Supreme clone’ was also struck by a bolt of divine lightning and sent flying away, badly wounded.

  Both Wang Chong and Luo Supreme grimaced.

  Of the three Divine Embryos, Divine Embryo 1 had Earth Element abilities and possessed the most formidable defense. However, Divine Embryo 1 had been badly wounded, and if any other Divine Embryo had been in its place, the situation would have been even worse.

  As for Alpha Supreme…

  Though it wasn’t as innately tough as Divine Embryo 1, everyone in the Celestial God Organization knew that Alpha Supreme had possessed an extremely powerful defensive art. When it came to defense, it far surpassed any other Supreme.

  Yet Heaven’s one attack was enough to almost kill them. This strength was simply too horrifying.

  “The obedient prosper while the rebellious die! Since you insist on your delusions, We will grant you death. Luo Supreme, it’s about time you returned those two Doomsday Insignias to Us. As for you, for ruining Our plans several times, We will not let you leave alive!”

  Heaven’s voice resounded through the dimension as the six arms of the god king began to rapidly punch.


  With two booms, Wang Chong’s Divine Embryo 2 and Li Xuantu were blasted away.


  Wang Chong paled, and he immediately began pushing his Shadow Fiend Art and spacetime power to the limit to dodge Heaven’s attack.

  But the offensive was far from over. After those heavy punches, the six-armed god king raised an arm, and then countless bolts of lightning emerged around Heaven.

  The lightning arced around Heaven and formed a giant formation.

  “Divine Wrath!” Heaven’s voice boomed, and countless bolts of divine lightning descended like tens of thousands of rivers, dense lightning engulfing the region for several dozen li around the god king.


  Under Heaven’s attack, Luo Supreme’s dimension finally seemed to reach its breaking point, and with a sharp crack, a massive fissure appeared in the sky that extended from north to south.

  The dimension began to rapidly dissolve from the sides of the fissure into tiny particles, revealing the darkness of space behind it, bleak and lonely.

  “Not good!”

  As that enormous ‘net’ of lightning descended, Wang Chong and Luo Supreme paled. At this moment, the two of them could sense a great calamity hanging over their heads.

  At the center of the god king’s forehead, a large pearl began to radiate blinding light that swept out through the dimension.

  There was no doubt that Heaven had used the Pantheon Pearl’s strongest ability to kill them both at once and end this stalemate.


  Wang Chong and Luo Supreme lunged away, trying to leave the range of the divine lightning, but before they could move, Heaven’s voice rang out.

  “It’s useless. You cannot escape from Us.”

  Chapter 2325 - Apex Battle!

  Chapter 2325: Apex Battle!

  Heaven opened a hand, and a greenish-black Halo of Spacetime with a radius of ten-some li appeared, enclosing even that giant fissure in the sky.

  “A spacetime seal!”

  Luo Supreme’s heart shivered in apprehension.

  For Grotto Heaven realm experts, spacetime was like the water or air, while they were fish or birds, and they could easily navigate its depths. But when Heaven’s greenish-black Halo of Spacetime appeared, Luo Supreme felt like his body was suddenly burdened with numerous invisible shackles, and even his Grotto Heaven Core was bound.

  Heaven had already sealed their ability to use spacetime energy to flee.

  “It’s over!”

  As that divine lightning descended, Luo Supreme turned ghastly pale. At the same time, Wang Chong felt a suffocating sense of danger.

  But despite this, Wang Chong was still brimming with fighting intent, fearless and refusing to give ground.


  Wang Chong’s dantian trembled as Stellar Energy rumbled out. But just when Wang Chong readied himself to fight with his back to the water, he felt a strange searing sensation from his bosom.

  Wang Chong wasn’t concerned about it at first, but when he realized its source, he was taken aback.

  The Xuanyuan Sword!

  Wang Chong’s heart thumped in surprise. The Xuanyuan Sword hanging from his waist, also known as the Origin Immortal Sword that the Origin Immortal Lord had gifted him, seemed to have a life of its own. Without Wang Chong’s prompting, it was beginning to crackle with dazzling lightning.

  What was most interesting was that when Wang Chong gripped the Xuanyuan Sword, he sensed that the sword was somehow resonating with the divine lighting Heaven had unleashed, as if they shared some connection.

  The Xuanyuan Sword had the ability to control lightning, but in the past, Wang Chong had only ever borrowed natural lightning, not this artificial divine lightning. There was a large difference between the two, but from the Xuanyuan Sword’s reaction, could it be…

  Wang Chong had just had an idea when there was a shift on the battlefield.


