The Orc Wife

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The Orc Wife Page 18

by S. J. Sanders

  “Y… yes,” he stammers.

  “Good. Now, apologize.”

  “I... I am s... sorry. I should have checked the next day, after I canceled our plans. And I shouldn’t have lied to everyone about what happened. I... I was scared when you disappeared that everyone would find out and blame me.”

  Such cowardice! I am surprised, however, when Lucy pushes past me, hauls back her fist, and punches the human right in the face. He yelps, a small amount of blood spurting from his broken nose. Bruises are already beginning to welt up from when Cavek subdued him. I want to hurt him too, but as chieftain I have to show some small measure of restraint when presented with a weaker and immobilized enemy.

  With dignity, she steps back and straightens her apron, tucking back a loose lock of hair before giving everyone a gracious smile.

  “Well, if we’re done with this piece of garbage, I do believe dinner is ready. Who wants to eat?”

  The happy clamor of orcs ensues as they file back into the house.

  “Behave—no killing,” Sammi says as she gives me a lingering look before following to help her mother.

  An idea strikes me as I watch Cavek. I can’t kill the coward, but I can do something else to demonstrate to this male how little I think of him.

  I unlace my breeches. “Cavek, hold him still, and step slightly off to the side.”

  The troll laughs and shifts his position.

  “What are you going to do?” the human whimpers. “Please, don’t violate me!”

  I say nothing and merely grimace with disgust. As if I would do something like that to this wretch. I reach down and pull out my cock, the human’s eyes widening in horror—and proceed to piss all over him.

  Fifteen minutes later I am seated to the right of my wife, grimacing once more, but this time in disgust at the mass of worms and blood sauce on my plate. Glancing at my clan-kin, I notice similar expressions on their faces. Erra holds one worm up pinched between her thumb and forefinger, looking at it with unabashed horror.

  I clear my throat. I do not wish to offend Lucy.

  “This meal is very… interesting. I think I speak for my clan in conveying our gratitude for inviting us to dine with you,” I say as more than one orc raises their eyebrow in disbelief. I grit my teeth and continue, “but I did not realize that humans eat things such as worms, especially with as much complaining as Sammi did over many foods I offered her.”

  Sammi begins to snort at my side, joined quickly by choked laughter from her brothers. Lucy stares, a forkful of worms paused halfway to her mouth. Sammi recovers quick enough to jab me in the ribs with her sharp elbow.

  “Guys,” she chuckles, “we are not feeding you worms. It is spaghetti. These are noodles made from special dough formed into long strands that we boil in water. And the sauce is made from tomatoes, not blood.”

  Erra hesitantly sniffs at the noodle thing. “It does smell appetizing, even if it looks absolutely disgusting.” We hold our collective breath as she slowly places it on her tongue and begins to chew. Her face immediately brightens. Grabbing her fork from beside the plate, she begins to shovel spaghetti into her mouth, moaning in appreciation.

  Sammi looks at me, her eyes sparkling with humor. “Come on, eat.”

  I sigh miserably and scoop up a couple of noodles onto my utensil and quickly put them into my mouth before I can change my mind. The savory spices burst on my tongue, and the noodle is soft and flavored well with the sauce. It is surprisingly good. Cavek stuffs a quarter of a loaf of bread toasted with garlic and butter into his mouth, his surprisingly long tongue snaking out afterward to capture the flavor from around his mouth.

  Lucy beams at everyone eating with gusto at her table. She daintily resumes eating. Before long, every bit of food is consumed, and Bodi is arguing with Luke over the last balls of meat in the pot. I rub my belly, loosing a contented sigh.

  Jake is staring wide-eyed down at a small device in his hand and lets out a choked laugh. Very slowly he turns this thing where we can see, and I see my likeness and that of Cavek just as it shows me pissing all over the human. Bodi and his younger brother Ferli laugh uproariously. Sammi’s eyes widen as she stares at the repeating captured image. Very slowly she puts her fingers to her temple and begins to slowly massage the spot.

