The Orc Wife

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The Orc Wife Page 8

by S. J. Sanders

  A soft tongue drags slowly up my neck and I shiver despite the heat of his breath on my skin. His large palm also begins to wander, unhurried in its path to caress my breast before heading south to the flesh of my belly. His hand dips between my thighs in a long, teasing caress as he captures my mouth with his, plundering my lips as his fingers toy with my pussy with such brutal efficiency that it brings me to a sharp orgasm.

  Satisfied with himself, he pulls his hand back and flashes his tusks in a wide grin. The hand that just moments ago was busy bringing me pleasure slaps my ass with a muffled crack, sending my pelvis arching forward as he chuckles.

  “Good rising, my heart,” he says, tossing his braids over his shoulder as he throws his feet off the side of the bed. Ooo, we’re doing love names now. Noted. I watch in rapt fascination as he stands, his half-mast erection swollen against his thigh and the mass of his muscles rippling with a long stretch. He catches me ogling and winks before coming over to haul me out of our bed.

  I return his smile playfully, making no effort to hide my eager perusal of his body. I squeak when he pulls me up against his chest, my feet hitting the ground. I’m treated to another long kiss before he gives me the opportunity to breathe again.

  “Good morning,” I reply, my voice still husky with sleep. I yawn and rub at an eye, my body still coming to terms with the concept of waking up without its regular dose of caffeine. If there were any way for me to go back home for even a single day—hell, I’ll take an hour in a pinch—the first thing I’d do is completely clean out the coffee aisle of the first major grocery store I see to bring back and store in our little cellar. I don’t understand how my grumpy orc is such a morning person—well, as much of a morning person as he can be, since his disposition isn’t any worse in the morning.

  Orgath chuckles. “Still struggling, I see. I can make you some tea if you like?”

  I wrinkle my nose. The strange herbal blend of leaves that the orcs seem to relish takes some getting used to. It’s nearly as bitter as coffee with an odd tang that nothing I’ve found as of yet fixes. Although, unlike herbal blends from home, the orc tea does kick like a mule after your second cup.

  “Yeah, tea sounds good. I just wish you had something even a little like coffee. How is it that your entire realm has tea but does not have something as life-giving as coffee?” I moan.

  Orgath raises an eyebrow and shakes his head in amusement. He doesn’t understand my love affair with coffee, but he’s never tasted its dark elixir either. One cup and I know my orc would be hooked.

  “Isn’t there any way at all you can smuggle me over the border for, like, an hour for supplies? I know you said it’s something that can’t be done, but one hour in a grocery store for a few necessities and I’d be set for the year, I swear.”

  A sound between a tsk and a growl comes from him, but his eyes crinkle with laughter. “Female, do you not think if it were so easy that I would not have returned you home as you asked when you threatened me with bodily harm and attempted to maim me every time I turned around?”

  Really, a couple of accidents and he turns it into an assault charge. Hmph. Still, I can’t help but enjoy his playful mood.

  Orgath leans forward and gives me a gentle nip on the neck before he turns and heads out of the room. I find myself staring after him with what must be the dopiest smile on my face. With a slight bounce in my step, I follow after him into the main room where he’s setting a kettle over a freshly stoked fire. Humming some eerie tune under his breath as he works, he shakes out a handful of leaves into the teapot that he has on the floor by the hearth. He then goes about his business, first opening the shutters and gathering together a pair of cups and searching the cupboard for our simple morning meal.

  When our morning meal is prepared, I sit on the thick cushions and furs with him in front of our hearth, enjoying the sun streaming through the windows. The air is brisk but here’s a secret about orcs: they’re basically like living space heaters. Cuddled up next to him on our little “loveseat” keeps me more than plenty warm enough.

  I take a long swig of tea. “What’s on the agenda for today?”

  Orgath looks thoughtful. “The garden needs weeding so that we can begin planting in a few days. There are also some minor repairs to the cottage that I need to make now that the worst of the bad weather is over.”