  In a flash, that dense deluge of lightning suddenly changed directions and began to converge on Wang Chong.


  Before Wang Chong could react, the divine lightning accelerated and merged into the Xuanyuan Sword, the two of them becoming one.

  This wasn’t Wang Chong’s first time recei
ving lightning, but the sensation this time was completely different.

  Each of Heaven’s bolts of divine lightning was infused with mountain-shattering power, but at this moment, Wang Chong could tell that this divine lightning was not striking the Xuanyuan Sword. On the contrary, it seemed tamed by the sword.

  Wang Chong could even sense that he could turn this divine lightning around and use it to attack Heaven. This development was simply unimaginable.

  “What is going on here?”

  Wang Chong was stunned.

  The Xuanyuan Sword was strong, but he did not recall it having this power or ability. Moreover, Little Nightmare had said before that the Xuanyuan Sword was sealed!

  “Little Grass’s sword has been unleashed!” As if in response to Wang Chong’s thought, the Nightmare Beast’s voice rang out in Wang Chong’s mind.

  The Nightmare Beast had lost almost all its power, but its memories and senses remained.

  “This is the true appearance of Little Grass’s sword!”

  Wang Chong glanced at the sword and discovered that after being tempered by lightning, the Xuanyuan Sword had transformed.

  Rays of light were radiating from the slender blade, and each ray of light had mysterious characters surrounded by thunderclouds.

  Within the Xuanyuan Sword, a seal shattered like glass, and a storm of energy burst out. Within it, Wang Chong could sense the power of lightning.

  “This is the true appearance of the Xuanyuan Sword?!”

  Wang Chong was astonished. If he were not seeing it with his own eyes, he would have found it very hard to believe that this sword was the Yellow Emperor’s personal sword, perhaps even the sword he had used to defeat Chiyou in the Battle of Zhuolu.

  But such a powerful sword was not mentioned in any text, as if its existence had been intentionally concealed.


  Wang Chong waved his sword, and the divine lightning was drawn away, all of it missing him. Wang Chong was even able to take half of the lightning to serve as energy for the sword.

  “It’s that sword! To think it would end up in his hands!”

  Heaven’s eyes flew open. He instantly recognized the Xuanyuan Sword and realized what it was.

  “I didn’t think that he would actually give it to him.”

  Heaven was no stranger to this sword, and it was not his first time contending against it. No matter what humans called it, for Heaven, this was an inauspicious sword.

  Heaven had contemplated destroying this sword long ago, because its ability to control lightning could counter the lightning of his Divine Wrath.

  But later on, the Origin Immortal Lord betrayed the Celestial God Organization and took the sword with him. The sword disappeared, and the Origin Immortal Lord had even absconded with a Doomsday Insignia.

  The Doomsday Insignia was important, but the Xuanyuan Sword was another important reason Heaven had sent so many people after the Origin Immortal Lord.

  However, the Origin Immortal Lord had utterly vanished after his betrayal, and not even Heaven knew where he was, so he had been forced to put this matter to the side for now.

  “He can’t be allowed to live!”

  Heaven’s killing intent exploded. It was truly a shock that Wang Chong was able to control the divine lightning, but as the supreme and only god of this world, Heaven did not have only one ability.


  Thunder rumbled as the King of Gods reappeared. Amidst the storm, the pressure increased, and all the attacks locked onto Wang Chong.

  While Heaven had come for Luo Supreme, at this moment, Heaven’s desire to kill Wang Chong was far greater.

  Meanwhile, Luo Supreme was also surprised. Just like Heaven, he had noticed the resplendent Xuanyuan Sword in Wang Chong’s hand.

  “It’s actually that sword!”

  Luo Supreme gave Wang Chong a deep and complicated glance, countless thoughts passing through his mind.

  Luo Supreme suddenly recalled several rumors related to the Xuanyuan Sword, rumors that had existed for a long time but had always been regarded as exaggerated.

  “Activate the Archon’s Power!

  “Activate the power of purification!”

  Wang Chong didn’t know what Luo Supreme was thinking, nor did he care. As Wang Chong used the Xuanyuan Sword to take control of the divine lightning, he used the highest powers afforded to him as Archon of Destiny.

  The Pantheon Pearl had been created through the energy of another world. As long as this remained true, the Stone of Destiny could act as a counter to Heaven.


  There was a golden flash of light in Wang Chong’s mind, and then a black suit of armor emerged and covered Wang Chong. At the same time, as Wang Chong used the Archon’s Power, the world in front of him transformed.

  “As expected.”

  His eyes darting around, Wang Chong quickly spotted black-red tendrils of law energy in the frenzied tides of energy.