  “Please tell me you didn’t whip out your dick in front of the gods and everyone and piss on my ex.”

  I shrug unapologetically. Sammi tries to look fierce, but I can feel her tight restraint on her laughter. She settles for rolling her eyes.

  “Great. Thanks to our crazy neighbor and YouTube, the whole world gets a look at your cock,” she laments.

  “The whole world then sees how fortunate you are in your mating and will be quite envious of you,” I say. Sammi huffs and gives me a bawdy wink.

  Cavek snickers.

  Jake blows out a breath of disappointment. “I knew someone would start putting up videos of you guys. Everyone is beating me to the punch on this. You have to let me document your visit for my blog!”

  I exchange a look with my clan-kin and mate, whose lips quirk with barely contained amusement. I look down at the human’s hopeful expression and nod my head in agreement.

  Chapter 22


  Late into the evening, after a few rounds of beer, Erra breaks open her bottle of the pink champagne drink. The rest of us continue making steady progress through the small metal vessels of beer as she takes a sip of the bubbly substance that looks alarmingly like some sort of sorcerer’s brew. Sammi is stretched across my lap, dozing in and out.

  Erra smacks her lips appreciatively.

  “Well?” Bodi asks.

  A wide grin splits Erra’s customary scowl. “It is grand!” she exclaims with enthusiasm and proceeds to take a long pull from the bottle.

  Bodi and Ferli both scowl in unison. “You aren’t going to share?” Bodi asks irritably.

  Erra lowers the now half-empty bottle and looks forlornly at it. “There is not but a few good swallows in this bottle, and you want me to share?”

  “It would be right to share among your kin; besides it is not right for you to be with young and drinking,” Ferli grouses.

  She narrows her eyes at them. “Don’t be an ass. You know as well as I that I can safely drink far more. The meager contents of this bottle are considered below moderate for orcs in general. I may be persuaded to share; however, if I agree, it must be small swallows so that there is plenty left for me.”

  The brothers grunt in agreement, and she hands the bottle over in resignation. True to their word, both take a small swallow and return it to her. They smack their lips appreciatively.

  “Erra, perhaps Orgul should keep this at the tavern. It is not a good beer or mead, but it is pleasant. I think the females will especially enjoy it, and males will appreciate something to enjoy with female company,” Ferli suggests, winking at Bodi, who chuckles. Likely the pair is imagining what females they may be able to woo to their beds with the sweet, bubbly offering.

  Though it hasn’t been reduced by much, Erra frowns at the liquid level in the bottle as if calculating just how much they left her. After a moment, she grunts and tips the bottle back. She swallows, polishes that bottle off and makes quick work of downing the second she bought, smiling with heavy-lidded appreciation at the rosy bottle.

  “I think I will take a few bottles back for Orgul to try, and then we will see if it is something we want to purchase. But I approve,” she says with a giggle.

  We stare in shock. I don’t think any of us have ever heard Erra giggle. Sneer with disdain, yes. Chortle with evil glee, absolutely. But giggle? At my side, Jake nudges me and shows me his small device on which he has captured Erra’s expression of champagne-induced bliss. Bodi and Ferli look at it and stifle their chuckles.

  “I would be happy to print this out for you,” Jake whispers.

  “What is that?” Bodi asks quietly.

  “Erm, how to explain. I can make a copy of this
image that you can carry with you. If you want, that is.”

  My clan-kin’s eyes light up with glee.



  I yawn and stretch out on the queen-sized bed. I haven’t been in this bed since before I moved out into my own apartment, but since my apartment isn’t an option because my family thought I was dead, it’s nice to have space still in my childhood room. I groan and snuggle into the pillow, one eye watching my mate as he glares, disgruntled, at the bed. I lick my lips at the sexy stretch of bare skin as he shucks his pants and there are just inches upon inches of bare orc.

  “Are you coming to bed?” I purr, running a finger down my breasts onto my belly that has not yet begun to swell with our child.

  Orgath grunts, his hand running along the length of his cock as he casts a dubious look at the bed.