  That’s why, several hours later, I find myself in the garden, dirt crusted under my nails and gawking like a virgin at the sight of a shirtless Orgath, glistening with sweat as he perches on the roof replacing a few shingles with some of the clay ones that he has stashed in the cellar. He strikes me as something of a rough woodland god with the way the warm spring sunshine is playing over his muscles.

  I squint against the sun when a sudden movement in the fields east of our cottage draws my attention. Riders on white long-legged horse-like creatures are coming toward our cottage. I wave my arms up at Orgath.

  “Orgath!” I shout. “Riders to the east.”

  He lifts his head and looks over at the quickly approaching party, a scowl on his face as he clambers down from the roof to plant himself protectively in front of our home. His massive arms cross intimidatingly against his chest as he awaits them. Not exactly the most welcoming of postures but not one that the riders seem to pay particular attention to, given that they haven’t slowed their approach. It really must be the week for visitors.

  They are almost upon us when my eyes widen. It’s a small band of elves, no more than seven, riding together toward the woods bordering our territory. They have bows slung across their backs and the leader raises his hand in greeting to Orgath. He doesn’t return the gesture but does politely incline his head toward them, which is honestly a generous show of respect for him.

  Several of the elves eye me curiously.

  The elf at the fore of the group, wearing a gold circlet on his brow, narrows his eyes on me for only a moment before turning his full attention to Orgath. Just as well. I don’t like being the object of scrutiny by these beings who look at me like a butterfly on a display board. Something rare and curious, but nothing more.

  “Orgath, greetings.”

  “Irhindral,” Orgath acknowledges.

  “I have come due to some disturbing news. As you know, your clan is our neighbor and we have been at peace for a great many years, but word has come to us that Lorf is rousing the orcs of your clan and some of your neighbors to join his cause. He seeks to bend us to his will to give him access to the human realm.

  “In our passing through your territory, we have seen and heard firsthand the disruption among your clan. Many speak ill of Lorf and his vanity, yet many more agree with him on this point when it comes to the humans. Lorf refuses to meet with us. He is caught up in lording over his perceived domain and merely sends an envoy to tell us that he refuses to budge, despite our aims to resolve the situation without violence. We hoped that you, of all the orcs who hold the place of highest respect, will be more receptive but now we see that his claim bears some truth—that you have a human female in your possession. I find this turn of events disturbing news to bring to my father.”

  Orgath’s frown deepens and I can make out the tension tightening his muscles. He’s wary now of these elves, and that just fuels my own caution. I drop further behind my orc’s guarded stance but continue to pay careful attention to the exchange.

  “I will tell you as I told Lorf. I rescued this female from certain death in the mountains. I broke no laws, nor did I trespass near any human settlement. She lives only because I found her and returned home with her. And as I told him, I will not suffer anyone to take her from me or my house.”

  “True, you have broken no laws in place, but Orgath, certainly you must see how this action has fueled dissent among your kind. They see you with something that they want which the laws of the fae safeguard.”

  Orgath snorts. “You safeguard it, but also take it upon yourselves to break it when you see fit. I am not so ignorant to not k
now how many humans you have in your hidden courts, or how many mixed-blood offspring your kind have bred to enrich the strength and health of your own bloodlines. Yet you hold your rules over the heads of all the others of the many realms and seek only for us to submit to them. While I find fault with Lorf’s intentions, for no good can come of his selfish desires, I do not fault those of my kind who yearn to seek human mates in search of the bloodbond.”

  Irhindral bares his alarmingly sharp teeth in irritation, but he has nothing on Orgath for brawn or fierce fangs. Orgath, uncowed, merely grins, showing his own sharp teeth and baring his great tusks, which make the other elves murmur nervously among themselves.

  “Is that your final word then on this matter, Orgath? Our line favors you as the more reasonable and rightful chieftain for your clan. We’d hoped for a more logical response from one such as you.”

  The orc shrugs without concern. “I am sorry that I must disappoint you, Irhindral.”