  This was the target of Wang Chong’s purification power. Though this wasn’t enough to defeat Heaven, it could weaken him.


  But just when Wang Chong was about to use the purification power to scatter Heaven’s energy as before, he suddenly turned his gaze to a certain spot on the body of the King of Gods, and his eyes widened.

  There was a greenish-black spot surrounded by a thick black halo, and this spot was right where the heart of the King of Gods would be.

  Wang Chong hadn’t noticed it at first glance, but as he took a closer look, he saw a familiar figure and familiar energy within that ball, causing his heart to tremble in shock.

  “Luo Supreme, call back your clone. Let’s change tactics and aim all our attacks on Essence Supreme’s body!” Wang Chong called out.

  “His power is based on consuming Essence Supreme’s physical body. The more power that’s used, the faster the body is consumed. So long as we can accelerate the consumption of Essence Supreme’s body, Heaven’s attack will fall apart and the Pantheon Pearl will lose its ability to serve as a vessel!”

  Heaven was able to almost singlehandedly suppress all seven of them, and this was only Heaven’s avatar through a ritual tool. He appeared limitlessly powerful and terrifying, but this sort of power came with a price.

  When Essence Supreme first appeared, he had the appearance of a handsome silver-eyed youth of around seventeen, but after Heaven occupied his body, after a few rounds, his body had begun to radiate death energy, and he appeared like an elder of sixty or seventy.

  It was clear that even a perfect body created by Essence Supreme could not bear this sort of price.

  It was just that Heaven had used his exquisite control over spacetime power to conceal Essence Supreme’s physical body. Earlier, Luo Supreme had concluded that Essence Supreme’s body would only be able to sustain Heaven for an hour, but it now seemed that it would be even less than that.

  Wang Chong glanced at Li Xuantu and called out, “Crown Prince, go!”


  Seizing this unique moment, Wang Chong gripped the Xuanyuan Sword and charged at the King of Gods. This time, his target was extremely clear, and he took direct aim at Essence Supreme’s body located in the chest of the King of Gods.

  “Trayastrimsa Heaven!”

  With a furious roar, a thirty-three-story pavilion emerged and then rapidly transformed into a spear that was several thousand feet long.

  Wang Chong instantly threw the golden spear at Essence Supreme’s body.

  Chapter 2326 - Heaven’s Secret!

  Chapter 2326: Heaven’s Secret!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  This sudden development left Luo Supreme flabbergasted. With danger hanging over his head, he had been thinking about retreating, not a twist like this.

  Heaven was simply too powerful, and his masterful arts had concealed the aura of Essence Supreme’s body. Luo Supreme didn’t have Wang Chong’s unique ab
ilities, so he was unable to sense where Essence Supreme’s body was within the god king or make any good determinations. But at this time, he chose to trust in Wang Chong.


  Luo Supreme reached out with his palm, which began to exert a powerful pull. In a flash, a figure shot up from below and into Luo Supreme’s hand. This was the heavily injured body of Alpha Supreme.

  “We just have to try out every possibility.”

  Luo Supreme poured half his energy into Alpha Supreme’s body, forcefully activating the arts in Alpha Supreme’s body so that the two could attack together.


  The two turned into blurs as they charged at the King of Gods.

  “Beginning of Light and Shadow!”

  “Chaos Storm!”

  With furious bellows, Luo Supreme and Alpha Supreme launched a frenzied attack.

  Alpha Supreme was in terrible condition, but Luo Supreme could no longer care much about that.

  If Heaven didn’t die, they would be the ones dying, and he wouldn’t be losing just an Alpha Supreme clone.


  With one explosion after another, the attacks of Wang Chong and Luo Supreme slammed into the King of Gods’ chest, and the situation swiftly changed.


  The six-armed god king bellowed as a hint of disarray appeared. Originally, the King of Gods had been aloof and uncaring, constantly using all of its power to suppress Wang Chong and the others. But at this moment, the heedless offensive of Wang Chong and Luo Supreme forced it to turn some of its power to defense.

  Despite Heaven’s supreme martial arts, he began to panic a little.

  More importantly, Luo Supreme could tell now that Wang Chong had been correct. He could sense thick death energy from the chest of the King of Gods, and this death energy was growing more and more concentrated, so much so that it was becoming visible.

  This should have been impossible for someone with Heaven’s divine strength.

  “An excellent chance!”

  Luo Supreme was invigorated by this sight.

  He had always felt a deep awe and fear when it came to Heaven, and this awe even deterred him from emerging for several thousand years, even though he knew that Heaven’s original body was still sealed and only his avatars walked the earth.


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