  “I would if I were not so concerned about the entire thing collapsing beneath my weight. This bed is so small. It can’t possibly support my weight, or my length for that matter,” he snorts in disgust.

  He paces in obvious contemplation of how best to get into bed when the door flings open and Momma walks in, oblivious, until she is not.

  “Samantha, I brought you some towels and fresh linens if you like… and oh!”

  She draws to complete stop, staring wide-eyed at my very large, very erect, husband. Her mouth drops open and her face turns red. After a good eyeful, she brings the sheets up in front of her face in embarrassment.

  “I’m so sorry. I should have thought…” she trails off awkwardly.

  Orgath, noticing her reaction, looks at me with confusion and I pat his hip reassuringly, working hard to keep my lips from twitching.

  “Momma, it’s fine,” I chuckle, giving up any pretense of trying to be sober and sympathetic to her plight. I can’t help it. It is pretty damn funny. She mutters something muffled by the linens, but I suspect she’s either cursing or praying. Orgath grins and winks at me before gingerly sliding onto the bed and covering himself.

  “Okay, it’s safe to look,” I tell her.

  She practically throws the linens on the chair across from the bed and scowls at me. “Really, Samantha, it’s not funny.”

  “Come on, it’s a little funny,” I say, squeezing my thumb and index finger an inch apart. She huffs and shakes her head at me as she strides from the room, leaving us to our privacy.

  I curl against Orgath’s broad chest, noting the stiff way he’s lying beside me. I lift myself up onto my elbows and frown down at him.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I am fine, love. It’s just…”

  “Just what?”

  “Well, I am not so certain of this bed.”

  I look down his length and frown as I notice that not only does he take up over half the bed, which doesn’t bother me at all since I’m usually splayed over him most of the night anyway, but his legs dangle well off the end of the bed. I chew my lip thoughtfully.

  “Hmm, yes, I can see what you mean.” I ponder our situation and then snap my fingers when it comes to me. “I have an idea.”

  I crawl off my husband and begin to root through the room for every spare pillow and blanket I can find stored in my closet. It’s fortunate that my mother more or less made my room a spare storage area for bedding. There aren’t a lot of pickings left since mom had raided it earlier for bedding for the rest of our group, but it’s enough. Within minutes I have a pile of bedding and pillows thrown over the floor.

  “Voila! Our temporary sleeping pad.”

  Orgath grins down at my improvisation and slides off the ominously creaking bed to join me on our pallet. I snuggle against him and smirk.

  “Not too bad, huh,” I announce with pride. “Reminds me of our time in our little cottage.”

  He wrinkles his nose as he looks up at the posters of rock stars that litter the ceiling of my room, many of them in various stages of undress. In my defense, this room has not been redecorated since I was seventeen and many of those guys were inspiration material for some of my naughtiest fantasies in my youth. Apparently, this fact is not lost on my husband.

  “Not quite like the cottage,” he mutters with a dirty look.

  I chuckle and pluck one of his dark nipples making him groan. “Don’t worry, sweetie. None of these guys can even hold a candle to you. You are absolute perfection and I wouldn’t trade your sexy, wonderful self for any one, or all, of them.”

  “Hmm.” Orgath’s yellow eyes gleam in the dark room as he draws me under him. I wrap both my arms and legs around my mate and arch into him as he grinds his pelvis against mine, my eyes rolling back into my head as I feel his hard length rub my sensitive folds.

  “Perhaps a reminder of just what kind of lovers orcs are?” I murmur, darting my tongue out to lick his pectoral. He growls deeply in response and peels my arms off him as he sits up. He leans forward just enough to stretch my arms above my head until my hands touch the leg of the bed.

  “Hold that, right there. And don’t let go,” he rasps. My pussy floods with eager heat as I wrap my fingers around the wood.

  “Oooo. Are we going all hot and dominant now?”

  His mouth seizes mine before I can say anything further, his tongue plundering deep. This is effective not only in shutting me up but also in making me forget anything that is occupying my brain space. I’m pretty certain that if I were asked right now, I wouldn’t be able to even provide my name.