  “Yes, clearly,” the elf says coolly, his pale eyes narrowed on my guy.

  I take personal exception to that. No one threatens my guy except me. I step out from behind the massive shadow of Orgath and plant my hands on my hips as I square off with the elves. Orgath tries to snatch me up behind him again but I maneuver out of the way. A few weeks living with him has had its benefits. I can now predict most of his moves from what few strong emotions he emotes. The look he cut me screamed “snag a Sammi” to me.

  “Look here, you overbearing, toothy, sparkly ass motherfuckers, I am not going anywhere, and I do not appreciate you coming here like this is some huge imposition. Orgath and I are happy, and we aren’t hurting anyone. I am certainly not leaving him to make you guys happy, and I don’t care how much Lorf whines to the other orcs about it. You want the orcs happy? Then open up communication with Ov’Ge so you can get them off your back.”

  “Human, I do not think you appreciate with whom you speak.” The male glares down at me from his mount, his eyes narrowing further, dangerously.

  “Don’t know, don’t give a fuck either,” I declare.

  “You would allow this female to speak to me this way?” Irhindral snaps with outrage.

  Orgath curls his lip. “What makes you presume I have any control over anything she does?”

  “Do not make an enemy of Sehriel court, Orgath!”

  The orc shrugs, a menacing grin still in place. My guy looks fearsome as fuck. For a second, I wonder just when I decided he’s my guy… oh well, it doesn’t matter now. He’s mine. If I could lick him and claim ownership, I would—not that it isn’t a splendid idea anyway.



  I want to throttle my female for putting herself in harm’s way, yet I want to fall down to my knees before her and demonstrate for her just how high my admiration and pride in her runs. Irhindral, the pompous little prince, is scowling at my female in a manner I do not like, but I know him well enough to know he won’t try anything, especially not without his father’s express orders.

  “With all due respect,” I say, meaning none at all, “times are changing. Sammi and I have a bond,” I stress. “It is time that the fae make allowances and reconsider the treaties in light of this. No orc will wish outright war with the elves, but nor will we willingly be held under what we feel is an unjust yoke, regardless of Lorf’s involvement.”

  I pause and say as an afterthought, “Beware of Lorf. He is motivated only by his own greed and sense of self-importance. Take the concerns of the orcs seriously is my advice but keep an eye on him in particular. Do not trust him to honor any kind of agreement or do anything that isn’t advantageous to him.”

  Irhindral sits back on his mount and eyes me thoughtfully. He may be a vain little prick, but he is not stupid. I know he will take my words of caution seriously and relay them to his father. At long last, he nods and signals to his company. Their mounts turn gracefully to the side and begin their long-legged gallop back to Sehriel. Irhindral inclines his head before whipping his own mount around and following after them.

  Sammi slinks over quietly beside me, her eyes wide as she watches them depart. I glance down at her, the reddish-blond curls ruffling in the breeze.

  “That was very foolish, my heart.”

  She looks up at me and winks. “It isn’t the first time I’ve done something foolish, but I can’t say I regret it.” She pinches her lips and looks over the considerable work still ahead of her in the garden. “Well, the entertainment is over. Guess we should get back to work.”

  I grunt and inhale the distinct smell of spring rain on the air. Yes, work needs to be done before the rains move in and we are not able to do much of anything for several weeks. Sammi will appreciate a warm, dry cottage in that time more than anything else.

  Chapter 10


  It takes little time for Orgath to finish patching the roof, but it’s evening by the time we finish with the garden. It probably would have been later if Orgath hadn’t joined in to help me. His strong fingers and short claws are much more adept at turning up the earth whereas I struggle to yank up every weed I come across.

  At long last, we look over the fresh tilled earth of the garden, perennials carefully worked around and standing as the only spots of green.

  My shoulders ache and burn, as does my lower back, and I’m not even going to talk about the aches in my knees. Orgath stretches his arms over his head with a groan, likely working his own kinks out from being hunched over for hours. He finishes with a roll of his shoulders and turns an appreciative eye over the garden as his arm snakes around me, pulling me close to his side.

  “I will trade for some manure from a herder I know so we can fertilize the beds and then we will be all set to plant.”

  Animal crap. Swell. I hope he doesn’t plan on having me participate in that little job.

  I push a damp lock of hair out of my face as I struggle to catch my breath. Damn, I’m out of shape. Too many years doing little exertion beyond reading and drinking lattes. If nothing else, my time with Orgath is giving me a workout in more ways than one.

  “You know, if I told any of the D&D freaks, like my brother, that orcs actually do things like garden, farm, herd, cook, and sew, it would totally destroy your badass reputation.”

  Orgath gives me the side-eye, his lips quirking. “I assume badass is a compliment?”

  “Yep. It’s the highest level of impressive.”

  He chuckles. “What is it they expect that orcs do?”

  I snort. “Come on—look at you. You’re huge, with massive, sexy muscles, which you’ll get no complaint from me about,” I add, fascinated with the way his expression becomes more of a pleased smirk. “As far as anyone is concerned, you should be out there fighting like champs, kicking enemy ass day-in and day-out. In fact, so much so that you’re often painted in something of a brutally ugly light.”

  With a disgusted snort, Orgath rolls his eyes. “Sammi, orcs are naturally superior warriors, we are hardly pretty like the fairer races, and we do spend much time warring on campaigns of one sort of another or as guards and protectors, but it is absurd if anyone thinks that is all that we do. Orcs enjoy peaceful life in our clan more than anything. Give an orc good earth and he will be content all of his days.”

  I whistle low. “You’re going to make fanboys cry if you say things like that anywhere near them.”

  Orgath laughs, the lovely deep sound rumbling from his chest. “You say the strangest things, female.”

  I brush my hands off and grin at him. “So, what now? Flogging enemies? Torturing small critters? Terrorizing the neighbors?”

  “We are going to check the traps,” he states.

  “Right. Torturing small critters it is, then.”

  Orgath huffs in amusement as he headed over to the cellar to grab a small thickly woven bag.

  “Stay inside while I am gone and keep the door bolted. I shouldn’t be gone long. Unless you want to go with me?”

  I consider m
y options. Go look for furry animal bodies or stay home by myself?

  “Hard pass. I’d rather stay right here, thanks. If you can help me draw in some water before you leave, I’ll pull out the tub and soak for a bit while you’re gone.”

  He smiles indulgently and tucks the bag into the waistband of his pants before going off to hunt out the water buckets.

  In no time, I’m alone in the cottage with six buckets of water by the hearth, which I’m carefully pouring into the giant pot over the fire. All is silent except for the crackle of the fire and my off-key voice belting out the words to “Bad Reputation.” A song I’ve been singing repeatedly for the last twenty minutes because for some strange reason I have it stuck in my head.

  Once the water is heated to a comfortable temperature, I empty the contents into the large orc-sized tub and climb in with a sigh of satisfaction. I scrub my skin and hair briskly and then lean back to sink into the hot water. This large tub is absolutely divine.

  At home, it always seems like I have to bend myself into a pretzel to partially submerge in my bathtub, and it never entirely covered the generous mounds of my breasts, which were always doomed to be cold unless I rolled over and allowed my ass to cool instead. Bath time always ends up being an awkward shuffle from one side to the other without accidentally emptying a quarter of the water from the tub. Something entirely unnecessary in this oversized tub. I suspect even Orgath could fully submerge in this thing.

  My jaw cracks with a yawn as the door thumps open. Heavy footsteps pace over. I open my eyes to look up at the large orc glaring down at me, his nostrils flaring.

  “Didn’t I tell you to bolt the door?”

  I splash water at him, ignoring the irritated gleam in his eyes. “Well, yes, you did. And I would have, except I forgot to do it before getting into the tub—and that’s terribly inconvenient. The living room would’ve been soaked.” I finish by flashing him my most charming smile.


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