  His large, heavy hands stroke down the length of my body, paying particular attention to lovingly skim over my belly. His lips follow after his hands, tugging at my nipples in longer sucks, his tongue playing with the distended peaks. He stops every so often to bite on the soft swells of flesh and then laps over the spot with his tongue before drawing my breast deep within his mouth once more.

  I am panting by the time he gets down to my navel, my hips arching with urgency, begging him to hurry things along. But he pauses for a moment and places the sweetest, most reverent kiss over my womb, making tears spring in my eyes. He then turns to drag his tongue down the remainder of my belly and through the curls at the apex of my thighs. When his tongue touches my clit, I nearly shoot up off the floor.

  His tusks dig lightly into the flesh at either side of my pussy as he begins to methodically lap at the liquid flowing from my body. One tusk drags against my labia as he shifts his position to thrust his thick tongue deep within my channel, slurping loudly from the source. I love it when he does this; it’s the most erotic thing. Panting and bucking my hips against him, my pussy clenches with need.

  I need more!

  He draws his short claws lightly against my inner thigh, a sharp contrast to his tongue between my legs. The slight bite of pain makes my pussy suddenly spasm as I rock toward him with pleasure and my body twists and shakes with completion. I spasm again from the vibrations as he chuckles against my clit before sucking it leisurely into his mouth.

  “Orgath, enough fucking playing,” I groan, reaching toward him.

  “It is enough when I say it is enough. Don’t move your hands from the leg.”

  I tightly resume gripping the leg of the bed frame as I moan and twitch while he continues to suck on my clit, alternating with rolling it with his tongue before sucking down sharply again. I tremble with another spike of pleasure, and then again. Sweat drips off my body, and my nerves feel fried as I lay limp beneath him.

  Suddenly, my mate pulls back, rocking onto his heels, his brutal hands yanking my pelvis up off the floor. What weight that isn’t lifted by the strong muscle of his arms is now supported by my shoulders and upper back as he holds my lower body up against him. I barely have time to inhale before he thrusts deep into me. I shriek and wiggle against him, my vaginal walls convulsing around him as he plows expertly into me.

  His hips thump in a wild tempo against my inner thighs, and his heavy balls swing into a slapping rhythm against my ass as he rides me. I have no hope in keeping up, so I just support my back with my elbows and allow him to m
anipulate the angle of my hips high into the air as he surges within me. His gruff groans and my whimpering moans fill the room at an increasing rate.

  I feel his cock swelling as he burrows himself deep and grinds against me, maintaining his depth and stimulating all of my nether-regions, sending me over into a screaming orgasm just as he roars, his seed erupting inside of me as his fingers clench hard on my hips. His whole body shakes around me. I let out another scream, no less wild than the first, as his release triggers another orgasm.

  We lie there panting in the aftermath, his arms tight around me when the door bursts open. My older brother, Luke stands in his underwear, his hair disheveled and eyes wide, as he holds his prized autographed hockey stick like a club.

  “What the hell was all that noise? I thought you were killing her,” he snaps at my husband.

  I can’t stop the belly laugh from rolling out of me. I gasp and choke for breath because I’m laughing so hard. Luke turns red and Orgath levels him with his fiercest, most unhappy scowl. Unfortunately for Luke, my husband really dislikes interruption during our trysts. If looks could kill, Luke would be worm-fodder right now. Morbidly, that just sends me off into another round of giggles. Finally, I roll over and drape myself over Orgath, gasping for breath as I regain control over myself.

  “Luke, go the fuck away,” I giggle helplessly. My brother mutters something that I wager is distinctly unflattering about me under his breath and stalks out, slamming the door behind him.

  Orgath huffs his amusement into my hair, now that my pest of a brother is no longer hovering over our naked bodies. The afterglow is dead now, but I still happily snuggle into my mate as his good humor is slowly restored.

  We both start to laugh as we hear Jake loudly whisper asking if he saw anything of particular interest in regard to orc mating habits. That pervert.

  When we both finally recover from our laughter, Orgath gets a thoughtful look on his face.


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